Games Management Resource Guide


Table of Contents

Competition ................................................................... 2-18

• Formats 2

• Developing the Schedule 11

• Sample Team Competition Form 12

• Divisioning for Team Sports 13

• Divisioning Evaluation Form 18

Awards .......................................................................... 19-30

• Rule of Thumb for Ordering Awards 19

• Awards Protocol for Individual Sports 20

• Script for Individual Sports 24

• Protocol for Team Sports 25

• Awards Ceremony Flow Diagrams 27

• Script for Team Sports 29

Team Competition Formats


There are several different kinds of bracket arrangements that may be used in conducting tournament competition. The type of elimination is usually determined by several factors:

• The type of activity.

• The number of entries.

• The amount of playing time.

• Playing space and equipment.

• Age, sex, and ability level of participants.

• Officials available.

With a large number of entries it is sometimes desirable to run a combination tournament. For example: pool play is conducted for first rounds and then a double elimination or single elimination tournament follows. The winners of pool play will then be placed into a single or double elimination tournament depending upon the amount of time available in order to determine the ultimate champion.

Number of Byes

The first step before before making a drawing for the bracket arrangement is to determine the number of entries.

When the number of competitors is 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128, or any higher power of "2," they shall meet in pairs. When the number of competitors is not a power of "2" there shall be byes in the first round. For example: If there are 13 entries, a bracket of 16 with three byes is required. The purpose of having byes is to bring into the second round a number of competitors that is a power of "2." To determine the number of byes subtract the number of byes from the total number of competitors. If the byes are an even number one half of them shall be placed at the top of the draw and one half at the bottom of the draw; if they are unevenly numbered there should be one more bye at the bottom than the top. The byes at the top half shall be the names first draw. The next names drawn shall be placed in the first round. The byes in the bottom half are drawn last.

Seeding the Draw

It is a common practice to seed the teams or individuals, placing them in a bracket so that they will not meet in the early rounds of play. In Special Olympics, seeding is based on pre-classification scores and divisioning rounds of games. In each of the following tournament formats, the teams have been appropriately seeded.

Types of Tournament Play

1. Round Robin Tournament

In this simple but efficient method, each team plays every other team once with the final standing determined on a percentage basis.

The following formula will apply to any number of teams, whether the total is odd or even. With an odd number of teams, there is the same number of rounds; with an even number of teams, there is one less number of games than teams.

For Odd Number of Teams --

Assign to each team a number and then use only the figures in drawing up the schedule. For example, in a league with 7 teams start with 1. Then put down figures in the following order:

7-bye 6-bye 5-bye 4-bye 3-bye 2-bye 1-bye

6-1 5-7 4-6 3-5 2-4 1-3 7-2

5-2 4-1 3-7 2-6 1-5 7-4 6-3

4-3 3-2 2-1 1-7 7-6 6-5 5-4

Note that the figures go down on the right side of the column and up on the left side. Number 7 draws a bye in the first round, and the others play as indicated. With an odd number of teams, all numbers revolve; the last number each time draws a bye.

For Even Number of Teams --

With an even number of teams, the plan is the same except the position of Number 1 remains stationary and the other numbers revolve about it until the original combination is reached. For example, with 8 teams the following occurs:

1-2 1-8 1-7 1-6 1-5 1-4 1-3

8-3 7-2 6-8 5-7 4-6 3-5 2-4

7-4 6-3 5-2 4-8 3-7 2-6 8-5

6-5 5-4 4-3 3-2 2-8 8-7 7-6

Note: With an even number of teams, Number 1 remains stationary and the other teams revolve. With an odd number of teams, all numbers revolve and the last number each time drawing a bye.

2. Double Elimination Tournament

Tournament Bracket Example:

What follows is a Double Elimination Tournament with play-off games to determine places 1 through 8.

3. Consolation Tournament

There are two types in general use. The consolation type tournament is generally used only when the number of entries is 8 or 16. In both tournament formats, every team plays at least two games before being eliminated.

In the Type I bracket arrangement, only the losers in the first round of play compete for the consolation title.

In the Type II bracket arrangement, the losers in all the rounds (except the final of the upper bracket) compete for 3rd and 4th place.

