Engaging Activities for Students with Autism

Engaging Activities for Students with Autism

By Gail Fehlner Piedmont Regional Education Program Charlottesville, VA Charlottesville City Adapted Physical Educator

gfehlner@ 434-953-5313

A clearer text copy is provided for each activity at the end of the notes.


Student's Name:_______________________________________________________ Person filling out form:__________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________Student's Age:________________

In order to achieve maximum engagement in our Adapted Physical Education sessions, I would like to individualize lessons with objects, music or visuals that interest each child. Please take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions:

1. Are there any particular super-heroes, sports stars, or other characters that excite your child?

2. Is there any particular kind of music that your child responds to? Are there specific movie soundtracks or particular songs that he/she has taking a liking to?

3. Is there a particular subject matter that you child takes special interest in? (EX. Trains, turtles, clocks)

Please update me on your family's fitness interests/concerns for your child. 1. Has your child recently participated in a community recreational pursuit that they enjoyed?

2. Please list concerns you may have about weakness in any particular fitness area. Also, please share some your child's successes so that I can be sure to give him/her opportunities to show off his/her strengths?

3. Is there any additional information that you think may help in planning lessons/goals that could contribute to developing the best possible experience for your child in Adapted Physical Education class?

1. The student is given a picture card of a landmark on the hike or walk and asked to find it. After locating the landmark, the student places the picture in the finished container and tries the next one. The noodle provides and fun easy way to carry and display the schedule during the lesson.


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