Read & Download (PDF Kindle) Craps: From Beginner To ...

[Pages:5]Read & Download (PDF Kindle) Craps: From Beginner To Expert, Learn 'How To Play Craps' And The Secret Craps Strategy To Win At The Casino - ( Craps Gambling + Craps

Game )

If you want walk over to the most popular table in the casino feeling confident and ready to win some money, then this book is for you!New and Improved Release - Second Edition - September 14th, 2016Download Instantly, and Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet, or Kindle device.The craps table is often the most prominent installment in the casino. It?TMs big, it's fun, and the players are generally pretty loud as they cheer with excitement. Usually manned by four casino staff members - known as the ?oeboxman,? the ?oestickman,? and two ?oedealers? - a craps table is busy as it hosts a swarm of simultaneous activity. Although it's clear that the craps table is an enticing place to be, the actual layout of the available bets and betting combinations on the table may alarm newbies with its apparent complexity. Craps has the largest variety of betting options among all other casino games. And since craps also hosts the largest number of betting decisions per hour, the craps table is usually stocked with the largest bankroll you?TMll find in the casino. The good news is this: Even if the craps table looks intimidating, the game is, in reality, actually quite simple, and this book is going to explain everything you need to know in an easy-to-understand way. In fact, if you stick to specific types of bets in craps while avoiding the others, then you'll end up with the best gambling odds available in the entire casino. The important thing to remember is that the craps table is swarming with bad betting options, so it's critical that you know what to play and when. This book provides a step-by-step breakdown of the game, including the basic rules and playing sequence, so that newcomers such as yourself will feel completely at home at the craps table. You?TMll learn the meaning of all the fancy craps terminology, you'll get to know the best bets, and you'll learn lots of other craps strategies along the way.Download your copy today!

File Size: 1034 KB Print Length: 42 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Publication Date: June 8, 2015 Sold by:? Digital Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B00Z9EM3VG Text-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #144,144 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #5 in? Books > Humor & Entertainment > Puzzles & Games > Gambling > Craps #26 in? Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Humor & Entertainment > Puzzles & Games > Card Games > Gambling #58 in? Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Humor & Entertainment > Puzzles & Games > Gambling

How to Play Craps is an awesome guide that will let you master the game in no time, especially written for beginners, filled with smart tips and tricks, such as understanding Come Bets and Place Bets, field bets, preposition bets and many more terms that sound complex to a newbie. It also touches on table etiquette which I find very compelling and useful anywhere in the gaming world of casino.

I needed a refresher course for my upcoming Vegas trip. This very short (and very inexpensive) book gives a great, basic explanation of how to place bets on the pass line and explains the concepts of "odds" bets. And of course it tells you to stay away from proposition bets and other losing bets.The only drawback is the lack of information on the Don't Pass line. I personally don't want to spend an hour elbow to elbow with anyone and the Don't Pass line allows me to place a couple of bets and wait for either the number to hit (lose) or a 7 (win). I don't have to have three bets working, as suggested. I wish the concepts of "laying the odds" were explained as well as taking the odds. Unfortunately, most people are "right" (pass line) betters so this is what most books on the subject concentrate on.If you're new I would highly recommend this book.

I was asked by the author to share my honest thoughts about this book. After reading it, i can honestly say that this is a high quality book. This book talks about: Getting Started With Pass or No Pass Bets, Understanding Come Bets and Place Bets, Playing the Field and Proposition Bets, Acquainting Yoursel with Table Etiquette, Matering Craps Vernacular and much much more!As you can see, the best strategy for winning craps is to maximize the number of bets you have on the tble that give you really god payouts in relation to your probaility of winning. Knowing that you can see that this book can really help you, so i really recommend this book!

Interesting and reader friendly. You will learn and have a better understanding on how to play crap.

This book will provide you a step by step breakdown of the game, the rules and playing sequence. What I like about this book is that the author provided us useful and effective strategies on how to find the best bets and win it. The best strategy for the game was explained really well in this book.

We will go to the Casino next month and that will be my first time to get inside a casino. So most probably we will going to play the craps game. And I have learned from this book a lot of strategies on how to win the game. It has many tips on high probability to win the game.

My friends always want to play craps, but I haven't been able to participate and enjoy the game. I had no idea on how to play craps until now. I had learned a lot about the game in this e-book. I am now ready to play with my friends. I even feel I know more enough to win. Who knows? Maybe I can play at a professional level thanks to all the things I know now.

I have gone to the casino several times and I am well versed in blackjack but always wanted to learn how to play Craps. This book was a great introductory book on craps but a little bit too short... I learned a lot more from my friend after we actually went to the casino, but this book definitely taught me the basics and helped me feel comfortable. It teaches you how to pass and understanding come bets and place bets fairly thoroughly, but just not the more advanced tactics.

I never understood how to play craps and it seemed so complicated when I saw it so I didn't really bother to learn it. But I see now that it is a lot of fun.This guide is really simple, straightforward and to the point. It doesn't bore or drag with unnecessary details at all. The strategies and systems are easy to understand and I was able to play some craps for the first time in my life. It is very fun and addictive game so be careful. And read this book if you don't want to look like a fool at the table.

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