The Shofar - Etz Chayim Congregation


Make Your Seder Count by Rabbi Allan Meyerowitz

 The greatest of all holy days, Pesach is approaching in rapid fashion. The holiday has become a very culturally significant day for most American Jews and even those who have some Jewish ancestry and want to share in the outgoing from Egypt, our collective consciousness as a People. Family reunions are a critical part of this holiday. People who have not seen each other in long times gathering to eat matzah and recite mah nishtana together, is something we all look forward to with great anticipation. Reliving family history and Seders of the past is a wonderful way of renewing our bonds with the people who still are important in our self definition, but because of a rapid expanding world and new time restraints, we no longer see or experience with regularity.  It is also a time to invite guests we usually do not entertain-- from work, from the community, from meeting on the soccer field; and creating new friendships.

A number of years back when I was the rabbi in a small racially and economically divided town called Montclair New Jersey, I was nominated to serve on the townships "Civil Rights Commission." From the get go the antagonism I experienced was palpable. Most notably the head of the commission, a black women minister with a legal degree viewed me as the enemy within and took careful attempt to make my stay on the Commission very unpleasant. Our distrust and dislike could hardly be hidden. After two years of this unhappy situation (I refused to resign my commission) at one stormy session I finally blurted out," Pastor....I want to invite you and anyone you want to bring, to our congregation's Freedom Seder. I want you to really understand what Judaism is really about and how slavery changed our perception of life."

To my surprise and delight she agreed and showed up with a number of her friends. Very tentative and tense at first, I lead the Seder in a way which made us all re -experience the pain of slavery. As the Mishnah teaches "In every generation each person must personally feel redeemed from slavery." Using visualizations, laughter and props, ad hoc skits and a love of music, the one hundred people present went through a transforming experience. We were all slaves in Egypt living at the cusp of death at any moment (ala Auschwitz) and together depending upon each other and God's saving power we knew what it meant to be free.

My 'commissioner-enemy' by Dayenu could not help herself but like Miriam stood up to lead an African hora. We all spontaneously joined in until the caterer came out and complained that his elaborate dinner was cold and in trouble (what a change from "do we eat yet?") From then on hardened enemies became fast friends and allies. God's Torah had softened the heart of human rage and misunderstanding. The Commissioner could not help but hug little Jewish children good bye! We were all shocked by this turn of events!

That is what a Seder must be: a deeply moving, spiritually transforming event. It need not be as dramatic as that Freedom Seder, but could be just a child learning and feeling that he or she is a vital link in a chain going back to the Red Sea-- a Seder of songs, fun, skits, dances, props stories of our great grandparents and their adventures, stories of the great rabbis and how they have become the inspiration of our people and taught us to resist self-pity and self-denial as Jews.

Every Seder should count! Make this year's Seder really count!


Rabbi Allan Meyerwitz

Rabbi Weekends:

• April 11 – 13, 2008

• May 2 – 4, 2008


|Sat – April 19 |Passover Begins – First Seder |

|Sun – April 20 |9:30 AM Morning Services at EC |

|Sun – April 20 |Passover Second Seder |

|Mon – April 21 |9:30 AM Morning Services at EC |

|Fri – April 25 |7:30 PM Shabbat Services at EC |

|Sat – April 26 |9:30 AM Shabbat Service at EC |

|Sun – April 27 |10:30 AM Yizkor Services |



It’s hard to beat an Etz Chayim Purim celebration, but this year we outdid ourselves. On Thursday night, we had a pt luck supper with everyone bringing a delicious dish. Two of the items merit special mention, one was from Miry Trudeau, which was Borkas, and the other was from Shannon Burdeshaw, beet Borscht. Not that the other items were not special, but these two were outstanding. The reading of the Megillah followed the meal with everyone participating in the reading and in the hoot and hollering when H’man’s name was read.

