ADDENDUM #4 Bid #15588H – Galena High School Signature …


Bid #15588H ? Galena High School Signature Academy

April 13, 2016

Signature on this form acknowledges receipt of the addendum and that any changes, additions, and/or clarifications addressed within the addendum shall be recognized as an incorporated part of the bid documents. The Contractor shall assure themselves that items covered by the addendum are thoroughly understood and are fully accounted for in their submitted pricing.

All prospective Bidders should Acknowledge Receipt of this Addendum by signing this document where noted and return it with the bid submission. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum may result in a rejection of bid.

1. The bid opening date has changed from April 14, 2016 at 2:00 pm to April 15, 2016 at 2:00 pm.

2. Question: The York mechanical equipment specified (York, 3 1/2 ton, 480 volt, 3 phase, two stage heat) is no longer available from the manufacturer. Is there an acceptable alternate for this equipment?

Answer: It is fairly common for model numbers, particularly rooftop package units, to change from what was originally specified to the time the project bids. The vendor/supplier can provide a new model number for the revised equipment or the Awarded Contractor can substitute the equipment to one that is equal to the specified unit as detailed in Section 01631 ? Substitutions.

3. Paint: Disregard Addendum 3 from GML Architects, LLC dated April 11, 2016 ? General Item G-1 Paint.

The walls adjacent to the greenhouse and the greenhouse structure contain lead paint. The Contractor shall adhere to the attached "Hazardous Materials Specifications" (5 pages attached).

The walls in Rooms 306 & 307 have been tested and are lead free.

4. The Completion date listed in the specifications is June 30, 2016. The funding for this project mandates that the construction completion date of June 30, 2016 must be adhered to.

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The WCSD will hold the Awarded Contractor accountable to the construction schedule listed in the specifications.

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Bid #15588H ? Galena High School Signature Academy

April 13, 2016

PRINT NAME (Authorized Proposer)

SIGNATURE (Authorized Proposer)

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Hazardous Materials Specifications Washoe County School District

Galena High School Greenhouse Project


During the Spring of 2016, Washoe County School District (WCSD) will be performing a greenhouse replacement project at Galena High School. As part of this project, building components will be removed from the project area that will require the handling of lead-containing paints and silica in construction materials. Components shall be removed from the area as indicated on plans to allow the re-installation of a new greenhouse structure.

Scope of Work

The contractor shall remove the existing greenhouse and associated components as indicated on project plans to allow the reconstruction of a new greenhouse.

The paints to be impacted as part of this project have been tested and found to be lead-containing, but not lead-based. Therefore, as well as the fact the structure is being demolished, the US EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule will not apply.

Project Requirements

No work shall take place when site staff or students are present within 150 feet of the project site or within the wing of work and adjacent school wings. If work is scheduled to be performed during the school year, the contractor shall provide a detailed schedule of work impacting hazardous materials to be performed to WCSD prior to project to assure site can be properly notified and not be within these areas.

Contractor shall be approved by the WCSD Regulated Systems and Assessment Department (RS&A) to perform lead abatement activities within the District. Approval of firms that have not performed abatement activities for the District previously will need to submit all necessary documentation requested by the RS&A Department for the project at least 10 business days prior to work commencing for approval.

All workers certifications ? medical clearance and lead training ? shall be submitted to the WCSD RS&A at least five (5) working days prior to project commencement at minimum for approval. Contractor is responsible for reviewing WCSD RS&A worker roster for the company to assure all workers to be used on the project have been approved prior to arrival onsite. Workers not identified on the approved worker list for the contractor will not be allowed to perform any activities onsite, even if documentation is provided onsite at time of the project commencement.

The hazardous materials removal sub-contractor, acting under the general contractor (if applicable), will be responsible for following all plan requirements for materials/components to be removed. Neither WCSD personnel, nor any independent consultant providing project oversight, will be responsible for identifying materials or components to be removed to meet project requirements for construction of new structure. The contractor's onsite supervisor shall have a copy of these Specifications onsite at all times and be familiar with the project requirements prior to arrival onsite at the project. Failure to follow requirements of these Specifications, or lack of knowledge of requirements to be followed during the project, are grounds for replacement of the hazardous materials contractor's onsite supervisor.

