Employer/ Agency Job Description - University of Houston



Job Title Employer/ Agency Job Description

Integrated Mental Health Provider (IMHP)

Teen Health Center, Inc

Overall role: The position is a one-year, grant-funded position with plans to seek additional funding in subsequent years. The employee will be expected to serve as a care coordinator between Teen Health Center, Inc. and its partnering agencies for Causeway Galveston (i.e., Galveston Independent School District, Family Service Center, and University of Texas Medical Branch) as well as a therapist for Teen Health. The individual will work with the Mental Health Director, Medical Director, and Executive Director to ensure that evidence-based, high-quality services are provided for all students.

IMHP Responsibilities: 1. Coordinate care between Teen Health and partnering agencies (Galveston Independent School District and Family Service Center). Therapist will: a. Provide education to integrated mental health team regarding social and emotional development and learning (e.g., recommendations for SEL classroom strategies) b. Conduct initial screenings with children/adolescents and their families and make appropriate referrals to collocated partnering agencies at Teen Health and Family Service Center. Initial assessments may include: i. Gathering background history ii. Collecting information regarding the presenting issues iii. Administering appropriate assessments that are within the provider's level of training (e.g., behavior rating scales) c. Provide feedback to integrated mental health team regarding student progress and attendance d. Assist with the development/implementation of systems to coordinate care across the partnering agencies 2. As needed, perform crisis management (e.g., assess and determine suicide risk, make appropriate referral, and document accordingly) 3. Conduct evidence-based psychotherapy techniques with children/ adolescents and their families presenting with a wide variety of psychological disorders, (e.g., ADHD, behavioral disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and autistic spectrum disorders) and/or with psychological issues related to pediatric/adolescent health issues 4. Conduct evidence-based therapeutic and/or educational groups for students or parents when indicated and approved by the Mental Health Director. Groups could be intervention or prevention based with topics varying from parenting, substance abuse, anger management, adolescent-related issues, depression 5. Adhere to all agency policies and procedures, including maintaining client confidentiality at all times and good documentation practices


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(i.e., notes completed within 72 hours of patient contact that include appropriate amount of detail for practice and billing purposes) 6. Attend weekly mental health team meetings to discuss patient referrals, clinic procedures, and organization business 7. As directed by the mental health director, work with medical students/residents who at times may shadow therapist in sessions Qualifications: 1. Training and experience in working with children, adolescents, and their families 2. Knowledgeable about physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of children/adolescents 3. Master's Degree from a CSWE (Council on Social Work Education)accredited social work program, CACREP (Council for Accredited Counseling Related Education Programs), or CAMPP (Council of applied Master's programs in psychology)-affiliated psychology program 4. Texas license at the level of Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP), Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) level, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) or temporary license (e.g., LPC-Intern) The position is a one-year, grant-funded position with plans to seek additional funding in subsequent years.

Teen Health Center, Inc

Galveston, TX

Beth Auslander

Mental Health Director


To apply for this position, send a cover letter and CV to Beth Auslander, PhD, Mental Health Director, Teen Health Center, Inc at bauslander@.

Opening Date


To post a job opportunity or if your response to this job posting results in successful employment, please email the GCSW Office of Alumni and Career

Services at mswjobs@central.uh.edu with the hiring details of your new job opportunity. Thank you.


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