Winners’ Bracket – 8 entries


Type I: Consolation Bracket Type II: Consolation Bracket


4. Single Elimination Tournament

If the contestants are of equal strength or their strength is not known, have a drawing for positions in the bracket. If the strength is known, seed the best teams so they will not meet in the early rounds. It is suggested that the entries are seeded in the following positions below.

All BYES must occur in the first round of play. The total number of games played is always one less than the number of entries. To determine the number of games that the winner would have to play count the powers of two in the number of entries, e.g., with 8 entries the winner plays 3 games.


5. Pool Play

Pool Play tournament format is used in international competition. Its greatest asset is providing a structure whereby the best teams play for medals in the least amount of time. Its greatest limitation is that many venues are needed.

For divisions involving 6-8 teams, the format involves round robin competition within two pools to determine placement into medal competition. Within this round robin play, teams will get 2 points for a win, 1 point for a loss, and no points for a forfeit. (If there is a tie for position, the *International Scoring System is employed to determine order of finish.)

For divisions involving 4 or 5 teams, the format involves round robin competition within one pool to determine placement into medal competition. Again, within this round robin play, teams will get 2 points for a win, 1 point for a loss, and no points for a forfeit. (If there is a tie for position, the *International Scoring System is employed to determine order of finish.)

For divisions involving 3 teams, the format involves double round robin competition within one pool to determine placement into medal competition. Again, within this double round robin play, teams will get two points for a win, 1 point for a loss, and no points for a forfeit. (If there is a tie for position, the *International Scoring System will be employed to determine order of finish.)

A combination of Pool Play and Single Elimination Play is recommended. Pool Play determines contenders for medals. Single Elimination Play determines place and finish. For divisions of 6-8 teams and at the completion of round robin play, the top two teams from Pool A play the top two teams from Pool B in a single elimination tournament format for medals and order of finish. The bottom two teams from Pool A play the bottom two teams from Pool B for fifth through eighth places.

For Divisions of 4-5 teams and at the completion of round robin play, all teams are seeded in preparation for a single elimination tournament format for medals and ribbons representative of the order of their finish.

For divisions of 3 teams and at the completion of double round robin play, all teams are seeded in preparation for a single elimination tournament format for medals and ribbons representative of the order of their finish.

* International Scoring System is figured in the following way. Those teams tied will be compared in the following order until the tie is broken:

1) head-to-head competition.

2) total points scored minus total points given up.

1) total points scored.

Pool Play Format – Schedule and Brackets

Round Robin Play within Each Pool Playoffs for Placement


Pool Play Format continued:

Round Robin Play within Each Pool Playoffs for Placement


Pool Play Format continued:

Round Robin Play within Each Pool Playoffs for Placement


Team Competition Schedule

for the Sport of __________________________________

|Day/Time |Field/Court |Field/Court |Field/Court |Field/Court |Field/Court |Field/Court |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

|Friday, | | | | | | |

|3:00 pm | | | | | | |

|3:45 pm | | | | | | |

|4:30 pm | | | | | | |

|5:15 pm | | | | | | |

|Saturday, | | | | | | |

|9:00 am | | | | | | |

|9:45 am | | | | | | |

|10:30 am | | | | | | |

|11:15 am | | | | | | |

|12:00 pm | | | | | | |

|12:45 pm | | | | | | |

|1:30 pm | | | | | | |

|2:15 pm | | | | | | |

|3:00 pm | | | | | | |

|3:45 pm | | | | | | |

|4:30 pm | | | | | | |

|5:15 pm | | | | | | |

Identification of Teams

#1 = ___________________ #11 = ___________________ #21 = ___________________

#2 = ___________________ #12 = ___________________ #22 = ___________________

#3 = ___________________ #13 = ___________________ #23 = ___________________

#4 = ___________________ #14 = ___________________ #24 = ___________________

#5 = ___________________ #15 = ___________________ #25 = ___________________

#6 = ___________________ #16 = ___________________ #26 = ___________________

#7 = ___________________ #17 = ___________________ #27 = ___________________

#8 = ___________________ #18 = ___________________ #28 = ___________________

#9 = ___________________ #19 = ___________________ #29 = ___________________

#10 = ___________________ #20 = ___________________ #30 = ___________________

Special Olympics Team Competition

Entry Form

Sport: Basketball ( Floor Hockey ( Football ( Softball ( Team Handball ( Volleyball (

Team name ________________________________ Uniform color(s) ____________________

Head Coach _______________________________ Phone ____________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

Assistant Coach ___________________________ Phone ____________________________

Type of team: Men’s ( Women’s ( Unified (

Skills Assessment Test Scores (SATs)*

| |Uniform | | | | | | | |

|Players’ Names |Number |Position |1) |2) |3) |4) |5) |Total |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

Place a “C” after the captain(s).

