Donnington Wood Church of England Junior School

SeeSaw Blended Learning atDonnington Wood CE Junior SchoolGood afternoon all, Since the school closed, we have been using our website to provide home learning resources: and around 70 pupils a day are accessing this regularly. However, as the school closure continues, it is essential that we improve this offer further to prepare your child for whenever we return. We will now be using SeeSaw, an online learning portal. We aim to use this at first remotely, and then when your child returns, in a blended way (classroom and home). Aims of this document: To clarify what is expected from the provision of a remote learning platform. To clarify how remote learning will be carried out What is SeeSaw?The app allows teachers to post learning assignments and homework for their class to access at home or in school. Pupils will be able to access and complete a range of different activities in a variety of ways, such as using video, sound, photo and screen shots. SeeSaw works through an app, or through a web browser, (Chrome works best). It works on all devices, including smart phones and iPad. How secure is SeeSaw?At all times our online rules will apply, more details of which are shown below. By logging into and using the resource, you will be accepting and adhering to the expectations as listed in the attached guidance and the privacy details below. If you do not consent to use it, you must text us so we can discuss its use with you, If you are currently not at school, you may choose to use it, but those in school will need to use it as part of their lessons. If you are unable to access this due to technological restrictions or difficulties, contact us and we will see what we can do. Privacy DetailsWe will only share a limited amount of our data with the host and they are compliant with all data protection legislation. GDPR complianceHow does Seesaw help keep student data safe?Where is my data stored?Seesaw's Privacy PrinciplesThey will have minimal data on your child- first and last name and class base only. Only members of our school staff will see their class profiles and any work published. It is not in the public domain- strangers cannot see it. Children will be able to see work that other children in their class complete. They can also ‘like’ this. One application of its use will be to celebrate the good work of our pupils, sharing photos of work in our Golden Books. Our online rules are at the bottom of this document. How will it work? Using the Seesaw app, teachers can set daily or weekly learning assignments for children in their class and then review the work as it is posted back onto the class homepage. At all times, the class teacher is able to vet all posts of children’s work and avoid any possible inappropriate postings. It is essential that you also check any video, photo or sound clip content before it is submitted. How to log in: Each child will have a unique login for the app (we will text you their code and endeavour to post you a unique QR code too) and will be able to access and complete learning tasks as directed. 1. Download the Seesaw Class App for free at 2. Click ‘I’m a pupil’ 3. Scan the QR code or enter the login code we send. 4. You should then be on the Class homepage. See: for detailed videos of how to use the app.Teachers will regularly post work assignments to complete at home; this work can be completed independently.There is no pressure to do any of the assignments, but regularly logging in and viewing the class page, reviewing what your child is learning and keeping in touch with us at school, is important.If your child is in Year 6, the work posted will be the same we are doing in class with those in school. Family AccountsOnce we have set up the SeeSaw learning platform fully at school, we will switch on the Family Access to the app. This means that soon you will be able to keep track of your child’s learning tasks without having to see their accounts. This will be particularly useful for those of you with more than one child. To do this, you will need to download the SEESAW FAMILY app (which is free). You will also get a text over the next few days from school with a link that will join your family account to your child's class account. Please be patient as we will have to copy individual texts for the whole school - this may take a few days to get everyone done. When you click the link, it will invite you to set up a family account and then your child's journal will be linked to your account. You will then receive notifications of when your child has been set tasks etc. What you need to do now: 1) Download the Seesaw Family app 2) Wait for the invitation email 3) Click the link in the email 4) Set up the Family Account as instructed 5) You are all set to start enjoying SeeSaw!We will also be stepping up our phone calls to you and your child at home to check on our pupils’ wellbeing, and we will be providing more resources for learning at home. It is essential we have up to date telephone numbers on which to contact you. If you have any concerns or enquiries please text us or ring us and we will contact you. Mr Fox and Team DonningtonExpectations of children and families: Children will endeavour, where possible, to complete tasks that are set. Children will only post appropriate images and video, with parents checking it first. Children will only engage in appropriate behaviour, as per the school e-safety policy. Children will only use the Seesaw app for school-directed activity. Children will not share their log in details with anyone else and maintain good levels of online safety and privacy. Families will ensure that all communication through the app and email is appropriate, responsible and free of abuse. Communication not adhering to these guidelines will not be tolerated. Families will understand that the rules are there to keep their online activity safe.Our Online rulesThis agreement will help keep me safe and help me to be fair to othersI learn online – I use the school’s internet and devices for schoolwork, homework and other activities to learn and have fun. I only use apps, sites and games if a trusted adult says I can.I am creative online – I do not just spend time on apps, sites and games looking at things from other people; I get creative to learn and make things! I am a friend online – I will not share anything that I know another person would not want shared, or which might upset him or her. And if I know a friend is worried or needs help, I will remind them to talk to an adult, or even do it for them. I am a secure online learner – I keep my passwords to myself and reset them if anyone finds them out.I am careful what I click on – I do not click on links I do not expect to see and only download or install things when I know it is safe or has been agreed by trusted adults. I ask for help if I am scared or worried – I will talk to a trusted adult if anything upsets me or worries me on an app, site or game – it often helps. If I get a funny feeling, I talk about it.I know it is not my fault if I see or someone sends me something bad – I do not need to worry about getting in trouble, but I must not share it. Instead, I will tell someone.I communicate and collaborate online – with people I know and have met in real life or that a trusted adult knows about.I know new friends are not always who they say they are – I am careful when someone wants to be my friend. Unless I have met them face to face, I cannot be sure who they are. If I want to meet them, I will ask a trusted adult, and never go alone or without telling an adult.I do not do public live streams on my own – and only go on a video chat if my trusted adult knows what I am doing it and who with. I tell my parents/carers what I do online – they might not know the app, site or game, but they can still help me when things go wrong, and they want to know what I’m doing.I am private online – I only give out private information if a trusted adult says it is okay. This might be my home address, phone number or other personal information that could be used to identify me or my family and friends.I keep my body to myself online – I never change what I wear in front of a camera and remember that my body is mine and mine only, and I don’t send any photos without checking with a trusted adult.I say no online if I need to – if I get asked something that makes me worried or upset or just confused, I say no, stop chatting and tell a trusted adult.I am a rule-follower online – I know that apps, sites and games have rules on how to behave, and some have age restrictions. I follow the rules; only use the ones I am allowed to use, and report bad behaviour.I am not a bully – I do not post, make or share unkind, hurtful or rude messages/comments and tell my trusted adults if I see these.I am part of a community – I do not make fun of anyone or exclude them because they are different to me. If I see anyone doing this, I tell a trusted adult.I respect people’s work – I only edit or delete my own digital work and only use words, pictures or videos from other people if I have their permission or if it is copyright free or has a Creative Commons licence. I am a researcher online – I use safe search tools approved by my trusted adults. I know I cannot believe everything I see online, know which sites to trust, and know how to double check information I find.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I have read and understood this agreement.If I have any questions, I will speak to a trusted adult: at school, that includes any adult in the school, my class teacher, Miss Ganderton, Mr Rawson or Mr Fox. Outside school, my trusted adults are__________________________________For parents/carersIf your parents/carers want to find out more, they can read Donnington Wood’s full Online Safety Policy on the school website, for more detail on our approach to online safety and links to other relevant policies (e.g. Safeguarding Policy, Behaviour Policy, etc). If I a am worried and there is no trusted adult around you can visit: or ring 0800 1111If I am in immediate danger I will ring 999 or visit ................

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