Stolo Dictionary - University of the Fraser Valley
Stolo Dictionary
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á:'a yes 173
á:pel ~ ápel maggot 249
á:shxw ~ áshxw seal 235
á:we seagull 3046
á:wkw´ clothing 1434
á:wkw´mel tool-case 3573
á:y keep on going 2346
á:yél to go away 1051
á:yelexw be alive, be in good health 412
á:yelsetxw leave it with someone 1120
á:ylexwstexw bring him/her back to life 1208
á:y™ crab 234
a´áchewlh until, unless 3679
a´axwíyelhp a small tree 3613
a´iy cute (little ones) 1887
ahíw be upriver 3681
Alámex Smámelt Agassiz Mountain 2528
álel magpie 2455
alétse ~ elétse ~ alétsa where (is it)? 191
álex sibling 515
álhqá:y snake 255
Alhqá:yem village on Strawberry Island 3706
álhtel to eat 546
alhteláwtxw restaurant 2884
alíliyem laughter 2384
álmelh take care of your kids 1513
álq´t scrape hair/hide off it 3038
áltha ~ á´altha I, me 177
alts´elít separate them 3060
álwem to stay home 2263
alxwí:tsel be in the middle 1788
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amí:mel a few 2010
áq´elh choke on bone, solid object 949
áq´elh choke(on a bone) 1739
aqw´wí:ls dry dishes 3812
Aseláw Stótelô Siwash creek 3149
Athelets Atchelitz Village 3705
átl´qel to go outside, get outside 547
átl´qeláwtxw out house 3571
atl´qéylt to reveal it 1207
atl´qílt kick him out 2352
átsele good grief ! 3768
á™e canada goose 1649
á™elqel buckskin 1667
á™eth to lie down 202
awkw´áwtxw clothing store 3379
axelés to be in front 2054
axelésmel in front of 2053
áxwet to give (it) 548
axwí:l small 106
axwí:l small 549
áylexw ~ áyelexw alive, be living, get better 815
ch´álechem sit down (in chair) 1259
ch´ámet to bite on it 891
ch´áxwel get silent, become quiet 1253
ch´eméls a biter (always biting) 2018
ch´exwélhcha add some water 3743
ch´exwélhchat add water to it 3242
ch´exwélhchat add some water to it 3744
ch´íthométsel I thank you 1339
ch´iyáq use a fish-trap 1032
ch´íyáqtel Tzeachten 1751
ch´ó:kw´e ~ ts´ó:kw´e skunk cabbage 309
ch´ókw´e skunk cabbage 1875
chá:lhtel to smoke fish 1268
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chá:lmel chinese person 1390
chá:lmelelh-s´álhtel chinese food 1391
chá:xw wife (slang) 2507
chácha tender (emotions) 3490
chachexwélmel lokking for a wife 3733
cháchket little jacket 3191
cháchu a beach 1545
cháket jacket 3704
ch'áletstel chair 674
chaléwt flip it over 2610
cháléx hand 345
chálh have arthritis pain 1494
chalhteláwtxw smoke-house 3209
chámatel packstrap 3634
chékelélets chicken-dung 1560
chelà:l what a lot ! 3445
chelà:lqwlha it's sure a lot 3436
cheláqelh yesterday 3853
cheláqelhelh yesterday 550
chelhá:liya top of ear 3577
chélhmel top of house 3576
chélhqel have a high voice 2193
chelhqí:l roof of your mouth 2226
chélhta to borrow 900
chélhtat borrow it 1634
chelóqtel walk single file 3142
chelõwt turn it inside out 1356
chelukwqel chinook jargon 1636
chémat to carry on your back 932
chémet to carry it on your back 1707
chémet pack it on your back 2628
chémlexw run away with, elope 1973
chémq ~ tsémq stop blowing (of wind) 1315
chewélhem a fish going to spawn 2019
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chewõlhp black cottonwood tree 1865
chewóthel sit on riverbank 2929
chewtálh son-in-law, daughter-in-law 3303
chí:m back pack 2629
chí´ scary monster 3029
chíchelh high 127
Chíchelh Siyá:m God 447
chíchelh téméxw heaven 468
chíche™em bitter, rancid 2836
chíkmel silver,iron,metal 2312
chíkmel iron, silver 3133
chílheqw bushy hair 320
chítmexw ~ chí:tmexw great horned owl 217
chiyólh to gather firewood 1026
chmá:m packing something 1708
chmaméleqw have a pack strap on head 2630
chmaméleqw caryy with strap round head 1709
chmítl´ be dirty 1945
chó:kw far 120
chó:leqw in the forest 2922
chó:lqem follow 3143
chó:lt follow him/her 1565
chó:lt to follow behind 1035
chó:m go away from water 2919
chó:mtel elope, run away with each other 2998
chó:ythet stop (of wind) 3809
chó:ythet die down (wind) 2810
chochkwó:les goatsbeard (plant) 1856
chochkwó:les goatsbeard plant 2091
chokwu:lt follow him/her 1564
chóleqwmel side of house away from river 2639
chól™wem to bleed 892
Chowéthel Katz Reserve 2339
chóxw go down to water 2920
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chth´óqwi to fish 1027
chtíth skinny 3161
ch™í:mthet get bitter, rancid 2837
chuchuwá™el front side of a house 2052
chuchuwó:ythel out in the middle of river 2923
chuchuwó:ythel out from shore 2500
chxélcha to catch 1392
chxélcha ~ sxélcha to catch it (fish, animal) 942
chxétem to swell up 1330
cont. only tracking an animal 1468
eh´íyxweqel to be dry in throat 1932
eháléqep sound starts again far away 3258
ehó got wrapped up 2721
ehó:t wrap it up 2342
ehó:yt cheat him/her 1775
ehó:yt to cheat him/her 945
ékw´elexw to lose (it) 551
ekw´elhel out of breath 2636
ékwiyeqw great-great grandparent 509
el stl´í I want/I need... 552
élel ~ álel ~ ál´el magpie 216
elílá:lhp ~ elílàlhp salmonberry plant 308
elíle salmonberry 307
élíyá ~ èlìyà to dream 553
éliyemet to dream about (it) 554
emémeles little round thing 2985
eméstexw to bring it 1393
emét to sit down 1258
émetáwtxw bathroom 555
emílst to get near him/her/it 2546
emímel little child 636
emímelò tiny 556
emó:th´iya youngest sister of Lhílheqey 3148
epále ten (counting people) 40
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epále qas te lólets´e eleven (counting people) 41
epálôws ten leaves 2394
epó:les ten (counting dollars) 59
epó:les qas te léts´es eleven (counting dollars) 60
epólestem cost ten dollars 3477
epólestexw charge ten dollars 3478
eqéylem crawl underneath 3669
eqéylemet crawl under it 3670
eqw´í:ls wipe the dishes 1905
esép´ te s™wô™wiyám end the story 1001
ésqthet to grunt 2132
eth´íwsem put on a dress 2800
e™eymet borrow it from him/her 1633
e™ímels putting on credit 2804
e™ímstexw to lend him/her money 2403
e™ó:ythelem to shave yourself 1242
é™qst to light a match 1129
e™wtel broom 619
é™wtel broom 560
ewá:lh was he ever? 2556
ewálh never used to 3687
éwe no 557
éwelh never 2555
éwestexw making him/her say 'no' 3475
ewéta nothing 2094
ewéta shxwelixstexw don't care about it 2292
ewetewát no-one 558
ewétò shxwlís it doesn't matter 3689
ewó:lem to play 559
éxel to paddle 1164
exwá:ls scratch around(like animals) 2240
éy good 103
éy t´wa it would be better if 561
eyá:mets´ ~ eyámeth´ good figure, have a good figure 361
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eyáqt to change it 583
eyát to chase him/her 944
eyém ~ iyém strong 118
eyémstexw make him strong 3401
éyes to have fun 1394
éyò well, doing well 562
eyó:lemstexw to obey him/her 1161
eyó:sthet have lots of fun 2098
eyólés have good eyes 2097
eyóth ~ iyóth sharp 2726
eyotháléqep a sharp sound 3260
éyqwlha How beautiful!(really) 1554
éystelómet pretending to be good 2767
éystexw to like (it) 563
há:we go hunting 1089
há:wt rat 2009
hà:y make/adze a canoe 864
hákw´eles to remember (it) 1203
halemstexim bring it to him 1656
Halq´eméylem Halkomelem 2031
Halq´eméylemqel Halkomelem language 2032
halts´elít separate (them) 1233
halts´elíthet separate off (of a group) 3062
hámláloyel where you go to check a net 1395
haqílem crawl underneath 1759
hásem to sneeze 3221
hásem to sneeze 1272
háwt hunt it 1090
hékw´elh to hiccup 2251
héleméstem gone in the head 2096
hemó: pigeon 218
Hémq´eles a whirlpool 3790
hewth´eláq teasing 3472
heyatélmél nauseated 422
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héyeqw a fire 1128
heywí:leqw burning song 2872
hí:qwt invite him/her 1098
hí:tel weapon 3760
hí:th a long time 194
hiháwt little rat 3193
híhòkwex wear it (small person) 3763
híkw big 105
híkwstexw to think a lot of it 2274
híkwthet get big 1588
hilékw get ready 2854
hílém fall and roll 2950
hilexw to finish (it) 564
himqáxel rain and snow mixed 2826
híq´et file it 2013
híqwt to coax somone onto a trip 957
híth for a long time 565
híyeqwels person who does burnings 3797
hó:qwlexw accidentally smell it 1264
hò:y finished, ready 163
hó:yt to finish (it) 566
hó:ythel to finish eating 1023
hókwex to use, to wear 567
hõliya ~ húliya humback salmon 228
hómò:y shrimp 236
hóqwels to sniff around 2162
hóqwem to smell bad, to stink 568
hóqwet to sniff (it), smell (it) 201
hóxwethílém to sigh 3781
hóyòwèlh ~ hóyàwèlh goodbye 175
húheliya little humpback salmon 3195
í:lá:mt carry it on your shoulder 2739
í:lchel engine 2526
í:lwelh side of the body 3122
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í:meth grandchild 527
í:ts´el lazy, being lazy 135
i:wesà:ls a guide, showing people 2133
í:wthelàq someone who teases 3471
i´éyel get better 569
i´éyel get well 1045
í´iy cute (little thing) 1886
i´oyóm to walk slow 3731
íkw´ become lost 2445
íkw´elexw to lose it 1348
íkw´elò here 570
íkw´elò ~ íkw´elo here 190
íkw´et throw (it) away 198
ílá:mt to carry on your shoulders 933
ílám packing something on 1710
ílàm carry on your shoulder 2738
iláq stern of a boat 846
íleqels to go shopping, buying 927
iléqet to buy (it) 928
iliyéthels edge of 1429
ilólets´e ~ hilólets´e alone, one person 816
ímet step on it 1309
ímex to walk 571
ímexstexw to walk (it) 572
imexyósem to go for a walk 573
íqw´em rub off, smear 2988
íqw´esem wipe your face 1986
íqw´et to wipe (it) 199
íqw´et rub it, wipe it 1213
íqw´ethet wipe yourself off 3813
isá:le two 3
isá:le lá:ts´ewets two hundred 27
isá:leqel two (counting containers) 92
isá:les two o'clock 70
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isá:lhp two trees 3658
isalámeth´ two ropes, poles, sticks 2966
isálemó:t two kinds of piles 2362
isálews two leaves 2391
isályiws two pairs of pants 2224
isélwet two items of clothing 3656
islá:wes two paddles 2632
islá:wtxw two houses 3657
isláxw two times, twice 2585
isó:les two fruit 2123
isó:les two (counting dollars) 51
isólestem cost two dollars 3481
isólestexw charge two dollars for 3482
ístexw leave it 2191
ístexw leave (it) here 3512
ístexwchxwò you leave it here! 2192
istéytiyel group of canoes going upriver 3682
ítet to sleep 838
ítetáwt bedroom 574
ítetem sleepy 575
itetlómet fall asleep 839
íth´em get dressed 1040
íts´el lazy 576
í™em borrow, get credit 1632
í™est shave him 1241
í™et scrape it, erase it 1979
í™wet to sweep (it) 579
iwá:ltses cat's cradle 483
íwes to teach 200
íwest to teach 577
íwestèleq teacher 3467
íwth´óthet to play around, fool around 578
íy´eyòm be slower 3181
íy´eyòmthet playing slow 3182
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iyá:qt to change into 580
iyaléqep to smell good 581
iyáléqepthet starting to smell good 3207
iyálewes brave 1650
iyálewet do it yourself 1915
iyálewethet try to do it no matter what 2093
iyáqelhtset to change it for him/her 582
iyáqt change it 1779
iyáqt to change it 1004
iyáqthet change yourself 1780
íyeqthet get out of the way 2073
íyeqthet set yourself out of the way 1923
iyés female friend 1734
iyéseq male friend 1735
iyéseq sir 2045
iyílem clear up (of weather) 3640
íyó:lemstexw obey him / her 2578
iyólem okay, alright 584
iyólewéthet do it by yourself 2300
iyólwethet try to do it 1474
iyómex ~ iyóméx good-looking 145
iyóqest change money 1781
iyóthet to start 3335
iyóthlexw get it sharp 2727
iyótht sharpen it 2728
íyxwí:lem go for a canoe ride 1389
k´ák´elha pill-bug 2693
kaselí:l gasoline 585
kát wait 3726
kéchel kitchen 586
kelchóch anglican religion 1690
kelchochéleqw part your hair on right side 2898
kó car 587
kopú coat 588
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kw´à:y hungry 138
kw´ás get scalded 1219
kw´ás to get burned (of person) 921
kw´áset scald it 1220
kw´át´el mouse 2008
kw´átem trickle (of water) 3000
kw´átset to look at it 1136
kw´e´íyeqel lie on your back 2413
kw´echú:yel check a net or trap 1776
Kw´ekw´e´í:qw Kilguard Village 3708
kw´ekw´qwá:lth´átel rug-beater 3355
kw´ekw´qwá:lth´átel rug-beater 2992
kw´él:á belly, stomach 355
kw´elálh how many times? 3553
kw´eláxel get hit on one's arm 1485
kw´élh to capsize, to spill out 930
kw´elhát to spill (it) 1283
kw´elhí:thelh a long time ago 1447
kw´eló:met pull oneself through, raise 414
kw´elókw´exwóles shaped like a box 3072
kw´elôw skin 398
kw´elôwépsem skin of back of neck 3158
kw´elõweqw scalp 3026
kw´elôwíles skin of chest 3156
kw´elqwálh hitting many times 3549
kw´elwá™el skin of arm 3154
kw´élwelht step over it 3346
kw´elwíts skin of back 3155
kw´elwó:ythel skin of mouth, jaw 3157
kw´ém to grow up 2131
kw´emét to bring up a child 914
Kw´eqwálíth´a Coqualeetza 3392
kw´eqwelá:™ellexw hit him/her on the arm 2213
kw´eqwíwét to spank him/her 1280
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kw´éqwxel get hit on the leg 2214
kw´eqwxellexw hit him/her on the leg 2215
kw´esélets get burned on bum 2994
kw´és-qel burned in the throat 3515
kw´és-qel-lexw burn him in the throat 3516
kw´éstel sturgeon anchor 2360
kw´eth´í:lt turn it right way up 2899
kw´éts´eles Have a part in your hair 2638
kw´étslexw to see him/her/it 1229
kw´é™w make a bang 3524
kw´ewátes somebody, anybody 592
kw´exám to count 1763
kw´exát count it 1764
kw´í:l how many? 196
kw´í:là:lhp how many trees? 3607
kw´í:les how many dollars? 81
kw´í:tsel grizzly bear 1550
kw´íkw´xôs hail in sleets 3078
kw´ílàs how many people? 82
kw´ílelhp how many trees 2281
kw´ílwelh how many canoes? 2279
kw´ílwes how many paddles? 2280
kw´íqel sprout up 3319
kw´íthet train oneself (as spirit dancer) 1351
kw´ítset butcher it, cut it up 926
kw´íxw pitch, sap, gum 273
kw´íxwelhp pitchwood 3848
kw´íxwxel rubber boot 2134
kw´íy to climb up 953
kw´íyà:m stingy 2864
kw´íyat to refuse him/her 1202
kw´íyeqel to climb a hill, mountain 955
kw´íyt to climb (it) 954
kw´lhát pour it 1188
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kw´lhó:st pour water on it 2754
kw´lhó:st pour water on it 1890
kw´ó:lexw dog salmon (chum) 227
kw´ó:y™wem to groan (stomach) 1065
Kw´okw´echíwel Wahleach Bluff ?? 3721
kw´ókw´eleqw to be curious 974
kw´ókw´es hot 124
kw´ókw´iy hungry 137
kw´ókw´qwôwsà:ls a whipper 3785
kw´ómkw´em strong 119
kw´óqw to get hit 1075
kw´óqwest club it 3016
kw´óqwestel a club 1822
kw´óqwet to hit (him/her/it) 595
kw´óqwletstel axe 857
kw´óqwtel a whip 3782
kw´ótest look at him in face 1306
kw´ótl´kwa ocean, salt water 2579
kw´ótseslómet see your face (accidentally) 1396
kw´ótsest stare at his/her face 3333
kw´ótsest stare at his/her face 2434
kw´óxwe box, chest 596
kw´óxwemel hoof 2265
kw´õxwethtel coho net 1826
kw´qwá:lí:ya get hit on ear 2233
kw´qwá:líyat hit him/her on ear 2234
kw´qwáliyálexw hit him/her on ear (accidental) 2235
kw´qwéleqw get hit on the top of the head 2216
kw´qwéletst hit him/her on their behind 1566
kw´qwém little axe, little hatchet 1010
kw´qweméthet double yourself up 3459
kw´qwewíts get hit on your back 2210
kw´qwí:les get hit on the chest 2217
kw´qwó:les get hit in the eye 2211
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kw´qwó:ythel get hit on the mouth 2330
kw´sí:ws singe the hairs off 1256
kw´sí:ws sq´óq´ey measles 2484
