Student Employee Professional Development and enagement

centercenterEmily CarrowStudent Employee Professional Development and enagement882000Emily CarrowStudent Employee Professional Development and enagementright3276600Purpose: Provide student?employees with opportunities that intentionally?promote the?development of transferable skills and growth in interpersonal communication, problem solving, and critical thinking. Creating measurable growth and learning in all 7 categories of the Student Affairs Learning Outcomes. Engaging employees using Gallup Q12 principles and Tovar 2009 College Mattering Scale.00Purpose: Provide student?employees with opportunities that intentionally?promote the?development of transferable skills and growth in interpersonal communication, problem solving, and critical thinking. Creating measurable growth and learning in all 7 categories of the Student Affairs Learning Outcomes. Engaging employees using Gallup Q12 principles and Tovar 2009 College Mattering Scale.Current Memorial Union Student Employment ProgramOrientationStrengths Quest prior to 1st day of workWelcome binderHandbook quizCustomer Service Prezi Meet the staff activityProfessional DevelopmentFall team training (camp)Fall development workshopFall responsibility reviewSpring development workshopSpring responsibility reviewACUI conferenceAppreciationOctober gathering February appreciation MUSE of the month MUSE AwardsProposed Additions to ProgramOrientation Welcome lunchNew student employee and current student employee have lunch at the dining center ($500/year MAX)Professional DevelopmentMUSE Professional Development ProgramSee attached ($7,500/year MAX)Strengths and development activities for supervisors on BlackboardAppreciationDivision wide Student Employee of the Month Division wide Student Employee of the Year AwardsBudgeted for 2016 = $2,360Division wide = $7,488PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Purpose: Provide student?employees with opportunities that intentionally?promote the?development of transferable skills and growth in interpersonal communication, problem solving, and critical thinking. Creating measurable growth and learning in all 7 categories of the Student Affairs Learning Outcomes. Memorial Union Requirements (Eligible for up to $.20 wage increase upon completion of items 1 AND 2)1) Participate in all MU team trainingFall retreatFall on the job trainingFall professional development workshopSpring professional development workshop2) Complete Annual NDSU Employee TrainingBaseline Safety TrainingPreventing Sexual HarassmentSupervisor Safety Training (Student Coordinators)Credit Card Training Area Requirements (Eligible for up to $.20 wage increase upon completion of items 1 AND 2)1) Participate in all area team expectationsOn the job trainingStaff meetings2) Satisfactory progress on area learning outcomes Interpersonal Communication Problem solving and Critical Thinking Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development Opportunities(Eligible for up to $.20 wage increase upon completion of any 3 opportunities) Pretest Student Affairs Learning Outcomes1) Development of professional employment documentation:Resume critique at Career CenterCreate Linked-In profile2) Participate in a Service Event (Move in day, The Big Event, Service Plunge) discussion board reflection3) Participate in one ITS training Program discussion board reflection4) Attend Multicultural program Program discussion board reflection5) Attend one student senate meeting Program discussion board reflection6) Attend one International Student and Study Abroad program discussion board reflection7) Participate in a Poverty Simulation Program discussion board reflection8) Attend a Community Engagement Forum Program discussion board reflection9) Attend Employer Networking Sessions Program discussion board reflection 10) Attend a Mock Interview Program discussion board reflection11) Attend a Career Fair Program discussion board reflection12) Attend a Career Conversation Program discussion board reflection13) Attend a Career Lab Program discussion board reflection14) Interview/Job search preparation Program discussion board reflection15) Attend Equity and Diversity Program Program discussion board reflection16) Participate in MU Job Shadow Program 17) Participate in MU Leadership program ) Other professional development opportunitiesMust be approved by supervisor to be counted towards program (e.g. RA, COAR Team, Organization President) Post test Student Affairs Learning OutcomesSTUDENT AFFAIRS LEARNING OUTCOMES MU Student Employee Program ComponentStudent Affairs Learning and Service OutcomesMU Strategic Theme OutcomeMU Rubric OutcomeDevelopment of professional employment documentationPractical CompetenceLeadership/Career Skill DevelopmentInterpersonal CommunicationParticipate in a Service EventPersonal and Social ResponsibilityCommunityProblem Solving And Critical ThinkingParticipate in one ITS trainingTechnologyOperations/TechnologyProfessional DevelopmentAttend