Therapeutic & Supported Employment Services

Therapeutic & Supported Employment Services

National Program Demographics

1. CWT Program Location

Specific City: Gainesville

2. Physical Address

VA Medical Center Name: North Florida/South Georgia VHS

Street Address Line 1: 825 NW 23rd Ave

Street Address Line 2: Bld III Suite B

City: Gainesville                             

State: FL                   

Zip: 32609                     

3. Contact     

Primary Contact: Acting Director, VR Services

Alternate Contact Title:

Program Telephone Number w/area code & extension: 352-376-8304

Alternate Phone Number w/area code & extension:  

4. Services Provided (mark all applicable services with an ‘X’)

CWT/Supported Employment:   X

Post-Employment Supports:      X

CWT/Transitional Work: X

CWT/Vocational Assistance:

CWT/Sheltered Workshop:

Incentive Therapy:

Other (specify): CWT/TR: X

5. Days and Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday

8:00 am to 4:30 pm


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