On Saturday, we had the world premier of the Purim Spiel, “The Boogie Woogie Bagel Boy”, a musical review very loosely based on the Book of Esther. We fully that expect the next performance of the play will be Off Broadway, way, way off Broadway. Larisa Thomason has a great career ahead of her and we can’t wait till next year to see what Purim play she will produce.


On March 17th, a Lunch Bunch Get-together was held at the Macaroni Grill on University Drive. We had a nice attendance, great food and lots of fun.

The annual Megellah Reading to celebrate Purim was held on Thursday, March 20th, 7:00 p.m. at the synagogue. We had a huge turn-out with a nice of variety of food for the potluck dinner. Thanks to all who helped with this event!

On Saturday, March 22nd, 7:00 p.m. at the synagogue, we also had a great turn-out to the Purim Play, directed by Larisa Thomason. Dessert was served by the Sisterhood.

If anyone is interested on serving on the Sisterhood Board, please contact Natha Hancock, at 880-7210 by April 15th.

Mark your calendar for the following activities:

On Sunday April 6th, 2:00 p.m., at the synagogue, a speaker from IPAC is coming to speak on Israel.

On May 18th, 11:30 a.m., the Israeli Independence Celebration 60th Birthday will be held at the synagogue. Fhlomat Daniel is coming from Connecticut to speak. There will be games for the children outside. Lunch will be served after the program, with Israeli and American food.

There will be no Lunch Bunch Get-together in April due to the observance of Passover.

Please look for the post card reminder for the Sisterhood activities scheduled for May.

In closing, on behalf of the Sisterhood, I would like to wish B.J. Brigadier a speedy recovery on her recent illness. We miss you B.J.!!


Sue Paddock

Etz Chayim Sisterhood President

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|Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at the Synagogue. |

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|MENS CLUBMENS CLUB DUES: Now due. Still $10.00 yearly. Remember...Support |

|your Men’s Club supports you. Activities supported: Chanukah Latke |

|Party, Synagogue Annual Picnic, Men’s Club card parties and promotes other |

|Men’s Club activities. |

| |

|IMS; 8 bags were delivered to Food Pantry. Deliveries are made bi-weekly to |

|Food Pantry and First Stop. Remember these important projects.  The need is |

|great and your support is much appreciated. Please keep in mind these |

|projects, especially when you have an Oneg. |

| |

|Simcha & Memorial Plaques: $50.00 & $75.00 respectively. Please call Joe |

|Sacks for further details. 883-1889. |

| |

|Thanks.......have a great day, everyday..............Joe |


Some Sundays go along quietly and some Sundays really POP. The Religious School had a real POP of a day on March 9th. First, Sandy Pepper called to ask me if she could have some time at Boker Or that morning. She had planned a little surprise for the children. Then, Natalie Young arrived at Religious School and set-up an "Art-Workshop" all over the big table. Did I panic, No! Did everything turn out to be fun and filled with the spirit of community, YES!

Sandy got all the Dads from her first grade class to participate in a "game show" called NAME THAT JEW. She set the Dads into 2 teams and gave them stuffed animals to use for buzzers. We all had a great time; we laughed and learned more Jewish names that have influenced our society and our world.

Natalie set up work stations for some of the grades to design and paint Seder plates. It was an involved process with the children creating their plates and painting them. Natalie initiated this project on her own and supervised the whole process. I was thrilled by the effort that the children made to create this piece of usable art work. Natalie will have the plates ready for Passover.

We are entering the final few weeks for this Religious School Year and we will be gathering with friends and family for Passover. We must remember that we left Egypt as a community and that we still need to function as a COMMUNITY. That is the essence of the Religious School Program and why our children study Hebrew and Torah. Please support the efforts of their teachers and volunteers and thank them.

Monica Ward will be leading the Educational Seder for the Religious School Children on April 13th and she will need helpers to set-up and get the food ready. Parents will be asked to supply food and supervise during this time. Please be a part of this Community.

Remember that we will NOT have Religious School on April 20-First Day of Passover.

Our last day is May 4, 2008.