kw´tómés water running down face 3618
kw´ú:la stink-eggs 3014
kw´ú:la´álá stink-egg basket 3015
kw´xá:m to count 967
kw´xwós to hail (weather) 2141
kw’éth™em tippy(of canoe) 1696
kw’éts’tel butchering knife 1678
kwà:l to hide yourself 1072
kwà:lx to hide it 1073
kwá:t Let it go 1359
kwá:t let go of it 1123
kwá:t let it go 3064
kwá:y jay, blue-jay 207
kwáléws to murder 2535
kwáléwst to murder hih/her 2536
kwálòmèt ~ kwólòmèt to run away 1003
kwamó:ythel round mouth 2986
kwát ~ xó:lt make a hole in it 898
kwátsem to scream 1227
kwe´át to stop bothering him/her 2665
kwekweshú´ò:llh piglet 2687
kwél:em get, fetch 2007
kwelá:xel get hit on the arm 2212
kwelálhtset to owe him 2622
kwelát get, have 589
kwélest to catch an animal 1722
kwelétses to shake hands 2154
kwelétsest shake his/her hand 1238
kwéléx shoot off a gun 1244
kweléxt sting him/her 3361
kwéléxt to fire (a gun) 1025
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kwélexw to get, to have, to catch 590
kwéléxw to get it, find it 1021
kwelqéylem cave 1802
Kwelshámexw Mt. Baker 2530
kweltò:l to wrestle 490
kwéltsestel pot-holder 2747
kweltssà:ls shaking hands 2155
kwém to thud 3523
kwémlexw ~ kwémlexwlets root 268
kweshú pig 2685
kweshu´ósem smell like a pig 2972
kwetáxwstexw keep it inside 2340
kwetáxwt let him/her in 1655
kwetáxwt to let him/her in 2405
kwetl´éthet struggle to get free 3403
kwétstexw show it to him/her 1248
kwetxwí:lem go inside 591
kwíkweshu little pig 2686
Kwíkwetl´em Coquitlam 2658
kwímelésem to blush 1609
kwíxet to name him/her 1156
kwiyó:s uncle or aunt (respectful term) 523
kwíythesem shake your head 1239
kwíy™t to move it 2323
kwíy™thet to move (by yourself) 2322
kwíyxt move it 1913
kwó:l ~ kwól to be born 899
kwò:lxw to drop (it) 593
kwó:tel separate (in marrige) 2466
kwókwexwels to be knocking 594
kwól corn 289
kwómexw salmon finished spawning 3011
kwósel star 3332
kwótawi eel 2379
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kwótel be separated (in marriage) 1235
kwótewi eel 1967
kwót™wem rumbling, thunder 2936
kwõ™weth coho salmon 226
kwóxwet to knock on it 1111
kwóxwet knock on it 2368
kwtáxwt let inside 863
kwthát to pile it up 2364
kwtxwéltsep bring in fire wood 3821
kw™wó:mels blueberry (Alaskan blueberry) 1851
kw™wómels huckleberry (shiny black 1858
kwú:ls hang onto (him/her) 1069
kwúkewels High Bush Cranberry 1853
kwúkw cook (it) 597
kwukwáwtxw kitchen 598
kwúkwelhtset to cook it for (him/her/it) 599
kwúkwemels cucumber 1880
kwút take (it) 600
kwxwà:ls to knock 1110
kwxwà:ls knock 2369
kyépexel in-grown toenail 3565
kyóxàlh railroad 2824
lá to go 601
la tó:l go down to the river 2307
lá:lém house 602
lá:t to become night 2562
lá:ts´ewets ~ láts´ewets one hundred 26
lá:ts´éwtxwem to visit 603
Lá:™eyey Lackaway Village 3709
lá:yelhp Douglas fir 296
lákw´em under-cooked 3667
lakwwí:l a cross 2111
lale´úlem to reminisce 2875
lálwes wooden floor, platform 1567
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lám alcohol 1573
lám to go 605
lám átl´qel to go outside, get outside 604
lamá´íwét kick him/her in the butt 2996
lamá´íwét kick him in the rear 2349
lamáwtxw liquor-store 1574
lámòwèlh ~ lámàwèlh goodbye, so long 176
lámtselh wave him/her away 1252
láts´ strange, different 151
láts´ewtxw a different room 820
láts´ewxtxw another room, different room 1471
lats´ú:mexw stranger 1941
lá™et give him/her light 2416
láxel a fishing spot 1397
le kw´eíyeqel to lie on your back 1126
le´ámestexw take it to 606
le´ós facing towards 3587
lehà:l to play slahal 477
lekelít lock it 2348
leklí key 607
lékw it broke (of stick, bone) 905
lékw´ it broke 1016
lekw´ót to break (it) 1017
lekwátses break your hand 2201
lekwépsem break your neck 2199
lekwíts break your back 2200
lekwlá:xw break it accidentally 2198
lekwlá™el break one's arm 1483
lekwót break it 2197
leléts´ jaundice 446
lélts´ó:méx look strange, different 2438
lemá:t to kick him/her 1105
lema´á:ls kicking 2350
lémet to fold it 1034
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lemlemá:t to kick him/her around 1106
lemlemá:t kick it around 2351
lemóthet jump up and down (of indian 1921
lep get whipped 2400
lép´ex to eat (it) 608
lepál shovel 1943
lepét to whip him 2399
lépetest ride with him/her 2891
lépets get a ride 2890
lépetsel get a ride 2892
lépetst send it 1232
lepílítost punish him/her 1194
leplít priest 469
lepót cup 609
lepút beat him/her up 1552
léq´ flat, level 133
leq´á:lqel ~ leq´á:leqel travel, go on a journey 1054
Leq´á:mél Nicomen Island 2316
leq´álh to be in the way 1373
leq´éltsest turn the tables on him/her 3650
leq´éylep flat ground 2408
léqem to dive 991
leqómthet getting calm (water) 1686
leqw´ímõws flexible 2422
leqwót break it in half (stick, etc) 2146
lesák a bag 3003
lésleseqw greasy-head… ?? 2114
letám table 610
lets´á:wes one paddle 2631
lets´álews one leaf 2390
lets´ámeth´ one rope, pole, stick 2965
lets´áxw one time 3546
lets´áxw one time, once 2584
lets´áyiws one pair of pants 2223
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léts´e one 2
lets´elíthet separate yourself off 3061
lets´elíthet separate yourself off 1234
lets´emó:t one kind, pile 2361
léts´eqel one (counting containers) 91
léts´es one (counting dollars) 50
lets´estem cost one dollar 3479
lets´estexw charge one dollar for 3480
lets´ét to fill (it) 1020
lets´ét fill (it) up 611
lets´ló:ts´tel lots of different colours 1942
lets´õweyelh half-brother, half sister 3112
létsols one fruit 2122
lé™et widen it 2534
le™éywa to torch-light 1030
lé™wet cover him/her with a blanket 1765
lé™wethet cover yourself with a blanket 1766
le™wõ:m rapids, fast water 1833
lé™wtel blanket 613
lewálh surprised, astonished 840
lewálhlexw surprise him/her accidentally 3438
lewálhmet surprised by him 3437
léwe ~ lúwe you sg. (predicative) 181
léwex put in, put into 612
lewkót to break it (stick or bone) 906
lewómet dancing costume 1891
lexét put (it) on it's side 3119
lexósem put head to one side 2802
lexwmálqewelh passed out 2646
lexw-mó:mel beggar 1562
lexwòls three fruit 2124
lexwqélwelh dirty-minded, bad-minded 2504
lexws´ó:les willing to do one's work 3805
lexws´ú:met always lazy 1457
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Lexwsá:q Nooksack 2092
lexwsewólem playful 2712
lexws-há:we always hunting 1455
lexwsí:si always scared 1458
lexwslhám choke on water 950
lexwslhém choke (on water) 1741
lexwst´í:lem always singing 1456
lexwst´ílem person who always sings 3136
lexwsyóys always working 1459
Lexwtl´íkw´elem village at Stulkawhits Creek 3407
Lexwyó:qwem place on river 2691
lhà:l land a canoe 837
lhá:lt get it to shore 1245
lhá:ltelechá:ls spraying 3308
lhá:ltem get splashed 3290
lhà:ts´tel´álá knife-handle 2158
lha:w get cured 2247
lhá:w to run away 1398
lhá:wet cure him/her (Indian doctor) 1840
lhá:wet to cure him/her 973
lhákw´els gaff-hooking 2266
lhál:omet get to shore 3085
lhál:omet get yourself to shore 1246
lháleq´et put them down 2803
lháléqet stick out your tongue 1311
lhálétem start to sprinkle 3317
lhálhewels indian doctor working 2248
lhálhq´etxel (have) wide feet 3801
lhálqel stick it into it 1310
lhálts´ cheeky, rough acting 2978
lháq´et put on, put down 614
lháqem to whisper 1375
lháqet whisper to him/her 1376
lháth´t to make fun of him 2060
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lháts´tel knife 615
lhá™em to serve yourself food 2028
lhá™tsestel mat to hold hot pots 2711
lhá™xetel rug 2991
lhawét´em to twitch 3160
lháx te letám set the table 616
lhchí:ws tired 156
lhchí:wsmet tired of it 1630
lhe´á go by way of 3521
lhekw´íwel dumbfounded 3278
lhékw´lexw trip him/her 3620
lhékw´sxel to stumble, to trip 1321
lhékw´tel gaff-hook 2064
lhékw´xet trip him/her 3619
lheleméxwtel lettuce 2407
lhélest sprinkle it with water 1295
lhelháth´ make fun 2895
lhelháth´t make fun of him/her 2894
lhelhós down river 2730
lhellhélp´es many wrinkles on face 3837
lhélp´ (have a) wrinkle 3835
lhélp´es wrinkled face 3836
lhélq soaked 3770
lhélqesem wet the face 1296
lhélqi soak dried food 2866
lhélqit soak it (dried food) 2867
lhélqit to soak it 1275
lhélqt wet it 3771
lhélqwelhem wet one's head 2876
lheltáletsem go through a channel 3522
lhéltel canoe bailer 850
lhéltest splash him/her on face 3289
lhémet pick it 1181
lhémkiya iron pot 617
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lhémlhemexw raning off and on 2825
lhemlhí:m picking (lots of people) 2680
lhémt a rain-shower 3100
lhémth´t pick at food 2681
lhéplexw to blink one's eyes 893
lhéptel eyelash, eyelid 326
lhepteló:ythel lips 333
lheq´á:tses ~ lheq´átses five 6
lheq´át wide 1571
lhéq´elh used to 3686
lheq´elómet to know yourself 1809
lhèq´etselsxá ~ lhq´ètselhsxá fifty 21
lhèq´etselsxále fifty (counting people) 45
lhèq´etselsxó:s fifty (counting dollars) 64
lheq´ewílh opposite of house (inside) 3123
lheq´láts hip 376
lheq´ótsestem cost five dollars 3487
lheq´ótsestexw charge five dollars for 3488
lheq´tíwél (have a) wide bum 3800
lheq´tò:ls (have a) wide forehead 3799
lheq´xí:l have one shoe on 2138
lheqeléstel a button 1681
lheqlíst to button it 1680
lheqsqwóqwel speaker, announcer at 1470
lhéqw wet 123
lhéqw´ peel off 2653
lhéqw´ewsà:ls a bark-peeling tool 1534
lheqw´lheqw´ dandruff 407
lheqw´ó:t peel it (bark, any kind) 1177
lhéqw´tsesem clap your hands 1729
lheqwe´álá pocket 618
lhétqwt boil it 1622
lhets´á:m weasel 3444
lhets´elá:™el cut one's arm 1484
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lhéts´emel left-over material, trimmings. 2476
lhets´ímel comb 242
lhéts´mel saw-dust, wood shaving 3025
lhéts´xel to cut your foot 1883
lhét™tem to tremble 1354
lhe™é:ylex be standing 1304
lhe™elwélhtel cross-pieces in a canoe 3525
lhe™éyleptel floor 2423
lhe™éyléx stand 1305
lhe™eyléxstexw stand (it) up 2832
lhe™eyléxstexw make it stand up 1197
lhé™tem to shiver 1243
lhe™wélhcha to spit 1287
lhe™wélhcha saliva, spit 401
lhe™wlhé™w choke cherry 287
lhe™wó:t spit it out 1288
Lhewálmel Vedder River 2912
Lhewálmel old course of the Chilliwack 3698
lhewíth´a naked 164
lhexwáyiws three pants 2225
lhèxwelsxá ~ lhéxwelhsxá thirty 19
lhèxwelsxále ~ lhxwelhsxále thirty (counting people) 43
lhexwelsxáleqel thirty (counting containers) 102
lhexwelsxó:s thirty (counting dollars) 62
lhí:lt to bail it (canoe) 873
lhí:m pick fruit 1180
lhí:xw lá:ts´ewets three hundred 28
lhí:xw ~ lhíxw three 4
lhí:xweqel three (counting containers) 93
lhí:xwes three dollars 52
lhíkw´et hook it 1320
lhílhekw´els gaffing 2063
Lhílheqey Mt. Cheam 1771
lhílhets´els saw, sawing wood 856
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Lhílhkw´eleqs Hook-nose mountain, Hopyard 2149
Lhílhkw´eleqs Hamersly Hopyard Hill 2267
lhímes pull canoe, wide or slow 2783
lhít´els to give (potlatch) 1047
lhít´est pass it round to him 2645
lhít´et pass it around 1490
lhít´et pass it around 2644
lhíts´eqwem to get your hair cut 1399
lhíts´eqwemáwtxw a barber-shop 1400
lhíts'eqwt to cut his/her hair 1401
lhíts'et to cut (it) 620
lhí™esem paint one's face 2861
lhiwí:ws petticoat 2670
lhíxwestem cost three dollars 3483
lhíxwestexw charge three dolars for 3484
lhiyó:qwt last, after, behind 1439
lhiyó:qwt be behind, be last 1563
lhlímelh We, us (predicative) 179
lhõ:me clover 288
lhókw' to fly 204
lholekw'íwel dumbfounded, shocked 2621
lhóleqwet wet them (many times) 3772
lhólhekw' stem:õt ~ stim:õt airplane 851
lholiqwót ~ lhóleqwót moth 251
lhóp midnight, late at night 2382
lhóqést splash his/her face 1297
lhóq'ethet lie yourself down 1953
lhóq'ethet to lie down 2414
lhóqwe'ls peel bark 1178
lhoqw'esá:ls peel bark off a tree 3611
lhóqw'et to slap him/her 1080
lhóqw'et slap him/her 1260
lhós to drift net 1031
lhosemáyiws pants sliding down 1950
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lhótqsélem to sniff (with cold) 2161
lhótqwem to boil water 3746
lhóyel getting dark 1940
lhp'ótl'em to smoke cigerette/pipe 2694
Lhq'á:lets Vancouver 3693
lhq'á:t wide 117
lhq'átsále five (counting people) 35
lhq'átseqel five (counting containers) 95
lhq'atses'álh five times 3551
lhq'átsòls five fruit 2126
lhq'átssámets' five ropes, poles, sticks 2969
lhq'él:exw to know (it) 621
lhqéletel anchor-line, mooring line 1465
lhq'etíwel bed-bug 1572
lhqó:la ~ tsqó:la thirsty 140
lhq'ó:tes (have a) wide face 3798
lhq'ó:tses five (counting dollars) 54
lhqw'áy cedar bark skirt 3162
lhqw'íwst peel it off 2654
lhséq' half 1786
lhts'á:ls to cut 3024
lhts'élqsel cut off tip of nose 2568
lhts'élqsel to cut off your nose 1884
lhts'ó:ythel to get a cut in your mouth 1885
lh™étem stiff (of body) 3358
lh™eylexlómet stand up by oneself 2808
lh™wélqsel have a runny nose 423
lh™wót spit (it out) 400
lhuwth'á:m to get undressed 1361
lhuwth'á:m undressing (oneself) 3672
lhuwth'á:mestexw undress him/her 3673
lhuwth'am to take your clothes off 2055
lhwélep ~ lhléwep you (pl.) (predicative) 183
lhxwá:lh three times 3514
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lhxwá:wes three paddles 2633
lhxwále three (counting people) 33
lhxwálews three leaves 2392
lhxwáléws vanilla leaf 3694
lhxwámeth' three ropes, poles sticks 2967
lhxwáxw three times 3547
lí:leq easy 141
lílem little house 3378
líqwel get calm (weather) 1683
líqwem calm down (weather) 1684
líqw'em soft 109
líqwesem to nod your head 1159
líqwet let rope go slack 2406
lísòs angel 465
líyém to laugh 1114
líyliyem to laugh (group of people) 1115
líyóm devil 466
ló:m to get hit by a thrown object 1078
ló:met to hit him/her (with a thrown 1077
ló:p™wem noise, make noise 624
ló:thel plate 622
ló:ys rice 623
lólets'e one (counting people) 31
lopál ~ shxwoweth'ílep shovel 858
loplós board 1611
lóp™wem ~ ló:p™wem to make noise 1142
lóp™wemstexw to make noise 1143
lóp™wemstexw make it noisy 2564
lóqwet to stake it 3331
lós ~ ló:s fat 115
lósthet to get fat 1999
lõwé™ rib 374
lõwlets pay back a debt 1895
lõwletst pay him/her back 1896
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lulh already 778
lulh hóy he/she already finished 625
má:kwlh to get hurt 1042
má:l ~ mà:l father 503
má:la to set bait 874
má:le bait 1402
ma'ál:es pull it out (tooth) 1193
ma'elétstem to get castrated 1719
ma'ílésem have teeth pulled 2780
málqeles to forget (it) 626
málqelexw to forget it 1036
malyí to get married 1144
malyít to marry him/her 1145
mámel dad, daddy 504
máqa snow (on ground) 1995
máqel hair 319
máq'em to jump (of a fish) 1104
math'álem bluff, pretended you know 3405
máth'elqéylém to lie 627
Máthxwi Matsqui 2477
mátsel testicle 3492
máx to take (it) off 628
máxlhts'et to take if off for him/her 629
máyt to help (him/her) 630
me á:ylexw to revive, come back to life 1209
me p'áq'em to bloom, to flower 894
me qelqéyl te sqwálewel to lose heart 1140
mékw fat, big around 1589
mékw' ~ mõkw' all 197
mékw'em use second-hand 3050
mékw'emáwtxw second-hand store 3052
mekw'et take it all, pick it all up 1452
mékw'et pick it up 2679
mekw'ewat everyone 631
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mekwó:méltses ~ qwe™wometses thumb 349
