Christopher O'Neill'

Unit 23-Multi-cam paperwork Task 1 Multi-Camera Job rolesCamera OperatorA camera operator is responsible for preparing and operating the camera and its equipment during principal photography of a film or television show or during a live show. There are usually several people working as camera operators depending on the production. For example, if it was a small independent film, there may be 2 or 3 camera operators on the set, to contrast if it was a massive stage production there can be as many as 30 cameras filming the event in order to get every angle possible. The director gives the camera operator direction as to what he/she has to film.SoundA person in charge of the sound during a production will be called a sound technician, they are responsible for recording the dialogue from the actors and any background sound, if they were working on a live show then diagetic sound would be great to pick up as you can get the sounds of the audience excited at a performing band, if it was for the filming of a film or television show however, then background sound would be made by a Foley artist during post production and a sound technician would only be responsible for capturing the dialogue. SwitcherA switcher is a person who is in charge of changing the camera shots during a multicamera production. Vision mixingA vision mixer is responsible for editing programmes live, they usually would do this in a studio room, the equipment they would be using would allow them to do things such as wiping and fades, they can also do frame manipulation, vision mixers will work very closely with directors.DirectorA director is responsible for the look and sound of a production; it’s their creative vision, which has to match the final product, in order to do this they have to have a substantial amount of control over the production while also working closely with the producer and screenwriter to bring their vision to life. They are in charge of preparing for a shoot, directing the actors and the crew during filming and have to take responsibility if the final product is unsatisfactory for the investors. ProducerA producer is responsible for facilitating a project from its early beginnings in pre production all the way to distribution of the final product. A few are the things producers are responsible for include raising funding for a production, building a network of contacts, hiring the staff for the production and firing them if he/she see’s their performance as subpar, the prodder will have to monitor the progress of the production from start to finish. LightingLighting technicians are responsible for operating lighting equipment in television and film. A lighting team is crucial as lighting creates atmosphere and help convey a certain emotion in the audience depending on what type of show or television show they are working on. Floor ManagementFloor managers are basically the people on the ground floor of a production giving direction to everyone on the set to ensure everything runs smoothly while filming takes place. They are hooked up with the director so the director can tell them what needs changed. Graphics GeneratorA graphic generator is responsible for cueing the graphics for the show, for example, many live shows will have an intro, and some of the cuts will have effects added, Autocue OperatorAn autocue operator is the person in charged of a autocue, an autocue is what presenters would read off if they were working live, text would be written up before the show and reflected thru a mirror, this is usually on top of a camera, the autocue operator will ensure that the autocue will keep at the same pace at the presenter. Task 2BrainstormThere were several different ideas that we had for the multi-cam project, the main aim that we has was a game show but there were several different ideas for the game show, one of which was a parody game show in which the game would be rigged and scripted in such a way that it would create comedy without the awareness of the participant, the game show wouldn’t have been mean spirited in any way however, as the tricks would be harmless such as buzzers not working and wrong answers even though they were right.The most popular idea that we had was the multi-cam game show in which 4 contestants would compete against each other in video games. We were a bit iffy about this at first technically this might be very difficult to pull of because of the game capture, but whenever we found out that we had access to game capture technology as well as 2 consoles with multiple controllers, we felt that this project was possible. Task 3Production StyleScriptGAME SHOW SCRIPTINT.STUDIO.BRIGHTLY LITIN FRONT OF A GREEN SCREEN STAND A PRESENTER DRESSED IN FORMAL ATTIRE.PRESENTERHi, I'm the presenter...CUT TO:INT.STUDIO.BRIGHTLY LITIN FRONT OF THE GREEN THE 4 CONTESTANTS INTRODUCE THEMSELVESCUT TO:INT.GAME SHOW SET.BRIGHTLY LITDAY 1! THE 4 CONTESTANTS ARE STATED AND PARTICIPATING IN THE GAME SHOWCUT TO:INT.GAME SHOW SET.BRIGHTLY LITDAY 2! THE 4 CONTESTANTS COMPETE IN THE SECOND DAY OF THE COMPETITIONCUT TO:INT.GAME SHOW SET.BRIGHTLY LITFINALS! THE 2 FINALIST COMPETE WHILE THE 2 RUNNERS UP WATCH. THE SCENE ENDS WHENEVER ONE OF THE PLAYERS WIN.THE ENDLinks and InsertsWe would use links and inserts to give information to the audience as to what game is being played and what the score is for the contestants.Refining original ideasWhat was unique about this project was that we were constantly coming up with ideas as to how to do things, so nothing was particularly set in stone, the only thing that we did keep to was the format which was the screenplay, a lot of what happens in the show is spontaneous because of the nature of the show, so we didn’t script for certain things to happen during the show, whenever we we’re filming we did however come up with a few ideas, for example there was a part in which 2 of the contestants were fighting for what felt like forever, so 2 of the contestants pretended to be uninterested in what was happening. Task 4Planning ProcessesEquipment for principle photographyJVC digital cameras (4)Tripods (4)Shotgun Mics (2)HDTVNintendo Wii (4 controllers included)Xbox 360 (2 controllers included)Game capture CardLaptopJob RolesMatthew MooneyI was the presenter