2781300-581660Disadvantages of computers in the classroom. One concern of some people is that computers may reduce learning demands on students. It is simply far easier for a student to look up an answer online, rather than memorize it like in the past. Additionally, they can prove to be a distraction. It is difficult for one teacher to monitor every student on the computer. This allows some to play games in lieu of doing school work.00Disadvantages of computers in the classroom. One concern of some people is that computers may reduce learning demands on students. It is simply far easier for a student to look up an answer online, rather than memorize it like in the past. Additionally, they can prove to be a distraction. It is difficult for one teacher to monitor every student on the computer. This allows some to play games in lieu of doing school work.-962025287020dvantages of this versatile machine in like facilitators than leaders, and students tend to assume more responsibility for what goes on during class. he computer classroom tends to be less teacher-centered. Instructors felt more like facilitators than leaders, and students tend to assume more responsibility for what goes on during class. Student/student and student/teacher interaction tend to increase in the computer classroom, and students' conversations more frequently focus on writing. The computer classroom facilitates a focus on student writing--while it is being written--for both students and instructors. Students tend to leave the computer classroom with greater confidence in their writing.00dvantages of this versatile machine in like facilitators than leaders, and students tend to assume more responsibility for what goes on during class. he computer classroom tends to be less teacher-centered. Instructors felt more like facilitators than leaders, and students tend to assume more responsibility for what goes on during class. Student/student and student/teacher interaction tend to increase in the computer classroom, and students' conversations more frequently focus on writing. The computer classroom facilitates a focus on student writing--while it is being written--for both students and instructors. Students tend to leave the computer classroom with greater confidence in their writing.-533400306705As one of the most revolutionary inventions, computers have changed practically every facet of life. Advantages of this versatile machine in the classroom are many.00As one of the most revolutionary inventions, computers have changed practically every facet of life. Advantages of this versatile machine in the classroom are many. As a future teacher I will use CAI to my learners in order for them easy to picture out of what our lesson all about. Because today’s generation learners are engaged to technology as a future teacher I must also to know how to channel my teaching. But, I must also consider using the traditional way of teaching as my alternative in delivering my lesson I am not always used the new way in teaching as my daily routine. ................

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