Place a star (*) after your best 5 players (BB, TH) or 6 players (SB, FB, VB).

Place a “P” after the names of the Partners, if a Unified team.

* Note: Basketball and Football have three SATs each. Softball, Team Handball, and Volleyball have four SATs. Floor Hockey has five SATs.

Divisioning in Team Sports

Procedures in the Classification of Games

1. Prior to a team's coming to the competition, it is essential that each team member take part in Skills Assessment Tests. These can be conducted by the coach and an event management crew. These scores will form the basis for a preliminary categorizing/grouping of teams so that a more accurate divisioning can occur on site.

The following information will be requested from each team:

• Players' names.

• Age and sex.

• Height and weight.

• Skills Assessment Tests' scores.

A copy of the Team Competition Entry Form requesting such information follows.

2. The final divisioning will take place on site. The teams with the highest composite scores will play and be evaluated first. They will be evaluated on their Athletic Ability, Sport Specific Fundamental Skills, Dominant Player(s), Defensive Team Play, and Offensive Team Play.

• Athletic Ability refers to natural ability -- running and jumping, especially.

• Skills refer to two factors -- understanding the game of basketball and being able to perform that sport's fundamental skills.

• Dominant Player(s) refers to the impact one or more players have on the team and the outcome of a game. Noting that player's position and size is helpful for placement. (A 6'5" center who is aggressive on both offense and defense may have more impact that a small point guard.)

• Defensive Team Play refers to a team's ability to cover areas and to help each other, defensively. (How well do they adjust and communicate; do they make the same rule infraction most times down the court/field?)

• Offensive Team Play refers to a team's ability to work together and score. (How well do they handle the ball; do they consider more than one option; do they move without the ball?)

Other Pertinent Information

It has been demonstrated that the following occur with Special Olympics:

• Athletic Ability, Fundamental Skills, and having 1 or more Dominant Players point more to success than both Offensive Team Play and Defensive Team Play. Thus, those factors carry more weight. (A team with 1-2 dominant players who have average or below average team members need to play in a division as high as the dominance level of its exceptional player(s).

• A composite team (one that has been selected from players across an area, state, or province for the Games but has not played a season together) may not work very well together during the divisioning games, but will "play their way" to success as the tournament progresses.

• The importance of turning in meaningful statistics and scores and of divisioning are taken very seriously. The goal is to have as equal a competition among teams as possible.

• All players must be present, fully uniformed, and play in the divisioning games. A team's Entry Form includes the roster; numbers will be confirmed at the first coaches’ meeting. These players will be the eligible players for the competition. The starters will be starred, will start each of the divisioning games, and will start at least the first game of the Tournament.

• Teams must begin these trial games with their starters and are required to play all players.

• The team's Entry Form is the official document for the competition. The scorekeeper for each game will check the Form with the scoresheet to make certain that only eligible players are competing. (A packet of Entry Forms are to be provided at each venue.)

• The team competition schedule must allow for these classification games to precede Tournament competition.

• The Divisioning Committee will evaluate the best teams first. The best teams will be based on an assessment of the Team Entry Form, especially noting the Skills' Assessment Tests' scores

• Teams should be given warm-up time and encouraged to play their best during these classification trials.

• There will be 5-6 minute games played with call-backs. (There may be a need to see teams play against another opponents because the game just played was a blowout).

• Escorts should remain with teams waiting for their games to be played.

Divisioning Committees

1. Positions

It is recommended that there be at least one Divisioning Committee of 5 people. Each Committee will include 1-2 Special Olympics Chapter Staff, 1 Sport Director, 1 certified official, and 1-2 coaches. Numbers of teams may require a Divisioning Committee for Men's Competition and a separate Divisioning Committee for Women's Competition.

Each of these Committees should have a separate DIVISIONING COMMITTEE DIRECTOR (*) who directs and oversees the workings of that group. This person should the Chapter/National Staff member who has the most experience in divisioning teams with Special Olympics. This DIRECTOR assembles the Divisioning Forms from their Committee, communicates briefly but frequently with each Committee member during each session, and notes the placement and the rank of the teams in each division. Post-its could be used to place teams on a master board under each respective division. (Two 6" tables could be at the Committee's disposal at each site.)

