Illinois Association of the Deaf

Illinois Association of the Deaf2015 Biennial Conference at Stoney Creek Inn-Moline, ILGeneral Meeting Minutes June 27, 2015The meeting was called to order at 8:44 a.m. by president Angela Botz. Volunteer copy signers for the meeting were appointed, a special thank you to: Patty WestonSuzy LongJenny BuechnerNina HowardPaul BlicharzHoward RosenbaumAlso thank you to our general meeting/conference interpreters; Amanda Cole-Grazian, Shelley Engstrom-Kestel, and Tina Cannon for donating their time and services. Mayor Scott Rayes stopped by and addressed the members with a speech. The standing rules were approved as shown. (Marietta Coufal/Crystal Kelley Schwartz)Six chapter representatives were appointed and approved to review the2015 conference meeting minutes with an amendment by Kevin Ryan, seconded by America Haileselassie to change Chicago to Quad Cities. (Shelley Williams/Kevin Ryan) The 2015 conference minutes review team will be: Jodi Miller-Springfield, Teri-Lyn Calhoun-Heartland, Dede Summers-Jacksonville , Kevin Ryan-Fox Valley, Amanda Lucki-Quad Cities, and William Newell-Illini.Kevin Ryan (Gary Etkie) moved to suspend Chicago Chapter of IAD voting privileges.Gary Etkie (America) amended to change “suspend” to “inactive.”Jodi Miller (Minette Sternke) moved to table the motion. (Failed)Short recess at 9:34 a.m.The meeting was called back to order at 10:12 a.m. by president Angela Botz. Gary Etkie withdrew his amendment.Kevin Ryan withdrew his motion. Teri-Lyn Calhoun (Kevin Ryan) moved that Chicago Chapter of IAD not be allowed to bid for the 2017 conference. (Carried)A change in the agenda was approved for the Necrology to be before the elections. (Corey Axelrod/Alan Thomas)Necrology:Bobby HeadJimmy CarterMichael K. BergerBernadine Garland 2015-2017 IAD term elections: Jerry Corvell was appointed by Angela Botz to run the elections due to an emergency that required election chair Earl Weston’s absence. Results: President-Corey AxelrodVice President- Kevin RyanTreasurer- Lisa RothSecretary- Shelley WilliamsMembership Secretary- Susan Dramin-WeissDeDe Summers/Corey Axelrod moved that members vote for Gary Etkie’s replacement for his 6 year financial consultant term due to his resignation with an amendment by Anil Phadke (William Newell) that the replacement will finish what is left of the term (4 years.) Motion carried. Members voted for William Newell to complete Gary Etkie’s Financial Consultant term. (William Newell/Corey Axelrod) Motion Carried.President called a lunch recess at 12:17 p.m. Meeting was called back to order by president Angela Botz at 1:20 p.m. Corey Axelrod (Kevin Ryan) moved to accept Article IX-Committees as presented. Motion Carried. Corey Axelrod (John Miller) moved that the motion (regarding Article IX-Committees) be effective immediately. (Motion Carried)ARTICLE IX – Committees SECTION 6:? The Financial Consultants shall have appropriate experience, background, or other credentials to assist the Finance Committee in fiscally responsible investment on behalf of IAD.? Upon listing all members eligible to serve as Financial Consultants, three (3) Financial Consultant candidates with the highest votes shall serve a two-year term – the highest vote will serve a six (6) year term, 2nd highest a four (4) year term, 3rd highest a two (2) year term as Financial Consultants on the Finance Committee.? The terms of the Financial Consultants shall be staggered. There shall be three (3) Financial Consultants serving at all times,. one serving a two (2) year term, another serving a four (4) year term and the other serving a six (6) year term.? Each Financial Consultant shall serve a six (6) year term. Terms for all three consultants shall be staggered. In the case of an unexpired term, one shall be elected or appointed for the remainder of the unexpired term at the Board of Directors’ discretion.? At the expiration of a consultant’s term, their respective position will be opened for election. Joe Obermaier shared with members the treasurer and budget report. President Angela Botz gave her State of the IAD address. VIM CREED: “Today, I will strive to actively participate, to keep an open mind, a positive attitude and to share my voice to further the social, educational, and economic well-being of the?deaf and hard of hearing citizens of Illinois.??After all, I am a VIM!?”