Reading Your Results Report - The Career Establishment

[Pages:5]Reading Your Results Report

Engaged employees are vital to high-performing teams and organizations.

The Q12 engagement survey results report provides a measure of the specific work environment and areas where all employees can make adjustments or enhancements. Measuring engagement is one thing; understanding and using the results is another. Remember, every Q12 results report provides clues about a team's engagement story.

* Your report might look slightly different and/or include additional questions based on how your organization decided to configure it.




1) Engagement Index: Identifies the percentages of participants who are engaged, not engaged and actively disengaged based on their responses to the Q12 survey items. Keep in mind that this section does not appear if there are fewer than 30 respondents. If there are 30 to fewer than 100 respondents, the report will show the percentage of engaged employees only.

2) GrandMean: Measures overall workgroup engagement, which is an average of the 12 workgroup engagement items (Q01-Q12). The higher your score (with a maximum possible score of 5.00), the more engaged your fellow employees are. Consider what the GrandMean score says about your team's engagement level and how it compares with the Gallup database percentile ranking. If your team previously took the Q12 survey, refer to this section of the report to see if there was a meaningful change in the GrandMean score.

3) Strengths and Opportunities: Represents your team's areas of greatest strength and areas of opportunity as compared with the team scores' percentile rankings in the Gallup database. Pay special attention to your team's strength (i.e., the highest-scoring Q12 item relative to Gallup's global database). Also, consider your team's opportunities (i.e., the two lowest-scoring Q12 items relative to Gallup's global database).


Copyright ? 1993-1998, 2015 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Gallup? and Q12? are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. EED_GCP_ReadResults_en-US_050416_bk

Your Scorecard Overview

Reading Your Results Report





4) Total N: The total number of employees who responded to the survey. Depending on your survey participation rate, the number of respondents on your report may not match the total number of employees included during the survey setup. Remember, employees are not required to answer all of the survey items for their responses to count; however, an employee must answer at least one question to be counted toward the total number of respondents.

5) Mean Scores: The average item score using the five-point survey scale, with 5.00 being the highest score and 1.00 being the lowest. Identify the two items that received the highest percentage of employees answering with a "5." Consider how these items help your team be successful.

6) Gallup Database Percentile Rank: Shows how your GrandMean and individual Q12 item results compare with Gallup's database of organizations that have administered the Q12 survey. These benchmark values are useful in gauging engagement relative to other organizations. Your employees can refer to these rankings when setting goals for improving engagement.

Dark Green: The GrandMean is at or above the 75th percentile.

Light Green: The GrandMean is between the 50th and 74th percentiles.

Yellow: The GrandMean is between the 25th and 49th percentiles.

Red: The GrandMean is below the 25th percentile.

7) Comparison Units: Your organization may also have included internal comparison scores in your report. These comparison units display results for teams larger than your team but that you are a part of. For example, these comparison units are often your manager's results for his or her total span of control, the business function results in which your team resides or your organization's overall results. Regardless of which comparisons your report shows, you can use them to assess where your team falls compared with others.


Copyright ? 1993-1998, 2015 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Gallup? and Q12? are trademarks of Gallup, Inc.



Q12 Mean

Total N

The Gallup Q12 score represents the average of the scores of 12 items that Gallup has consistently found to measure employee engagement as 21 linked to business outcomes.

Current Mean

Last Mean *

Change *

Engagement Index

Engagement Index is unavailable for the currently selected scorecard.

Total N

Q00: On a five-point scale, where 5 means extremely

satisfied and 1 means extremely dissatisfied, how satisfied are you with your company as a place to



Q01: I know what is expected of me at work.


Q02: I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right.


Q03: At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.


Q04: In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.


Q05: My manager, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.


Q06: There is someone at work who encourages my development.


Q07: At work, my opinions seem to count.


Q08: The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important.


Q09: My coworkers are committed to doing quality work.


Q10: I have a best friend at work.


Q11: In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress.


Q12: This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.