There should be a DIVISIONING COURT/FIELD MANAGER and an ASSISTANT COURT/FIELD MANAGER at each site. These two DIVISIONING COURT/FIELD MANAGERS will manage the teams on deck and ready them for their turn on the court/field.

2. Committee Responsibilities

Divisioning begins at specified location and at specified times, according to the Team Entry Forms (Basketball Skills Assessment Tests and otherpre- classification information. The goal is to place teams into an equal-team division in order to insure equal competition.

Court/Field Protocol

Each team is required to be on site at the specified time and ready to play. Each team is required to wear its uniform for divisioning as well as for team competition, to start its starters (best players), and to play the top seven players whose Skills Assessment Test scores were submitted on the competition entry form. Each coach will verify their team roster, uniform numbers, proposed starters, and Individual Skills Contest participants at the first Coaches' Meeting. Plus, the uniform numbers of the best seven players (the ones who have the highest SAT's) will be circled.

Upon arrival, each team will check in at the Athletes'/Teams' Staging Area. If needed, each team could be met by a TEAM ESCORT who would take them to the court/field and to the area of the bleachers to which it has been assigned. Each coach of each team will be responsible for keeping his/her team in the competition area. There will be teams on the court/field warming up. Next competing teams will be on deck in the front row of the bleachers and of their assigned court/field. Other remaining teams will be in the bleachers and in their assigned seats. The assignments will be marked with a highly visible sign and in a highly visible location.

TEAM ESCORTS stay with their teams as long as their team is at the arena.Their responsibilities include: meeting their teams at the Athletes'/Teams' Staging Area, directing them and sitting with them in their assigned bleacher area, escorting players to locker rooms and/or rest rooms, leading them to their assigned court/field, sitting with them during a call-back period, and leading them to the Athletes' Entrance/Exit at the conclusion of play.

Warm-up Protocol

When it comes their turn to play, each team will be given a 5-10 minute warm-up on the court/field prior to their playing.

Divisioning Game Protocol

When a game is announced, each participating team needs to take the court/field immediately. (The "on deck" teams will also be announced at this time.) A team will take its assigned bench, warm-up, confer with their coach, and begin with their starters. Each of the teams will stay in the competiton arena for both play and for call-backs.

Observation is as follows:

• Teams in the Medium Ability grouping playing each other.

• Teams in the High Ability grouping playing each other.

• Teams in the Low Ability grouping playing each other.

During each divisioning game, the starters must start and play the first 3 minutes. Also, a team will be asked to show its strongest defenses. For example, if a team presses, they will be asked to press during those first 3 minutes. Substitutions can be made at the 3 minute mark.

In the next round of games following the first of a particular grouping, those teams that dominated their competition could be paired against each other. Select teams will be matched against the next grouping of teams (better teams will be matched against the High Ability group; weak teams will be matched the Low Ability group).

The public address system should be used to announce who will be playing on what court/field and when. The DIVISIONING COURT/FIELD MANAGER and DIVISIONING COMMITTEE DIRECTOR should have a walkie-talkie. The DIVISIONING COURT/FIELD MANAGERS with the assistance of the TEAM ESCORTS should manage the "on deck" teams and ready them for their turn on the court/field. It is also suggested that a volunteer PHOTOGRAPHER take a polaroid shot of each of the teams and staple it to their roster/team entry form. The shot can be taken when the team is sitting out and not in the "on deck" position. (Having pictures with rosters will help the Divisioning Committee when it tries to recall a team during the ranking and placement of teams.)

Officials’ Protocol

The OFFICIALS' COORDINATOR should assign the officials to gyms and to court/fields. Officials should officiate the divisioning games and be evaluated by the OFFICIALS' COORDINATOR and assisted by an Officials' Committee (Sport Director and Chapter Staff representative).

An Official's Rating/Evaluation Form should be provided and used to gain information on each official in reference to: court/field presence, knowledge of the rules, mechanics, and ability to officiate Special Olympics competition at what levels. The Official's Committee will evaluate officials, review the Officials' Rating Forms, and give input to the OFFICIALS' COORDINATOR. The OFFICIALS' COORDINATOR should have the final decision as to the placement of officials into a division and the assignment to games. An attempt should be made to have no official assigned to a game which involves a team from their area.

