
Football began when ancient Greeks played harpaston, in which they tried to move a ball across a goal line. England adapted harpaston into a more modern version of football, which later split into two sports: rugby and football (American soccer). Then in 1869, the first intercollegiate football game was played, when Rutgers and Princeton played each other. The National Football League began in 1922. John W. Heisman legalized the forward pass in 1906. Super Bowl I was won by the Green Bay Packers in 1967.


Flag Football is a variation of football in which cloth or plastic flags are worn on both hips by all players. A different colored flag is used by each team. Flags are generally 12 to 15 inches long and two inches wide. Eliminating tackling and physical contact between players provides an opportunity for the individuals interested in football to play the game in a safe situation without the need for expensive equipment. Flag Football is a sport that requires a great deal of teamwork which is a great learning experience for the student.

Playing Field

The playing field is 40 yards wide by 100 yards long. The field is divided into four 20 yard zones and two end zones that are 10 yards deep.

Length of Game

The game is made up of four 10 to 12 minute periods with one minute rests between periods and a 5 minute rest between halves. Another variation that could be used is to have two 20 minute halves with a 5 minute rest in between. The length of game can also be modified to fit into any designated physical education class. Two timeouts are allowed per half.


A flag football team consists of 7 players although fewer or more may be used for P.E. classes. Offensive teams must have at least 3 players on the line of scrimmage. Any number of substitutes may be made during the game as long as the referee is notified.


A touchdown is made when the offensive team takes the ball across the goal line with either a run or pass. A touchdown is worth 6 points. A field goal (if possible) is worth 3 points. This is accomplished when a ball is kicked through the goal posts. A safety is worth 2 points and the extra point scored by kicking the ball through the goal posts after the touchdown is worth 1 point. If there are no goal posts on your playing field, the extra point can be gained by running or passing the ball across the goal line.

Starting the Game

A coin toss by the referee determines which team has the choice of kicking off, receiving, or which goal they will run to. Privileges of choice are reversed at the beginning of the third period. The ball is put into play at the start of the game, after a score, and at the beginning of the third period by a place kick from the kicker’s 20 yard line.

Kickoff Rules

The defensive team must be 10 yards away when the ball is kicked. The kicking team must be behind the kicker. If the ball does not go 10 yards, it must be kicked again. If it goes out of bounds after 10 yards, the opponent has the choice of beginning play where the ball went out of bounds or on their own 20 yard line. If the ball is kicked into the end zone and the opponents elect not to run it out, play begins on their 20 yard line.

Playing Regulations

An offensive player is not allowed to hold on to their flag to prevent detachment. Defensive players must maintain contact with the ground when attempting to secure the flag or when blocking other players. In other words---there is no jumping or diving. The ball carrier may not employ a straight-arm or utilize body contact against a defensive player. Any ball carrier without two flags is considered tackled. A fumbled ball at any time is dead and belongs to the team that fumbled the ball at the point of the fumble, the down and the point to be gained remaining the same. A fumbled forward pass is ruled an incomplete pass.

The ball is downed or player is considered tackled when one flag is detached from the belt or the ball carrier loses a flag. A team has four chances or downs to move the ball down the field. If they fail to, the ball goes to the opponent at that spot. All players are eligible to catch passes. Forward passes may be thrown from any point behind the line of scrimmage, and lateral passes may be thrown from anywhere on the playing field. Any number of passes may be thrown in a series of downs.

Offensive Strategy

A team should plan a signal system that will reveal the kind of play to be used. Simple plays should be coded to indicate who is to carry the ball and where the ball will go. Offensive strategy should combine running and passing plays in order to create confusion for the defense.

Defensive Strategy

For passing defense, certain players on the line of scrimmage should be assigned to rush the passer while other players drop back to help the defensive backs cover possible receivers.


Backs: Players who ordinarily carry or pass the ball on offense. Stationed behind the lineman.

Block: Action of offensive linemen and backs in which they use their bodies to ward off defensive players from the ball carrier.

Forward pass: An offensive play in which the ball is thrown toward the line of scrimmage.

Handoff: An offensive play in which one back hands the ball off to another back who attempts to advance the ball.

Lateral pass: An offensive play in which the ball is passed sideward or backward to the line of scrimmage.

Line of scrimmage: An imaginary line, or vertical plane, that runs from the football to both sides of the field. Whenever the football is placed down for an upcoming play, the line of scrimmage becomes the spot where the football lies. Neither team can cross this line until the offensive team hikes the ball.

Safety: When an offense is downed in their own end zone. The opposing team gets 2 points.

Offside: When an offensive or defensive player is ahead of the ball before it is snapped. The penalty is five yards.


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