mekwó:mélxel big toe 383
méle child 516
mélés racoon 2453
melets'léts' high tide 2194
mélh™wel indian plum 2719
mélh™welelhp indian plum (plant) 2720
mélk milk 632
mélmel make a mistake 1605
mélmélhp Hemlock tree 1877
melmelqelómet forgetful person 2508
melmílets' confused 1810
mélqelexw to forget (it) 633
melqíwsem ~ melqí:wsem to faint, pass out 1008
mélqw ~ smélqweqel uvula 337
mélqweqel uvula 3692
melxwíwsem grease your body 2115
mélxwt oil it, grease it 1214
mélxwt oil it, grease it 1162
memá to come off (e.g. button) 963
méq' full 1523
méq'et to swallow it 1326
meq'ethále doggie-bag 1524
meq'lómet to fill yourself up 1964
meq'óthem take left-overs 3450
méqsel nose 331
meqsélem clean your nose 1829
méqw' burst out, get smashed 3202
méqw'et smash it 3204
meqw'méqw' bunch of things burst 3203
mes to get back to 634
mesíl machine 1448
mesíyeltel anchor 1464
méstexw bring, take (it) 635
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mestíyexw person 492
mét' easy to bend 3434
meth'álem stuck up, arrogant 2768
meth'éléxw to doubt him/her 992
méth'elh pus 406
méth'elhqìwèl wood tick 3527
metú sheep 2375
metúelqel sheep wool 3077
me™àlh caterpiller 1724
mé™weya ~ mõ™weya belly-button 356
mé'wiyat ride piggyback 2688
méxts'el louse 248
méytel a helper 2185
mí:lt don't accept somebody 2571
mí:lt put it in the water 3750
mí:lthet dip oneself in the water 3749
mí:meqw small bird (diminutive of 206
mí:t dime 1785
mí:t' blue grouse 2128
mílha to dance (spirit dance) 975
míliyel set a net 1403
mimele'ó:ylha doll 488
mímexwel dirty water, unclear water 1832
míq' to sink 1257
míq'et sink it 3145
mis come to 637
mísem to choose, pick out 951
míset to choose (it) 952
mítl'et squish it 3328
míyethélwét buckskin coat 1668
mó:qw bird, large bird 205
mó:qwem labradour tea 1621
mó:yt to aim it 865
mökweset to kiss him 2367
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môkw'éthet pick themselves up 3448
móleqwet mix them up 2510
móleqwt to mix them 1152
mopeló:les marble-eyes 2457
móqwem swamp, bog 1848
mót'es to point 1184
mót'est to point at him/her 1185
mót'estel a pointer 2723
mótl' stumped (don't know) 3409
móylhtel to help each other 1472
múmesmes little cow 3188
músmes cow 814
n 1653
nóxwethílém to sigh 1654
ó:leqw' a lot got rubbed off 2989
ó:lh get on board 896
ó:lmetsel to wait around 1364
ó:lthet to groan 1062
ò:m order 2593
ò:met order it 2595
ó:metáwtxw living room 2425
ó:t' slingshot (stretched kind) 486
ó:wqw'elmexw tribe, several tribes 3615
ó'ayiwsem poo your pants 2499
ôkw' run out, finished 2523
ókw'elexw to lose it 1138
ókw'est hang (it), hook (it) up 3367
ókw'et to hang it on a hook 1067
ólé™em look for food, fish 1404
ólhstexw put it on board 1612
ólhstexw put it on board 2583
ólmetst to wait for (him/her) 638
ólmetst wait for him/her 3725
oló:xwelwet one of Lhilheqey's children 1772
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Oló:xwelwet oldest sister of Lhílheqey 3146
ólu too much, overly, too 639
ómeléxw step on (it) 3343
ópel ~ ó:pel ten 11
ópel lá:ts'ewets ~ táwsel ~ ópel one thousand 29
ópel qas te isá:le twelve 15
ópel qas te léts'e eleven 14
opeláleqel ten (counting containers) 100
opelálh ten times 3489
óqwelets ~ éqwelets back 359
óqw'et hang it up 2219
ót to call (him/her/it) 640
ót'et stretch it 1317
ótethet streach yourself 3384
ótheqw roast in sand 2745
ótheqwt roast/bake it 2746
ótheqwt bake it 834
óthesmet wave him/her over 1251
õwe ~ éwe no 174
óweltì:l a race 489
õwestexw to deny it 979
ôwéte xwlí:s it dosen't matter 2478
ówthet to hurry 1091
óxwest to give (it) to someone 641
óyém slow 132
oyémstexw ~ éyómstexw to delay him/her 977
p’elyu:s bark of tree 1677
pá:pa wooly, fluffy 3841
pá:píth'a soft, fluffy material 3702
pá:yts'em throwing off sparks 3269
p'ákw'et to smoke it (fish, hides, etc) 1267
p'ákw'et repair it, fix it up 1591
pákw'et heat it up, smoke it 3208
pálétst skim it off 3150
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p'álq'em to glitter 2080
p'álq'em glitter, sparkle 2863
p'alyí:ws bark of a tree 1531
pápeth'em to stink 642
p'áp'xwem shy, quiet 2809
p'áq'em to bloom 1602
pástel American 941
páthet spread it 3313
páthet spread it (butter, jam, etc.) 1294
p'áth'et sew it 1101
pátht to scatter it 1222
p'áth'tel ~ p'éth'tel needle 272
pathúyel bear-trap 3593
pehá:ls to blow (of the wind) 895
pékcha picture 2677
pekchá:m take a picture 2678
p'ékw to float, come up 1033
pekw'em dusty 1934
pekw'em to burst (of seed) 3299
p'ekw'thílem warm-up, leftover 3212
pél:ékw to appear, become visible 1362
p'eléts'tem have an upset stomach 3372
pélh get crowded 970
p'élh get sober 1279
p'elhát sober him/her up 3234
p'elhéthet sober yourself up 3235
p'elhíws get up after fainting 2887
pelkwí:ws small-pox, chicken-pox, 2485
peló:qel torch 2461
peló:qes torch season 2460
Pelólhxw Pilalt 3616
pelpól™wem lots of clouds 2245
pélqw't to powder (him/her/it) 643
Pepá:thxetel people from Sumas 3425
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p'ep'ákwem calm (of water) 2915
p'éq' white 167
p'eq'í:l get white 3795
p'eq'ó:les have a cataract 1718
P'eq'ó:ls White Rock, BC 2940
p'eq'óméx look white 2436
péqw it broke off (piece) 910
péqwchú:lthel American Bar (placename) 1804
peqwót break it off (piece) 911
peqwót break it in half (fruit, bread, 2145
peqwpéqw broken off into pieces 2683
peqwpéqwet break into lots of pieces 2150
pésk'a ~ p'ésk'a hummingbird 214
pésqwt insult him/her (body-part 1095
petá:mes to ask for someone 872
petá:met to ask (him/her) 644
petám to ask 870
petámet to ask (him/her) 871
pétemles ask about him/her 1495
pethíwet strain it 3391
pethíwet take the loose eggs out of it 3453
pétlexw to recognize him/her 1112
p'ets't charcoal, black coal 1783
pewá:ls to freeze 2042
p'ewí flounder, halibut 225
p'ewíy do patching 1173
pexwlhálém ~ spèxwelhá:lém to breathe 912
pí:kwel barbecue stick 3349
pí:lt to bury it 924
p'í:qwt pet it, stroke it 3399
p'í:qwt stroke it, pet it 1319
p'í:t bring it out (spirit song) 3288
p'íltem to overflow 2616
pípe paper 2635
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pipe'áwtxw post office 2742
pípehò:m frog 246
pipehó:mó:llh baby frog 3443
p'íp'eq' a little white 3793
p'ip'eth'elá™el bat 1541
p'íth'em get squeezed 3324
p'íth'et to squeeze it 1300
pítxel lizard 243
pí™eya have a nightmare 2563
p'í™w to leak (as a canoe) 1117
píwet freeze (it) 645
píxw fall off (petals, seeds.) 2666
píxwem fall off (petals, seeds.) 2667
píyet brace oneself in it 1643
píyewsem cross oneself 472
plhá:t to be thick 3502
plhátstexw make it thick 3504
p'lhéqwxel sprain an ankle 1292
plhó:ythel have thick lips 3503
plíst to bless him/her/it 1601
pó:t to blow it 463
pó:tem flute, instrument you blow into 2023
p'ó:th'es baby basket 1510
pó:xweleqw Yellow Cedar 1870
pó:yethel (have a) twisted mouth 2329
pó:yt to bend it 886
pókw' to smoke fish 3545
pókw'em blows around (plant fuzz) 3300
p'ókw'ethet make oneself useful 3688
poleqw'íth'et to 'ghost' (him/her) 1046
poleqw'íth'etem get "ghosted" 420
póle™wem to steam 2244
poléxwt to steam it 2243
Popelehó:ys Yale Mountain 3636
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Popkw'em Popkum Village 2734
pópqw'em puffball 303
póqw’elh storage but on a pole 1637
póqw'elh tree-house 2774
p'óqw'em to foam 918
póqwtem it caved in (river-bank) 1803
póqwthet get mouldy 2527
poskwet to insult him/her 2305
potelálá ~ spotelálá mast 847
pótem ~ spótel a sail 848
p'ótl'em to smoke 646
p'ótl'emet to smoke it 1266
pó™wels blow spray 3306
pó™wet blow on him (Indian medicine) 455
p'ôwíyt to patch it 1171
p'q'élqel mountain goat 2090
pqwá:y rotten wood 2976
pqwíles out of breath 1006
ptá:kwem bracken fern 294
p'tl'ómt smudge (against mosquitos) 2525
p™íwét spread his/her legs 3309
p™wíqs no-see-um (biting midge) 253
p™wíqsel gnat, black-fly 2084
pú to fart 3102
pú:ches hoar frost on branch 2551
pú:t boat 1405
Puchí:l Yale 3826
pú'elets a show-off 3101
pumí:l drumstick 3352
púps kitten 647
pús cat 648
p'xwélhp oak tree 2577
q’á:y™elhp cascara ( a plant ) 1714
q’élmel a camp 1688
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q’e™q’™el a tin can 1689
q’éwe a cane 1691
qá:l do some stealing 1308
q'á:l to believe 885
q'á:lets sharp turn of canoe 2775
qá:lh reject a person 2868
qá:lmílh reject as husband/wife for your 2869
q'á:lptem cramped 2177
qá:lq rose 304
qá:lqelhp rosebush 305
qá:lt to rob him/her 1211
qá:w to rest 1206
q'á:w to howl 2277
q'á:w to howl 1087
qá:wthet to rest yourself 2881
qá:ytl'em squeek, creek 1778
q'al go around an obstacle 2921
qálets' to spin wool 1284
q'alp'tem to shrink 3105
qálqomex looks like a rose 2970
qám get calm(water) 1685
qám quiet down (water) 2811
qametólém get calm (of wind) 3808
q'ámi ~ q'á:mi girl, adolescent girl 500
q'áp' to catch a disease 1723
q'áp'et to tie it up 1345
q'áp'et to tie (it) 203
q'áp'lexw get him/her addicted 3855
q'áq'et'em sweet 165
q'áq'etl' convulsions 442
qas and 12
qát™els feeling around 1487
q'át™em make scrape, rattle sound 2843
q'áwet pay him/her 2649
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q'áwet to pay him/her 1170
q'áwetsel dorsal fin 2731
qáwlhelh rest your throat 2871
q'axí:l be a partner with him 2088
q'axí:lt be a partner with him 2089
qe and 649
q'é:ywet to hang it on a nail or line 1068
q'e'ílem be ancient 1467
qél bad 104
qél:ém eye 325
qél:é™ salmon eggs 395
qelá:wthet camp and rest 2882
q'eláq'a blackbird 1600
qelát more, again 651
qelátstexw do it again 1443
qelelhóméx ugly 146
qelélwes afraid to try 3626
q'élém to make camp 929
qèlèmèx oh my goodness 2100
qeléqep to smell bad 652
qelésemet turn one's face away 3645
q'eléts' rainshelter 3084
q'eléts' rain shelter 2829
q'eléts'éqwtel umbrella 653
qéletses have dirty hands, bad habits 1900
q'elé™el a fence 2004
q'elé™t to fence him in 2005
qeléxw don't like it anymore 2575
qeléxw spoil it 2794
qelí:lt spoil it 2793
qelí:lthet to turn bad 1522
qelímó:les rough-looking 2979
Q'ellhólemètsel Killer Whale 3773
q'élmet to believe him/her 1575
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qelmí:lthel leftovers, scraps 1121
qeló:qtel be sister and brother to each 1661
qelóméx look bad, look mean 1520
qelóth blunt, dull 1606
q'élp to shrink up 1249
q'elp'íw inchworm 1726
q'élpt to shrink it 1250
q'elptem have a cramp 2175
q'élp'thet to shrink 3104
qelqálém disgusted 1911
qelqásem smell like a rose 2971
qelqé:ylt to destroy (it) 982
qelqelí:lthet to dirty oneself 654
q'elq'élp' tangled on itself 3217
q'élq'et to answer (it) 867
qelqéyl to get destroyed 1139
q'élq'lexw tangle it 3216
q'élq't wind it around it 1381
q'élq't tangle it 3215
q'élq't to coil (it) up 958
qélqwlha how beautiful! 1555
q'élq'xetel rags wound around ankles 2822
qelsílém partially blind 415
q'elsiyáqem have/get a snowdrift 3230
q'elstá:xw to fool him/her 976
qélstexw dislike (him/her) 1070
q'élstexw to give (it) back, return (it) 655
qélwelh stingy 3363
qelwílhmet to hate him/her 2169
qelwílst to hug him 2282
qém:el come in (of tide) 3534
q'emetst crumple it up 1879
qemó: to suckle 3415
q'emó:stel a dip-net 2558
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q'emós to dip net 1028
qemót to suckle on it 3416
qe'ó:les tear (crying) 3469
qe'ó:les ~ sqe'ó:les tears 402
q'ép gather together 1038
qép'esem to bend over 887
qépkwoya small owl 2625
q'ép'lexw pass on a disease 413
qep'ó:ythel cover your mouth 3327
qep'ós face down 2733
qep'ósem to bend over 2236
qep'óst turn it upside down 1956
qéqelelhó:mex ulgy little ones 3659
qeqemóthel having the same parents 529
q'éq'ewes surprised 3441
q'eq'éy guts, intestines 368
q'esí:ltel straps for berry basket 2412
qésqesí:lem sobbing (after crying) 3232
qesqesí:lqel tired out from crying 3564
q'ésq'estetsel ~ q'ésq'estsel spider 256
qetás steam-cook in a pit 2695
q'et'emá:yelhp balsam fir 2380
Qéte™em Village at mouth of American 3715
qeth'ét push it down, pack it down 1955
qethiyálh uncle 3662
q'eth'ôwítsem put your hands behind your 1432
q'eth'ôwítsem put hands behind back 2801
q'et'mí:ls Fir Tree 1866
q'etóléstexw mix (them) together 3568
q'etóléstexw mix them up 2509
q'etóléstexw mix them 2799
qéttle waistband for skirt 3723
qet™á:ls to feel (with hands) 1018
q'et™áls shivaree 2559
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qét™t to feel (it) (with hands) 1019
qé™ much, many 150
q'e™mí:l hog fennel 2297
qe™óthet to slide yourself 3174
qewét warm him up 2016
qewéthet warm yourself up 2017
q'ewí:lestel suspenders 3442
q'ewílem go around a bend 2085
Qewítsel Cowichen 1767
q'exí:lt accompany (him/her) 862
q'ey (have) sore muscles 3253
q'eyáweth'elá™el To coss your arms 1878
q'eyáweth'xelem ~ q'eyq'eweth' to cross your legs 969
q'éyestel to make a net 1158
q'eyé™ whirlpool 3788
q'éye™em whirlpool 3789
q'éykw'et to bite (him/her/it) 656
q'éykw'etem (he/she/it) was bitten 650
qéylemá:ls have a funeral 2061
qéylemt put it away 1196
q'éylexw kill him (accidentally) 2359
q'éylòm it has been put away 1506
qéymeqw' octopus 2580
q'eyós barrel 1535
qéyqel no good 657
q'eyq'elts'iyósem whirlwind 3792
q'éyq'esel to repair a net 1204
q'éyq'esetsel mend a net 2494
q'eyq'ethá:m short of memory 3090
qeyqe™elátsem little sled 3171
qeyqey™elósem ray of sun between clouds 2851
qéyqp'yó:lha to lie on your stomach 1127
q'éyset tie it up 1346
q'éyset tie it up 1318
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qéytl't press it down 2766
q'éytl'thet to heal up (of a wound) 1071
q'éyt'o orange hunny suckle 2264
q'ey™elám to yell 1387
qéy™em to slip, to slide 1262
qéy™es ~ qí™es blind 153
q'ey™ó:les pupil (of eye) 327
qey™óthet ~ qe™óthet slide 1261
qí:w to menstruate 435
q'í:wèlh have a miscarriage 890
q'í:wethet to lean over it 2395
qí:w™ steelhead trout 3340
qíq' in jail 938
Qiqá:yt reserve near New Westminster 3769
qíq'áwtxw jail 939
qíqe ~ qéyqe soft 108
qíqel mischieve 1518
qiqep'eyósem lying on your stomach 3373
qíqeq'els policeman 940
qíq'et to catch (him/her) as prisoner 937
qítes cedar headband 1792
q'í™el to turn black 1597
qí™elátsem slide on your bottom 3173
q'íxwet to tighten it 1577
q'lhól bow of a boat 845
qó: water 658
qó:lem to ladle food 1113
qó:lem to scoop 1981
qó:lhcha water with stuff in it 2337
qó:lt scoop it up 1224
qó:m to cup water in your hands 987
qó:mthet be still (of water) 3360
qó:qe to drink 996
qó:qet to drink (it) 659
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q'ó:thet join in 2791
q'ó:y to die 983
q'ó:yelhtset to kill for (him/her/it) 660
q'ó:ylexw to kill (him/her/it) 661
q'ó:yt to kill (him/her/it) 662
q'óleq friend, buddy 1733
q'ópthet crowded together 3570
q'óq'ey ~ q'óq'I sick 157
q'óq'eystexw make him/her sick 3118
q'óq'eytses (have) hurt hand 3117
q'óq'eyxel lame 3116
Qoqolá™el Watery Eaves Longhouse 3695
q'ótel to meet each other 1148
q'ótelt put (them) together 3569
q'ó™el suckerfish 3419
q'ó™esem put your head back 2237
q'ówem howl (dog), or crow (rooster) 2955
q'owét ~ q'ewét ~ q'ówet a drum 482
q'õwlets go around a bend in water 2086