??By joining the Illinois Association of the Deaf, you will become a valued member of the rich cultural heritage and diversity of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing communities. The central goal of this organization is to promote the awareness of many issues by??educating the general public about the lives and cultural richness of the Deaf and??Hard-of-Hearing communities. By increasing awareness of the Deaf and Hard-of Hearing communities and its people, these individuals will be empowered with community pride and self-advocacy.???2013-2015 reflected on IAD’s programs:????BOARD OF DIRECTORS???President: Angela Botz??Vice President: Shelley Williams??Secretary: Crystal Kelley Schwartz??Treasurer: Joe Obermaier??Membership Secretary: Susan Dramin-Weiss??CHAPTERS???Chicago Chapter of IAD (CCIAD)??Fox Valley Chapter of IAD (FVIAD)??Heartland Chapter of IAD (HIAD)??Illini Chapter of IAD (Illini)??Jacksonville Chapter of IAD (JIAD)??Little Egypt Association of the Deaf (LEAD)??Riverbend Chapter (RDC)*??Quad Cities of IAD (QCIAD)??Springfield Chapter of IAD (SIAD)??Stephen Decatur of IAD (SDIAD)??CHAPTER REPRESENTATIVES??Chicago – Lori Krakora???Fox Valley – Kevin Ryan??Heartland – Teri-Lyn Calhoun??Illini – Bill Newell??Little Egypt Association of the Deaf? – Misti Harrison??Jacksonville – Deloris DeAnn Summers??Quad Cities – Amanda Lucki??Riverbend Chapter – Ralph Roach*??Springfield – Jodi Miller??Stephen Decatur – Greg Heberling???AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS??Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (ITAC)???Illinois Registry Interpreters for the Deaf (IRID)??Jacksonville Community Center for the Deaf (JCCD)??PACE Center for Independent Living (PACE CIL)??Windy City Rainbow Association of the Deaf (WCRAD)??West Suburban Association of the Deaf (WSAD)*??Chicago Club for the Deaf *???CHAIRS & COMMITTEES???By-Laws – Shelley Williams (2013-2015), Marietta Coufal (2015)??Conference – Amanda Lucki and Kelly Scherf (2013-2015), Angela Botz and Shelley Williams (2015)??Deaf Senior Citizens – Janet Pyers??Family Program – Rhychell Barnes???Finance – Joe Obermaier??Fundraising – Bill Newell??Archives & History – Earl Weston??Legislative – Dennis O’Brien* and Leon Devriendt??Media – Corey Axelrod??Public Relations – Lori Krakora??Webmaster – Corey Axelrod??Training – Lisa Roth??Youth Program – Maria Hernandez???AD-HOC COMMITTEES???Mental Health – Crystal Kelley Schwartz???TOP FIVE PRIORITIES??2013-ADV-004: IAD needs to develop and implement mental health education and advocate removing the negative stigma in the deaf and hard of hearing community.? Status:????Advocacy is an important means of raising awareness on mental health issues and ensuring that mental health is on the agenda of Illinois Association of the Deaf.???Form a mental health advocacy movement. It comprises a diverse collection of organizations and people with various agendas. Although many groups join together to work in coalitions or to achieve common goals, they do not necessarily act as a united front.???Develop a media strategies may be considered for the purposes of mental health advocacy by ministries of health:???Maintenance of a continuous working alliance with the media??Raising of mental health issue in the media (lack of mental health services, Unaffordable cost of mental health care, lack of parity between health and physical health, poor quality of care in mental hospitals and other psychiatric facilities, violations of human rights of persons with mental illnesses.??Provide a workshop throughout the state in collaboration with Jessena Williams, Mental Health??Coordinator for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the State of Illinois on Stigma and Mental Disorders.????Advocate on stage spot with IAD at the DeafNation Expo 2014 in Palatine, IL about the Mental Health Priority Focus Team and the issue in the state of Illinois.????Great source we can use: : IAD and IDHHC follow up with EHDI Act in Illinois to make sure all hospitals are complying with the law? Status:???The hospitals in Illinois, their most challenging aspects of operating an effective newborn screen program was a lack of creating an effective data management system*. Even the simplest of programs generates an astounding amount of data that can quickly overwhelm the capacity of a poorly conceived data management system.???