Tot Shabbat

For the March Tot Shabbat the little friends had fun listening to the story of Purim and they got to make crowns. We read a story about too much noise and used groggars to make noise. They enjoyed the noise making. Our next Tot Shabbat will be on May 10, 2008 with a Celebration for Israel.

Happy Passover,

Suzanne Druckman


The class for those who wish to learn to chant/lead Saturday morning services will meet at 7:PM - 8 :PM on Wednesday evenings, beginning on 9 April.


On Sunday, April 6th at 2 p.m. Professor Jonathan Adelman will speak about The Future of the American - Israel Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities in 2008

Jonathan Adelman is a Professor in the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver.

The Future of the American – Israel Relationship:

Challenges and Opportunities in 2008

2008 brings a host of new opportunities and challenges to the Middle East. In the wake of the escalating violence in Gaza and with the approaching presidential election this year promises to be pivotal for the future of the U.S. - Israel relationship. Please join us as we hear from Professor Jonathan Adelman precisely what kind of developments we can expect in the coming months on a range of issues from the Iranian threat to the proliferation of Islamic extremism as well as what the pro-Israel community is doing to face these dangers.

You are all encouraged to attend!!

Yom Hashoah

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Thursday, May 1, 7:00 p.m.

The Jewish Federation of Huntsville

& North Alabama

The New Room

Trinity United Methodist Church

607 Airport Road, S.W.

Reception to follow

For information, contact

Sue Farbman, chairperson,



Israel Independence 60th Year Celebration

The Jewish Federation of Huntsville

& North Alabama

Sunday, May 18, 11:30 AM

At the Synagogue

Games, Prizes, Crafts for the Kids

Lunch: Israeli & American Food

Speaker: Shlomit Daniel

No Charge, come One Come All


Building Fund

Milt Boyer

Bob Becker

Lucy & Charlie Fisher

Larisa & Phil Kirshtein

Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Fishman

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Howard

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kahan

Dr. Rose Schneier

Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Asher

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barkowitz

Dorothy & Bill Goldberg

From: Michal & Gary Hall

To: Diane Belsky – Speedy recovery

From: Harriet & Joe Sacks

In Loving Memory of Harriet’s father, Joe Brown and her brother, Stanley Brown

To: Ted Roberts – Continued good health

From: Janet & Morris Schindler

To: Ted Roberts – Thinking of you, get well soon and continued good health

To: Hilda Nathan – Ernest is in our thoughts and prayers.

From: Bill Goldberg’s Hebrew Class

Jennifer Patton

From: Shirley & Ted Roberts

To: Diane Belsky – In Memory of your sister, Lotta Chester.

From: Millie & Max Rosenthal

To: Robin Kirbey – In Memory of Robin’s father, Marvin Parker

To: Diane Belsky – In Memory of Diane’s sister, Lotta Chester

To: Scott Hancock – Get well soon and continued good health.

To: B.J. Brigadier – We look forward to your recovery soon and stay well.

From: Sandra Wiederecht

To: Robin Kirbey – In Memory of Robin’s father, Marvin Parker

To: Ted Roberts – Glad you are on the road to recovery, stay well.

To: Diane Belsky – In Memory of Diane’s sister, Lotta Chester

From: Diana & Howard Polin

To: Pauline & Don Duffey – Our sympathy to you and your family at this sad time.

To: Diane Belsky – Our sympathy to you on the loss of your sister, Lotta Chester.

To: Ted Roberts – Be well. Be very well.

Outdoor Lighting Fund

In Memory of Gertrude and Perry Schlein by their daughters, Natha Hancock and Robin Slomka and their families.