qowletsá:ls boiler pan 3741
q'õwletsem go round a bend 3641
qõwletst go around it 2087
q'oyátl'iye snail, slug 3185
q'oyé™em whirlpool 3791
Q'oyí:ts moose (turned to stone in 2910
q'oyí:ts elk 1972
q'óythet kill yourself 2358
qp'á:letstel a lid 2411
q'pá:ls to collect, gather 960
q'pá:ls gather, collect 1814
qp'á:qet to close (it) 663
q'pém ~ q'pam to collect, gather 959
q'pét gather it 1815
q'pét ~ q'pit to gather (them) 961
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q'péthet to crowd together 971
qsí:l tired out 3563
q'thá:m short of money 3091
q™álh lots of times 3554
q™ó:s lots of money 2516
q'™ótel to argue 869
qwá:l mosquito 250
qwà:l to speak 1282
qw'á:ychep sparks, red-hot ashes 829
qw'á:yt scorch it 2697
qwá:y™thet shade yourself 1617
qwahéylém crawl through 3518
qwálhechàls to stir 3365
qwálxtem stormy with snow 3229
qwáqel sprout up 3318
qwát make a hole in it 1084
qw'áts'et to belch 884
qw'át'ts'em sound of water slushing 3262
qway™élechem do a hula dance 2207
qway™élechem to swivel one's hips 1492
qwáyúwél dandelion 292
qw'e'áts little suckerfish with a big 3418
qwehá go through 3517
qwe'íqwepsem (have a) scrawny neck 3042
qwe'íqweqs (have) a thin nose 3508
qwe'íqwqeqw scrawny 3041
qw'él to get a rash 664
qw'él cooked, ripe 143
qwél:és ~ qwél:es whale 232
qw'elá:m change of voice (boy) 2777
qweláts to gossip 1058
qwélatses fir bough 2552
qwelátst to squeal on him/her 1299
qwelàtst to gossip about him/her 3457
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qw'élém to barbecue 876
qw'eléqel cliff 3703
qwélh drift ashore 836
qwélh to tip over 1697
qwelhát to tip it over 1698
qwelhlyúwelh big wooden dish 1912
qwélhxélem put your shoes on 2137
qw'elíteq sea-gull 220
qwélmet yell at somone 879
qweló:ythetel record player, cd player 2108
qwélqwel to be rowdy 1160
qwélqwel story, news 473
qw'èlqw'èl over-ripe, over-cooked 2619
qwelqweló:ythel somebody always talking 2109
qwéls to boil 897
qwélst boil it 1012
qwélst to can (it), boil (it) 665
qwélstexw to say it 1218
qw'éltel barbecue-stick 1527
qwélxel fine snow 3225
qwelxóme real fine snow 3228
qw'ém come out (of hair) 2602
qwémchest hug around the neck 1086
qwemchíwét to hug him/her (around waist) 1088
qwemchó:ls cranberry 1852
qwémélép cottonwood bark 3586
qw'emét pull out (hair) 2603
qw'emét pull it out (hair) 1192
qw'eméwst pluck it (bird) 2713
Qwemílíts Chilliwack Mountain 3707
qw'emó:thel to fish with line 1029
qw'emõwlhp maple tree 1873
Qwemth’í:les Mt. Cgilvie 1604
Qwemth'í:les Mt. Ogilvie ?? 2532
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qwém™w ~ qwém lump 278
qw'em™west roll it up in a ball 2952
qwém™wtses wrist bone 344
qwém™wxel ankle 381
qwe'óp crabapple (the fruit) 290
qwe'ópelhp crabapple (the tree) 291
Qweqwe'ópelhp kwakwapilt 1757
qweqwís narrow 2543
qwés fall in water 2611
Qw'esi:tselálá Island off Seabird Island 2320
qwéth' yellow glow 3830
qwétxem get foggy 2024
qw'eyilexáwtxw dance hall 2147
qw'eyíylex to dance 666
qw'í:lt uncover it 3664
qw'í:m get out of canoe/ car 1910
qw'íles sprouting up 3320
qwíliyéthel beard (hair on face) 338
qw'íméls unloading a canoe 3674
qw'ímét she is talking about 3454
qw'ímét unload it (canoe,etc) 3675
qw'ímét take it out of water 3449
qwíqwelàts to gossip 667
qwíqwelh mountain ash 1864
qwíqwíy copper 1805
qwiqwóyels orange 301
qwí™letsest stirring 1314
qwí™w miss (when shooting) 2505
qw'í™wes black person 2553
qwí™wet to miss it (a shot) 1151
qw'íwelh rough (of river) 2926
qw'íwelh rough (of river) 2928
qwíyeltsel do a hula dance 2208
qwiy™t shake it 1618
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qwíy™thet shake yourself 1237
qwlhét push it into water 1116
qwlhí:xel shoe 2135
qwlímó:les rough, rough texture 1517
qw'õ:l ear 330
qw'ó:leqwet whipping him/her/it many times 3558
qw'ó:leqwet whip it many times 3787
Qwó:ls Harrison Hot springs 2275
qwó:ls boiled 668
Qw'ó:ltl'el Kwantlen 1924
qwó:pelhp devil's club 293
qwôhóls sticking out 3519
qw'ólhlexw notice it / him 2573
qw'óp™wem hitting on something 2839
qw'óqw get hit (with stick) 3784
qw'óqw'el tame 3456
qwóqwelem smelling damp, rank 2838
qw'óqwet whip it 3783
qw'o™wemáléqep (have an) underarm smell 3666
qwo™wlómét get irritated 2313
qwóyel to turn yellow or green 2119
qwsá:yel to throw out a net 1930
qwsét push him/it in water 2385
qw'™wéltses fingernail (also: claw) 348
qw'™wélxel toenail 384
s’aléts trunk of tree 1635
sá:lts'tem ~ sá:lth'tem be dizzy 433
sá:q brooken-fern root 1645
sá:y wool, animal hair 399
sá:yt'els tickling 3529
sá:y™wem tickled 3532
sakweláx ~ sikwelax arrow, gun 825
s'álem a pole 3275
s'álhtel food 669
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s'álqsel tip of one's nose 3560
sásewel small lunch 3186
sásq'ets Sasquatch 460
sátelhtset to pass it to (him/her/it) 670
sátet to pass (it) [as at a meal] 671
s'átl'q outside 672
s'átl'qmel outside part of a house 2604
sá™em bitter 1713
sáwel boxed lunch 1638
sawel’álá lunch pail 1639
sawéts'em rustling sound 3261
s'áwkw'emálá suitcase 3424
sáyém to ache 673
sch'á:yxwels dried meat 2486
sch'a'áls shelf 3079
schachexw married (for man) 2469
sch'ách'exw be silent 1254
schelá:w be inside out 2304
scheláka a carp(fish) 1706
sch'eqw'õwelh basket weaving 3764
schewíts (have) back towards him/her 3583
schewót smart 144
Schéxwem North wind 3267
schéxwemet propose to (her) 2770
schí:lh first born child 1631
schí:ya strawberry 311
schí:yá:lhp strawberry bush 312
schiwtá:lh son-in-law or daughter-in-law 525
sch'ó:lha leaf 261
schókwelhta skwí:x nickname 541
s'ehó wrapped up 2344
s'ehólets in a pocket 2722
sékw'emíy Birch tree 1874
Sekwóllh Lillouwet people, Douglas 2420
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selá hidden away 2798
selá:wa humble 2698
selchí:meleqel what does it sound like? 2418
selchím how 675
selchím ~ selchí:m how 195
selchímomex what does it look like? 1475
selélets two diferent things 3510
séles get drunk 1041
selí:kw broken 3350
selíx laying on it's side 3120
s'élíyá dream [the thing] 676
seló:lh to move (to new house) 2879
sélsel spinning stick 3283
sélseltel spindle, hand spinner 3284
séltl'o eldest child 522
sélts' circle fire 2886
Semá:th Sumas 2355
semáxel to have bare feet 1528
semáxel be barefoot 2030
sémele already had a baby 2076
semíkw' all of them (people) 1451
semláliyel a set net, stationary net 1406
semlóthel riverbank 2924
semóye bee, honeybee 240
semyó cheap 1774
Semyó:me 3796
seplí:l bread 677
sepsáp stubborn 3404
seq' it split open 1768
seq'á:lí:ya ear-splitting 3293
seq'ét split it (wood) 1290
seqíws pants 2220
seqíwsem put on your pants 2221
séqwemí:l cedar bark skirt 1791
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sèqw'emí:ws cedar bark skirt 3163
sesí:si really scared 3027
sesíq' a crack 1769
sétl'atel older-brother, older sister 3113
séts'-'ets' to stutter 1322
sét'xt tickle his/her foot 3531
se™éylem move over 2613
sé™w split roots from wrong end 2960
sé™wàtel bladder 369
sé™we to pee (usually man) 404
se™we'álé™eth' to wet the bed 1570
se™we'ayíwsem wet your pants 2222
sewíp have a heavy load 2184
s'eyí:ws í:lwelh right side of body 357
s'eyíwtses right hand 346
seyíye™ newt 2560
sg. not found ancient people 1466
sh(xw)kw'ekw'í rafters 2821
s-há:y canoe-making 3842
s-hásem a sneeze 3222
s-hí:lekw ready 2853
s-hómkw hummid 2283
s-hóqwem a smell 3205
shúkw'àlà sugar-bowl 3422
shúkwe sugar 3421
shúkwet sugar it 3423
Shushxwápqel Shushwap longhouse 3109
shw'áp'ewí:ls dish towel 1907
shxóxw rabbit (larger type) 1806
shxw'á:ye be in the centre, be in the 1787
shxwá:ye ~ elxwí middle, center 350
shxwá:yetses ~ elxwítses middle finger 351
shxw'áléx husband's sister 528
shxw'áthetel cloud 1820
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shxwch'á:yxwels fish-drying rack 2818
shxwe'á™eth bed 678
shxwe'á™etháwtxw bedroom 679
shxwehóthes veil 3699
shxwe'íqw'els eraser 1980
shxwelathílé cupboard, shelf 680
shxwélem where someone goes 3780
shxwelí place [noun: a place, etc.] 681
shxwelí life spirit 449
shxwelméxwelh skwí:x indian name 540
shxwelókw' wrapped up 3832
shxwemá be open 682
shxwémaltsel wolverine 3818
shxwemáqel be open 683
shxwémeqéyls can or bottle opener 1699
shxwémlexw did a favor 2186
shxwemlí:kw aunt or uncle (or parent's 512
shxwemlóxchexw you did me a favour 1340
shxwe'ó:thesxel ~ shxwe'óthesxel sole of foot 385
shxwep'életstel toilet paper 684
shxweqw'élqstel a nose-ring 2570
shxwewá:y parent 513
shxwewxiyós wide awake 1505
shxwexwí awake 1504
shxwexwó:s thunderbird 1594
shxwexwó:s thunder, thunderbird 462
shxw'éy what it's good for 3776
shxw'éyelh to be healthy 2099
shxw'éyelth be in good health 2181
shxweyó:yes tool 3572
shxw'í:lá:má:lá shoulder 341
shxw'ilá™el armpit 343
shxw'íles cheek 1742
shxwimá:le a store 1407
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shxw'ímex where one walks 3126
shxwíq'els a file (tool) 2014
shxwíqw'estel face cloth 1987
shxwítel urinal, bed pan 1777
shxwíxweqwels an iron 2311
shxwixwóxwth' a little crazy 1761
shxwiyáxkel elk 2524
shxwiyélhtel ashes, cinders 826
shxwiyémtel belt 1576
shxwíyós early-bird 1961
shxwíyxwiy easy to wake up 3728
shxwkokwí:l a hiding place 2252
shxwlá:m shaman, Indian doctor 453
shxwlámá:lá bottle 685
shxwlemóthetále pit made by indian doctor 1922
shxwlhíhets'els a saw 3022
shxwlí where it's at, where it's from 2051
shxwlístexw to care about it 1703
shxwmáth'elqel a liar 2410
shxwmó:l to beg 883
shxwmó:l to beg 1561
shxwmót'estel direction marker 2724
shxw'ó:met sofa 1569
shxw'ólewù turnip 314
shxw'opestel towel 1988
shxwoqw'ewí:ls dish towel 3584
shxw'óthestses palm of hand 352
shxwótkwewel to be hollow 1085
shxwótqwelwetem washboard 3736
shxwoweth'ílep a shovel 3098
Shxw'ôwhámél Ohamil 2582
shxwóxwel lifted up 2833
shxwóxwel lifted up 2834
shxwóxwth' crazy 1760
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shxwp'áp'eth' sewing machine 3066
shxwpípewels a freezer 1408
shxwqáqelets' wool-spinning machine 1285
shxwqó:m water-basket 1539
shxwqwáylhechàls long-handled stirring spoon 3297
shxwqweqwá:ls burer, auger 1626
shxwqwó:lthels a wood carving 3820
shxwt’át’ekØel stmút ferry 1615
shxwtále'álá purse, wallet 2795
shxwt'álh bridge 854
shxwt'át'ekwel ferry 2930
shxwt'elémels glue 2083
shxwtélhtses a hammer 3172
shxwtelí where you come from 1817
shxwtéxelqéyls a wool carder 1702
shxwth'á:lhtel cedar strips for baskets 2956
shxwth'ámqels ~ sth'ámqels scissors 859
shxwtháyelets ~ tháyeletstel rudder 849
shxwth'é™welwetem washing machine 3631
shxwth'o™wewí:ls dish pan/ dish water 1906
shxwth'oxwewí:ls sink, dish-pan 686
shxwtí'àlà teapot 2744
shxwtitós safe place to cross river 2931
shxwtl'ép very deep 3745
shxwtl'ép-ló:thel bowl 687
shxwtóle'ólestel eye-glasses 688
shxwt'ólestel window - shade 2520
shxwt'ót'epels tool for wood 2372
shxwts'ákw™els frying-pan 2058
shxwúwe cougar 1807
shxwúxwe ambitious 1460
shxwxóxekw'em bathtub 3630
shxwyá™q'els pouch 2751
s'í:kw' lost 2447
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sí:kw'el garbage 689
sí:l cloth 690
sí:lchept start it with a stick (fire) 3282
sí:lcheptel stick to start fires 3281
sí:le grandparent 507
s'í:les chest 353
sí:ltem twined, twisted up 3285
s'í:ltexw thick planks for side of house 2432
sí:si scared 1221
sí:silexw accidentally scare him/her 3028
sí:silómet to scare yourself 1918
sí:simet to be scared of (him/her/it) 691
sí:sistexw to scare (him/her/it) 692
sí:stel little basket 1538
sí:tel basket 1536
s'í:wes a lesson 3465
Sí:xwap Shushwap 3108
s'i'hó wrapped up 3410
síkw' get skimmed 3151
s'íkw'el garbage 1413
síkw'em skin pulls off 3153
síkw'et skin it 3152
siláw more than… 1409
sílawtxw tent 3491
silís (have) sharp teeth 3473
silíxw slow, slow down 3184
silíxwstexw make it slow 3183
siló:lém year 3827
s'iltexwím plank building 2708
simáléqep a bad smell 3364
s'ímex how someone walks, gait 3729
síq under 693
síq' hard earth, hard clay 3210
síqetsel roof 1795
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síqw'em peel cedar bark 1176
sísele granny 2668
siselts'iyósem spining, whirling 3287
sísem feel something creepy 1835
siseqíws little pants (underpants) 3093
sisq'elísem to whistle through teeth 1378
s'íth'em clothes 2105
s'ith'emáwtxw clothing store 3380
síthikwi Jesus 467
sí™et move it over 2612
sí™wem to wade 1363
s'íwes teaching 1750
s'iwesá:ylhem teachings for children 3775
s'iwesá:ylhem teachings for children 1754
sixálh Sechelt 2661
sixwáp Shushwap 2660
siyá:m chief, respected leader 534
siyá:m chief 1747
siyachís right arm 2896
siyelyólexwe many elders 1970
siyét'e Tseatch 3628
siyó:ye ~ siyá:ye friend 537
siyó:yseqw be wearing a hat 3761
siyolexwálh deceased elders 1971
siyólexwe ~ siyó:lxwe elder 495
siyolháwtxw wood shed 3076
siyómelh belongs to chief, in style of 3412
síyt'eqem have to pee 2650
síyt't tickle him/her 3528
síyt'tem get tickled 3530
síy™wet tickle him/her 3533
sk’ek’iyáp coyote 1692
sk'ámeth' yellow lily (glacier lily) 1845
sk'ámeth' Camas (plant) 1863
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skáslekem illegitimate child 2289
sk'ek'áxwe dried saskatoon berries 3020
sk'í:l pika (rock rabbit) 2465
sklú a screw 3044
skoti real crazy 1762
skw’ówes a bucket 1666
skw'á:l™ immature bald eagle 211
skwá:m storage basket 2335
skw'á:y can't, can't be, impossible 694
skw'á:y impossible, cant 2294
skwálepel something hidden away 3244
skw'álhew spouse's parent 3305
Skwáli Skwali 3712
skwálõws got murdered 2537
Skw'átets Squatits 3323
skw'áts eyesight 416
skwátsem a scream 3043
skw'echóstel mirror, window 1411
skw'echóstel window, mirror 695
skw'ékw'ith helpless person 2249
skwekwó:tel separated (in marrige) 2467
skw'ekw'xwós the hail 2142
skwél waterfall 3753
skwelálhchiyelh what he/she owes 2623
skwélemel handle of a spoon 2159
skw'élwés parent of child's husband/wife 2302
skw'elyá™el bat 1540
skwetáxw inside 696
skwéth'kweth little grouse, wollow grouse 2129
skwetxwós or skwós ceiling 1794
skw'exá:m number 2576
skw'exó:s month/moon 2517
skw'exó:s sq'óq'ey menstrual period 434
skwíkwel small waterfall 3754
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skwíkwex wild 148
skwíkwexel baby sockeye salmon 3007
skw'íkw'iy stingy 1312
Skw'ikw'iyá:la Coquahalla river 2908
skw'íles what day is it? 3774
skw'ílhew ~ skw'ílhô(w) ~ father-in-law, mother-in-law 530
skwímeth little roundmouth sucker fish 3417
skw'íts'òlès cross-eyed 1825
skwíx name 1157
skwixõ:mex name of place 2700
skw'iyéth slave 533
skw'íykw'iy real stingy 2865
Skw'iykw'íylets Village 3713
skw'íylets lame 421
skw'íytel ladder 2371
skwíy™thet something that your doing 2038
skwó:wech sturgeon 2065
skwó:y™thet a doing, what someone did 697
skwókwep hill 1947
skw'ókw'es the heat 2242
skw'ókw'es the heat 2182
skwokwetóythel (have) pursed lips 2756
skwokwílàla hiding places 2253
skwokwílàlà a hiding place 2702
skw'õlmexw blackberry 1598
skw'õlmexwelhp blackberry bush 1599
skw'ótsesem a mirror for seeing your face 1410