If possible, try to accommodate the officials with Special Olympics experience, but not give them preferential treatment. Some of these officials may wish to officiate lower-skilled divisions. Assign officials by matching ability with need. Non-nationally certified officials could be paired with higher certified officials.

The goal is to conduct a FIRST CLASS COMPETITION.

Sample Divisioning Schedule of Games Optional Call-backs

Session 1 - court/field Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Game 5:

(1:15- A 13 vs 18 15 vs 16 _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

1:55) B 14 vs 17 Winners _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

Session 2 - court/field Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Game 5:

(2:00- A 19 vs 24 21 vs 22 _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

2:40) B 20 vs 23 Winners _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

Session 3 - court/field Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Game 5:

2:45- A 1 vs 6 3 vs 4 _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

3:25) B 2 vs 5 Winners _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

Session 4 - court/field Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Game 5:

(3:40- A 7 vs 12 9 vs 10 _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

4:20) B 8 vs 11 Winners _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

Session 5 - court/field Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Game 5:

(4:25- A 25 vs 30 27 vs 28 _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

5:05) B 26 vs 29 Winners _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

Session 6 - court/field Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Game 5:

(5:10- A 31 vs 36 33 vs 34 _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

5:40) B 32 vs 35 Winners _ vs _ _ vs _ _ vs _

Special Olympics Team Divisioning

Evaluation Form

Sport: Basketball ( Floor Hockey ( Football ( Softball ( Team Handball ( Volleyball (

Division _____ Age group _____ Men ( Women ( Unified (

Team ________________________________ vs ________________________________

Score _______ to _______

Uniform color ___________________________


| | |Above | |Below | | |

|Category |High |Moderate |Moderate |Moderate |Low |Score |

|Athletic Ability |10 9 |8 7 |6 5 |4 3 |2 1 | |

|Fundamental Skills |10 9 |8 7 |6 5 |4 3 |2 1 | |

|Dominant Player Rating* |10 9 |8 7 |6 5 |4 3 |2 1 | |

|Defensive Team Play |10 9 |8 7 |6 5 |4 3 |2 1 | |

|Offensive Team Play |10 9 |8 7 |6 5 |4 3 |2 1 | |


Is the team far superior or far inferior to its opponent: _________________________________

Who is the dominant player on the team (position)? ___________________________________




High -- Plays well; most game facets are performed excellently (3-4 players can handle the ball, consider more than one option, communicate, cover responsible areas and help teammates on defense); 7-8 players that are interchangeable, are excellent, or have complementary skills.

Above Moderate -- Plays moderately well; 2-3 players can handle the ball; offense and defense one-dimensional (little ability for adjustment; individual offensive skills limited; 3-4 excellent players and 3-4 average players.

Moderate -- Plays fairly well; lack depth; have non-participatory starters; have better coaching (systematic, but less skill); 3 above average players and 3 below average players with rest average in skill.

Below Moderate -- Skills and concepts exist but are very limited; players have some physical ability but lack fundamental skills and/or knowledge of the game; have 1-2 position specialists but cannot do much else.

Low -- Skills and concepts are lacking. They lack understanding the game and ability; they have some athletes, but ones who have not played the sport.


* Dominant Player Rating -- Rating of how good one individual makes his/her team.

Rule of Thumb to Ordering Awards

500 Athletes or Less

• Take the number of athletes entering all competition and multiply this number by three (3), because each athlete can enter three (3) events in one sport.

• Take the resulting number and divide by 4.0*.

• The resulting number is the number of sets of gold, silver and bronze medals and fourth place ribbons you should order.

• Half that number and you should have the number of 5th and 6th place ribbons you’ll need.

• Half that number and you should have the number of 5th and 6th place ribbons you’ll need.


(400 athletes)

400 x 3 = 1,200

1,200 ÷ 4 = 300 (300 sets of gold, silver, and bronze medals; 300 fourth place ribbons)

300 ÷ 2 = 150 (150 fifth and sixth place ribbons)

150 ÷ 2 = 75 (75 seventh and eighth place ribbons)

Note: If athletes are allowed to participate in more than one sport, multiply the number by the number of sports. If you were doing two sports, you would use:

300 x 2 = 600 (600 sets of medals; 600 fourth place ribbons)

150 x 2 = 300 (300 fifth and sixth place ribbons)

75 ÷ 2 = 150 (150 seventh and eighth place ribbons)

Fine tune your number as soon as entries come in and use the formula on a sport-by-sport basis.