Multicultural programDiversity and Global PerspectivesCommunityProblem Solving And Critical ThinkingAttend one student senate meetingHuman SocietiesLeadership/Career Skill DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentAttend one International Student and Study Abroad programDiversity and Global PerspectivesCommunityProblem Solving And Critical ThinkingParticipate in a Poverty SimulationPersonal and Social ResponsibilityCommunityProblem Solving And Critical ThinkingAttend a Community Engagement ForumPersonal and Social ResponsibilityCommunityProblem Solving And Critical ThinkingAttend Employer Networking SessionsPractical CompetenceLeadership/Career Skill DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentAttend a Mock InterviewCommunication Leadership/Career Skill DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentAttend a Career FairCommunication Leadership/Career Skill DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentAttend a Career ConversationCommunication Leadership/Career Skill DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentAttend a Career LabCommunication Leadership/Career Skill DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentInterview/Job search preparationCritical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Problem SolvingLeadership/Career Skill DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentAttend Equity and Diversity Program Diversity and Global PerspectivesCommunityProblem Solving And Critical ThinkingParticipate in MU Job Shadow Program Practical CompetenceLeadership/Career Skill DevelopmentInterpersonal CommunicationParticipate in MU Leadership program Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Problem SolvingLeadership/Career Skill DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentENGAGEMENTMU Student Employment Engagement Components – Gallup Q12Welcome Lunch Q05 and Q10Strengths finder Assessment Q06October GatheringQ10February Gathering Q10MU Student Employee of the MonthQ04MUSE AwardsQ04Performance ReviewsQ06, Q11, and Q12Welcome BinderQ01 (position description)Q03 (Strengths sticker)Q08 (organization charts and welcome letter)Q09 (meet the staff activity)Q12 (professional development)*12 items, explain why people are satisfied, and why they become engaged and affect outcomes. Q01. Expectations. Defining and clarifying the outcomes that are to be achieved is perhaps the most basic of all employee needs and manager responsibilities. How these outcomes are defined and acted upon will vary from business unit to business unit, depending on the goals of the business unit. Q02. Materials and equipment. Getting people what they need to do their work is important in maximizing efficiency, in demonstrating to employees that their work is valued, and in showing that the company is supporting them in what they are asked to do. Great managers keep this perception objective by helping employees see how their requests for materials and equipment connect to important outcomes. Q03. Opportunity to do what I do best. Helping people get into roles where they can most fully use their inherent talents is the ongoing work of great managers. Learning about individual differences through experience and assessment can help the manager position people efficiently, within and across roles. Q04. Recognition for good work. When managers ask employees who are performing at a high level whether they are suffering from too much recognition, they rarely, if ever, get an affirmative response. Another ongoing management challenge is to understand how each person prefers to be recognized, to make it objective and real by basing it on performance, and to do it frequently. Q05. Someone at work cares about me. For each person, feeling “cared about” may mean something different. The best managers listen to individuals and respond to their unique needs. In addition, they find the connection between the needs of the individual and the needs of the organization. Q06. Encourages my development. How employees are coached can influence how they perceive their future. If the manager is helping the employee improve as an individual by providing opportunities that are in sync with the employee’s talents, both the employee and the company will profit. Q07. Opinions count. Asking for the employee’s input, and considering that input as decisions are made, can often lead to better decisions. This is because employees are often closer than the manager is to individuals and variables that affect the overall system. In addition, when employees feel they are involved in decisions, they take greater ownership of the outcomes. Q08. Mission/Purpose. Great managers often help people see not only the purpose of their work, but also how each person’s work influences and relates to the purpose of the organization and its outcomes. Reminding employees of the big-picture impact of what they do each day is important, whether it is how their work influences the customer, safety, or the public. Q09. Associates committed to