skwówéls raven 2844
skwthá a pile 2363
skwúkwelstèleq teacher 3466
skwukwtisláts stink-bag (skunk) 3169
slá:m spirit power of an indian doctor 1920
slá:y bark from Douglas fir 297
slát night 698
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slá™et torch, flashlight 2378
slehà:l slahal game 476
slékwlets ~ skw'íylets to have a limp 1132
sle'ó:thel on other side (of river etc.) 2599
sle'óles facing away 3742
sle'ólwelh on the other side of 699
slépets something that gets sent 3057
sleq'ó:lwelh side of body 3124
slésxel bone-marrow 1623
slets'éleq brother in law's wife 3111
sléts'es one o'clock 69
slets'õweyelh half-brother or half-sister 519
slé™tses finger 347
slé™xel toe 382
slewíy inner bark of red cedar 285
sléxwelh canoe 841
sléxwelhmet raid in a canoe 2823
slexwíws body 316
slexwíws body 1619
slexwlháwtxw canoe shed 3075
slhá:lí woman 493
slhá:wels te pípehò:m frog-leaf 2710
slhákw’em a breath 1651
slhálheq' be lying down 2121
slhálheq ~ lhálheq' lying on the ground 1125
slhálhli little woman 3187
slhálhli little woman 3819
slhálqi soaked 1276
slháwel mat, matress 1797
slháwél sword fern 1862
slháxelhcha napkin 700
slhél:ets bum 701
slhélets rump 377
slhelhá™ be stiff (arm, foot) 3359
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slheliyó:lh young girl 498
slhém:exw rain 702
slhémoqel havving tooth/teeth missing 3575
slheq'á:tses five o'clock 73
slhéq'ôwelh lower back 360
slhí:xws three o'clock 71
slhí:xws Wednesday 86
slhílhets little bum 703
slhíqw flesh 370
slhíqwetsel fish strips for drying 3810
slhíts'es wind-dried salmon 704
slholhekw'íwel speechless 3279
slholhe™wéleqsel have snot hanging from nose 2160
slholhe™wélqsel wild turkey 3638
slhóp' soup 705
slhq'á:tses Friday 88
slhq'él:exw knowledge, knowing (it) 706
slhqw'á:y cedar-bark mat 1532
slí:leqw loose slack 2440
slí:m sandhill crane 2689
slíluye ~ slílôye seagull 221
slímiyeqwxel pigeon-toed 2690
slíts' full, filled up 707
slíw in [used for inside box, object, 708
sló:ltes to look sad 3005
slókwech white trout 3625
slós fat, lard 372
Smá:th ~ Semá:th Sumas 1481
smá:yeleq waves 3758
smált rock 2196
smámalyí to be married 1146
smámelet mountain 2195
smámth'el a little bit proud 2773
smámth'eqel smart-alec 3198
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smátexwtel husband's brother, wife's 3114
smath'el proud, stuck up 2772
smékw'em a second-hand thing 3051
smelá:lh high-class person 1730
smelám adopted child 3856
smélàtel womb, uterus 3691
smelmá:lt lots of rocks 2941
smeltáléqel kidney 367
Smémeqw'o Herrling Island 2250
sméq'óth leftovers(to take home) 2027
smeq'óth ~ sméq'eth leftovers 1122
smeq'othálá doggy-bag 2609
sméqsel have a big nose 1583
smestíyexw soul 448
sméteqsel ~ smétóqsel snot 403
smeth'qel ~ smeth'eleqw brains 362
sméts' rouge 2977
sme™álh caterpiller 241
sméya a bay 1544
sméyeth meat 709
smèyethálá tray for meat 3602
smílha winter spirit dance 456
smílha'áwtxw smoke house 1893
smímeq sunk 3144
smímeyáth butterfly 1679
smómeleqw mixed 1153
smõqw'e great blue heron 213
smóst'iyethel (have) pursed lips 2755
smótheqw fish oil 2764
smót™w tattle-tale 3463
s'õ:leqw' suffering pain 3420
só:les drunk 147
s'ó:lhqw' ragged 2820
s'ó:lmexw mermaid 2805
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s'ò:m an order 2594
s'ó:qw afterbirth 436
Só:tets South wind 3268
só:™wel grass 298
s'ó:ytheqw raspberry 2841
s'ó:ytheqw raspberry 2272
s'ó:ytheqwelhp raspberry plant 2842
s'ó:ytheqwelhp raspberry plant 2273
s'ókw'ches take an arm, hand 3452
sókw'em outer bark of red cedar 286
sókw'em outer cedar-bark 1533
s'ókw'stexw to carry on one's arm, in purse 934
s'ólh our (enphasizing) 2601
S'omél:a Thompson people 2421
s'ópels ten o'clock 78
s'ópels qas te isá:les twelve o'clock 80
s'ópels qas te sléts'es ~ slhéms eleven o'clock 79
s'óqw' something you hook onto 3247
sõqw't search for it 1228
s'ótheqw baked 835
s'óthes face 329
s'oth'ó:mes shawl (big) 3073
s'oth'ó:mõsem put on a shall 3074
s'ó™we clam 233
sóyé™el a sunset 3432
spá:lxw blue camas ( a root) 1687
sp'á:q'em flower 262
sp'a:th' skunk currant 2862
spá:th black bear 1548
sp'á:th' wild currants 2298
sp'á:th'elhp wild currant bush 2299
sp'áp'eth' sewn 3065
spapí:l buried 1676
sp'ap'ílh be sober 3233
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spáplh™el meadow 2482
spap™íwel have your legs spread 3311
spatálép thigh 3506
spàthélets bear dung 1547
spathó:llh baby bear (black) 3683
spehá:ls wind 3806
spekw'ém a spore, a blossom 1603
spél:exw chicken-pox 441
speláwél mole 2514
spélh™el prarie 2481
spelmàlà root cellar 1784
spelwálh last year 3828
sp'élxwem ~ spélxwem lungs 364
speplól crow (small) 2847
Speqá:s Spring Salmon 3315
sp'eqéy patched up 1172
spetá:lép upper leg 378
spe™elís tight (of clothes) 3539
spéxw tripe, animal stomach 3621
spéxwqel seed 1798
spí:ls planted, buried 925
spí:w ice 2285
sp'íp'ehà:th' speckled trout 3624
sp'íp'elh flat 160
sp'íp'elheqw have a flat head 2231
spípew frozen 710
spípew-kw'óxwe freezer 711
sp'íq' white spots on skin 3301
sp'íqw'el turn purple 2790
spíxw te seplí:l bread-crumb 2607
Spíyem Spuzzum 3321
spíyólwelh put a hand on hip 2254
sp'lhíq' beside 712
sploeqwíth’a ghost, corpse 1620
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spó:l crow (large) 2846
spó:l crow 208
spó:lqw'-seplí:l flour 713
spó:ltsep cut-throat trout 3622
spoleqwíth'a ghost, corpse 450
spopeleqwíth'a pygmy owl 2624
spópeqw ~ póqwtem mould 299
spópe™welsà:ls spray gun 3307
spópiy bent, crooked 129
sp'óq'es bald eagle 210
spotelálá mast 2472
sp'ótl'em cigarette, smoke 714
spú a fart 3103
spú'amal stink-bag (skunk) 3168
sq’émél canoe paddle 1694
sqá:le™ digging stick 3351
sq'á:lq' really tangled 3214
sqá:q younger brother or sister 521
sq'á:tl' otter 2600
sqá:wth potato 302
sqám quieter water 2812
sqáqele baby 496
sqáqeltel house - post 2741
sqáqe™iya mink 1428
sqáwth potato 715
sqáyé™ to brag 1646
sqe'éleqw soft spot on baby's head 1512
sqe'éleqw juice 2336
sqe'íyeqel don't know how to do it 2574
sqel:ép garbage 1414
sqél:ep dust 716
sqél:epálá garbage can 1412
sqel:éxw glutton, someone who eats all 1965
sqelá:w beaver 1557
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sq'elá:w coiled 2855
sqelálh diaper 717
sq'élhq'elh muskrat 2538
sq'elóts'eqw be under an umbrella 3661
sq'élp cramp 2176
sqélqel a thief 3505
sq'elq'élp'eqw curly hair 1882
sq'elq'elp'es curly hair 1881
sq'elq'éq' tangled up 3213
sqéls part not used 3685
sqelwílh to hate 2255
sqelwílh to hold a grudge 2170
sqelwílhmet to hate him/her 2256
sqélxel moccasin 2512
sqelxwá:lá throat 340
sqelyíqem snow-drift 3226
sqém:el the tide 3535
sqemálá bra 1642
sqémél pit-house 2276
sq'émél paddle 843
sqemí:l be inside a pit-house 2705
sqemó: milk 354
sqemó'álá Baby bottle 1511
sq'ép a meeting, gathering 2490
sqépò:thèl flying squirrel 3326
sq'ep'óy:lthetel knee 380
sq'eq'éyp a gathering 1039
sqeqiq' imprisoned 1478
sqetás steam-cooked food 3406
sq'eth'ewits have your hands behind your 1431
sqewá:meth' sunny side of tree 3431
sqewáth rabbit (large) 543
sqéweqs raven 219
sqéweqs raven 2845
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sq'ewílem go round a bend in the river 1488
Sq'éwqel Seabird Island 2315
Sq'ewqí:l Skowkale 1758
sq'éykw' a bite 1595
sq'éyle dried fish or meat 3009
sqéylemá:ls a funeral 2062
sq'éylo smoked salmon, smoked meat 718
sq'éylòm scraps 2029
sq'éytl' a scar 429
sq'ey™éleqw peak of a house-roof 2703
Sq'íp'e™w a real rough spot on the Fraser 2911
Sq'íp'e™w Place on Fraser 2293
sqíqemel little pit-house 2778
sqíqewàth rabbit (small) 544
sqiqewótheló:ythel harelip 2163
sq'ó together with, along with 3566
sq'ó companion 1808
sqó:s tear (crying) 3468
sq'óleq a best friend 1590
sq'ómet together with, along with 3567
sq'ómet come with him/her 1818
sqóqem bent round 2981
sq'óq'ey sperm 3280
sq'óq'iy sickness 719
sqotemí:lep a steep hill 3180
sq'óxel partner 2642
sq'óyes fine feathers 2732
sq'™áp stump 275
sqwá small creek goes into river 3617
sqwá skwah 2877
sqwà:l speech, word 1415
sqwá:lewel, sqwálewel thoughts, feelings 411
sqwahíwel a hole in roof 2258
sqwálats a hole in a bucket 2259
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sqwálewel thoughts, feelings 720
sqw'echém a boil 426
Sqwehá Skwah Village 3711
sqwehá:liya pierced ear 2684
sqw'él:ém barbecued salmon 860
sqwéllhelh ~ sqw'éllhelh ~ neck (from front) 339
sqwélqsel hair in the nose 2567
sqwéls cooked stuff 3348
sqw'éls something cooked 3246
sqwéltel language 542
sqwélxel mist, fog 2246
sqwélxem fine snow comes into house 3227
sqwemá:y dog 721
sqwemá:yalqel dog wool 3852
sqw'éméls forehead 322
sqweméytses pussy willow 315
sqwemó™w doubled up 2036
sqweqwá a hole 2257
sqweqwá seplí:l donut 2295
sqweqwemeytá:ye pussy-willow 2797
sqwéth'elh squirrel 3325
sqweth'sqweth' pheasant 2671
sqwétxem a fog 2025
sqw'eyílex a dance 722
sqw'íqw'el uncovered 3665
sqwíqwemáy little dog, puppy 723
sqwíqweyóthel jack rabbit 2816
sqwló seal blubber 3047
sqwó:qwetl'í:wèl tapeworm 3460
sqwó:yxw late fall sockeye 2913
sqwóm™w lump 2452
sqw'óm™wes rolled up in a ball 2949
sqw'omx sxíxep tool for making canoe 3690
sqw'omxes doorknob 1948
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sqwoqwetó:ythel mouth open and round 2987
sqwóqweyel tanned, yellowish 3458
sqw'óteleqw crown of head 318
sqw™wó:mex Squamish 2662
st’á:y™w be silent 1660
stá live, stay, be in a place 724
st'á:lq spotted (shapes) 3271
stà:m a yell, a holler 2261
stà:m a yell, a holler 3097
st'á:t'el the shade (of a tree, etc.) 2521
stá:y a canoe race 484
st'á:y™w worried, sad 3006
sta'á to be like 2417
sta'á:wel to think 725
st'a'áleqep a taste 3461
sta'awelmet think about him/her/it 1416
st'ál fish cut thin for wind-drying 3507
stáléqep a distant sound 3263
st'álh cross-beam in roof of house 1546
st'ált'exw a shelter 3083
stám what 726
stám what? 189
stámel what's it for 3684
stámés something, anything, whatever 1417
stámés whatever 3248
st'a'ó:mex to look like him/her 1205
st'ápiy thqá:t dead tree 276
staqí:l sound like (voice) 3720
st'áqsel stick out, protrude 3356
státew lit up 2290
statí:m telephone 727
st'áwelòmèx look purple 2437
st'ekwíwel stuck in the bum 2858
st'elákw' a circle 1728
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st'elá™el corner 1969
st'élt'el person who always sings 3137
stélwél cedar rope 2964
st'emt'émtel cautious 1801
st'e'ó:mex looks like him/her 2439
st'e'ómex look like 3135
steqá:tses eight o'clock 76
steq'áp dam 1889
steqtá:l door 728
steqtéq a log - jam 2324
stesó:s to be poor 1657
stételes little wives 3804
stetís near 121
st'é™ a fork in the road 2935
stewéqel deceased person 1897
st'ewíqw'es have powder on face 2759
st'ewõkw' powder 2758
sth'áqel cat-tail 1286
stháthiyel blood 371
stháwtxw bighouse, longhouse 2433
sth'ékw' bug 237
sthemélts Tuesday 85
Sth'eméxwelets west, downriver end of Seabird 3045
sth'emí:wel pits, nut, seeds 263
sth'émlets (have a) skinny but 2995
sth'épeq skunk (striped) 3166
stheqelxél:em rainbow 2828
sthéqi sockeye salmon 229
sthethá:kw' pulled tight ( eg. Rope.) 2070
sth'eth'eló:m small bones 3189
sth'eth'í:kw' lots of sores 2840
sth'eth'íkw' a sore 427
sth'eth'íkw' a sore, sores 2072
sth'e™wélesem tooth brushes 2588
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sth'í:m berry,berries 2056
sthí:qel loud (of voice) 3718
sthí:ystexw do it well 1917
sthí:ystexw do it well 3767
sth'íkwe the left 2152
sth'íkwe í:lwelh ~ sth'ikwíwes left side of body 358
sth'íkwetses be left handed/ left hand 2153
sth'ímàlà berry-basket 1578
sthímiya small coho 2370
sth'íth'eqw little bug 238
sth'íth'peq little skunk 3167
sth'íweq' red elderberry 1850
sth'ixwá:m dried berries 2487
sthiyáp be wearing a loincloth 3762
sthíyem prepared, home-made 729
sth'ó:kws seven o'clock 75
sth'ó:m ~ sth'ò:m bone 373
sth'ó:meqw skull 321
Sth'ó:mes Victoria, BC 1482
Sth'olólh Spring Salmon 3316
sth'ómwích backbone 3243
sth'ómwíts back-bone 1514
sth'óqwes cooked fish head 2232
sth'óqwi fish 730
sth'óth'eqwi a fisherman 2020
sth'óth'eqwi small salmon (any kind) 3013
sth'óth'qwi little salmon 3194
sth'óyeqw ground up 3249
sthqálem place where you dip-net 2554
sth™á:lem ~ th™á:lem sword fern 295
stí:wel nephew, niece 524
stimút Steamboat 1616
stiqíw horse 2270
st'ít'eqel bruise 431
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st'it'eqó:les black eye 443
stitiqwiwó:llh baby horse 2271
Stitó:s Promontory Mountain 3697
stít-sòs poor person 2449
st'it'™óyaq fork in tree or roots 2958
st'íwiyelh a prayer (hymn) 2763
st'íwiyelh a prayer 471
stíxem algae, slime 280
stíxem pond slime, algae 1450
stl’atl’itel sweetheart 1641
stl’xwá:ytlh to sit on eggs(chicken) 1659
stl'áleqem monster, supernatural creature 461
Stl'áleqem Qótsa Slollicum Lake 3177
stl'áp™ scattered all over 3031
stl'e'áleq pot-latch 2749
stl'e'áxel a feast 2000
stl'éleqw' chocolate lily 1844
stl'emxel ~ tl'émqwxel ~ grasshopper 247
stl'epá:leq slip, Petticoat 2669
stl'epá:leq underskirt 3164
stl'ep'élets tail 387
stl'epláts deep bottom 2916
stl'epólwelh under, underneath 731
stl'eq'á:l wing 388
stl'eqtí:m length 2404
stl'eqtl'éq spotted (shapes) 3272
stl'éqxel deer-skin moccasin 2513
stl'etl'áxel a big feast 2001
stl'etl'íq' too tight (clothes, etc.) 1928
stl'éxs ravine 2848
stl'í a want, need 2550
stl'ítl'el love (noun) 1141
stl'ítl'eqelh children 1748
stl'ítl'ets embroidery 3366
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stl'p'álqel long feather 2430
stl'qéwtel ~ stl'qówtel awl, piercer 855
stó:les wife 502
stó:lô river 2656
stó:méx warrior 2388
stó:qw'em a cough 1827
stókel sock, stocking 3236
st'ólkwlh a non-spirit dancer 2095
stolôálá river-bed 1568
stótelô creek (little river) 2657
stqá:qel loose one's voice 3717
stqó:ya wolf 1693
sts'á:ltexw roof planks 2709
sts'á:s ashes (white) 828
sts'á:xt branch 269
Sts'a'í:les Chehalis 2939
sts'ákw™ fried 732
sts'álts' ~ sts'elts' scale (of fish) 391
sts'áts'elstexw be careful with it 2157
stsél:em liver 365
sts'eláxwem spirit dancer 457
sts'eláxwem Have a vision (spirit dancer) 3716
sts'élexw slough 2035
sts'élexw a landing 1516
stselqwá™el back end of house 2640
Sts'elxwíqw Chilliwack River 2909
sts'elxwíwel insides 366
sts'épxwel wart 430
sts'éqw' fine cedar weaving 2957
sts'ets'á on, on top of 733
sts'extá:la knothole 271
sts'éxtses limb (of tree or bush) 270
sts'iyóye ~ ts'iyóye twins 518
sts'ó: a relitive (any kind) 2870
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sts'ó:kw'xel shoe on wrong foot 3825
sts'ó:kw'xel get shoe on wrong foot 2136
sts'ó:meqw great grandparent, great 508
sts'ó:qw'els fork 734
st'™éms six o'clock 74
stú:p stove 3382
stú:xws nine o'clock 77
st'uslóye Licorice fern 1868
s™á:lts' turned the wrong way 3824
s™á:lts'emeth' grown twisted (of a tree) 3612
s™álts' turned around, turned wrong 3639
s™álts'ewel twisted 3651
s™ameléxwthhelh tiger lily 3537
s™á™as be determined 1938
s™á™elhàt ~ s™é™elhàt Sunday 90
s™e'áth' a mark 2173
s™él:e ~ s™él:a leg, foot 379
s™elá:ls mail 2456
