How to Use Curriculum:

CATCH MVP Lesson Series Lesson 1 – Our Healthy Immune SystemCATCH MVP is a curriculum that is just four lessons based on the initials M.V.P. Which is an individual who:M - Moves and Stays ActiveV - Values Healthy EatingP - Practices Healthy BehaviorsHow to Use Curriculum: The CATCH MVP Lessons are designed for virtual education using the “Flipped Classroom” Model. In this model, the content portion of the class is reviewed by students before the in-person portion of the lesson. Reviewing the lesson content before the lesson allows for the live portion of the class to be focused on activities and discussion about the material. In the CATCH MVP series, there are Pre-Recorded Lesson Videos for each lesson that students should review prior to joining the live virtual class. For each class students must: View the Pre-Recorded Lesson before meeting with the educator. Join and participate in the live lesson session during a predetermined class time. Background InformationLesson 1 – The immune system is the body’s defense against infections. The immune system attacks germs and helps keep us healthy. The immune system is a complex network of cells and organs essential for human health. White blood cells, also called leukocytes (pronounced: loo-kuh-sytes), play an important role in the immune system. White blood cells fight invaders that enter our body. It protects the body from infectious microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and fungi. If these microorganisms enter the body, the immune system combats them. Simple ways we can activate our immune system is: eating a healthy diet, exercising, getting enough sleep, and washing hands. Lesson OverviewTime Estimate: This lesson should take approximately 40 minutes.In this activity youth will learn what makes people sick, how the immune system fights germs, and how being a CATCH MVP can keep our immune system strong. First youth will review what CATCH MVP stands for. Then the students will learn about the immune system. They will listen to a song about handwashing (video links provided). Their first activity will be to practice handwashing. They will then learn how to keep their immune system healthy. There will be a physical activity break (2nd-3rd grade ABC Card Game) (4th-5th Copycat game.) The lesson will end with a Mindfulness Activity. A video will be played to go along with the mindfulness activity. The link for the video is provided. Learning ObjectivesMaking the connection between fighting illness and washing your hands. Materials NeededEducator will need:Computer with webcam, zoom or another video conference program downloaded on computerABC activity cards that the educator makes ahead of time (for 2nd-3rd grade)Participants will need:Computer with webcam, zoom or another video conference program downloaded on computerSpace for moving in placeEvaluation/SurveysTime Estimate: This portion should take approximately 10 minutes.SNAP-Ed evaluation surveys are required when delivering direct education. Please review the evaluation guidance and deliver surveys using best practices. ()Grades K-2nd: Pre-Tests: There are currently no online evaluations available for below grade 3. Please talk with your IA and the Evaluation Team if you are working with younger youth. Grades 3rd-5th: Pre-Tests: English: : : ConsiderationsABC activity card game: You can buy or make the alphabet flash cards, making sure to use bright colors for the letters. On each card write an activity that is easy to do moving in place. Ideally, each letter will have a different corresponding activity.CATCH Health at Home – Distance Learning for Parents & EducatorsThe CATCH Foundation has created the CATCH Health at Home resource center for parents and educators using distance learning. This free resource is full of different physical activity and mindfulness ideas to use throughout virtual education. To enroll for free, go to and choose the “I’m an Educator” enrollment option. Follow the directions to complete enrollment. CATCH MVP: Lesson 1 OutlinePre-Recorded LessonTime Estimate: 5:31 minutesBegin the series by having students watch the pre-recorded portion of lesson 1. This portion covers the content of the lesson and leaves the live portion of the lesson open for activities and discussion. Video Link (for recorded portion): HYPERLINK "" Lesson: Time estimate: ~ 40 minutesIntroduction~ 3 minutes(Slides: 1 - 4)Begin the live portions of the lesson with and introduction of yourself, your agency, and the SNAP-Ed ProgramIntroduce the lesson series, giving credit to for the materials. Briefly review what the students will be doing in the lesson. Review what CATCH MVP stands for and how it relates to a healthy life. *Educator note: It’s also important to allow students to introduce themselves in this first lesson. This can include a fun introduction game. (Ex. Tell me your name and your favorite food.) This is a good time to make sure the students know how to use the video platform and chat features. Practice using chat features.Slide 1Slide 2Slide 3Slide 4Evaluation~ 10 minutes(Slide: 5)Administer demographic survey/pre-questionnaire as determined by WA evaluation team. *Educator note: This could be sent to the teacher and filled out by the students before the first class to save on time.Slide 5*See above in introduction section or in PPT notes for survey linksContent Segment – The Immune System~ 20 minutes(Slides: 6-10)Immune System Review & Discussion – Review information and allow students to respond as appropriate. Handwashing Song Activity – A brief video is provided for each grade that explains how to properly wash hands. Choose just 1 of the videos provided to watch depending on the age of your students. Have students practice handwashing in the “Now you try” segment. Video Links: 2nd grade: 3rd-5th grades: Now You Try – Practice Activity Have students practice handwashing in the “Now you try” segment. How Do we Keep our Immune Systems Healthy? Discussion – Review information and allow students to respond as appropriate. Let’s Play a Game Activity – Choose just 1 activity to do with students. Review how to do the activity before you begin. Play several rounds as time is available. ABC Card ActivityCopycat*Instructions on how to do the activities can be found in the “notes” section below the PowerPoint slide. *ABC Card Activity: See “Other Considerations” section above for more details on how to make and play the game. Slide 6Slide 7*video links also in PPT note sectionsSlide 8Slide 9Slide10Cool Down & Closing~ 7 minutes(Slides: 11-16)Mindfulness Moment – This exercise includes a deep breathing exercise with a short video from Video Link: Did you Learn Today? Discussion – Allow students to share what they remembered from the lesson. Give a brief review as needed. Questions & Closing Ask what questions students have and give answers as appropriate. Thank the student and close out the lesson. Educator notes: Briefly review what was taught and discussed today, introduce the next lesson’s topic, and encourage participants to return next time. It is important to allow students to ask questions. If you don’t know the answer to a question tell them you will answer it next class. Make sure to write a note and bring an answer to the next class.Slide 11*video link also in PPT note sectionsSlide 12Slides 13-16 ................

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