1 - JustAnswer

1. Acute injuries include

• a. stress fractures

• b. bursitis

• c. open fractures

• d. all of the above

***• e. a and c

2. Strains are to muscles what sprains are to ligaments.

• a. true

***• b. false

3. Which of the following injuries does not result from shearing?

• a. tendinosis

• b. abrasion

• c. avulsion (as in fracture or as in ripping off a limb?)

***• d. sprain

• e. cartilage tear

you need to administer CPR to an athlete wearing a helmet with a face mask that is blocking access to his airway, which of the following should you NOT do?

• a. cut away the face mask with bolt cutters

• b. stabilize the athlete’s head while removing the face mask

***• c. use a portable screwdriver to unscrew the face mask from the helmet

• d. use pruning shears to cut the tabs holding the face mask to the helmet

• e. use a CPR mask with a one-way valve

2. If an athlete’s chest doesn’t rise after you give the first rescue breath, immediately start administering compressions.

• a. true

***• b. false (My understanding is to clear the airway THEN worry about compressions)

3. A cross country runner has collapsed on a course that is packed with runners. When you reach the athlete, first

• a. check for responsiveness

• b. establish an airway

• c. find out what happened

• d. review the athlete's medical history

***• e. evaluate the scene for safety

4. When you press the "Analyze" button on an automated external defibrillator, you should tell everyone to clear away from the athlete.

***• a. true

• b. false

5. You should move a critically ill or injured athlete when

• a. you want to get her away from other players

• b. there's danger from traffic

• c. the athlete is out in a lightning storm

• d. there's no one else around to assist you

***• e. b and c

6. During CPR, you should give chest compressions at a rate of about

• a. 30 per minute

• b. 40 per minute

• c. 60 per minute

***• d. 100 per minute

• e. 120 per minute

7. The AED indicates "No shock indicated/advised." You check and find that the athlete is breathing fast. You should

• a. begin CPR

• b. monitor breathing while waiting for emergency medical personnel to arrive

• c. establish an airway

• d. begin the Heimlich maneuver

***• e. check for responsiveness

8. When you assess an athlete’s ABCs, check for breathing for

• a. 1 minute

• b. 1 to 2 seconds

• c. 5 to 10 seconds

• d. 20 seconds

***• e. None of the above ( I based this on the fact that ou listen for breathing, and it could take 5 seconds and it could take longer depending on the situation, but I would not waste 20 seconds on someone without breath sounds or chest movement just because it was a suggested time)

9. You coach a women's softball team, and during a game you see your shortstop suddenly collapse. After opening her airway, you find that she's not breathing normally and is still unresponsive. While a player calls for emergency medical assistance, you

• a. give a rescue breath

• b. begin external chest compressions

• c. wait for the AED

***• d. deliver emergency oxygen (This depends on what the description “Not breathing normally” means. I took it to mean still breathing but collapsed.)

• e. none of the above

10. After you dislodge a foreign object from an athlete's throat with the Heimlich maneuver, the athlete's breathing returns to normal. In this case, the athlete can return to play.

• a. true

***• b. false


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