



3.05 Putting Yourself in Their Shoes

Imagine that you’re a single parent with two children. You must create a budget based on your minimum wage job and considering your children you have to support. This activity will help you to better understand families living below the poverty line.

Scenario: You are a single parent with two children. You children are ages 2 and 4 years old. You work full-time, 9am-5pm, 365 days a year. You never have a single day off!

Step 1: What is minimum wage per hour for the state of Alabama?

(Hint: )


Step 2: Based on the information that you received in the scenario above, determine your yearly salary earning the minimum wage.

TOTAL MONTHY INCOME (based on a 30-day month): $     


Step 3: Create an expense budget for the month. Remember, you only have the amount in the line above to spend each month. You must include the following items (including anything else you can think of). Your expenditures should be realistic!!! For example, your rent is NOT going to be $20 per month. Use the internet to help you determine realistic amounts if you’re unable to do this on your own.

|Item |Monthly Cost |

|Rent/House Payment |$      |

|Utilities (gas, electric, water, trash, cable) |$      |

|Clothing (you and your kids) |$      |

|Daycare |$      |

|Transportation |$      |

|Car Insurance |$      |

|Gas |$      |

|Healthcare |$      |

|Diapers |$      |

|Entertainment |$      |

|Telephone |$      |

|Groceries |$      |

|Total Monthly Expenses |$      |

Step 4:

Do you have any money left over?      

If so, what should this money probably be spent on?      

Are there any ways that you could re-budget to save money?      


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