*Data Management System include if all that was required was to count, report the total number of births, number of infants screened, and the number who passed and failed, data management would be possible.???"The Evolution of EHDI: From Concept to Standard of Care" by Karl R. White, PhD, resource link for the Early Hearing Detection & Intervention including legislative talking points about existing legislation, national goals on standard screenings, etc.???: IAD work on mandating higher qualifications for teachers of the deaf on their ability of using sign language in the field of education that teaches Deaf/Hard of Hearing children in Deaf institutions or mainstreamed programs.???Status:???IAD and Illinois Teachers of Hard of Hearing and Deaf Individuals (ITHI) shall thrive to foster professional growth of teachers of persons who are deaf and hard of hearing and to promote the quality of education for persons who are deaf and hard of hearing in the state of Illinois. And to promote cooperation and unification among all state services and agencies serving persons who are deaf and hard of hearing in the State of Illinois. ??IDHHC continues to work with the Illinois State Board of Education to provide adequate testing options and professional development for educational interpreters. IDHHC regularly attends ISD Advisory meetings, ISHI meetings and ITHI Conference.??IDHHC made recommendations to the Illinois State Board of Education and Governor’s Office addressing the need to recruit more qualified certified teachers for the Deaf.???????2013-ADV-008: IAD actively lobby for funding increases for ISD, DCFS, IDHHC, ISBE, and Mental Health, and any other programs that provide services to the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deafblind.???Status:??Specialized Programs for Children and Adolescents - Clinicians experienced in providing for the mental health needs of children and adolescents tailor Division of Mental Health services to meet the specialized needs of younger people. dhs.state.Status:?????ISD - ISD's all funds are appropriated by the fiscal year Budget and GRF under the Dept. of Human Services. In Angela Botz's video as independent citizen of Illinois, she will be on the video regarding in the struggle to balance budgets in the State of Illinois, many others are expressing our concern that state government is seeking to underfund the Illinois School for the Deaf as well as other education programs for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in Illinois.???State government officials and legislators lack a true understanding of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students' needs including the need for vital educational programs, total communication access and communication tools. They also lack an understanding that resources and support services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students at their local school districts do not compare to the language rich environment, quality education programs and total communication access provided at ISD.? Education is the key to success and ISD provides this education which leads to success for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.???DCFS - The Division of Mental Health is funded through state dollars that are allocated by the annual budget that is decided by the Legislative process and Governor’s Office. The State of Illinois also receives federal dollars for various initiatives and these are funneled through the State of IL for the designated programs.??As you may be aware, for many years, some of these State budget fiscal decisions have been postponed to the Veto sessions (depending upon the circumstances) as opposed to budget cuts and/or increases being known for the upcoming fiscal year by the end of the current one.???Because many funding decisions are directly related to the Legislative process, etc., we can encourage constituents/taxpayers to talk with their legislators about their concerns/issues. Jessena Williams, the DCFS Deaf Coordinator, cannot lobby within her position role.???One aspect of IAD is to address the stigma of mental illness within the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, and Late-Deafened populations.?????Jessena Williams would be happy to collaborate with IAD Mental Health Priority Focus Team on these efforts. One example of this is to provide training/presentation on mental illness, mental health, and the Division’s services to interested groups or individuals.???IDHHC? - IDHHC receives appropriations by the fiscal year from the General Revenue Fund. Over the last 6-7 years, IDHHC has had funding cuts or maintenance