Current Mean


4.43 3.52 4.10 3.62 4.05 4.14 3.90 4.10 4.38 4.19 4.00 4.19

Mean Percentile Rank Gallup Overall


47 16 49 45 37 58 51 46 65 69 49 54

Frequency Distribution 1 2 3 4 5

1:0% 2:5% 3:10% 4:29% 5:57%

1:5% 2:5% 3:5% 4:14% 5:71% 1:10% 2:5% 3:24% 4:48% 5:14% 1:10% 2:5% 3:5% 4:29% 5:52% 1:19% 2:5% 3:10% 4:29% 5:38% 1:5% 2:0% 3:19% 4:38% 5:38% 1:0% 2:14% 3:0% 4:43% 5:43% 1:10% 2:5% 3:14% 4:29% 5:43% 1:10% 2:5% 3:5% 4:29% 5:52% 1:0% 2:0% 3:14% 4:33% 5:52% 1:5% 2:0% 3:19% 4:24% 5:52% 1:10% 2:10% 3:10% 4:14% 5:57% 1:5% 2:10% 3:5% 4:24% 5:57%

* - Scores are not available due to data suppression. Not shown if n < 4 for Mean, Top Box, Verbatim Responses and Sentiment, n < 10 for Frequency, or data is unavailable. Mean Percentile Rank is being calculated against the Gallup Overall database. A green or red arrow represents meaningful change. A change in score is meaningful if it changes 0.2 between survey periods.

Percentile Rank in Gallup Overall Database < 25th Percentile 25-49th Percentile 50-74th Percentile 75-89th Percentile

>= 90th Percentile

Company Overall Current Mean


4.63 4.21 4.57 4.33 4.60 4.39 4.36 4.51 4.45 4.55 4.45 4.53

Copyright 2018 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright ? 1993-1998 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. The Gallup Q12 items are Gallup proprietary information and are protected by law. You may not


administer a survey with the Q12 items or reproduce them without consent from Gallup.


GLOSSARY The glossary provides high-level definitions of terms within the engagement report. Because of the dynamic nature of this site, not all terms will be applicable to or displayed on your report. Please use the terms that are relevant to your team when discussing and interpreting the data.

ENGAGEMENT DEFINED EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: Employee engagement refers to how committed an employee is to their organisation, their role, their manager and their co-workers. Engagement drives performance. Gallup's research shows that more highly engaged employees give more discretionary effort at work and have higher productivity, profitability and customer service, as well as reduced turnover and safety incidents.

THE SURVEY ITEMS/QUESTIONS OVERALL SATISFACTION: Overall Satisfaction is a measure of how content your team is with the overall company as a place to work. Overall Satisfaction is not included in the Overall Workgroup Engagement (GrandMean) score. Being a satisfied employee does not equate with being engaged, though the two are highly related.

Q01-Q12: These items are Gallup's proprietary workgroup engagement questions (commonly referred to as the Q???). These items were selected for their strong connection to performance outcomes and the ability to take action at the workgroup level.

INDICES: In addition to the Q??? items, Gallup has created a number of empirically-derived sets of indices, which are comprised of 3-4 questions each. Individual scores of each index item are provided, along with a combined index score, which measures the strength of the core index construct. These indices help companies strategically pinpoint and improve specific focus areas relevant to their current situation.

CUSTOM ITEMS: These items are unique to your company and can vary across companies and surveys. While these "additional" questions link to the Gallup Engagement hierarchy, they are not always within the power of the workgroup to influence or change. These questions can provide additional insights into employees' perceptions, the situational workplace environment or company-specific initiatives.

EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT RESULTS GRANDMEAN: The GrandMean measures overall Workgroup Engagement, which is an average of the 12 Workgroup Engagement items (Q01-Q12). The higher your score (with a maximum possible score of 5), the more engaged your fellow employees are.

ENGAGEMENT INDEX: The Engagement Index (EI) is a macro-level indicator of an organisation's health that allows leaders to track the engagement levels of employees. This analysis identifies the percentage of participants who are engaged, not engaged and actively disengaged based on their responses to the Q??? survey items. You must have 100 employees participate to receive the full spectrum of responses for the EI. If you have 30 ................

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