SCH4C Review Part 1: - Weebly


The following package contains your exam review. Note: just because something does not appear here does not necessarily mean it won’t be on the exam. Review all notes/powerpoint slides/worksheets as well.

Part 1: Introduction to Chemistry

1. Draw a Lewis symbol or structure for each of the following:

A) nitrogen atom B) fluoride ion

C) CCl4 D) H2O E) CO2

2. Write the name or formula for the following:

A) AgCl

B) CaSO4

C) Al2(SO4)3


E) FeSO4

F) Potassium chromate

G) Sodium fluoride

H) Magnesium oxide

I) Copper(II)sulfate

J) Iron(III)hydroxide

K) Magnesium phosphate

L) Carbon tetrafluoride

3. For each of the following, balance the equation and write in the type of reaction

a) Mg(s) + O2(g) → MgO(s) Type:_______________________

b) ZnCO3(s) → ZnO(s) + CO2(g) Type:_______________________

c) Fe(s) + K2 SO4(aq) → K(s) + FeSO4(aq) Type:_______________________

4. For each of the following double displacement reactions write

i. the word equation

ii. the chemical equation (DON’T FORGET TO BALANCE IT!)

iii. the total ionic equation (be sure to include states and charges of ions)

iv. the net ionic equation

v. the spectator ions

a) sodium chloride + silver nitrate

b) magnesium chloride + copper sulfate

5. What is the difference between a molecule and a formula unit?

6. Polarity:

a) Why are some molecules polar and some non-polar?

b) Draw the Lewis structures of methane and water. Which one is polar and why?

7. Compare and contrast the different types of intramolecular bonds.

8. What are the four main reaction types? Write out the letter equation for each and an example of each.

Part 2: Calculations in Chemistry

1. A) 25.3 kg =____________________g

B) 27 mL = ___________________L

2. Avogadro’s number = ___________________

3. What is the molar mass of Ca(NO3)2 ?

4. Calculate the number of atoms in 12.2 mol copper atoms.

5. Calculate the mass of 0.8 mol of CO2(g)

6. A compound’s percentage composition by mass is 49% carbon, 5.20% hydrogen, 28.8% nitrogen and 16.5% oxygen.

a) Determine the empirical formula of the compound

b) What is the molecular formula of the compound if its molar mass is 194.2 g/mol?

7. Calculate the percentage composition by mass of FeCl3

8. Calculate the moles of hydrochloric acid present in 250.0 mL of a solution which has a concentration of 0.100 mol/L.

9. What is the concentration of 0.750 mol of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in a 1.35 L solution?

10. You are asked to dilute a 2.0mol/L sodium hydroxide solution to make 250mL of 0.5mol/L sodium hydroxide solution.

a) What volume of 2.0 mol/L should you initially use?

b) Describe how you would prepare the solution.

11. What is the theoretical yield of hydrogen when 2.034 magnesium metal reacts with excess hydrochloric acid? Give answers in moles and in grams.

12. In another experiment with magnesium and excess hydrochloric acid, the theoretical yield of hydrogen was 5.1 g, but only 4.7 g of hydrogen was collected. Calculate the percentage yield and give some possible reasons why a 100% yield was not achieved.

13. Complete the stoichiometry worksheet

Part 3: Organic Chemistry

1. Draw the complete structural formula or condensed formula for the following:

a) 2-butene

b) methylbenzene

c) 2-methyl-3-pentanone

d) propanal

e) cyclohexanol

f) methyl ethanoate

2. Draw and name 2 hydrocarbons that are isomers with the same molecular formula C7H16

3. List the following compounds in order of increasing boiling points; justify your answers.

a) propanol, propane, propanone, propanoic acid, methyl ethyl ether,

b) butanoic acid, propanoic acid, hexanoic acid, decanoic acid, pentanoic acid

4. Explain what is meant by a polar molecule. What effects does polarity have on the properties of a compound, specifically its boiling point?

5. Explain the effect that adding more carbons has on the boiling points of organic compounds

6. Identify and describe the three types of intermolecular forces

7. What are the different types of synthetic polymers?

8. What are some natural polymers?

9. Complete the attached Structure, names, and properties of organic compounds sheet.

Part 4: Electrochmistry

1. Use the activity series to predict whether or not each of the following reaction will occur, if yes, complete a balanced equation.

a) Ni(s) + Cu(NO3)2 (aq)

b) Au(s) + Al(NO3)2(aq)

2. Determine whether reduction/oxidation has occurred in each of the following reactions based on the oxidation numbers

a. CO2 + H2O ( CH4 + O2

b. Cu(NO3)2 + Cu ( 2 CuNO3

c. NaCl + Ag ( AgCl + Na

d. NaNO3 + KCl ( NaCl + KNO3

e. S + O2 ( SO3

3. What is the difference between primary and secondary cells.

4. Write the equation for the chemical reaction that takes place to give electrical energy, when a galvanic cell like the one below is set up.( Use your activity series chart). Which metal is oxidized and which metal is reduced?

a) Write the anode half-reaction:

b) Write the cathode half-reaction:

c) Draw arrows on the diagram to show the direction of electron flow.

d) Which electrode will gain mass?

e) What is the purpose of the salt bridge? What will travel through it and in which direction?

5. You want to apply a coating of silver to a nickel fork by electrolysis of a silver nitrate solution. Draw the electrolytic cell you would use.

6. Compare and Contrast Electrolytic and Galvanic Cells

7. What is corrosion?

8. List two factors that affect corrosion.

9. List two ways to delay corrosion and explain them.

10. What is the Hall-Heroult process?

11. What are two hazards of electroplating?

12. What is copper refining? How does it work?

Part 5: Chemistry and the Environment

1. Identify, chemically, the difference between an acid, base and a neutral compound

2. What is pH?

3. Identify the following compounds as either acid or base according to the Arrhenius definition:

a. NaOH

b. H2S

c. Ca(OH)2

d. HCl

e. H2CO3

f. H3PO4

4. What is a neutralization reaction?

5. Complete the following neutralization reactions, be sure to balance them:

a. Sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid

b. Phosphoric acid and magnesium hydroxide

6. What is acid rain?

7. What is the difference between hard and soft water.








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