Rabbi Fund

Lucy & Charlie Fisher


"Thanks to all who sent me their kind wishes and kept me in their prayers during my recent illness"

From: Diane Belsky, Stan and the family


The Jewish Federation of Huntsville and North AL (JFHNA) Updates ---by Margaret Anne Goldsmith(from a presentation given in Atlanta at a UJC Network meeting)

The most important friendship that our Federation has built this past year has been with the Christian Evangelical community. We have learned that many of them have taken Hebrew, know our Torah and have traveled to Israel (individually and with AIPAC). Some people believe that their mission is to get the Jewish people to Israel to hasten the Second Coming and force our conversion. Leaders of the local evangelical community assure us thisis not true. They want to honor us for having provided the foundation for their Christianity and deeply regret their lack of action during the Holocaust. They promise to do everything in their power to never let such a horrific thing happen again to the Jewish people or Israel. Their mission is to support our causes and honor us as a people.

Since we've met, we have learned that they had been as anxious to build a relationship with us as we with them, but neither of us knew how to make the connection. This is what happened. Last year, during the war in Israel, we placed an ad in the paper inviting contributions. A number of checks were received from the Evangelical Christian community. Subsequently we invited our contributors to our Israel Independence Day celebration when again they gave us checks for Israel. In the fall they came to our campaign kickoff, and we were invited to their Succoth service. Sponsored by the Birmingham Jewish Federation, George Mamo spoke at one of their churches, and in February they attended our Hadassah honorarium. Recently we began working on jointly sponsoring several AIPAC speakers as well as one from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs during the next six months.

We are currently working on their honoring our Jewish community at Passover. They are considering providing funds for resettlement of Israeli refugees from Gaza and scholarships for local high school teachers to take the Holocaust Museum course on teaching the Holocaust. However, more important than their contributions is our mutual respect and friendship. In gratitude to them, this spring we will be presenting our Seventh Candle Award to Rev. Somerville of The Covenant of Peace Church as their representative at our Yom Hashoah observance given each year to a person or group in the larger community who has befriended us.

Remember the food pantry on your Oneg. First Stop needs personal hygiene items. Bring a few cans of food when possible.

Be sure to visit our website for the latest news…


Online Donations are Now Possible

Make a donation the Etz Chayim

Website using Paypal. Look for




For a $5.00 per message donation Millie Rosenthal will send a handwritten message from you to acknowledge a Simcha or loss. These donations will also appear in the Shofar. Help your synagogue, send a Milligram. Call or e-mail Millie.

|APRIL Calendar 2008 |

|Date |Time |Event |Place |

|4/4 |7:30 PM |Shabbat Service |EC |

|4/5 |9:30 AM |Shabbat Service |EC |

|4/6 |2:00 PM |IPAC Speaker |EC |

|4/9 |7:00 PM |Chant Classes Start |EC |

|4/13 | |Educational Seder |TBS |

|4/19 |Sundown |Passover Begins | |

|4/20 |9:30 AM |Morning Service |EC |

|4/21 |9:30 AM |Morning Service |EC |

|4/29 |8:00 PM |Men’s Club |EC |

Unless otherwise noted Shabbat Services are Friday night 7:30pm, Saturday 9:30am


We are saddened to advise you that Mr. Marvin Wesley Parker, Father of Ms. Robin Kirby , died March 11. 2008 in Scottsboro, AL. Visitation was held on Wednesday, March 11 and funeral services were held on Thursday March 12, 2008.

He was 76 years old and had been struggling with the effects of major heart problems for a while. The family has requested that memorials be sent to:

Etz Chayim Synagoue, 7705 Bailey Cove Rd, Huntsville, AL 35802

May God comfort the Parker- Kirby family along with all the other mourners of Israel and Jerusalem.

We are saddened to advise you that Ms. Lotta Chester, Sister of Diane Belsky, died March 8, 2008 in Bulington, VT. The funeral services were held there in her home town on March 11. She was 80 years old and had been struggling with the effects of a stroke and other illnesses for a while. She is survived by: her sister & brother, three children and eight grandchildren.