Only the hazardous materials contractor will be allowed to occupy the project area once removal activities are scheduled to start. This applies to all WCSD non-RS&A staff/personnel, general contractor, and other sub-contractors. The area shall only be occupied by the hazardous materials contractor, WCSD RS&A staff, and District's independent third-party abatement consultant.

Contractor shall adhere to the requirements of these Specifications, WCSD RS&A Lead Appendix (found in Material Disturbance Permit), Federal, State, and Local regulations.

Water and Electricity

Water and electricity are available onsite, but long hoses and cords may be necessary.

The contractor shall assure that any water of electricity within the work area that will be effected by removal operations has been disconnected or locked and tagged prior to the start of the project.


No pre-cleaning of lead contamination is required to complete this project. Small amounts of garbage and build-up of dust may be required to be cleaned to allow sufficient adherence of containment barriers.


Contractor is responsible for providing all necessary equipment in sufficient quantities to complete the project in the schedule provided for the project. All equipment must arrive onsite clean and in proper functioning order. Any equipment that arrives onsite dirty or not in proper functioning order shall be removed from the project site for cleaning and/or repairs.


Workers performing lead removal operations must have OSHA Lead Action Level training.

Workers performing activities impacting materials that contain silica must have silica training.

As noted previously, all workers certifications must be approved by the WCSD RS&A prior to arrival onsite to start work. Copies of the worker certs may be requested to be provided to the District's onsite third-party consultant as well.

Personal Protection Equipment

All personnel entering a regulated area shall wear disposable coveralls, half-mask respirators fitted with HEPA (P-100) filters, hard hats and safety glasses. Street clothes may be worn below disposable coveralls, but decontamination using a HEPA-vacuum may be required in the event that suits become ripped during work.

All employees shall have a valid medical clearance and fit test for respirators. Medical clearance shall be provided for approval to the WCSD RS&A prior to the project commencement. Copies of the medical clearance and fit test may be requested to be provided to the District's onsite third-party consultant as well.

Personal Air Monitoring

The contractor is responsible for the collection of personal air samples on workers during all lead removal activities for lead. These samples shall be collected in accordance with OSHA sampling protocols and analyzed by a laboratory with the proper accreditation.

Copies of the personal air sampling results, along with laboratory accreditation, shall be submitted to the WCSD RS&A and District's independent third-party consultant.

Security and Safety

The contractor is responsible for security of all equipment and safety of all employees. Contractor shall provide any storage containers or security needed for tools and equipment if they are to be left onsite.

Contractor is responsible for all worker safety and following all applicable regulations, namely Nevada and Federal OSHA.


As noted previously, the project area will be limited to the hazardous materials contractor, WCSD RS&A staff, and District's independent third-party consultant once abatement activities are ready to commence. Once the area has been cleared, other parties may occupy.

Emergency services may also occupy areas in the event of an emergency during the project.

Challenge Testing

All HEPA-filtered equipment to be used on this project shall be challenge tested (DOP or equivalent) within at least 30 days of the project start date. Copies of the challenge testing results shall be provided to the WCSD RS&A and/or District's independent third-party consultant.

Exterior Lead Removal Containment and Removal Requirements

1. Contractor shall place one layer of 6-mil poly on the ground around the work area. Poly shall extend out at least 10 feet in each direction from the work area.

2. All critical barriers within a 50 foot area will need to be sealed with one layer of 6-mil poly. 3. Contractor shall clean areas that poly will be adhered to assure sufficient attachment of poly. 4. Ground poly shall be adhered or weighed down to prevent billowing and creation of a trip hazard. 5. Contractor shall provide pylons or stands for demarcation of regulated area. 6. Regulated area shall be created using either lead hazard tape or caution tape with lead hazard signage on