Awards Protocol - Individual Awards

1. Notify Venue Director of Awards Committee presence.

2. Finalize set up of awards area.

• If permanent, arrange at beginning of final session.

• If temporary, insure all materials are in proper place, awards area site is defined and procedures for set-up are reviewed.

3. Review list of presenters and begin presenter check-in process:

• Make sure gate attendants know where to send people identifying themselves as Award Presenters.

• Prepare list of potential presenter substitutes.

• Line up presenter escorts.

4. Competition begins.

• Check schedule.

• Review event flow pattern (individual events).

5. Pick up athletes completing events.

• Insure proper exchange between escorts and official of Competition Committee.

• Bring athletes directly to awards staging area.

• Do not allow athletes to leave area unattended and/or without authorization.

• Take athletes to organizing area within awards staging area.

6. Obtain official results from scorer's/official's table.

• Check to insure it is the correct event.

• Check to insure all information is complete.

• Bring immediately to organizing area of awards staging location.

7. Prepare Announcer awards script.

• Prepare event description portion before events begin.

• Use official results sheet to complete awards script.

• Deliver to Awards Announcer just prior to the awards ceremony for this event.

8. Provide refreshments.

• towels

• water

9. Provide opportunity for grooming.

• combs available

• mirrors available

10. Organize line-up for awards ceremony.

• Pre-mark chairs with heat #'s and place markings in order of awards line-up.

• Have athletes sit in chairs according to their finish (check again to insure finish order).

• Line-up order is left to right (stage right) 8,6,4,2,1,3,5,7:

Line-up order is right to left (stage left) 7,5,3,1,2,4,6,8:

Note: Stage right means awards presentation team enters from right; Stage left enters from left. Right and Left as you face Awards Area.

(See Awards Ceremony Diagrams Individual Awards)

11. Mark ribbons.

• Pre-mark events, classes, age/sex groups.

• Write names on after receiving official results.

12. Arrange medals and ribbons.

• Insure that correct awards are on awards pillow.

• Check to see that ribbons are marked correctly.

13. Arrange flowers.

• Insure that correct number of flowers are on pillow.

14. Orientation of Presenters

• Escort introduces him/herself and welcomes them.

• Briefly explain ceremony procedures.

• Show them a diagram of ceremony.

• Introduce them to athletes.

• Escort them to line-up area.

15. Order of Awards Team

• 1st: Flowers (if available) and awards side by side

• 2nd: Athlete escort

• 3rd: Athletes in order:









• 4th: Athlete escort

• 5th: Present escort and presenter side by side

16. Signal ceremony start.

• Cue music (See Announcer script).

• Cue Announcer (See Announcer script).

• Cue Awards Presentation Team.

17. Ceremony Procedures (See ceremony diagram)

• On cue, flowers and awards carriers walk forward crossing across presentation area (cross in front of stands if used) and stop 3 steps beyond presentation area; turn towards each other and face towards presenters.

• First athlete escort leads athletes to presentation area (crossing behind stands if used) and stopping one step beyond 8th place presentation space (stand if used).

• Second athlete escort follows behind athletes and stops one step before 7th place presentation space (stand if used).

• Presenter escort and presenters stop 3 steps before presentation area.

• As Announcer calls out place and name of athletes, awards and flowers meet presenter escorts and presenter in front of award winner.

• As award is presented, escorts and carriers should step back slightly so that athlete can be seen by crowd.

• Presenter escort takes award from awards' pillow and hands to presenter. Presenter then presents award. Presenter escort then takes flower from flower pillow and hands to presenter who hands to awards winner. Presenter shakes award winner's hand.

• Carriers, presenter escort, and presenter then return to spaces on each end of presentation area.

• This is repeated until all awards are presented.

• When Announcer calls for recognition of winners, presenter escort and presenter turn towards each other facing away from carriers and head back to staging area. The athlete escort that followed at the beginning of the ceremony turns and leads athletes off. The other athlete escort follows with flower and awards carrier trailing.

18. Returning Athletes

• Escorts must insure that athletes are supervised until escorts come to take them back to team area.

