Paragraph Practice

Mr. Lester ordered coffee and muffins for himself and his wife. Mrs. Lester used to work at a coffeehouse just like this one, so she knew just what she wanted. The children had cinnamon buns and hot chocolate. After enjoying their treats, the Lesters decided it was time to go on their weekly weekend hike.

1. Which is the best topic sentence for the paragraph above?

a. Coffee is not always the best thing to bring a family together.

b. The Lesters would someday like to own their own coffeehouse.

c. The Lester family likes their local coffeehouse.

d. Early Saturday morning, the Lesters went to their local coffeehouse.


1 My grandfather found a cookie jar from 1945 at a house sale last week. 2 These old toys are fun to look at, but I could see why no one would want to play with them--they cost way too much! 3 Collecting old toys has become a popular hobby. 4 Our neighbors have toys from as far back as the 1800s. 5 People go to flea markets and garage sales to find specific collectables, such as a 1930s doll or a 1945 wind-up car.

2. Which of the sentences from the mixed-up paragraph above is the topic sentence?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4


1 It was a place where chocolate drinks were served. 2 in 1657, a house in England was built called the Chocolate House. 3 Princes and princesses like to go to the house to drink chocolate out of golden cups and talk with friends. 4 Sometimes a guest could see the King and Queen of England drinking chocolate drinks out of golden cups. 5 The house, therefore, was certainly the place to be.

3. Which of the following sentences is most out of order, and where would it best fit?

a. 1, after 4

b. 3, after 4

c. 2, before 1

d. 5, before 2


1 On Saturday, we went to the playground. 2 It is just down the block from our house. 3 Jen played on the slides, and I spent my time on the swings. 4 We were also at the playground two weeks ago. 5 The sun was out, but it was not too hot at all. 6 Sliding and swinging, we had fun all afternoon at the playground.

4. Which of the following sentences is unneeded and takes away from the coherence of the paragraph?

a. 6

b. 2

c. 3

d. 5

e. 4


Hannah took dance lessons on Tuesdays. Most of the time, Hannah loved the class, but once every few months the students had a recital for their parents. The students had to pick their own music and create their own dance for that music at home. Then all the parents would come to the class and watch each student perform. While most of the children loved the recitals, Hannah became terrified. She felt she could never learn to enjoy dancing in front of others. She was so afraid of dancing in the recitals.

5. Which could be a supporting detail for the paragraph above?

a. She really never did like listening to music.

b. The parents usually came to the recital about 30 minutes early.

c. Hannah worked very hard in dance class to get over her fear.

d. Hannah did not want to go to dance class, but her parents made her.


1 Lebron James used to play for the Cleveland Cavaliers. 2 He grew up in Akron, so he was a hometown hero. 3 When he recently announced that he was leaving the Cavs to join Dwayne Wade and the Miami Heat, Cleveland fans showed how unhappy they were with his decision by yelling in the streets; tearing down his posters throughout the city; and, in some extreme cases, burning his jersey. 4 They were angry because he was from the Cleveland area, and he was an important figure there.

6. Which of the following sentences is redundant and thus not necessary?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4


Smucker's jelly is the best jelly there is. The company first began producing fruit spreads in 1897, and they have been using wholesome and natural ingredients ever since. Not only do they offer a variety of flavors, but they also offer a variety of bottle types, from the new plastic squeeze bottle to the classic glass one.

7. Which of the following sentences would be the best concluding sentence for the paragraph above?

a. I really like Smucker's jelly.

b. You should choose Smucker's jelly.

c. No one can compete with Smucker's jelly.

d. These bottles come in 20 ounce quantities.


1 Dwight K. Schrute works harder than anyone else on "The Office." 2 Even more, with the exception of only one instance reported by Jim Halpert, Dwight has never wasted a minute of work time while on the clock at Dunder Mifflan. 3 Beyond working hard at the office, Dwight also runs and maintains a beet farm, only relying on the help of his cousin, Mose, for assistance. 4 Dwight is truly a model worker.

8. In the paragraph above, where is the best fit for the following sentence?

Always diligent and determined, Dwight arrives punctually every day.

a. after 4

b. before 2

c. after 3

d. before 1


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