The family has requested that memorials be sent to

Etz Chayim Synagoue, 7705 Bailey Cove Rd, Huntsville, AL 35802

May God comfort the Chester – Belsky family along with all the other mourners of Israel and Jerusalem


|Apr-3 |Adar 27 II |Howard Farber |

|Apr-7 |Nissan 2 |Hersh Tzvi Bayers |

|Apr-8 |Nissan 3 |Robert Lukin* |

|Apr-12 |Nissan 7 |Paul Schlein* |

|Apr-12 |Nissan 7 |Gertrude Schlein* |

|Apr-13 |Nissan 8 |Morris Wittenstein* |

|Apr-14 |Nissan 9 |Cecile Hollenberg* |

|Apr-15 |Nissan 10 |Irwin Goldstein* |

|Apr-16 |Nissan 11 |Norman Greenbaum |

|Apr-20 |Nissan 15 |Yakov Cszerny Drake |

|Apr-20 |Nissan 15 |Yolanda Cszerny Drake |

|Apr-21 |Nissan 16 |Marvin M. Schreiber |

|Apr-21 |Nissan 16 |Lilian Jaffee |

|Apr-27 |Nissan 22 |Simon Blum* |

|Apr-28 |Nissan 23 |Leo I. Goldberger |


|Apr 8 |Haley and Michael Rosenthal |

|Apr 15 |Janet and Morris Schindler |

|Apr 20 |Rose and Ken Opengart |

|Apr 30 |Sharon and Jeff Yalowitz |

| Shabbat Onegs & Candle Lighting |

|Fri, April 4 |Light Candles: 6:52 PM |

| |Oneg: Kleiner |

|Shabbat, April 5 |Shabbat Ends: 7:49 PM |

| |Parshah: Tazria |

|Fri, April 11 |Light Candles: 6:57 PM |

| |Oneg: Shapira |

|Shabbat, April 12 |Shabbat Ends: 7:55 PM |

| |Parshah: Metzora |

|Fri, April 18 |Light Candles: 7:03 PM |

| |Oneg: Yalowitz |

|Shabbat, April 19 |Shabbat Ends: 8:01 PM |

| |Parshah: Acharei |

|Fri, April 25 |Light Candles: 7:09 PM |

| |Oneg: Roberts |

|Shabbat, April 26 |Shabbat Ends: 8:07 PM |




|Apr 2 |Dr. Arthur Polin |

|Apr 4 |Diane Belsky |

|Apr 4 |Dorothy Goldberg |

|Apr 6 |Eli Sacks |

|Apr 13 |Arlene Anthes |

|Apr 15 |Sandy Kalachman |

|Apr 15 |Howard Polin |

|Apr 17 |Lynne Edmondson |

|Apr 18 |Jacob Sacks |

|Apr 19 |Joshua Brigadier |

|Apr 19 |Gavin Hancock |

|Apr 21 |Blake Zelickson |

|Apr 22 |Lisa Roberts Harris |

|Apr 23 |Hal Dessau |

|Apr 23 |Susan Levitt |

|Apr 27 |Gary Hall |


|President | |Dennis Bulgatz |

|Vice-President | |Jeff Yalowitz |

|Treasurer | |Michal Hall |

|Recording Secretary | |Holly Kent |

|Corresponding Secretary | |Michelle Lapidus |

|Trustees | |Abbe Adams |

| | |Brenda Liles |

| | |Larry Weinberger |

| | |Larisa Thomason |

| | |Sam Kleiner |

|Mens Club Representative | |Joe Sacks |

|Sisterhood Representative | |Mille Rosenthal |

Let us know if you currently do not get an email version of the Shofar and would like to receive it. sa@etzchayim-


• PUBLIX in HAMPTON COVE has added a good selection of kosher meat & kosher lunch meat for sandwiches too! If there is anything you want just ask JOHN the meat department manger.

• Pillar Award Recipients: Mayor Belsky will be presented with the City of Highland Park's Humanitarian of the Year award. The ceremony (and celebration) will be held on April 22, Tuesday, at 7 pm. at the Highland Park Country Club. Further information will follow regarding guests.

• May 18th – Temple Night With The Chefs…stay tuned for more information from Arlene Averbuch





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