Awards Organization Team for Individual Sports

Duty Number

• Escorts 4

• Grooming 1

• Refreshments (towels) 2

• Results 1

• Order arrangement 2

• Writing on ribbon 3

• Awards organization 1

• Photographer area 1

• Flower arrangement 1

• Helpers 3

• Assembling awards area 2

• Announcer 1

• Music 1

• Arranging presenters 2

Total = 26

Awards Presentation Team

Duty Number

• Presenter Escort 2

• Athletes Escorts 4

• Flower Carrier 2

• Awards Carrier 2

Total = 10

Awards Script – Individual Events

Sport: ________________________________ Division ______ Age/Gender ___________

1. Music fanfare.

2. “Ladies and gentlemen … please direct your attention to the awards area ________________

(give location in venue)

3. Entrance music (Athletes and presenter enter. Announcer waits until they are positioned in awards presentation area.)

4. “It is my pleasure to announce the results of the ___________________ of the ____________ for

(Division) (Gender & Age group)



5. “Presenting the awards with be _______________________ - _____________________.”

(Name) (Description of Presenter)

6. “In 8th place is ____________________________________.”

(Name) (Pause for award presentation)

“In 7h place is ____________________________________.”

(Name) (Pause for award presentation)

“In 6h place is ____________________________________.”

(Name) (Pause for award presentation)

“In 5th place is ____________________________________.”

(Name) (Pause for award presentation)

“In 4th place is ____________________________________.”

(Name) (Pause for award presentation)

“Winning a bronze medal is ____________________________________.”

(Name) (Pause for award presentation)

“Winning a silverf medal is ____________________________________.”

(Name) (Pause for award presentation)

“Winning a gold medal is ____________________________________.”

(Name) (Pause for award presentation)

7. “Ladies and gentlemen, please recognize these outstanding athletes of __________________


of the ___________________ for __________________________________.

(Gender & Age group) (Sport)

8. Pause for athletes to wave then play exit music.

Awards Protocol - Team Awards

1. Notify Venue Director of Awards Committee presence.

2. Finalize set up of awards area.

• If permanent, arrange at beginning of final session.

• If temporary, insure all materials are in proper place, awards area site is defined and procedures for set-up are reviewed.

3. Review list of presenters and begin presenter check-in process:

• Make sure gate attendants know where to send people identifying themselves as Award Presenters.

• Prepare list of potential presenter substitutes.

• Line up presenter escorts.

4. Review competition schedule.

• Check progress of competitions.

• Begin organizing Awards Teams prior to end of competition.

5. Complete Announcer awards script.

• Prepare event description portion before events begin.

• Fill in names according to roster. (Leave “place” on top of roster names blank until competition is complete.)

• Deliver to Awards Announcer just prior to the awards ceremony for this event.

6. Mark ribbons.

• Pre-mark event, division, etc.

• Write names on after competition is complete.

7. Arrange medals and ribbons.

• Insure that correct awards are on awards pillow.

• Check to see that ribbons are marked correctly.

8. Arrange flowers (if available).

• Insure that correct number of flowers are on pillow.

9. Orientation of Presenters

• Escort introduces him/herself and welcomes them.

• Briefly explain ceremony procedures.

• Show them a diagram of ceremony.

• Escort them to line-up area.

10. Order of Awards Team

• Flowers (if available) and awards side by side.

• Presenter Escort and Presenter side by side.

11. Competition ends.

• Ask or coaches’ assistance in bringing athletes to same side of field facing awards area.

12. Line up athletes.

• Line up athletes so that athlete listed first on roster is at front of line.

Note: Front of line faces toward end line of field or court.

Softball = front line is opposite of home plate.

• Stand on sideline. Softball’s immediately in front of bench.

• Double check to insure athletes on roster are in order from last to first.

• One escort is in front of athletes, and one escort is at end of athletes.

13. Provide opportunity for grooming.

• Pass out towels.

• Provide combs and mirrors.

14. Signal ceremony start.

• Cue music (See Announcer script).

• Cue Announcer (See Announcer script).

• Cue Athlete Escorts.

• Cue Awards Presentation team.

15. Ceremony Procedures (See Ceremony diagram.)

• On cue, Athlete Escorts lead athletes towards their corresponding end lines. They turn at end line proceeding towards the turning point along the end line. Reaching this poing, they turn, moving towards each other until they reach the mid-point of the awards presentation area. A space of at least 5 yards should remain between teams. The second Athlete Escort trails each team.