quality. Managers can influence the extent to which employees respect one another by selecting conscientious employees, providing some common goals and metrics around quality, and increasing associates’ frequency of opportunity for interaction. Q10. Best friend. Managers vary in the extent to which they create opportunities for people at work to get to know one another, and in whether they value close, trusting relationships at work. The best managers do not subscribe to the idea that there should be no close friendships at work; instead, they free people to get to know one another, which is a basic human need. This, then, can influence communication, trust, and other outcomes. Q11. Progress. Providing a structured time to discuss each employee’s progress, achievements, goals, and so on, is important for both managers and employees. Great managers regularly meet with individuals, both to learn from them and to give them guidance. This give-and-take helps both managers and employees make better decisions. Q12. Learn and grow. In addition to having a need to be recognized for good work, most employees have a need to know they are improving and have chances to improve themselves. Great managers pick training that will benefit the individual and the organization.*Retrieved on 10/13/2015 Service discussion board What service project did you participate in? Date: Time: What did you learn?How can you apply what you learned to the classes you are taking?How can you use what you learned to impact your community and the world?Multicultural Program, International Program, Equity and Diversity Program discussion board What program did you attend?Date: Time:What did you learn?How can you apply what you learned to the classes you are taking?How can you use what you learned to shape solutions to challenges confronting the global community?Poverty Simulation or Community Engagement Forum boardWhat program did you participate in?Date: Time: What did you learn?How can you apply what you learned to the classes you are taking?How can you use what you learned to shape solutions to challenges confronting the global community?Career Center Program and Student Senate Meeting discussion boardWhat program did you participate in?Date: Time: What did you learn?How can you apply what you learned to the classes you are taking?How can you apply what you learned to your future or career path?ITS Program discussion boardWhat program did you participate in?Date: Time: What did you learn?How can you apply what you learned to the classes you are taking?How can you use technology to solve problems of enhance your understanding of something?Student Affairs Learning Outcomes pre and post test:5 point Likert scale administered via QualtricsI can manage personal affairs, including balancing time and financial obligations.I hold myself accountable for actions and responsibilities.I use my skills and knowledge to complete projects and tasks.I engage in behaviors and contribute to environments that promote holistic health and wellness.I demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with diverse audiences in a variety of contexts.I demonstrate appropriate conventions in a variety of communication situations.I effectively communicate analysis, knowledge, understanding, expression, and / or conclusions.I communicate a vision, mission, or purposes that encourages commitment and action in others.I can evaluate the assumptions, evidence, and logic of competing views and explanations.I can identify methods of inquiry, approaches to knowledge, and their assumptions and limitations in multiple disciplines.I can evaluate, synthesize, and apply evidence to understand and address complex, real world problems.I can generate creative, reasoned, approaches or solutions to unscripted, real world problems.I can apply creativity and divergent thinking.I am able to apply technology to demonstrate creativity and solve problems.I am able to use technology to enhance understanding.I can analyze the interplay of self and society, particularly how social structures shape human experiences and how humans shape social structures.I can analyze how diversity contributes to and shapes solutions to challenges confronting the global community.I can collaborate with others in diverse interpersonal, intercultural, or international settings.I can identify how values and contributions of diverse societies provide contexts for individual experiences, values, ideas, artistic expressions, and identities. I am able to identify stewardship of the land and its people as integral to a land-grant university.I have engage in service learning.I am capable of examining my values, biases, and conclusions.I can analyze the ethical basis for and implications of personal, professional, and civic decisions.I can comprehend and demonstrate appropriate and healthy standards of personal and professional behavior.I can analyze how personal choices impact communities and the world. ................

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