budget. Last year to address IDHHC’s program needs, IDHHC had to restructure to fill the Program Coordinator’s position.??? ??Mental? Health???"Specialized Programs for Children and Adolescents" - Clinicians experienced in providing for the??? mental health needs of children and adolescents tailor Division of Mental Health services to meet the specialized needs of younger people. dhs.state.???Jessena Williams were hired to fulfill the position in late June 2014 by the Department of Mental Health??as Mental Health Specialist for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at the McFarland Mental Health in Springfield, IL.???In May 2014, Patrick Hayes, Recovery Support Specialist, Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health, presented to IDHHC on mental health treatment and the peer to peer treatment approach currently being utilized by DHS. The presentation was available live via the internet the day of the meeting.???IAD's Mental Health Priority Focus Team was formed to eliminate stigma related with mental health and deafness. IAD believes in the mission of advocating and empowerment for and of each other.? Mental Health services for the Deaf have been said to be lacking equal accessibility with quality care for professionals, adults, and/or children who have a hearing loss. We want to first take away any negativity that comes with being diagnosed or struggling with having a mental health disability such as Depression, ADHD, Bipolarity, and more.??2013-LEA-002: IAD needs to develop and implement a system of resources and collaboration to encourage IAD's involvement of those aged 18-30.? Status:??Life is full of transitions - IAD in printable .pdf format and resources is available for to prepare students to move from the world of school to the world of adulthood and assistance. IAD looks into a mentorship program development. IAD encourage youth to participate and involvement with IAD on such activities and events. Contact IAD Deaf Youth Chair Maria Hernandez for more information.?????IAD BOARD AND REPRESENTATIVES HAVE ATTENDED THE PAST 2 YEARS??Meetings of the ISD Advisory Council???Deaf Quest’s Illinois Deaf Awards 2013 -Illinois Association of the Deaf was one of the nominees for Best Deaf Organization? ??Statewide Deaf Services Coordinators’ Statewide Health Care Forum, Springfield, IL ??State Association Presidents of Region 2 held few virtual (videoconferencing) meetings. This is something new NAD had desired for us to do during the 2014-2016.???Quad Cities Chapter of IAD’s Happy Joe’s Pizza and Social Kickoff Raslly for 2015 Conference,??Moline, IL??NAD Conference at Atlanta, Georgia??Illinois School for the Deaf’s 175 Years Anniversary Alumni Reunion, Jacksonville, IL??Meet & Greet with Jessena Williams and Rebecca Patton at Mental Health Center in Springfield, IL on behalf of Statewide Deaf Services Coordinators, Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission and Scared Creations??ISD Biannual Secondary Education Conference, Jacksonville, IL panel??St. Louis Deafestival, Kirkwood Community Center??HIAD and IAD’s Picnic, Chillicothe, IL???4-day Deafhood 101 at Jacksonville Community Center for the Deaf, Jacksonville, IL DeafNation Expo, Palatine, IL??Midwest Center on Law and the Deafness’ Thanksgiving Eve Fundraiser event??Chicago/79th GLDBA & 68th GLDWBA hosted by WSAD Bowling Tournament??Illini Chapter’s Picnic, Champaign - 2013 and 2014????Midwest Center on Law and the Deafness’s Annual Thanksgiving Eve Fundraiser event? Coffee Chat that Elke Weinbrenner and Maria Hernandez hosted??“Sweet Holiday Party with Ugly Sweaters” at The Call in Chicago hosted by WCRAD??Deaf Hanukkah party hosted by Corey Axelrod??Deaf Idol 2015, Peoria???NAD Fundraiser Event, Swoboda Center??NAD/CCIAD Townhall Meeting, Swoboda Center??President participated on a panel for Annual Mother & Father Day, “CI v Deaf Culture: Can They??Co-Exist” at Schaumburg Town ship District Library, Schaumburg, IL??“The Differences Between a Chapter and a Club” to LEAD Chapter of IAD, Carterville, IL??“Where Do I Stand in this Diverse Community?”, retreat at Lanark, IL by Angela Botz and Crystal Kelley Schwartz??“FUNraising” presentation by Shelley Williams, retreat at Lanark, IL??“Finances, Budget Plan and Forms Session” held by Joe Obermaier at Lanark, IL??“The Differences Between a Chapter and a Club” to LEAD Chapter of IAD, Carterville, IL??“Where Do I Stand in this Diverse Community?”, retreat at Lanark, IL by Angela Botz and Crystal Kelley Schwartz??