Dogzilla Vocabulary

Seal Surfer – Vocabulary [pic]

Basked – rested in pleasant warmth

Buffeted – struck against powerfully

Horizon – the line where the sky seems to meet the earth

Quay – a dock where ships are loaded and unloaded

Surf – to ride on waves, often on a surfboard

Swell – a long wave that moves along without breaking

Swooped – moved with a sudden, sweeping motion

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Log onto and hit the “study” tab to work through electronic flashcards for Seal Surfer vocabulary

Log onto and play matching, flashcard and concentration games to learn Seal Surfer vocabulary. The “word search” game will not teach the meaning of the words, but instead the spelling.

Note: These activities teach more than the seven vocabulary words that will be assessed on Friday. However, the extra vocabulary practice will increase your child’s vocabulary understanding as well as help him/her understand the story. Also, these are visual activities. Your child may still need to complete one or more of the activities below, to truly understand the meaning of each word.









Study the meaning of the word.

Make an association (Give it a motion or act the word out in your mind or for real. Create a funny rhyme, sentence…..Study the meaning of the word – spend time with it. Time on task = practice learning and understanding the meaning of the word.)

Draw then write.

Use the lined paper to: 1. Write the definition of each vocabulary word. 2. Write a sentence for each vocabulary word. 3. Write a real story using the vocabulary words.


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