s™elá:ls writings 3822
S™elá:wtxw Schelowat Village 3710
s™éles design on a basket 1537
s™élh a wound 425
s™elpéla side burn 3125
s™élqs stripe on nose 2566
s™el™éles te syó:qwem rays of sunlight 2850
s™e'ó:thels four o'clock 72
s™e'óthels ~ smõs Thursday 87
s™épxel fish tail 392
s™e™ákw' canyon 2542
s™e™é:yls something you write with 3245
s™é™ewes scowling 3265
s™éwe dried fish backbone 394
s™éy:es ~ s™ó:yes head 317
s™éylé™ a war 1367
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s™éyltel footprints, tracks 408
s™éytl' winter 3811
s™éy™ep' a stripe 3397
s™ey™eth'ó:ythel ulgy grin 3660
s™óyeseqw put feathers in hair 3239
S™oyímelh New Westminster 2706
s™óytl'thet ~ s™ó:ytl'thet mean, cranky 1446
s™wéqw'lhelh scarf, neckerchief 2548
s™wétl’qel pillow 1672
s™wetl'qelálá pillow-case 1715
s™wet™wí:t torn up 3470
s™wík' winter robin 2938
s™wítl' cat-bird 1721
s™wítl' catbird 3590
s™wí™weqw' tangled on a net 2402
s™wíythi picture, carved pole 2419
s™wõqw'tel canoe pole 844
s™wõqw'tel canoe pole 2729
s™wõsem ~ s™õsem soapberry 310
s™wô™wiyám legend, story from Transformer 474
S™wó™wiymelh a place upriver from Katz 2707
s™wóyéleqws new spirit-dancers head dress 1793
s™wóy™wey ceremony with masked dance 1892
s'ú:met lazy 735
s'ú:met lazy 2386
s'ú:met lazy 136
sú:pte yél:es tooth-paste 2589
súyé™el other side of the world 2598
súyé™el on other side of the world 3121
swa one's own 736
swá:ls a scramble-give 3035
swálém orphan 2596
swáqeth husband 501
swástexw make it for him 3276
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swatíya porcupine 2735
swáts'et torch 3581
swáyel day 737
swék' smart-alec 1819
swelám an echo 1966
swelméylh ~ swelmá:ylh child of deceased brother or 526
swéltel net 3765
sweltì:l a race (a footrace) 1199
swep'áth' place where sun comes out 3430
swétexel ~ s™wétexel rainbow 2827
swets'a'á summit of mountain 3427
swí:qe ~ swíyeqe man 494
swí:we eulachon ~ oolachon 224
swílcha Cultus lake 1839
Swílhcha Cultus Lake 2306
Swílhcha Smá:lt Cultas Lake Mountain 2893
swíp overloaded 2618
swíwe eulachon 2033
swíweles boy, adolescent boy 499
swíwíqe little man 3196
swiyeqe'ó:llh young boy 497
swókwel loon 215
swõqw'elh mountain goats-wool blanket 1418
swóweqeth married (for woman) 2468
sxáxem shallow water 3751
sxélcha the thing you caught 2067
sxélts' feather 389
sxemá:l enemy 538
sxíeles pushy, pressing ahead 1671
sxíxeles stubborn, contrary 2765
sxíxep a planer (tool) 2701
sxíxets' forest 1462
sxiyí:ws small-pox 3197
sxó:ya co-wife 531
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sxóxep squatting 3322
sxóxweyem selling things 3056
sxoxwí:ls borer, auger 1625
syá:t vomit (the thing) 410
syá:tel widow, widower 532
syayalís icicle 2287
syáyeq' log 2426
syémyem pregnant 1189
syemyó cheap 861
syeqwá:ls stuff for burning 1674
syeqwlhá:ltel tinder 3559
syéqwlhàlà fireplace, firepit 2696
syé™w unravelled, broken down 3677
syé™w rockslide 2945
syewá:l ancestors 514
syewá:lelh ancestor (passed away) 1463
syéyelh a slahal stick (little stick) 480
syí:ts'emílep sand-bar 3017
syíq snow (the stuff) 3223
syíts'em fine sand 2113
syiwí:l spirit power 2760
syó:letsep a wave 3756
syó:lh wood, firewood 277
syó:qwem sun 3428
syó:qw'em sweat 409
syó:ys work (the thing) 738
syú:we witch, fortune teller 2003
syúwél sq'óq'ey spirit sickness 452
syúwél, syuwí:l spirit power, spirit song 451
t’ákwel to cross( road or river) 1613
t’ekwelwexm to cross it 1614
t’emxáliya a braid 1647
t’eqw’lhálém run out of breath 1652
t’qellexw give him/her a bruise 1664
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t'á:l go out of sight 2519
tá:l ~ tà:l mother 505
tá:lh spear 3273
t'á:lõw arm 342
tá:lxel follow tracks 3588
tà:m to call, to holler 739
t'à:m sing along to spirit song 3141
tà:met to call (him/her) 740
t'á:mxw Gooseberry 2338
t'á:mxwelhp gooseberry bush 2101
t'á:t to taste it 1334
t'á:ts' fish-spreader 3394
tá:y to race a canoe 485
ta'áltha ~ ta'á'altha I, me 178
t'ákw'el to cross 852
tále money 2515
tale'áwtxw bank 741
taléwe ~ talúwe you (sg.) (referential) 182
talhlewélep you folks 3854
talhlímelh we, us (referential) 180
talhwélep ~ talhléwep you (pl.) (referential) 184
t'álqw'em warm, lukewarm 125
t'ám to guess 487
t'ámet guess at it 479
t'ámex ~ t'ámext to braid (it--of hair) 902
taméxw to hope 2269
t'ámiya wren 222
T'amiyahó:y Mt. McGuire 2531
t'ámxw gooseberry (coastal black) 1859
t'apet chip at it (like at wood) 1737
t'ápiythet dead (of tree) 3608
t'áqa salal 1849
t'áqa salal 306
t'áqe salal berry 1580
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t'ás quiet 2813
t'ásxel walk silently 3132
t'ásxelem walk quietly 2815
t'ásxelem sneak, walk quietly 1271
t'ásxelem sneak along 2415
tátel mum, mummy 506
t'át'emels guesser (in slahal game) 481
t'át'emiya little wren ??? 3834
t'át'ets'em sour 166
t'át'iyeq' ~ táyeq' mad 158
t'ats'e™elí:m split roots wrong (uneven) 2506
táwel to light up, illuminate 1130
táwelòmet brightly colored 1816
táwélt shine light on it 1131
táwsel a thousand 3513
t'áyeq' mad, angry 2454
táyewelh racing canoe 842
t'áy™ jealous 1977
t'áy™ envious 266
t'áy™met out-doing someone 267
t'áy™met jealous 1978
táywelh racing canoe 2817
te the 13
te í:le this 187
te thá that 188
te'í this 742
t'ékw get stuck (in mud) 1043
t'ekwá:lí:ya plug one's ear 2717
t'ekwá:lí:yám not really listening 2718
t'ekw'élmél homesick 3115
t'ekwíles to choke (on food) 948
t'ekwíwet stick it up his/her bum 2857
t'ekwót plug it 2260
t'ekwót plug it 2715
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Tekwóthel mountain near Yale Mountain 3635
t'ekwõwelh patch a canoe 1799
t'ékwôwelh plug a canoe 2714
t'ekw'stexw take him/her home 2262
tel:écha ~ tel'eléts'a where from? (e.g. where is he 193
tél:exw find it out 1022
tel:ó:mét to understand it 1360
tel'áletse where is …. From 2047
telchó:leqwtel from way upriver 2917
telchókw from far away 2049
t'elém to stick 2082
t'elémelhp wild cherry tree 3614
t'élemt stick it on 1499
t'elémtses stick to the hand 2002
teléqsel duck 209
t'ele™ót carve stone 3374
télh got straight, got straightened 3387
telhát spread it out (blanket, net) 1293
t'elhóqw'et to scratch (him/her/it) [ 743
t'elhóqw'etem (he/she/it) was scratched 744
t'élhqesel net-shuttle 3110
telí from 2046
t'elkw'á:ls heating up food 3464
t'élkw't warm it up 1368
tellhó:s from downriver 2048
télmel wisdom, mind 745
teló this 1419
t'élq spot 3270
télstem stumble, get staggered 3329
teltíyt from upriver 2918
teltíyt from upriver, from Fraser 2050
t'él™è:yls carving stone 3375
telxwíts moon in November 2572
tém:éxw earth, land 1962
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tem'álhtel meal-time 2641
temchálhtel time to dry fish 1933
t'émel wood-chip 2634
témélh red-ocure 1731
témélh red paint( ????? ) 1919
temélhépsem pileated woodpeaker 2547
tem'elíle salmonberry time 2479
t'eméls chop with eaze 3858
t'émeqw' to splash 3291
témés velvet 3701
témex to desire him/her 981
temhilálxw autumn, fall 1503
temí:lt to cool it down 1812
temí:lthet to cool down (of food) 965
temí:lthet to cool off (food) 2026
temílthet it cools down 1813
temkw'à:y hungry time 822
témkwes blunt end of a canoe pole 1607
temkw'éyles Spring 3314
temkwíkwexel baby-sockeye time 3238
temkwõxweth coho time (Aug-Sept) 1501
t'émleqw top of the head 3580
temmeqó:s snow time 2325
t'emó:sa rhubarb 2888
tempó:kw' October Moon 3544
t'émq'ethel jade stone 2326
t'émq'ethel jade (nephrite) 1445
temqoqó: high-water time 3541
temqwá:l mosquito-time 2522
temsó™wel haying time 2178
temswíwe oolachen time 2480
temt'á:mxw gooseberry time 2102
temtám when 3779
temt'elémtses time things stick to hand 3354
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t'emt'émqw'xel really rainy 2831
temthéqi sockeye time (July to Aug) 1502
temth'oló:lh big Spring Salmon time 3542
temtl'í:q'es time ice forms, things stick 3543
temwelék'es March 2458
temwíwe oolachen moon (May-June) 1480
t'émxel chop your foot (with axe) 1509
tépelhállh board for streaching squirrel 3395
tépelheltel~tépelhállh board for stretching hides 1610
tépsem back of head, back of neck 323
t'epsóye midget 2501
teqá:tsa ~ teqátsa eight 9
teqáp beaver's dam 1558
teqát to close (it) 746
teqátsale ~ teqatsa'ále eight (counting people) 38
teqètselsxá ~ tèqetselhsxá eighty 24
tèqetselsxále eighty (counting people) 48
tèqetselsxó:s eighty (counting dollars) 67
teqí:wsem take a sweatbath 1328
teqíwtsel a sweathouse 1329
téqlexw sore 2284
t'eqw' it broke (string, etc.) 907
t'éqw' break (string) 2021
t'eqw'élhelh to pass out 1991
t'eqw'ót cut it (wood, lawn) 3847
t'eqw'qéyl get top cut off 3579
tés to approach, get to 747
tés te skw'í:ls? What time is it? 83
teséleqw get bumped on the head 2179
teséleqwt bump him on the head 2180
tesét put beside 748
teséthet to approach, get near 868
t'esí:l go down(of swelling) 3376
tesláts touch bottom (canoe) 2664
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téslexw torch,bump it 3582
tesós to suffer, have a hard time 1324
testélemet feel sory for yourself 3254
testéstexw bump them together 3499
t'et'ásthet sneak around, move quietly 2814
tétath vein 3700
tethá that 749
te™elá™elem hold arms out 2606
T'e™qé:yl Sumas Mountain 3426
té™w later 3724
té™w ~ té™wcha later, after a while 1440
té™wets a bow (weapon) 1872
té™wetselhp Yew tree 1871
tewá:le tilted 1350
tewá:let tilt it, lift up one end of it 1347
tewá:let lift at one end 3127
tewále lifted over to one side 3128
tewále'ílep sloping ground 3178
tewát who 750
tewátes anybody, somebody 1473
tewélà:m a slope 3179
tewít good hunter, good fisherman 2278
tewláts drift backwards to fish 3413
t'ewõkw'sem powder your face 2757
téxqeléyls cording wool 1701
texqéylem to comb your hair 962
texqéylem comb one's hair 2626
téxqéylt to cord it (wool) 1700
téxwméle step child 1753
téxwswáyél noon, mid-day 751
téxwthelh tongue 336
th’e™welísem brush your teeth 1665
th’ómetsel bracelet 1644
th'á:lé heart 363
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thá:lhp big tree 3605
th'à:m go down (of tide) 3536
th'à:m go down (of tide) 3414
th'á:t ~ ts'á:t to chew (it) 947
th'á:tsem to jingle 2333
th'á:ykwem to squeek (of mouse) 3264
th'á:ykwem to squeek like a mouse 2533
Th'álátel heart-shaped island near 2914
Th'álátel Heart-shaped island near 2319
th'álh to cool down (of person) 964
th'ál™em transparent, see-thru 3592
th'ám ~ ts'á:m to chew 946
th'amawéstel soapberry beater 3786
th'át chew it 1744
th'ath'elem ~ ts'áts'elem have labour pains 889
thátheyel ~ sthátheyel blood 396
th'áth'ikwémet worried about (iy) 3845
th'áth'iyekw be really worried 3844
thátkwem feel a tingle 3362
th'atsemá:lí:ya have aringing in ear 2901
th'á™ey straw, reed-grass 1876
th'áwém have no taste 3462
th'áyá:m marry bro/sis of deceased 2470
tháyelets stear a canoe 3341
tháyeletst steer it 3342
thehít be careful with it 1704
thehíthet take care of yourself 1705
thehó:lesem open both eyes wide 3802
thehó:ythel have a big mouth 1582
the'ít true 752
thekw' pulled, influenced 2779
thekw'ét pull it 1191
th'èkwetselsxá ~ th'èkwtselhsxá seventy 23
th'èkwetselsxó:s seventy (counting dollars) 66
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th'ekwsále seven (counting people) 37
th'ekwsáleqel seven (counting containers) 97
th'ekwsálh seven times 3556
th'èkwselsxále seventy (counting people) 47
th'eláltel Juniper 1861
th'elétsxel ~ th'eth'elétsxel heel 386
thélmet admire 813
thelxatí:m to weave 1420
thélxetel a rug 1388
themá twice 3557
themá second 2586
th'émtel soapberry spoon 3298
th'emxwelá™el elbow 1968
th'épiyeqw part of plant where berry hangs 264
th'eplexw to close one's eyes 956
th'ép'oyeqw ~ th'ép'iyeqw great-great-great grandparent 510
theqá:t ~ thqá:t tree 257
th'éq'em to drip 1957
theq'et spear it 2066
théqeytel sockeye net 3237
th'eqw'iyós to box 491
th'éqw'ôwelh making a basket 2959
th'esélatel arrow-pouch 2750
th'eséletst throw him/her down on their 2228
th'esét bang a container 2227
th'éstel a nail 2540
thét to say it 1217
th'eth'ekw'íwetem have worms 3843
th'eth'emí:l thin (material) 2474
th'eth'emí:lstexw make it thin 3509
thethí™w girl's first period 2776
thetíwél to think to yourself 1433
th'éts stiff, hard 3357
th'étsàls ringing, phoning 2904
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th'étsàls dialing, phoning 2674
th'étsem to rattle, jingle 2675
th'etsét harden, harden it 3759
th'étst call him/her 2673
th'étst phone him/her 2903
thétstexw tell him/her/it 1421
th'é™ to go out completely (of fire) 1056
Th'e™elís rock near yale 2944
the™ét push it 1195
th'e™ét small gravel 2112
the™láxw find it 1909
th'e™míl cigarette butt 1727
the™ó:th dolly varden trout 3623
the™ósem pull out from shore 2796
th'é™tel ~ ts'é™tsel rattlesnake 254
th'é™th'e™ stinging nettle 300
thé™w dissappear 1903
thé™w to disappear 988
th'e™wá:tsesem wash your hands 2202
th'e™wá:tsesem to wash one's hands 753
th'e™wélesem brush your teeth 2587
th'e™wépsem wash your neck 2204
th'e™wí:ls to wash dishes 1371
th'e™wíls wash the dishes 3740
th'e™wíqwem wash one's hair 3739
th'e™wítsem wash your back 2203
the™wíwsem wash one's body 3737
th'é™wmet to feel sorry for him/her 1437
th'é™wó:sem to wash your face 1369
th'e™wót wash it 2205
th'e™wót to wash (him/her/it) 754
th'é™wqéylem wash one's mouth out 3735
th'è™wxél:ém wash one's feet 3738
th'ew worn-out 3199
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Th'ewá:lí Soowahlie 2878
thewélhem ~ tsewélhem to spawn 1281
th'ewí:l worn-out 3200
th'ewt wear it out 3201
théxw to dissappear 1990
th'exwíyel dogwood (red osier dogwood) 1854
th'exwíyelelhp dogwood tree (red osier) 1855
th'exwmet do a favor for him 2188
thexwó:thet dissappear on purpose 1904
th'exwstélémét ask for a favor 2187
th'exwstélémét ask someone a favor 2699
th'éxwth'exw ospray, fish hawk 2597
th'í:qw'est punch him/her in the face 2218
th'í:qw'et to punch him/her 1074
thí:thaxel have a big foot 1584
th'íkwe left(side) 2151
th'íkwekw Blue Elderberry 1860
th'íkwekwelhp elderberry tree 3606
th'íkw'elexw to frighten him 2043
th'íkwem prickly, scratchy 1453
th'ikw'ólésem to wink 1382
th'íkw'thet to get frightened 2044
th'ímelhp berry plant 259
thímiya full-grown coho 3012
th'iqw'élchep chop wood 3846
th'íset tp nail it 1155
th'ístel horn, antler 397
thíthe big 2381
thitheháleq big waves 3757
thithehó:les have big eyes 1585
thíthetses have big hand(s) 1587
thíthexel have big feet 1586
th'íth'kw'oya runt 2789
thíthqet small tree 258
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th'ítsemelhp hazelnut tree 1867
thíts'et split it with fingernail 3296
thí™ water-source (spring) 3752
th'í™w please 755
th'íwél ~ ts'íwel annoyed 817
th'íwélem to bother him/her 901
thíwelh have a big voice 1593
th'íwelmét annoyed with (him/her) 819
th'íwelstexw annoy (them) 818
thiyá:lhem make a bed 3388
thíyelhtset to prepare for (it), make for (it) 756
thíyéltsep fit a fire 3370
thiyéltxwem to build a house 920
thíyém to bake (bread) 875
th'iyeqw'á:ls split firewood 3849