“The Differences Between a Chapter and a Club” to LEAD Chapter of IAD, Carterville, IL??“Where Do I Stand in this Diverse Community?”, retreat at Lanark, IL by Angela Botz and Crystal Kelley Schwartz??PRESENTATIONS????“The Differences Between a Chapter and a Club” to LEAD Chapter of IAD, Carterville, IL??“Where Do I Stand in this Diverse Community?”, retreat at Lanark, IL by Angela Botz and Crystal???Kelley? Schwartz ??“FUNraising” presentation by Shelley Williams, retreat at Lanark, IL??“Finances, Budget Plan and Forms Session” held by Joe Obermaier at Lanark, IL??“Communication Policy, Goals and Membership”, by Susan Dramin-Weiss at Lanark, IL??“Where Do I Stand in this Diverse Community?”, Peoria, IL??Presenters Angela Botz and Crystal Kelley-Schwartz – “Where Do I Stand in this Diverse??Community?”, a three (3) hour presentation at the 2013 Illinois RID Annual State Conference on Friday, October 11th in Sugar Grove, IL.???Presenters Angela Botz and Crystal Kelley-Schwartz – “Where Do I Stand in this Diverse Community?”, presentation at the 2014 Illinois Teachers of Heard of Hearing and Deaf Individuals’ (ITHI) 50th Annual Conference???What Are the Concerns in the State of Illinois presentation at? DeafNation Expo 2014??Gave presentation on “About Us” at the Riverbend’s Chapter’s Pizza & Elections at IMPACT CIL Legislative Workshop, IMPACT CIL??“How You Can Get Involved with IAD”, Local Area Network Community Meeting, Alton???“Where Do I stand in this Diverse Community?”, Crystal Kelley Schwartz and Corey Axelrod (in place of Angela Botz) at Deaf Communication by Innovation (DCI) to Deaf Services Social Provider in Chicago??“How You Can Get Involved with IAD”, MHCH Network Breakfast, Maryville???“About IAD”, School of Pharmacy at SIU-e, Edwardsville??Presentation on Hearing loss and the Community, St. Anthony’s Medical Ctr Health Fair, Alton??Nothing About Us, Without Us presentation , Vt. Vernon??Mental Health and You, Presentation, Alton Memorial Hospital (35 people with hearing loss registered plus 75 ppl!???BOOTHS -? During the 2013-2015, the IAD was represented at events held by others throughout the state.????IAD Biennial Conference 2013??DeafNation Expo, Palatine?? - 2013???Illini Chapter’s Annual Picnic, Champaign - 2013 and 2014??ASLTAIN, Belleville 2014??Mental Health Fair, Maryville??St. Anthony’s Medical Center Health Fair, Presentation on Hearing loss and the Community??DeafNation Expo, Palatine 2014??Springfield Bowling Tournament, Springfield 2015??NAD/CCIAD Townhall, Chicago 2015??Deaf Idol at ICC S.I.G.N. Club, Peoria 2015??RETREATS?? IAD Board Retreat at Sabbath Center in Lanark, 2013 IAD Leadership Retreat in Lacon, 2014??BOARD MEETING LOCATIONS????2013 – August 25, Life CIL, Bloomington??2013 – November 10, Retreat & BoDs’ meeting at Sabbath Center, Lanark???2014 – February 9, PACE CIL, Urbana??2014 – May 4, Retreat, Lacon??2014 – August 17, PACE CIL, Urbana??2014 – November 8, Yellow Box - Naperville??2015 -? February 7, Stoney Creek Inn, Moline??2015? - May 2, Advocates for Access, Peoria Heights??NAD CONFERENCES ???NAD Leadership Training Conference (NLTC) – Omaha, Nebraska IAD Delegate: Corey Axelrod? ????NAD Conference – Altanta, GA?? IAD Delegates: Angela Botz and Crystal Kelley Schwartz??ACCOMPLISHMENTS??IAD 47th Biennial Conference held at Holiday Inn, Urbana, IL June 20-22, 2013, 136 registered??IAD celebrates 105 years since SWB started!? 1908-2013??Revamp the IAD website with a redesign, hosted on WordPress??Heartland Chapter marks the 15th Anniversary Celebration: 1998-2013??Illinois Association of the Deaf received an award for Best Deaf Organization for the Deaf??Quest’s Illinois Deaf Awards 2013??2013 IAD Retreat, Lanark, IL??2014 IAD Retreat, Lacon, IL??Community Forum at Yellow Box??New black polo shirts with current IAD logo embroidered??PayPal Online for Membership??Alpos Software – better financial tracking system??Raised over $4,000 for Deaf Youth Fund??Bill passed 2015 law for to change the word hearing impaired to deaf and hard of hearing??Bill passed 2015 law for to change the word handicapped to people with disabilities??Community Forum at Advocates for Access??Set up MailChimp???PayPal online for Conference Registration??New Chapter formed: Stephen Decatur Chapter of IAD??ADVOCACY??IAD and disability advocates nationwide are mobilizing with U.S. Senators including U.S. Senators??Mark Kirk. Here in Illinois our job is