each side. Signage may also be required to be placed within school wings to prevent personnel inside the building from exiting into a regulated area. 7. Components and materials impacted by removal shall be sufficiently wetted prior to, and during removal. 8. At conclusion of removal of the structure, all poly shall be HEPA-vacuumed and/or wet-wiped clean. 9. Materials containing lead shall be either double-bagged in clear 6-mil poly waste bags or double "burritowrapped" in two separate layers of 6-mil poly. 10. At the conclusion of a final visual inspection, the poly drop sheets shall have encapsulant applied to them. Once the encapsulant has had sufficient time to dry, the poly drop sheets may be removed. 11. The regulated area may be removed once the poly drop sheets have been removed from the containment area. 12. If work is to be performed at night, contractor shall provide sufficient lighting to meet OSHA requirements and allow a proper final visual clearance to be performed. 13. Windy or breezy conditions may preclude removal of painted components or halting of removal operations. Windy conditions are defined as sustained wind speeds over 20 miles per hour or two gusts of at least 25 miles per hour within a 30 minute period. Wind conditions that cause material to be blown out of the regulated area will also require halting of work until material is cleaned from areas and wind speed reduces. 14. No water may be allowed to run into site drain system or out of the regulated area.

Interior Lead Removal Containment and Removal Requirements

1. Contractor shall construct a vertical containment/full-enclosure of the work area where drywall materials are to be removed. Containment shall be constructed of 6-mil poly and cover all surfaces not to be impacted by the work.

2. All critical barriers within the room of work will need to be sealed with one layer of 6-mil poly. 3. Contractor shall coordinate with WCSD personnel to assure all HVAC systems within the work area have

been shut down prior to sealing of the critical barriers. 4. Contractor shall clean areas that poly will be adhered to assure sufficient attachment of poly. Spray glue

may not be used to adhere poly to floor, wall, or ceiling surfaces. Contractor will be responsible for all damage to surfaces due to containment setup. 5. A single-stage decon shall be attached to the containment area to act as a decon area. This chamber shall include soap, water, and towels for workers to properly decontaminate when exiting the regulated area. 6. A lead hazard sign shall be posted at the entry to the decon chamber. A sign shall also be posted on the doors into the space to isolate the work area. 7. Components and materials impacted by removal shall be sufficiently wetted prior to, and during removal. No visible emissions shall be created during removal. 8. At conclusion of removal, all poly shall be HEPA-vacuumed and/or wet-wiped clean. 9. Materials containing lead shall be double-bagged in clear 6-mil poly waste bags. 10. Upon passing a visual inspection, the poly drop sheets shall have encapsulant applied to them. Once the encapsulant has had sufficient time to dry, the poly drop sheets may be removed.

Silica Handling Requirements

1. Contractor shall place one layer of 6-mil poly on the ground at areas that silica-containing building materials are to be disturbed.

2. Caution tape shall be placed around the work area to prevent unauthorized personnel from approaching work area.

3. Impact to silica-containing materials shall be performed using engineering controls consisting of water and/or HEPA-filtered local exhaust.

4. No water from tasks shall run out of the work area. 5. At conclusion of work, any slurry created by the work, or dust that may not have been captured by HEPA-

filtered local exhaust, shall be cleaned with HEPA-vacuums. 6. Containment area may be removed once the poly drop sheets are clean of dust and debris Walls within the

work area shall also be clean of dust from the work completed.

Decontamination Requirements

Each containment area will need to have an attached decontamination area at the edge of the regulated area. This area will be one layer of 6-mil poly and include soap, water, towels, and a waste bag for workers to properly decontaminate at conclusion of work.

Disposal Requirements

The contractor will need to provide a lockable waste bin for all waste created on this project. Waste bin will need to be labeled with lead signage once the waste is loaded into the bin. Waste bins shall be lined with one layer of 6-mil poly prior to waste being loaded.

Waste bins will need to arrive onsite clean of debris or any other waste and in proper functioning order. Waste bins may be rejected by WCSD RS&A staff or District's independent third-party consultant if these conditions are not met, with no extra charge to the District.

Contractor is responsible for the profiling of all lead waste to be disposed. Copies of the laboratory receipts, including chain of custody, must be provided to WCSD RS&A or independent third-party consultant prior to disposal. Materials that do not contain asbestos may also be recycled, but a letter signed by the recycling facility acknowledging leadcontent of the wastestream must be provided by the contractor prior to removal of waste from the site.

Packaging requirements of the waste are identified in the sections above.


Upon completion of removal activities, a final visual inspection will be performed by either WCSD RS&A staff or District's independent third-party consultant. Areas must be clean of three-dimensional material with all poly clean of dust and debris. Any remaining painted edges must be stabilized (tight to the substrate) as well to assure paint chip debris isn't created after demobilization from the site.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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