October 2020 The SY 2021, Issue 2 GRIZZLY Growl


October 2020 SY 2021, Issue 2



Grizzly Growl

October 2020 SY 2021, Issue 2 Published monthly by Washoe County School

District Galena High School 3600 Butch Cassidy

Way Reno, NV 89511

Phone number: 775-851-5630


Jay Salter Principal

Michelle Simmons 5-Star Boosters President

Editors Allison Combs combsrick@

Carolyn Renner crenner@


Booster News


Booster Forms


Counseling &


Boosters News



Career Center




Form--ACT Prep


From the Principal

By Jay Salter, Principal, Galena High School

Welcome to October! Thank you all for your patience and understanding as we continue to

for issues with the delivery methods of the Hybrid Model, Distance Learning days, and Full Distance Learning Model. Our "Virtual

move forward in the 20-21 school year. We Parent Night" is to be held on September

will continue to meet with District officials, 30th, and we hope that we were successful in

our students, and our community to improve increasing the communication between the

the many aspects of educating students in school and our community.

these uncertain times. Here are some

highlights from the past month.

On September 10th, we received an in-person visit from our State and District Superintendents, Jhone Ebert and Dr. Kristin McNeill. On September 16th, I met with the Galena PTO to discuss solutions for some of the issues facing parents regarding the learning models currently being employed. Then, on September 18th, we held a student forum with 3 student representatives and the WCSD School Board President, Malena Raymond, to try and find positive solutions

These most recent events come on the heels of previous adjustments in late August that included incorporating options for our Full Distance Model Learners to have access to the World Language and CTE/ STEM courses in the Hybrid Model. Because Edgenuity doesn't offer options for those classes, the departments took on the challenge of creating opportunities for our students so they wouldn't miss any critical courses.

(continued on page 6)

Important Curriculum and Testing Dates:

October 3rd October 5th-9th October 10th October 14th October 16th October 24th October 30th November 3rd November 7th November 11th December 12th December 15th-17th December 17th December 18th-Jan.1st

SAT No School--Fall Break ACT PSAT (Juniors Only) End of Grading Period ACT No School--Nevada Day Observed No School--Teacher Professional Development Day SAT No School ? Veteran's Day ACT Final Exams End of Grading Period No School--Winter Break

5-Star Boosters News

Academics Achievement Activities

A Message From your Booster President

Hello Galena families and staff, First and foremost I want to sincerely thank everyone who has renewed their membership or has become a member of our 5 Star Boosters organization (PTO). This is an unusual year to say the least, but we are moving right along, turning lemons into lemonade.

Our Membership committee headed by Kelly Corrigan and Becky Derifield has been busy selling our Galena Envy merchandise and customized Galena face masks, along with welcoming our new members, and hand delivering Galena swag for Bronze, Gold and Platinum members. A HUGE thank you to them and everyone who has volunteered their time. We encourage every Galena family to join our Boosters/PTO organization. This is an annual membership, so we hope that you will consider renewing this year, along with participating in our No Fundraiser Fundraiser. Money raised from our membership has gone toward calculators for math, cameras for journalism and yearbook, water filtration dispensers for the school, computers, teacher requests, safe and sober celebrations, and SAT and ACT test preparation classes to name just a few. The membership form can be found on the Galena website and Galena High School Parents Facebook page.

In other news, our Senior Committee headed by Kari Benoy and Cari Herington is working diligently to make this year special for our Senior class. They wrote detailed proposals and petitioned school administrators and our area Superintendent so that our Seniors could continue the tradition of painting their parking spots. The committee is still working on plans for a Senior Sunrise that will happen at a later date. If you have a Senior, please check out the Galena 2021 Parents Facebook page for more information on upcoming Senior events. You can also see pictures of some of the parking spots that have been painted. We have some pretty talented artists in our Senior class.

A huge thank you to Rick Combs for stepping up to chair Dollars for Scholars. Every year 5 Star Boosters gives money for Senior Scholarships. This year's event will look different, but the goal is still the same, and that's to recognize student achievement. We hope to have more information about what you can expect in a future Growl.