to recruit U.S. Senator Kirk to publicly commit to voting??YES to ratify the CRPD. Senator Kirk, who recently joined the disability community having survived???a stroke, has not yet made the commitment.????IAD contacted Senators and Representatives to support the Alice Cogswell Act? as part of the Child First campaign. NAD has asked state associations for help to take action.????Illinois Association of the Deaf and the state of Illinois sent a letter to the City of Chicago to urge them to support the implementation of Smart911. All citizen including deaf and hard of hearing, are concerned about emergency response because? of the lack of communication, misunderstanding, confusion with dropped calls, delays, situations including critical situations. IAD advocated for on behalf of National Association of the Deaf for Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL) for deaf drivers.??Bill passed 2015 law for to change the word hearing impaired to deaf and hard of hearing.??Bill passed 2015 law for to change the word handicapped to people with disabilities.??IAD is one of the many supporters in the community to change the governance at the Illinois School for the Deaf and to establish the Board of Trustees to run the school. IAD believes it is very important for ISD to be governed by a board who understands the need of the school rather than a state agency. These two bills below that Jerry Covell and Paula Chance has credited for the push of making this happens:????HB2657 makes several significant changes to the School Code. This legislation will have an impact on the educators at ISD as there are changes concerning a provisional educator or career and technical educator endorsement on an educator license with stipulations, a substitute teaching license, a general administrative endorsement and a superintendent endorsement on a Professional Educator License, educator testing, educators trained in other states or countries, professional development activities.?????SB220-Amendment #1 - provides partial Jurisdiction B exemption to educators at ISD and ISVI which means the applicants who apply for ISD or ISVI teaching positions will just submit their applications to ISD directly in-stead of CMS (to be graded when they are already licensed and qualified by the Illinois State Board of Education). This will speed up the hiring of the educators for both ISD and ISVI.????Both of these bills has passed and are on the desk waiting for Illinois Governor Rauner to sign.??CHAPTERS’ HIGHLIGHTS???Chicago Chapter of IAD – Lori Krakora, Representative???CCIAD has been quiet since the last Conference with the exception of hosting a? Day at the Zoo event at Brookfield Zoo in Sept 2013. We got interpreters to volunteer? their time to interpret at various areas of the Zoo such as the Dolphin show. It was a huge hit--we had over 200 in attendance.???We got fired up after having elections in January 2015. We partnered up with the new Deaf Center- Swoboda Deaf Center, and have been hosting our events there. We spent 2 days in their banquet hall-Vella Hall, doing an "Extreme Makeover" with over 30 volunteers helping out during the 2 days. We painted, we cleaned, and got that hall looking real good! This was a fun event for us, and all for a good cause!??In April, with President Angela Botz's permission, we partnered with Swoboda Deaf Center to host NAD's visit to Chicago. We also held a fundraiser for NAD, and it was a crowning success. We thank everyone who contributed to make this happen.???We also hosted to date, 3 "Painting Party with a Deaf Artist" workshops which was a membership drive for us, and excellent exposure. Each one of those classes have been sold out, and we plan to host more starting in August. We gained approximately 10 new members as a result of these painting classes. This helps IAD grow larger again in numbers of members.???In May, we partnered with Swoboda Deaf Center to host a movie, "The Deaf Club". Again, a successful event and brought exposure to both organizations. This movie is a MUST-SEE. If you have not seen it yet, do so. It is very easy to arrange a showing of the movie in your area.???June-we hosted a TownHall Meeting on Hospital Accommodations. Very informative. We learned a lot, and will host more Hospital Accommodation Workshops as it is important information for all Deaf people to know. We also sponsored 4 Deaf Youths from area High Schools for the current Conference by reaching out to the schools