• After the teams reach the awards presentation area, the Awards Presentation Team is cued to begin moving up their assigned end line turning at the prescribed turning point and moving to the awards presentation area.

• Flower and Awards Carriers proceed across presentation area until they reach the last Athlete Escort on the far side. They stop, turn towards each other and face Presenter and Escort.

• Presenter and Presenter Escort stop when they reach the first Athlete Escort (close to end line).

• When the Announcer calls out the lowest place team award, the Carriers, Presenter and Presenter Escort move to the athlete on the announced team that is on the outside of the line (Athlete closest to end line).

• Presenter Escort takes award from pillow and hands it to Presenter. Presenter then presents award. Presenter Escort then takes flower from pillow and hand to Presenter. Presenter gives flower to athlete. Presenter shakes hands with athlete.

• The Awards Presentation Team then steps to the next athlete immediately adjacent to the previous athlete. This process is followed until all athletes of this team receive awards. Note: Presentation should proceed in a rhythmic, dignified fashion and may not exactly correspond with the announcing of the athlete’s name.

• After the first team has received awards, the Carriers, Presenter Escort and Presenter return to their positions on the outside end of each team.

• When Announcer calls out the name of the next team, the above process is repeated starting with the athlete on the end of the line (closest to end line of field or court.)

• When all awards are presented and crowd has acknowledged award winners, Presenter Escort and Presenter turn towards each other and walk to reverse pattern of their entry. The Carriers move across teams following Presenter and Presenter Escorts.

• After Awards Presentation Team has left field/court, the Athlete Escorts on end of lines (closest to end lines) lead teams back to bench in reverse order of entry.

• Athletes are turned over to coaches.

16. Awards Ceremony Flow for Individual Sports

2) Awards: 1) Staging:

8 6 4 2 1 3 5 7

3) Exit

17. Awards Ceremony Flow for Team Sports

2) Awards: 1) Staging:

3) Exit

Awards Organization Team for Team Sports

Duty Number

• Writing on ribbon 3

• Awards organization 1

• Cueing Announcer, music and scriptwriter 1

• Photographer area 1

• Flower arrangement 1

• Helpers 1

• Assembling awards area 2

• Announcer 1

• Music 1

Total = 12

Awards Presentation Team

Duty Number

• Presenter Escort 1

• Athletes Escorts 4

• Flower Carrier 2

• Awards Carrier 2

Total = 10

Awards Script – Team Events

Sport: ________________________________ Division ______ Age/Gender ___________

1. Music fanfare.

2. “Ladies and gentlemen…we would like to present the _____________ and _____________

(Place) (and Place)

Awards in the ___________ Division of the _________________________.

(Division) (Sport)

Let’s have a big round of applause for these teams.”

3. Entrance music. (Teams and Presenter enter. Announcer waits until they are positioned in playing area.)

4. “Presenting the awards with be _______________________ - _____________________________.”

(Name) (Description of Presenter)

5. “Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the ______________________ Award


representing ___________________________________.


Read names slowly: ___________________________________________________















6. “Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the ______________________ Award


representing ___________________________________.


Read names slowly: ___________________________________________________















7. “Please join me again in recognizing the winners of __________________ Awards in


___________________ of __________________________________.

(Division) (Sport)

8. Pause for athletes to wave then play exit music.



1st: Winner 16 or 17

2nd: Loser 16 or 17

3rd: Loser 15

4th: Loser 13

5th: Winner 14

6th: Loser 14

7th: Winner 11

8th: Loser 11

Winner G1



Winner G11 – Seventh place


Winner G14 – Fifth place

Sixth place

Loser G10

Loser G9

Eighth place

Second place

Third place

Fourth place

Loser G12

Winner G13


Winner G15

Winner G17 – First place


Loser G5

Loser G6

(G17), if necessary

Winner G16

Loser G16


Winner G15

Winner G12

Winner G10

Loser G3

Loser G4

Loser G2

Loser G1


Winner G9

Winner G8


Winner G7

Loser G7

Winner G6

Loser G8

Winner G5

Winner G4

Winner G3

Winner G2












8 6 4 2 1 3 5 7


8 6 4 2 1 3 5 7


1st place team


2nd place team


4th place team


3rd place team



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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