Unemployment Rate Rate, 09-12 (%)

In 2000, the government deficit was a meager $3.086 trillion. By the end of 2011 it had skyrocketed to $12.99 trillion. If you had $12.99 trillion all in onde dollar bills, it would weigh 2.86 billion pounds whifh is equivalent to the weight of 3,258 Golden gate bridges.3 Years after his election, has Obama created the change he promised?The share of states that have had decreases in their unemployment rates since Obama took over as President in 2009.After the financial crisis of 2007-2008, some areas of the US saw unemployment rates at levels they had not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. In October 2009 the unemployment rate reached a 25-year high of 10.1 %. The amount that GDP has grown since 2009 despite seeing negative growth in 2009.While GDP growth has slown down and was even negative in 2009, total GDP has increased.` The amount that the US trade deficit has increased since Obama became president in 2009.The US trade balance refers to the US’s total exports minus total imports that come from abroad. The US has ran a trade balance deficit since 1978. Since coming to office, Obama has seen this trade dficit rise. ................

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