of the show, so I had to inform the audience as to what is happening during the beginning of the show. During the filming of the show I kept a tally of the scored and made sure everything was working fine behind the camera.PresenterFloor ManagerConnor McCallionI was involved with the setup of the cameras and tripods for the multicam show. I also helped set up the game consoles with the HDTV to ensure everything was working fine before filming. Camera operatorContestantCiaran McIlhinneyMy role in the game show was the equipment manager sound and lighting and I was starring in the game show as a competitor. The thing that I had to do in the job role was to make sure the cameras sound and light was good and that the shutter speed on the camera matches the TV settings.Camera OperatorContestantChristopher O’NeillFor this project I had multiple roles, the main one being production manager, I had to organize when we should book out the studio for filming as well as book out the equipment for filming, I helped with setting up the cameras and tripods as well as help set up the background with the posters which I owned. Camera OperatorContestantProduction ManagerMichael Gomersall The Wii u and Xbox 360 that we used for the production belonged to my brother so I was responsible for bring in that equipment for filming. I volunteered to do the editing for the game show, this is a very time-consuming process as we shot nearly 2 and half hours worth of footage that we need to shorten down.ContestantEditorConversion of Word Scripts to Shot ListWe had a strong idea as to how we were going to film this game show because of the rehearsals that we did before principle photography, we had an idea of a 3 camera set up in which we would be able to cover 3 of the angles of the contestants, one being the master which shows all 4 contestants, the other 2 shots being medium shots of 2 of the contestants on both sides, we added in an extra camera to film the gameplay after we had problems with the game capture card, we were able to hid this camera however with the use of posters as background decoration. The only other camera we used was for the green screen, which only had two camera shots, a medium close-up of the presenter and wide shots of the contestants introducing themselves.ShotlistShot numberScene numberLocationShot typeDescriptionLighting/Angle11External studioMedium Close-upPresenter introducing the showBrightly Lit/Normal Angle21External StudioWide shotContestants introducing themselvesBrightly Lit/ Normal Angle32External StudioWide Shot(Master Shot)Wide shot of contestants Brightly Lit/High Angle 42External studioMedium shotMedium shot showing 2 contestantsBrightly lit/ Normal Angle52External StudioClose-upCamera capturing game footageBrightly Lit/ Normal AngleLightingWe didn’t want any dramatic lighting for the show, we wanted it to be brightly lit, the studio lights were very good for brightening up the show, one of the biggest problems was the green screen as the green screen has to be brightly lit without any shadows as this would negatively effect the quality of effect on the green screen. SetOur ideas for the set were limited by how we could hid the cameras from frame, we came up with the idea of putting up 2 walls in the background and joining them be posters, this was done so that we could hid the camera as well as the tripod which was filming the gameplay off of the screen, we also placed the master camera at a high angle so we couldn’t see that camera. SoundWe decided to use 2 shotgun mics to record the sound in case one of the microphones was dodgy and produced poor audio, we had all 4 cameras pick up sound even though it was of poor audio, this was because we needed to synch the audio for the multicam edit on final cut pro, without this the footage from the other cameras would be out of sync with the good audio’s camera. In terms of sound we wanted to capture the contestants voices over the sounds from the game. We want to see how the edit turns out before we add any non-diegetic sounds as well as music. GraphicsWhenever we were brainstorming we didn’t cover the idea of what types of graphics we would use for our production, we would use graphics to inform the audience as to what the scores are and what game is being played. We would also use transitions for cuts. Health And SafetyIn terms of health and safety the biggest threat on set was wires, there were multiple wires for equipment on the set so it was important that we ensured that no one tripped, we did this by tapping down most parts of the wire onto the floor. Since we were in a studio we had to be aware of the fire exits in case of emergency, since we were in a internal filming location and we weren’t doing anything too dangerous health and safety was kept at a minimum during production. Task 5Production documentationScriptShot listShot numberScene numberLocationShot typeDescriptionLighting/Angle11External studioMedium Close-upPresenter introducing the showBrightly Lit/Normal Angle21External StudioWide shotContestants introducing themselvesBrightly Lit/ Normal Angle32External StudioWide Shot(Master Shot)Wide shot of contestants Brightly Lit/High Angle 42External studioMedium shotMedium shot showing 2 contestantsBrightly lit/ Normal Angle52External StudioClose-upCamera capturing game footageBrightly Lit/ Normal AngleStudio Floor PlansWe did rehearsals in which we decided what would be the best layout for the production, we decided to have 4 cameras 3 of which would be directed at the 4 contestants, 2 being close-ups and one being the master shot (wide shot) the 4 camera would be hidden behind 2 walls that we set up with posters put on hiding the camera and tripod that was holding it up, this camera would be used to film the game footage after we came across problems with the game capture card, we found out where would be the best place to up the setup based on where plugs would be for the TV and consoles as well as what would be the best light source.Location PlansWe only had one location for this production, the studio was the only location that we used for this production, there were no external locations, we did not document this location for a time because we we're limited as to when it would be free for filming. Our crew we're all well