GoalBusters Consulting


• Secure donations

• Generate $XXXX in new revenue by July 19 (end of 12 weeks)

• Secure renewals on XX accounts by end of fiscal year (June 30)

• Develop professional growth pathway

• Reconnect with all existing donors and connect with at least XX new prospects


1. Does it progress you towards a larger goal?

2. Does it create new business?

3. Does it detract from your goals?

4. Does it align with your values?


Week 1-2 (4/29 and 5/6)


        [x]Email setup

[x]Set up phone and voice mail

[x]RadioTraffic login

[x]Bloomerang login

[x]Set up Dropbox access

[x]Set up Slack account to personal email

[x]Share Google Docs

[x]Order new business cards

[]Rearrange office (in progress)

[]Order logo items (in progress)

[x]Set up computer/order replacement desktop

[x]HR paperwork

[x]Share this checklist!

[x]Schedule weekly calls--team call and underwriting calls

[]Review Strengths and VALS

[x]Review Underwriting Client List and Status Reports in Dropbox here: XXX

[x]Begin setting up meetings with all existing clients after briefing from Mgr.

[]Update Vital Stats worksheet here: XXX 

[x]Add Chamber meetings to calendar

[x]Set rough schedule for hours

Week 1-2 (continued)

[]Orientation to Border Radio--meet interns, review program schedule

[]Orientation to KAWC--review current schedule

[x]Orientation to underwriting templates

[x]Contact clients that need new copy

[]NFCB or PMDMC attendance?

Week 3 (5/13)

[]Review of department responsibilities

[]Schedule GB site visits and training times

[]Training with Alice: 12 Week Year

[]12 Week Year goal setting

• Select the "big rocks"

• Top 3 goals

• One financial

• What does success look like?

[]Personal growth pathway

• Where is this job on your career path?

• What is your personal connection to the station?

• Is this a job, a career or a calling?

• What are the things that you would like to do differently?

[]Orientation to call reports

[]Develop prospect lists: Top 5 and Next 10

[]Training with Jim: Jedi Academy refresher; understanding advances and continuances

[]Agree on metrics defined in goals

[]Fill out weeks 3-12 based on 12 Week Year goals

[]Connect with Mike re: Rotary meeting presentations

Week 4 (5/20)

[]XX calls for this week

Week 5 (5/27)

[]XX calls for this week

Week 6 (6/3)

[]XX calls for this week

Week 7 (6/10)

[]XX calls for this week

Week 8 (6/17)

[]XX calls for this week

[]Prep for GB site visit next week

Week 9 (6/24)

[]XX calls for this week

[]GB site visit

[]50th Anniversary Advisory Group meeting

Week 10 (7/1)

[]XX calls for this week

Week 11 (7/8)

[]XX calls for this week

[]Prep for site visit next week

Week 12 (7/15)

[]XX calls for this week

[]GB site visit

[]Complete Gallup Q12

[]Evaluation and check in (extended meeting)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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