thiyeqwáls digging 986
th'íyeqw'elchep split firewood 3294
thíyeqwt to dig (it) up 985
th'íyeqw't split it (firewood) 3295
thíyest to fix (it) up, 757
thíyt to prepare, to fix, to make it 758
thíythet fix yourself up 3389
th'íyxw please 759
thkw'ét straighten it 3385
thkw'éthet straighten yourself out 3383
thkw'éthet pull yourself up 2069
th'kw'íwel hemorrhoids 2071
th'kw'íwíyelhp prickely swamp gooseberry 2103
th'kw'íwíyelhp swamp gooseberry 2769
th'kwólh Lillooet People 2659
th'lhákw't pinch (him/her) 1183
th'ó:kws ~ th'ókws seven 8
thó:lchep fire is growing strong 3400
thó:mél eyebrows 324
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thó:qw have a big head 1581
th'ó:y™wem to get nervous, excited 1982
th'ókwses seven (counting dollars) 56
th'ólhem be chilled 417
th'ólhem to feel cold 1811
th'ólhem cold (feel cold) 1756
th'óméls wet stone 2015
th'óméls whet-stone, file 3018
th'ómtsestel slahal bone 478
th'óqweleqw bald-headed 1526
th'óqw'em to rot 161
th'óqw'em rotten 2974
th'óqwet to suck on it 1323
thóthel mouth 332
Th'óth'emels Village near Vedder Crossing 3696
Th'õ™iya cannibal woman, basket 459
th'õwe™ cedar slat basket 1789
th'õwt smash it up 1553
thóxwemélqsel have a nose-bleed 2172
th'óyeqw grind 3250
thqá:lem to dip-net 2883
thq'á:ls to spear fish 3274
th'q'elh™á:m to kneel 1109
th'q'ém to drip 997
th'q'emelétsem collected rainwater 2830
thq'ét to stab him/her/it 1302
th'qw'á:lí:ye punched on ear 2785
th'qwà:y ~ sth'eth'qw'à:y trout 231
th'qw'álewest punched in stomach 2788
th'qw'élqsel punched in the nose 2786
th'qw'íwet punched on butt 2787
th'qwó:lecha gloves, mittens 2081
th'qw'ó:mthet rotted 2973
th'qwó:s punched in face 2784
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th'qw'ómáléqep smell rotten 2975
th'táme raft 2819
th'tes to ring once 2334
th'™welwétem to wash clothes 1370
thútl'ó: ~ thútl'o ~ thútl'ò she, her 186
thxwómélqsel have a nose bleed 2569
tí:lt clear it (land, table) 1828
tí:ltel to ring (ring a bell) 1210
t'ílá:ls to scramble-give 1048
t'ílem to sing 1255
t'ílemelhtset sing it for him/her 3140
t'ílemet sing about it 3139
t'ílemstexw sing to him/her 1163
t'iléqel salmon with eggs loose 3010
t'ílmet be lonsome for him/her 1134
t'ílt sing it 3138
t'ílthet be lonesome 1135
tímet do it harder 1916
tímet ~ tíméthet to try hard 1005
t'íqel to get bruised 916
t'íqelá™el get bruised on feet 917
t'íqqwlha be filthy 1946
tiqxálém take a step 3344
Titáwlechem slough on Seabird Island 2318
t'ít'epsó:ye tiny midget 2502
t'ítsem to swim 1331
t'íw take too big a step 2620
tíyeles lean it (against something) 1118
tiyélést to lean against it 2396
t'íyelt to entertain him 1976
tiyó:les to lean to one side 2397
tiyólesem to lean on it 2398
t'íy™ envious 2332
t'kwíles choke (on food) 1740
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t'kwílest choke him/her 1732
t'kwíléstexw bring it across the river 2615
tl'á:l™em crackle, pop 1770
tl'áleqtxel daddy long-legs 1888
tl'álhem salt 760
tl'alqtélets ring-necked pheasant 2672
tl'álx put it on (design) 1498
tl'ámkw'em popping (little round things) 2889
tl'ap'élatsem wag its tail 3446
tl'ápe™em fall down and scatter 3032
tl'áqt tall, long 113
Tl'átl'ekw'em Hope Indian Reserve 2268
tl'áwels barking 1530
tl'e'áxet invite him/het 1097
tl'e'áxet invite him/her to a feast 2308
tl'e'éylh pot-latch 2748
tl'e'ímél muscle 375
tl'ékwela deaf 154
tl'ékw'elt to put out a fire 1007
tl'ékw'elt to go out (of a fire) 1055
tl'ekwselchí:ms why? 1435
tl'elá:y shovel-nosed canoe 3099
tl'eláxw to stop, stay 1307
tl'eláxwelets to stay live in one place 3339
tl'eláxwstexw hold it steady 1082
tl'eléqw to explode 923
tl'éleqw' a shot, explosion 3256
tl'eléxwstexw stop (him/her/it) 3377
tl'élqtele deer 761
tl'eltl'él™ spotted 3302
tl'eltl'él™os have freckles 3277
tl'eltl'él™os have a freckled face 2041
tl'él™ speckled 162
tl'él™xel spring salmon ~ Chinook 230
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tl'eméqw snap your fingers 1596
tl'eméqwtses snap your finger 3218
tl'em™wxwéylem to hail 2143
tl'ép low, deep 128
tl'epí:l to go down, descend 1052
tl'epí:lx lower it down 2450
tl'épstexw ta' sqwélewel be patient 2647
tl'ép™t sow it (seeds), scatter it 3030
tl'eqtámeth' tall 112
tl'éqtepsem have long neck 2429
tl'eqtíwél tall (of tree) 3455
tl'etl'áx invite people (to a feast) 1096
tl'etl'áxel give a potlatch/feast 1187
tl'étl'elmet get used to it 1044
tl'étl'elò:m them (little) 3496
tl'é™w hard 107
tl'é™wet to beat s-one at game 880
tl'ewéls to bark (dog) 877
tl'ewlómét manage to get away 2663
tl'éwt bark at him/her 1529
tl'éx crack open 2905
tl'exátem have diarrhea 419
tl'exá™et split it open 1013
tl'exwéthet to get hard 1438
tl'exwewítstel blanket, robe 2937
tl'exwló:st take him/her for granted 3451
tlhéthet straighten yourself out 3386
t'lhóqw'est scratch him/her on face 3040
tl'í hard, difficult 142
tl'í:la eulachon oil 2034
tl'í:q'etses get hand stuck 3596
tl'í:ts'et sneak up on him/her 1269
tl'íkw'el kinnikinnick 1847
tl'íkw'ilhp indian tobacco plant 3408
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tl'íls to love (him/her/it) 762
tl'íls love him/her 2448
tl'íq' get hit by tree, car 2999
tl'iq'áwtxw deadfall trap 3594
tl'íq'el sticky 2140
tl'íq't spread it on 1834
tl'itl'e'áxel inviting to a feast 2309
tl'ítl'eqel soggy 3240
tl'ítl'esels sneaking around 1270
tl'ítl'q'ey a shortcut 3094
tl'itl'q'oyám take a shortcut 3095
tl'íw to run away 1002
tl'lhámt to salt (it) 763
tl'ó it is, he is, she is 764
tl'ó:t quiet it (baby) 2627
tloqá:ys now 765
tl'óstexw choose it, pick it 1800
tl'óth'et tighten it up, wind it up 3538
tl'ótl'em little thing 766
tlowáyél today 767
tl'õwstexw kidnap him/her 2354
tl'pát cedar sapling basket 1790
tl'pí:lt lower it down 1954
tl'pí:lx bring it down 1951
tl'pílém to go down off of it 1952
tl'qw'á:y milt, salmon milt 2503
tl'qw'ót cut it (string or rope) 2962
tl'™wíth'a strong (material) 2475
tl'™wíth'a strong (of material) 3402
tl'™wíws tough skin 3159
tl'xát split it, rip it 2906
tl'xá™el burst open, split open 922
tl'xá™et split it open (fish, animal) 1291
tl'xwá:ylhem to brood, sit on eggs 915
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tl'xwá:ylhem to sit on eggs 2168
tl'xwéleq to win 1380
tl'xwíqwtel handkerchief 2347
t'ó to sprain 432
t'ó:kw' to go home 768
tó:lt to learn (it) 1119
tó:lthet to think, to understand 1342
tó:lxel tracks going down to river 2932
t'ó:mél wall 769
t'ó:t' poor thing! 770
tókelem put on your socks 3369
t'óle™wet kick him out 2353
t'óltel eclipse (sun or moon) 2518
t'omelewítsel partition 3732
t'ómethet be suspicious of 1325
tómiyeqw great-great-great-greatgrandpa 511
t'ópet to carve it 2704
t'ópiythet getting dry (of tree) 3609
t'óqwel to dry up ( a pond) 1927
tóqw'em to cough 966
t'óqw't cut it (string or rope) 2963
t'oqw'tem got broken (string, rope) 909
t'óqw'tem Saturday, Weekend 89
tósem to crush berries 972
tóset to grind it, squish it 1061
t'ót'ekwels plugging holes 2716
t'ót'elhem flea 244
to't'ep'íqselem red-headed woodpecker 3851
toteqw'ó:mestem tuberculosis 3632
t'óthet try to do it 3627
tó™wesem toeing a canoe upriver 2781
tó™wesem (?) fish for sturgeon 2782
tówel town 3585
t'óxw go to the river 1053
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t'pí wood tick 3526
tpólhtel prop used for a deadfall trap 3595
tqátsáleqel eight (counting containers) 98
tqatsálh eight times 3550
tqó:tsó:s eight (counting dollars) 57
t'qwém thimbleberry 1857
t'qwíqst join together (sticks, poles) 1100
tqwõ:lchep ~ tqwõ:chep ashes floating up from fire 827
t'qw'ót break it (string, rope) 908
ts’elh’á:y person running around with 1640
ts’eqw’elístel a broach, a pin 1658
ts’íwel bored 1628
ts’íwelmet bored of it 1629
ts’ó:kw’e skunk cabbage 1682
ts'á:lq'em teirling (while hanging) 3286
ts'á:ya in-laws after your spouse dies 2301
ts'ahéyelh to pray 470
ts'ákw™els do some frying 2057
ts'áléqel have to pee urgently 1984
ts'áléqel really have to pee 2549
ts'asem toasted 2006
ts'át to chew it 1015
ts'áts'el very 771
ts'átselem labour (being in labour) 1755
ts'áts'esem good tasting 3021
ts'át™em tinkling, clinking 2286
ts'áwi glass 2077
ts'áwi shell (shiny part) 3082
ts'áwi'àlà a glass cup 2078
tscháxw get a wife 3803
ts'ech'ó:lwelh on top shelf 3080
ts'e'iqel go up a hill 1430
ts'ekw™á:ls to fry stuff 1037
ts'ékw™t fry (it) 772
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ts'ekw'xále twenty (counting people) 42
ts'eláltxw steal his/her spouse 3304
ts'élexw go into inlet 2933
ts'elhímexóstel walking with each other 2954
ts'elh™à:m cry with somebody 3815
tselíl maybe 1422
tsélq to fall 1960
ts'elqéylt turn it around 1493
tsélqlexw to drop accidently 1959
tsélqlexw to drop it (accidentally) 1014
tsélqlexw drop it (accidentally) 998
tselqó:me blackcap 281
tsélqt drop it (on purpose) 999
tsélqt to drop it (on purpose) 1958
ts'élxet look for lice on him 978
ts'elxwí:wsem relieved (in body) 2873
Ts'elxwíqw chilliwack 1749
ts'emxó:ythel jaw 334
ts'epí:wel have a dirty bum 1902
ts'ep™el to rust 3002
ts'ép™el have dirty feet 1901
ts'ep™élqsel have a dirty nose 1899
ts'ép™es have a dirty face 1898
ts'éq' be surprised 3439
ts'eq'met be surprised by him/her 3440
ts'eqw' hit with arrow, bullet 3831
ts'éqw' get hit by arrow, gun 1383
ts'eqw'eláxw hit with arrow accidentelly 2209
ts'eqw'õwelh make a cedar-root basket 878
tsesá:t send him/her for something 3058
ts'esémelép weed 2462
ts'esémelép weeds in a garden 2068
ts'esláts saskatoon berry 1579
ts'e'ts'éqw' thistle, thorn 313
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ts'í:met to lick it 1124
ts'í:ts'etl' short 3086
ts'í:ts'tl'emeth' ~ ts'í:tl'emeth' short (of a person) 114
ts'ílem get onto 1154
ts'ímel get close to, approach 1423
ts'ímél approach, get close to 1479
ts'ísem to grow 1063
ts'ísem to grow 2463
ts'ít ~ ch'ít to thank him/her 1060
ts'ítl'ewelh short (of a canoe) 3089
ts'ítl'ôwes short (of paddle) 3092
ts'its'eqweló:l Indian badminton 3629
ts'íts'etl' ~ ts'ats'í:ts'etl' short 111
ts'íts'etl'thet get shorter 3087
ts'íts'etxel have short legs 3088
ts'íxw ~ ch'íyxw dry 122
ts'íyelh to pray 1736
ts'íyxwt to dry it 1931
ts'kw'éx twenty 16
ts'kw'éx qas te isá:le twenty-two 18
ts'kw'éx qas te léts'e twenty-one 17
ts'kw'exáleqel twenty (counting containers) 101
tskwí:m red 172
tskwí:meqw have red hair 1663
tskwímel turn red 2859
tskwimó:les (have) red eyes 2860
ts'kw'xó:s ~ ts'ekw'xós twenty (counting dollars) 61
ts'lhá:met to hear it 773
ts'lhám ~ ts'lhà:m to hear (it) 774
tslhilá:m step parent 3347
ts'lhimexósem going for a walk together 3730
tslhítselxel top of foot 3578
ts'lh™á:m deceased child 517
tsmákw'a undertaker 3671
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tsméla give birth, have a baby 1436
tsméle to give birth 888
tsméth' blue 171
ts'meth'ó:les blue eyes 328
ts'ó:le™eth' roll over in bed 2614
ts'ólesem turn one's face away 3647
ts'ólesemet turn one's face away from 3648
tsp'íp'eq'el getting a little white 3794
ts'q'éy™ black 169
ts'q'éy™em vanilla extract 1983
ts'qó:ls bare, bald, rock 2942
tsqw’í™w brown 1662
tsqwá:y ~ tsqwà:y yellow, green 170
tsqwáyòmèx to look yellow / green 2120
ts'qw'élá ear-ring 2900
ts'qw'élhp Sitka Spruce Tree 1869
ts'qw'et poke it, pin it 1182
ts'qw'ít prop up with y-shaped stick 3859
ts'qw'õstel big copper pot 2743
tssàlèm send someone on an errand 3059
ts'símt grow it 2130
Ts'símteló:t sister of Lhílheqey 3147
ts'tá:m to crawl 968
ts'tl'ám to jump 1103
ts'tl'étl'xel take short steps 3345
tsxwíkw' grey 168
ts'xwólhcha add it, add some more (liquid) 1442
ts'xwót add it 1914
ts'xwót add it, add some more 1441
t'™ém six 7
t'™emálh six times 3548
t'™émele six people 36
t'™èmelsxá ~ t'™èmelhsxá sixty 22
t'™èmelsxále sixty (counting people) 46
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t'™èmelsxó:s sixty (counting dollars) 65
t'™émeqel six (counting containers) 96
t'™émés six dollars 55
t'™emòls six fruit 2127
t™ét streach its arms, wings 3396
t™wém right away 2897
tú:xw nine 10
tú:xwà:lh nine times 3555
tù:xwelsxá ~ tù:xwelhsxá ninety 25
tù:xwelsxále ninety (counting people) 49
tù:xwelsxó:s ninety (counting dollars) 68
tú:xwes nine (counting dollars) 58
tus'éy to be careful 931
tútl'ó: ~ tútl'o ~ tútl'ò he, him 185
tutl'ó:lem them, they (male) 3495
tuxwále nine (counting people) 39
tuxwáleqel nine (counting containers) 99
txwéltsep keep fire at steady temperature 2341
txwemelám adopt a child 3857
txwó:ye be only one left 2874
™á:ls transformer 475
™á:m to cry 782
™a:mélmel feel like crying inside 1838
™a:mélmel feel like crying 1278
™á:th't to mark it, measure it 1147
™akw'íwel Constipated 418
™álew serving spoon 1711
™álqem roll around in circles 2951
™álqem move around in circles 1489
™alts'elísem grind your teeth 3574
™alwéla horn rings for dip-nets 2902
™amelexwthet tiger lily 1843
™ámet to cry for it 1837
™áp'kw'els chewing (hard thing) 2561
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™áp'kw'tem rheumatism, aching 440
™asáxw have a harelip 2164
™asélmet determined (about s-th) have 1939
™asélmet determined to do it 2104
™ás™elem set a trap 3598
™áth'tel a marker 2110
™áth'tel a marker 2464
™átl' rough (of water,wind) 3637
™átqem rough (little bumps) 2980
™á™e holy 3004
™áws new 130
™awsó:lkwlh new spirit dancer 458
™é:ylt to write it 1384
™é:ymet to grab (it) 1059
™e'ath'stexw mark it 2174
™ehó:methet feel sory for yourself 3255
™ekw' tight squeeze 2545
™ékw' get narrow mountains 2541
™ekw'óles salmon backbone 393
™elá:ls doing writing 3839
™elá:ls do some writing 1385
™éleq't to open your eyes 1985
™élh to get hurt 1507
™elhá:léqel have a headache 437
™elhá:lwes have a stomache-ache 438
™elhálwes have pain in stomach 3371
™elhláxw to hurt him/her (accidentally) 1508
™elhwílhlexw to disappoint him/her 989
™élqes to wave your hand 2156
™élqesà:ls wave one's arms 1486
™élqest to wave at him/her 1372
™éltel pencil, pen 784
™élts'es twist by the head 3654
™élts'esem turn one's head 3649
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™élts'est twist him/her by the head 3655
™elts'íwélém get twisted (inside) 3653
™élts't twist it, turn it 1358
™élts'tem twisted in head 3652
™élts'thet turn yourself around 3646
™eméthel eat fast 2806
™em™íméls chicken hawk 1746
™e'ó:thel ~ ™e'óthel four 5
™epá:ltel wood carving knife 1712
™épchest snatch it from him/her 3220
™ep'ékw' make a crunch (with foot) 3668
™ep'í:tsel chipmunk 1738
™epíwelem spread your (own) legs 3310
™épkw'em brittle, crisp 1836
™ép'kw't chew on it 1745
™épkw't to gnaw on it 1050
™epyúwelh cedar trough (for food) 3063
™eq' narrow (rocky place) 2544
™eqét straddle it 2427
™ésel to set a trap 1352
™ést'el nits (louse eggs) 252
™esxel a trap 3597
™et'e to say 785
™ethelálh four times 3552
™èthelsxá ~ ™èthelhsxá forty 20
™èthelsxále fourty (counting people) 44
™èthelsxó:s forty (counting dollars) 63
™ethíle four (counting people) 34
™ethílemets' four ropes, poles, sticks 2968
™ethíleqel four (counting containers) 94