and asking for recommendations. If you're interested in hosting a Hospital Workshop in your area, contact Dana Craig and she will help you get it set up.??We've been talking with Swoboda Deaf Center about hosting more future events-one such event will be a Thanksgiving Dinner where we will partner up to provide Thanksgiving Dinner for those in the Deaf Community who are in need. We really appreciate the partnership with Swoboda Deaf Center, and are thankful for their kindness.???We had our Special Elections and General Meeting last Tuesday. It was decided by majority vote to postpone the elections to August in the hopes of getting more people to run for elections, and more people present at the elections to vote. We did however, elect Lori Krakora to be Acting President, Patty Weston as Acting Secretary, and Joseph Obermaier as Acting Treasurer via IAD until the elections. Michelle Metevia remains as our Trustee.??We did have our General Meeting. We were originally going to sponsor 4 Deaf Youth for the IAD Conference coming up soon, but 2 of them dropped out. It was then voted on to use that money to help transport our 2 sponsored students to the conference instead.???We will be sending out exact information on our elections shortly. For those of you heading to the conference-we'll see you there!??We are excited to roll up our sleeves and provide more events over the next 2 years. This means more and more exposure for IAD.????Fox Valley Chapter of IAD (FVIAD) – Kevin Ryan, Representative???FVIAD attended 5 meetings in the past 2 years. The chapter help a September 2014 Election with the presiding officers: President Kevin Ryan, Vice President Anil Phadke, Secretary Patty Phadke and Treasurer Gary Etkie.????FVIAD brought lunch for? November 8, 2014 IAD Board meeting at Yellow Box.????The chapter will arrange election for new officers on September 11, 2015.????FVICAD hosted 2 fundraising events, “Deaf Doc” at two different locations, one in Schaumburg and the other in Naperville. The events were successful and made profit of $526. FVIAD 50% donation earned from the events goes to the IAD Training Fund and 50% to FVIAD.??????????Greeting from Heartland Chapter of IAD (HIAD)????The past 2 years have allowed HIAD and its officers to work more closely? learning new things together. We will cherish those times. There are so many? wonderful people in the area and yet do not have the confidence to take positions within HIAD.?????One biggest highlight of the past two years was the HIAD/IAD Picnic held in Chillicothe, IL in??September of 2014. Load of fun, fantastic food, fabulous place and most of all - awesome group of people made that day a SUCCESS!!??HIAD was proud to support Deaf Youth. HIAD agreed and have sent a check of $100 to support Deaf Youth at the upcoming 2015 IAD Conference. We do know they are the future generation of IAD.??HIAD might be a small chapter, but we aren't weak. As long as IAD and all of other chapters continue to work together...we all shall be strong.????Illini Chapter of IAD – William Newell, Illini Representative??I-L-L I-N-I??I-L-L I-N-I??ILLINI! Is what it spells. Our chapter is near the beautiful campus of the University of Illinois in??Urbana/Champaign. Monthly meetings are held in the PACE center for independent living. We consider ourselves as watchdog over the Gallaudet/Cogswell group statue located in the U of I Main Library.??During the past two years the Illini Chapter has hosted annual Crazy Bowling, and August Picnic (next scheduled for August 8th at Lake of the Woods, Mahomet). Other occasional fundraising events held are ASL movies and community restaurant funding events. Also, involvement in community events such as PACE sponsored annual Wheelathon, and annual area Disability Expo includes many of our members' participation. Cooperating with area schools with Deaf programs is another area we are expanding our involvement.????2015 - 2016 Officers are:??President - William Newell??Vice President - Elizabeth Hurd??Secretary - Marietta Coufal??Treasurer - Donald Haring??2015 - 2017 Representative to IAD - Marietta Coufal????The Illini Chapter appreciates our IAD officers, Angela, Shelley, Crystal, Joe, and Susan for your leadership this past two years. You all have been a wonderful TEAM.????Regards, William Newell, retiring Illini Representative to IAD.????Jacksonville Chapter of IAD (JIAD) – Delores DeAnn Summers, JCIAD Representative???We had and still help the deaf community