Arts Athletics

Galena High School

5-Star Boosters


Meeting Schedule Meetings are held in a social distancing manner. Location at Galena will be announced prior to each meeting .

October 21st 5:30pm

November 18th 5:30pm

January 20th 5:30pm

February 17th 5:30pm

March 10th 5:30pm

April 21st


May 19th


All Booster members are welcome and encouraged

to attend.

We hope you're enjoying reading the Growl, which can also be found on the Galena website and on our Galena High School Parents Facebook page. A big thank you to Allison Combs and Carolyn Renner for putting it together. If you have difficulty receiving the Growl please confirm your preferred email with the GHS office executive assistant Dana Leslie (dleslie@.) Also, we are constantly updating the parents facebook page, so please check back often for announcements, days we are selling merchandise on campus, and other Galena information.


Michelle Simmons President ghsboosterpto@

Leadership Notes

Community Service Quarter 1 hours are due on October 16th. Quarter 2 hours are due on December 11th

Leadership is planning a "Sophomore Appreciation" Day on October 22nd/23rd. Sophomores will need their ID to receive a special treat in the courtyard!

Watch for more information on the upcoming Halloweenthemed Spirit Week October 26th-30th!



5-Star Boosters Form



5-Star Boosters Form



Counseling News & 5-Star Boosters News

Hello Grizzlies!

The Galena Counseling Department is now using an alphabet (last name) model for the 2020-21 school year. This change was effective starting in June 2020. Parents and students may email the appropriate counselor listed below regarding any question or concern. Students on the hybrid model may visit their counselor during nutrition break or lunch.

A-BL: Marisa Dunne (mdunne@) BM-COR: Leti Silva-Deines (LSilva-Deines@) COS-JI: Jill Anderson (Jill.Anderson@) PRF-Z: Genell Burroughs (GBurroughs@)

Thank you and it's good to be a Grizzly!

Dollars for Scholars On-Line Auction

Although it was not possible to conduct the annual Fall Social to raise money for the Dollars for Scholars program, planning is underway for an online auction fundraiser later this year .

About Dollars for Scholars

Each year a scholarship committee consisting of Galena High School faculty and two members of the Five-Star Boosters organization who do not have senior students is formed to award scholarships to seniors who are attending an institution of higher education. For each of the last couple of years, Dollars for Scholars has awarded approximately 60 individual one-time scholarship awards to deserving seniors. Historically, the Five Star Boosters organization has contributed funding for 25 scholarships each year.

Help Needed

The pandemic has made it difficult for our seniors to plan for college, and it has made fundraising for their scholarships difficult as well, Anyone who is able and willing to assist in obtaining silent auction items or in providing or collecting monetary donations for the Dollars for Scholars program, please contact Rick Combs at 685-3652.

NEW PTO Members and Donors

Angella, Amy*** Benoy, Kari and Greg*** Bogart, Erin and Dave* Bruntz, Tracy and Lance* Burns, Bridget and Brandon* Cardinalli, Kate and Tony* Combs, Allison and Rick*** Corrigan, Kelly and Jim Cryer*** Cuddy, Debra and Ryan*** Derifield, Becky and Shawn* Detton, Dawn** Dolan, Carolyn***

Dye, Cindy* Espinosa, Daniele and Shawn* Franklin, Morgan Butti & Colin*** Herman, Sandra*** Jenkins, Donya and Chad* Kinne, Kristine and Paul*** Kozlowski, Kerry and Chris** Kuhlman, Aspen* Lenon, Tanya and Ron* Lundeen, Kim and Gregg*** McKenzie, Colette and Brien*** Mee, Margo and Jay*

Montella, Tina** Nugent, Trisha** Olsen, Alison and Jon* Quilici, Trish and Dave** Rager, Janna and Matt*** Reidel, Julie and Joest*** Renner, Carolyn and Tim* Shapiro, Celeste and Alan* Simmons, Michelle and Kevin* Smith, Jill and Rob** Sullivan, Kris and Tom* Talafuse, Tiffany and Steve***