™ethíles four (counting dollars) 53
™ethílestem cost four dollars 3485
™ethílestexw charge four dollars for 3486
™ethòls ~ ™e'óthelòls four fruit 2125
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™éth'™eth' cranky 3476
™et'kw'á:ls to carve wood 936
™ét'kw'els to whittle, carve wood 1379
™e™é:yls writing 3823
™eyeslótel wild ginger 1842
™éyet beat s-o up, spank s-o, fight 2012
™éyet to beat s-one up 881
™eyímelets roots of tree floating in river 2927
™eyímelets roots of tree floating in river 2925
™éykw'et chew (it) 821
™éylés steep riverbank 2934
™éylé™ ~ ™éylá to go to war 539
™éymels large hawk, chicken hawk 212
™éymem grab some 2107
™éymleqwt grab him by his hair 2106
™éyp stripe 2565
™éyp' get scratched 1226
™éyp'eqsel get scraped on nose 3037
™éyp'es get scraped on face 3036
™éyp'et scrape it 2241
™éyp'et scratch it, scrape it 1225
™éyqelà shadow 3068
™éyq'et scratch it (itch) 3039
™éyqeya old salmon (spotted) 3008
™éysel get spooked 1519
™éyt to transform it 1675
™éyt change it (by x_a:ls) 1782
™éytem to growl 1064
™éyth' raw 2849
™éyth'elhp ~ ™é:yth'elhp alder 279
™éyth'em to itch 1099
™éytl' cold 126
™eytl'áls grizzly bear 1549
™éy™à:m to sob 1277
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™éy™e embarresed 1974
™éy™e ashamed 830
™éy™ekw'els chewing it 1476
™éy™elexw insult him/her 1011
™éy™elexw makes s-one ashamed 831
™éy™elexw to insult him/her 1094
™éy™elòmèt get embarassed 833
™éy™ep'ílep a rake, harrow 2835
™éy™eq'els to scratch it (itch) 2238
™éy™eq'els scratching 2239
™éy™estexw make s-one ashamed 832
™éy™estólemét embarress yourself 1975
™éy™ethet shame yourself 2792
™ey™ewes scowling 3034
™éywes to scowl 3266
™eywésem scowl, frown 3033
™eywét to bawl him/her out 1223
™í™à:m to cry a little 786
™í™à:m crying a little 3231
™lhám to watch 788
™lhélets tired on the bum 3562
™lhém tired 155
™lhém:et tired of it 1627
™lhét beat him/her up 1551
™lhét to hurt him/her 882
™ó:lemthet really turned grey 2118
™o:tsa lake 2356
™ó:tsa lake 2373
™ólem have grey hair 2116
™ólemthet turn grey.(eg,hair) 2117
™óqel marten 2471
™otl'thet windy 3807
™ots'oyíqw dried fish head 2229
™ó™tsa little lake 2374
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™ó™tsa little lake 3192
™ó™wtel canoe pole 1608
™pá:yelhp western red cedar 283
™pá:ytses ~ xpá:ytses bough of red cedar 284
™pó:ys wide cedar slats 3019
™tá to do, do this 3511
™tá:stexw to do it 1424
™t'áls cast a spell 2762
™t'ét put a spell on him/her 1717
™thét shove it 1247
™wá:y many people die 2037
™wà:y to die (of group) 984
™wá:yt kill them 2357
™wálá:lhp willow tree 3603
™wástel solid greese 3241
™wé:yleqw hopping bird (see them at the 2040
™we'á to do copying, imitating 1093
™we'át to copy him/her, imitate 1092
™we'ít wedse ??????????? 3766
™welh™wélhepxel slip (both feet) 3176
™weló:ysem to stagger 1303
™wém fast 131
™weméthel to eat fast 1963
™wét get torn 1335
™wetát to tear it 1336
™we™we'á copy, imitate 2291
™wéylem string 2011
™wéylemt to weigh it 1374
™wí:qw'em to snore 1273
™wíqw'el sleet 3134
™wíqw'est put rope around his neck 2401
™wíqw'est put a leash on it, put rope 1491
™wi™wáye ~ ™we™wáye fly 245
™wi™wíyem nervous walking on something 2557
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™wíyá:m tell a legend 1201
™wíythesem get one's picture taken 2676
™wlhép lose your balance 2446
™wlhépelets sit down with a plop 3175
™wlhépxel to slip, lose balance 1525
™wó:qw' duck 2496
™wõqw slough 1515
™wóqw’et to pole it 1695
™wó™welá:lhp small willow tree 3604
™wóweqwels to pole a canoe 1186
úkw' to run out, get finished 775
úkw'elets to run out of (it) 776
úkw'elexw to run out of (it) 777
Uqw'íles Restmore Caves 2885
wá:cháwtxw poop house 2605
wá:ls to scramble-give 2075
wá:th'elh bullrush mat 2473
wálhet to chase him/her away 943
wálx to throw it 1343
wáth'et pry it up 2409
wáyel become day 1894
wáyeles tomorrow 779
we'éyò doing well, alright 1454
welékwsa water hemlock 3755
welhchí:ws real tired 3561
welhéleq' make a splat sound 3170
welhíthelh a long time ago 3540
weltá:lt snare it 3219
weltì:l to race (horseback) 1198
wep overloaded 2617
wep'eth' come out/up (of sun) 3429
wéqw' to drift 1929
wet'életh' to squirt 1301
wet'émeqw' to splash (once) 3292
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weth'át ~ hewth'át to tease (him/her/it) 780
wetl'éleqw a shot, explosion 3257
wets'á get to top of mountain 2529
wets'á:lómet get youself to top of mountain 2590
wets'étl fall down 3081
we™és frog 2459
wí:qet spread it, widen it 3312
wíqes to yawn 1386
wistéleqwet jealous of him/her 2331
wíyka sonny-boy 3251
wiyóth always 781
wíyt warn somebody 3734
wíyt tell him/her a secret 3053
wõ:l bullrush 3633
Wõ:leqw Whonnock Village 3714
wó:thel share a meal 2483
Wolích Wahleech Island 2321
wôqw' a flood 2022
wõqw' to drown 1000
wõqw'et drop it into water 3747
wôqw'éylem to drift downstream 994
wówistéleq jealous 265
xá:m get canoe stuck in shallows 2943
xá:mthet getting shallow 3071
xá:t bullet 1669
xá:t lead weight 2387
xà:y gills 390
xá:ysem ant 239
xá'at hold it in your arms 1083
xálh road, trail 853
xám shallow 3070
Xáméles an island near Wahleach 3722
xápkw'els crackers 783
xáq'em open your mouth 2591
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xat put it on your lap 1670
xáwéq carrot 282
xaweqá:l yarrow (plant) 2637
xáxlh trail, little path 3589
xaxt'ó:les have a sty in the eye 1720
xchápth uncle's wife, aunt's husband 3663
xe'át to carry in one's arms 935
xéle'ò:les sty in eye 3411
xélétst roll it over 1212
xelkw'ámeth' round pole 2982
xelkw'ó:ls round 1477
xelkw'ó:ls round ball 2983
xelókw' round 2059
xelókw'els really round ball 2984
xélts'thet to turn yourself around 1355
xepá:ltel wood-carving knife 3850
xepólst peel it (round thing) 1175
xepólst peel it (round thing) 2655
xep'ôwíts have stripe on back 3398
xeqlhálém to sigh (of spirit dancer) 3129
xeq'ó:thet to hang it up 1066
xét' loose (of a pack) 2441
xétem to swim (of fish) 1332
xets'á:ls to saw wood 3023
xets'í:lem go through the woods 3520
xets'ílem go into the forest 1461
xets'õwes put away one's paddle 2327
xets'õwesem put away your paddles 3381
xets'õwestel put away each other's paddles 2328
xext'ó:les trillium (western trillium) 1846
xí:pet ~ xípet peel it (bark, etc.) 1174
xíleqw search through, rummage 2993
xíleqwt search through it 1841
xímel drift netting 1935
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xíqt take it out (of box) 1333
xítem wish for someone's food 3814
xits'elá™el carry over sholder or under 2171
xíts'em stinky 1313
xíts'et stow it away 2581
xíwe to urinate (usually woman) 405
xixemó:ltel holding a grudge against each 1444
xíxets'em to stink 787
xixq'á:m have mouth open 2592
xíyts't to tickle him/her 1344
xó:kw'em to take a bath 789
xó:kw'et give him/her a bath 1542
xó:lí:s die on seeing monster 3368
xó:lí:s fatal shock on seeing a 464
xó:lt make a hole in it 1624
xó:lxwem have a menthol taste 2495
xó:pem to whistle 1377
xókw'emá:lá bath-tup 1543
xólhemìlh babysitter 1190
xólhmet to look after (him/her) 790
xópethet to squat 1298
xtá:stexw to do (it) 791
xwa to become 792
xwá to starve, starving 139
xwá to starve 793
xwà:lx to hoist it up, lift it up 1081
xwálexw to starve him/her 3338
xwát lighten it (eg, pack, load) 2148
xwát to starve him/her 3337
xwáth' to rock 2946
xwathetálém getting cloudy 1821
xwayólem really useful gift 2856
xwchá:l ~ xwchókwel where to? (e.g. where is he 192
xwchélstexw where did __ put it? 794
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xwchém:est meet him/her 2489
Xwchí:yò:m Cheam 2314
Xwchí:yó:m or Chí:yó:m cheam 1773
xwchókwel where is --- going? 3601
xweáth'et unlock (it) 3676
xwe'éyem clear, smooth (water) 1830
xwehí:wel to go upstream 1057
xwe'í arrive, come here 823
xwe'í:lstexw to bring it 1425
xwe'í:lxw ~ xwe'ílxw got it here, bring it here 913
xwe'í:yá:qepem to joke 1102
xwe'ílomet to get here 1200
xwe'ílòmèt manage to get here 2190
xwe'ít what happened to...? what is 796
xwe'ít kwa why? 795
xwe'ít'et to cock a gun 1824
xwe'íwelmet pay attention to someone 2648
xwékwàthet to kiss him / her 2366
xwekw'óst ~ xwekw'ót to drag it 993
xwekw'ótsest look at his/her face 1426
xwekw'thet drag yourself along 3048
xwékw'thet to drag yourself 1925
xwel still 797
xwelá:lt evening 798
xweláltelh evening 799
xwélekw' to wrap 3833
xwélekw't roll it up 2343
xwelí get there 824
xwelí:ls to get there 3500
xwelítem white person 536
xwelíwelmet pay attention to him/her 1500
xwelkw'ím eddy(?) in water 3748
xwélmexw First Nations person 800
xwélmexw ~ xwémlexw indian 535
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xwélmexwáwtxw longhouse 2431
xwelókw'stexw keep it rolled up 2345
xwélp’t to brush him off 1648
xwélp't to fan him 1996
xwélp'tel a fan 1997
xwelxwélekw't wrap it again 2953
xw'elyó:les have good eyesight 3131
xw'elyó:les fading (of eyesight) 3130
xwém fast; could, can 801
xwemá to open (it) 803
xwemá:qet ~ xwmá:qet to open (it) 802
xwemékwàthet to kiss him/her 1108
xwemélkw'es get hit in the face 1079
xwémlexw do him/her a favour 1341
xwemxálem to run 1216
xwemxálém to run 2997
xwémxel pouring rain 2753
xweqw'á:ls dragging (drag the river) 1926
xweqw'él:a scouring rush 3001
xwesá:lews leaves falling 2393
xwét:es heavy 2183
xwetáqt take it down 3447
xweth'éqw'tses sprained wrist 3838
xweth'éqw'xel ankle joint 1469
xwéth'xel stop raining 1316
xwetiyéqel to answer, reply 866
xwétkw'em denim 1936
xwétkw'eméyws jeans 1937
xwéwes sure, exactly 3435
xwewí:l peek 2651
xwewí:lt peek at 2652
xwexwíléx get up fast 2907
xw'éyeqel have a clear voice 1831
xwéylem ~ ™wéylem string, thread, rope 274
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xw'éywelh good-hearted 2189
xw'í:lmet reach him/her here 2852
xwíkw'el get faded 1989
xw'ílámálá shoulder 2740
xw'ilámet carry it on shoulders 2737
xw'ilamõwelh carry canoe on shoulders 3096
xw'ilamõwelh carry a canoe on shoulders 2736
xwílex stand up 2807
xwiléxmet stand up for him/her 2880
xwíqwet press down on and rub it 2990
xwíqwet iron it 2310
xwís to fall off 2389
xwíset shake it 1236
xwíthet wake yourself up 1365
xwixwe'áqel echo 2317
xwíxwel bush, underbrush 260
xwíxweth'àlem rocking 2947
xwixweth'áletstel rocking-chair 2948
xwíy to wake up 3727
xwíy wake him/her up 1366
xwíyeqwela black soot 3252
xwiyó:leqw get upside down 1949
xwiyó:leqwt turn it upside down 1357
xwiyómethet deny an accusation 980
xwiyós alert 1449
xwiyóth sharp 2492
xwiyótheqel have a high voice 2493
xwkw'ókw'etsest staring at him/her 3334
xwlalá really listening hard 3390
xwlalá:m to listen 1133
xwlalá:met to listen to him/her 2424
xwlalámstexw call him/her to witness 3816
xwlemí Lummi 2451
xwlíyémés to smile 1265
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xwmath'elqéylemt tell a lie for him/her 3474
xwmékwáthel to kiss 2365
xwmékwàthel to kiss on lips 1107
Xwméthkwiyem Musqueam 2539
xwó:xwth'tem sexy 3067
xwó:ymét to sell it 1230
xwókw'eletsem high-bowed canoe 3393
xwókw'eltem ~ shxwokw'el numb 444
xwókw'elxwel foot is asleep 445
xwókwesem to smell like urine 3206
xwôqw'éylem to go downstream 995
xwôqw'õ:ls indian potato 2296
xwóthet to fast, starve yourself 1998
xwóthet to fast 3336
xwót'kw'em rustle, make rustling sound 3106
xwót'kw'emxel shuffel your feet 3107
xwot'q'esílem trilling raven call 3259
xwótqwem make splashing sound 2752
xwoxwth'í:lem prostitute 2771
xwõxwth'tem go crazy 2303
xwóyém get sold 1231
xwóyeqwem to wash your hair 2144
xwóyeqw'em to wheeze 3777
xwóyeqw'emíles wheezing in the chest 3778
xwoyí:wel happy 134
xwoyímelstexw make him/her happy 1743
xwoyíwelmet happy to see/him/her 3054
xwóykwem shaking bushes (unseen 3678
xwóymét sell it 3055
xwóyqem be shaky 3069
xwpelákw peek under a womans skirt 3165
xwpét pick it up off floor 2682
xwpopó:s (have a) hairy face 3840
xwth'í:t thank him/her 3817
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xwth'í:t thank him/her 3493
xwtl'óqtes have long face 2428
xwtó™esem shade eyes with your hand 3433
yá:t to vomit 545
yálh yuxw kw'as hó:y thank you 1338
yaq' darn! 804
yáq' to fall a tree 1993
yáq'et to chop down a tree 1994
yatílém to become a widow 1559
yáyeq'els a logger 1992
yáylem to glide in the wind 2079
ye'íle these 3501
yékw' it broke 903
yékw'elexw to break it 805
yékw'emet hire him/her 2206
yékw'es ~ yúkw'es busy 1427
yékw'et rub it together 1215
yekw'ólhem last spring dance of season 2383
yél:és tooth, teeth 335
yél:és dental-floss 2608
yelá:w pass on by, after 1169
yelá:wt pass him/her by 2643
yelá:wx to pass by it 1168
yélesem ~ yélésem have a toothache 424
yelkw'ólhem close up a meeting 2491
yeló:lh travel along 3591
yelòlèm have/get a year ?????? 3829
yelqw't mess it up 2498
yéltht poison (him/her) 2725
yél™t look for it 2435
yél™t search for it 3049
yél™w smooth 3211
yemáwéstel wide cedar roots strips 2961
yémq't rub oil/water on it 2511
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yémxtel shoelace 2139
yeqelsxá:y the first snow 3224
yéq'lexw manage to chop it down 3610
yéqw it burned 806
yeqwá:ls having a burning 1673
yéqwelchep to build a fire 919
yéqweltsep to make fire 1024
yeqwéqst turn it on 2377
yéqweqst turn it on (light) 3643
yéqw'est sharpen (it) 1240
yeqwet crumbling of the bark or 807
yeqwí:l a light 3644
yeqwí:l turn on light 2376
yeqwí:l lamp 1823
yeqwí:lem make a light, turn on a light 3642
yeqwí:les have heartburn 439
yéqwlexw ~ yeqwt to burn (it) 808
yeqwyeqwí:ws Yakweakwiwse 1752
yésele two (counting people) 32
yests'ets'á travel by riding 3599
yests'ets'á 3600
yethéleqw have a pointy head 2230
yéthest to tell (him/her) 809
yéthestexw tell it to him/her/it 1337
yétl'q'esem paint your face 1166
yétl'qest to smear it 1263
yetl'q'íwsem paint your body 1167
yétl'q't to paint it 1165
yets'ets'á to travel on horseback 1353
ye™chat give him/her a gift 2074
yé™chem ask for a present 1496
yé™chemet ask for it 1497
yé™w it broke down, came apart 904
ye™wéletst unwrap it 3680
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yé™wet loosen it, untie it 1137
yé™wet dismantle it 1908
yewál ~ yewá:l first 152
yewí:lmet use spirit power on him/her 2761
yewí:lt put a spell on him/her 1716
yilá:welhàt Monday 84
yíq to snow 1274
yitá:lstem staggering around 3330
yít'em to melt away 1150
yít'et to melt (it) 1149
yí™w to fall apart 1009
yí™wet to take it apart 990
yiwí:leqw medicine song 2488
yó:lqw' make a mess 2497
yó:qw rotton fish 2692
yó:qw'em to sweat 1327
yó:t beware of it 1592
yó:ys to work 810
yó:yseqw little hat 3190
yó:yseqw a little hat 2167
yókw'em it broke, to break, get broken 811
yókw'et broke it (on purpose} 812
yóla wild rhubarb 1796
yóseqw hat 2165
yóseqwem put on your hat 2166
yóswe maybe 2288
yóthet walk backwards 1521
yó™w to thaw 3497
yó™wet to thaw it 1349
yó™wt to thaw it 3498
yóyetel relative 520
yú:wqwlha how beautiful! 1556
yutl'ó:lem them, they 3494
yúwest put a spell on someone 454
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