notified as to when the studio was free for filming. Risk AssessmentWires: to ensure that nobody tripped over wires, we tapped the wires down on the ground to ensure this didn’t happen.Equipment ChecklistJVC HD camera (4)Tripods (4)HDTV (1)shotgun microphones (2)Xbox 360 (1)Xbox 360 controllers (2)Nintendo Wii U (1)Nintendo Wii U controllers (1)Camera ScriptThe camera position during the production were not scripted for this production as the cameras we not movies, we had nothing in particular that we had scripted that required a camera script. The set-up for this production was very basic and did not require many camera shots and angles. Task 6My responsibilities during the Multi-cam ProductionMy responsibilities varied for this project, I was not stuck doing one thing in particular but rather I was helping out with the various aspects of this production. The main thing I was involved with was the planning aspect. I had to plan when we would book the studio, inform the crewmembers of the time and ensure that all of the equipment necessary for the production was booked off. I decided that we did a practice shoot, as there was a lot of equipment needed for the filming and I wanted to be sure that everything ran smoothly, this was a good idea as we learned from this practice shoot that there were issues with the game capture card, the operating system that we were using was too new for the game capture card, therefore we couldn’t record game footage onto a computer, we instead framed the camera perfectly on the HDTV and recorded the game right off of the screen, fortunately enough the footage looked fine thanks to the quality of camera.For the 2 days of shooting I booked off the studio and informed the crew several days before and reminded them during the night before shooting using the group chat that we set up to discuss the production. I booked off the filming equipment a week in advanced, as we needed 4 of the cameras for filming.During the filming of the event I helped set up the cameras and the background for the production, but I did not operate any of the cameras during the filming as they were set up to remain stationary during the show. The posters that we used as background decoration for the show were mine so I was responsible for bringing them in. After we had finished filming the event I helped with dismantling the equipment and returning it, I was also responsible for getting the footage off of the cards, whenever I was taking the footage off of the cards I noticed that some of the footage that we shot was not present, fortunately enough it was not the full game show but rather the introduction of the presenter and the participants that we did using the green screen, so we organized to reshoot these scenes. Overall I felt that was a very good experience working on this project, I felt that my planning of this project helped make the production go smoothly, without the planning and rehearsals we could have came across a lot more problems. Task 7-Operational MethodsCommunication within teamThere was a great deal of communication between thanks to the fact that it wasn't a live multi-cam show, after each round in a game we would be given information by Matthew and discuss what we should do for the next game. Even though these moments we're being recorded for the show we were able to cut them out in the multi-cam edit. Shot callingWe had all of the cameras set up and recording from the beginning, however we decided not to hook them up to a edit desk as we did not want to cut the production on the fly, we preferred if we brought the footage into a multi-cam edit on final cut and mess around to see what are the best shots to go with. Talk-BackWe were not using a control room with a editing desk for this production, for talk back we received feedback from Matthew who was not participating in the game show who was giving us advice about we should and shouldn't be saying during the filming, he however was not in a control room but instead behind the set in the studio.CueingAs I said before because of the nature of the show there weren’t much room for cues, all of the dialogue and actions of the participants during the show were not staged. The only time we used cues were for the intros that we did using the green screen in which the presenter said some dialogue and the participants introduced themselves. Vision MixingWe did not use a vision mixer for the live recording of the show, and effects that we want to add to the final product will be done on final cut after the editor cuts a raw cut of the show.Video and Graphics InsertsWe intend to add graphics into the cut of the show, these will include text that will provide the audience member with information about the project like what game is being played and what the scores are. Sound MixingFor the production we had 2 microphones both picking up the sound of the contestants as well as the sounds of the game, we also had the cameras pick up sound in order to synch in final cut. The reason why we used 2 microphones was in case of a fault with one of the microphones which would know existed until we listened to it again on a computer. Overall I felt that was a very good experience working on this project, I felt that my planning of this project helped make the production go smoothly, without the planning and rehearsals we could have came across a lot more problems. Task 8CommunicationWhenever we were brainstorming ideas we all were able to share our ideas without someone being put down, we were all open minded to the ideas that we were presented, whenever we came up with the game show we all had the same idea in mind for how it should be executed, elements such as the background and the games that would be used were discussed and debated about before the filming of the show to ensure that we had a good plan for what we were going to film of day. Since I was responsible with planning the production communication was a must, I had to inform the crew about what time we are shooting, what day we are shooting, what time we have the studio booked for on that day and what equipment we needed to film with, I also had to remind people of the shoot the night before in case they forgot. ................

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