Tanbakookar, Fariba** Turri, Michelle and John* Wilson, Susan and Paul* Winchell, Jaime and Patrick* Winchester, Heather and Bill*** Wohletz, Leonard and Lori**

*Bronze Grizzly **Gold Grizzly ***Platinum Grizzly




From the Principal (continued from page 1)

In the upcoming weeks, discussions for shifting teaching allocations, including the use of substitute teachers, are taking place to offer additional support to our Full Distance Learners on Edgenuity for Advanced Placement courses. This is a very complicated process, and might result in the changing of student schedules, so we are approaching this option very carefully so as not to cause any further disruption to the learning environment.

It is vitally important that families continue to support their students to log in each and every day for their classes. There are no "off-days" and students are required to log in everyday to their classes, whether they are on Hybrid or Full Distance, and whether they are "In-person" or "Remote." The expectation is that if a teacher notifies students that there is a video conference on any given day, that the student log in and participate.

The Galena staff still works to overcome critical hardware and software issues in an effort to reach our students each and every day, whether in the Hybrid Model or Full Distance Learning Model. Modifications to Microsoft Teams and Edgenuity are being suggested and employed, and teachers are employing the chat and video conferencing capabilities with increasing frequency and success.

Take care Galena. Please feel free to reach out to me at rjsalter@ and remember to visit our website, or the Galena Parents Facebook Page, for the most up to date information.


E ven though Covod-19 has slowed many ROTC battalions, the Grizzly Battalion is still "growling" and "waddling along" like a Big Grizzly Bear. Our four Mama Bears, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Aubrey Meehan, Cadet Majors Jenna Parker and Nadia De-Arman Simpson, and Cadet Command Sergeant Major Audrey Saute developed a fabulous "Social Distancing Stationary Drill" video to show and teach our younger Cadets stationary drill. Due to their exceptional work, the WCSD's Director of JROTC, Lieutenant Colonel Scott Caldwell, shared this video with the other 10 JROTC units. Grizzlies Lead The Way!!!!!

Yes! Many of our fall season events are cancelled due to this pandemic, but the Grizzly Battalion will continue to support our school and community. Since the Reno Veterans Day Parade is cancelled, for our Service Learning Project, the Grizzly Battalion Cadet Leadership elected to develope a "Veterans Day Tribute" video to thank our Veterans for their service and sacrifice. We will send this video to our community Veterans groups and organizations, to include the Veterans Guest House, Northern Nevada State Veterans Home and many others.

Also, we will have a "Holiday Food Drive" this fall to support St. Vincent's Food Pantry; the drive will run from 12 October through 13 November 2020. Faculty and Staff!!!!!!! PLEASE BRING IN CANNED FOODS and provide to an ROTC Cadet, or bring to Rooms 405, 407 or 409. Let's help our community!

Until next month, "GO GRIZZLIES!!!!!!" Michael E. Iratcabal Lieutenant Colonel, Retired Senior Army Instructor



Career Center--Sylva Applebach, College and Career Center Facilitator

H appy Fall, as we approach October and November there will be many key deadlines for Seniors regarding college submissions and application deadlines. This will apply to instate schools as well as out of state schools. Try and meet those priority deadlines. My weekly newsletter regarding upcoming events and scholarships are being emailed on Fridays. If you are not receiving the newsletter yet, please email me at sapplebach@ to be added. All information is accessible to seniors on our GHS CLASS OF 2021 Teams class and the College and Career Center website.

Fall break is a great time to research colleges, vocational

class under TMCC to register. Remember you don't

schools, scholarships or arrange virtual college visits with

have to be applying to these schools to attend the

admissions recruiters. We have already had several college


zoom meetings, so please join when you are available. The

Nevada Bound is currently accepting limited registrations Are you interested in working in manufacturing? TESLA

for their fall dates. Check it out at unr.edu and search has teamed up with TMCC JumpStart program

Nevada Bound to see what is available. Space is limited to offering a free afterschool dual credit course where you

10 people per tour to allow for adequate social distancing. can learn about manufacturing. Students that complete

It is a great way to get to know the campus and the

the course are guaranteed an interview at TESLA. Juniors

opportunities they have to offer. All of our workshops

and Seniors are encouraged to check it out. The Flyer and

through UNR and TMCC are now virtual, so please sign up information is posted on the College and Career center

for our WolfPack Wednesdays or TMCC Application

website. Freshman and Sophomore students and families

workshops. In addition, we are having virtual informational are always welcome to attend virtual workshops to learn

sessions from Northern Arizona University, Utah State, more about schools, trade schools, scholarships, financial

UNLV, Willamette University, UC Santa Barbara and much aid planning or programs offered in Nevada. It is never

more. Don't miss out on a great opportunity to learn about too early to start career exploration or planning for your

schools outside of Nevada. All dates and zoom links are on future. Visit the College and Career Center Website on

the Career Center calendar. Verto Education is hosting a the Galena High School main page to learn about all the

college fair with over 60 universities on 9/29 and will have resources we have to offer for students and families.

more in Oct, Nov and Dec. Contact Ms. Applebach for I hope you are all well and have a wonderful fall break.

more information.

Ms. Applebach

Oct 19th-23rd is National College Week and Galena has sapplebach@

some exciting events that are going to be offered to students

and staff. More details will be posted in a few weeks.

FAFSA application opens OCTOBER 1. Our first FAFSA workshop will be on October 6th at 12pm and 5:30pm via Zoom. The Zoom links are located on the College and Career Center calendar or in your TEAMS class. TMCC is hosting individual virtual workshops for one on one sessions to help you apply. Please review the Financial Aid document in your Senior TEAMS



Attendance, Buildings Facility Use and Testing

Teresa Burrows, Assistant Principal, e-mail: tburrows@

Attendance: Every student, regardless of the learning model must be accounted for daily. If school is in session, no students have a day off, regardless of the learning model chosen. Hybrid Model, students attend school either in-person or virtually through TEAMS. For the hybrid, if a student who was to attend school in-person but missed school can check in with their teachers through TEAMS during the period to be counted present for that day. The attendance code is DLP ? Distance Learning Present and will replace the unexcused absence. Full Distance Learners must log into Edgenuity during all the periods on the day offered. If a student misses logging in during the period, they may log in later in the day or evening to be counted as present. Students in Full Distance learning need to show progress in all their courses. For students who are excluded from school for 10 days or more, the student's attendance will show HDED ? Health Department Education Distance learning. Student is counted present. A student who is excluded from school, yet is still able to complete schoolwork, the student needs to contact the teacher through TEAMS or e-mail. If the student does not contact the teacher or turn in assignments, the teacher will mark the student HDE ? Health Department Excluded. Counts as absence.

Parents and students check your attendance regularly on Infinite Campus. There have been some glitches in the system. Report the issues to Mrs. Wagstaff, to make the needed corrections. There are times we are unable to correct and must submit a work order to district for them to correct. If you have any questions on attendance please contact Mrs. Wagstaff, ewagstaff@ Attendance Secretary, or Teresa Burrows, Assistant Principal tburrows@. Attendance Reminders:

Turn in notes, phone in absences within three days of absence. Student who leaves campus early, must check-out in the main office or clinic. A student must

have a street pass or clinic pass to leave campus. A student who is late arriving to school must check in at the office before reporting to class, even

if it is during nutrition or lunch break. Unexcused Missed Instruction (UMI) are things like a flat tire, overslept, ran out of gas, running late, missed the bus, just arrived late, ride did not show to pick you up. It is the student's responsibility to request make-up assignments, exams, and quizzes ON THE DAY he/she misses any part of the class or ON THE DAY he/she returns to class after absence.

PSAT Test: The PSAT test will be administered on October 14, 2020. The test is ONLY offered to Juniors for the October 14th date. The test will begin promptly at 8 AM. Students who signed up to take the exam will need to be in attendance in person to take the test. There is no online option. Students will report directly to the testing location and will be excused from their courses as school business. If you have any questions regarding the exam, please contact Ms. Burrows.




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