with organizations as JCCD, GUAA, Tigerland?and many more..... ??Town hall??Ice cream social??Deafhood workshop??HB and SB bills??ISD Governance??Sponsor youth to IAD???Working with youth at ISD??Met the needs at both theatres??Community came and had success with 911 texting in Morgan County, will be effective in "60" days????ASL Hospice in process and going great.???JCCD and JIAD, other organizations helped with ASL Films Movies???We have small numbers of members but.....we all participate other organizations in the community as well???Looking forward for more workshops such as bylaws, parliamentary, Roberts Rules and more......????Enjoy your Conference and let's learn something new and bring back to your chapter.???Little Egypt Association of the Deaf (LEAD)??June 30, 2013 – Deaf Night Out at Showplace 8, Carbondale, IL??Dec. 7, 2013 – A Christmas Story and Dinner Night at? Mackie’s Pizza??Feb 1, 2014 - First Deaf Night Out at University Place 8???Feb, 15, 2014 – Valentine’s Party in Murphysboro, IL??May 10, 2014 – LEAD’s Picnic 80th years Celebration, De Soto, IL??Quad Cities Chapter of IAD (QCIAD) – Amanda Lucki, Quad Cities Representative??For the past two years, QCIAD have continued to provide community events? such as pizza/mini golf event, Thanksgiving, crazy bowling, summer picnic and? Halloween. We have participated in 5k Heart Walk, car washes, and baseball? games, against sexual violence for women with disabilities training as well as? self-advocate training.????However in the past 1 year, we noticed a decline of the community involvement with QCIAD, we are now striving to work on finding ways to revive the chapter and finding reasons and ideas to determine if it is in the best interest of the community to continue the chapter. After the conference, would like to request assistance from IAD to help us determine the future of QCIAD.????IAD would like to recognize and thank to Quad Cities for their great theme and implement of the conference with the great D-WAVE theme and the color of red, white and blue. And forms being made and reservations for the hotel and the riverboat cruise.?????Riverbend Chapter of IAD (RDC) – Ralph Roach, Riverbend Chapter Representative*???Riverbend Chapter had good number of members and held several events since the 2013 IAD Conference.?????May 12, 2013 – General Meeting at FOE, Alton, IL???Sept 7 - End of Summer Bash, Rotary Pavilion, Belk Park, Wood River, IL??Oct 5 - General Meeting, Hamel??Nov 9 - Thanksgiving Party, Hamel??Dec 7 - Christmas Party, Eagle Club, Alton, IL – A great success including Bingo, Dinner, Elephant game and a Michael Berger’s Candle Vigil lead by President Angela Botz March 9 – Pizza and Elections at IMPACT CIL, Alton????Springfield Chapter of IAD (SIAD) – Jodi Miller, Springfield Representative???During the period of 2013 -2015 –SIAD hosted the Springfield Sliders baseball game. SIAD provided the “freebies” of ice scrapper with the handshape of “I love you” in size of credit card for the IAD Conference attendees as part of souvenir. The additional ice scrappers will be selling as part of our? fundraising eff orts. SIAD have elected new officers for the period of 2015? – 2017. SIAD is looking forward to productive and success.???????Stephen Decatur Chapter of IAD (SDIAD) – Greg Heberling, Stephen Decatur, Representative???IAD welcomes Stephen Decatur Chapter, a new chapter just recently formed! IAD invited Stephen Decatur President, Greg Heberling to our Board meeting on May 2nd.????New officers:??Greg Heberling, President??Josh Roades, Vice President??Courtney Huton, Secretary??Josh Roades, Treasurer???Eric Ginder, member??Carol Ginder, member??Bethany Bennett, member????Affiliates?? ??Jacksonville Community Center for the Deaf (JCCD) -? Janet Pyers???The community came together to celebrate the 30 th years of JCCD, it was success and hope for bigger celebrate in 5 more years.????Community also help hold all the community together on the issue of ISD and governance bill. It is coming along. Not near perfect but working together is what's important.????We had about 3 town halls regarding the important HB and SB bills.????Joel Barish from Deaf Nation came to community and topic was " No Barrier" enjoyed night.????Summer is coming up, (so fast) means, conference, go D-' Wave. (hoping for water park!)?????The President, De will be busy expanding, Looking forward to see and working, processing setting up workshops and trainings in near future. So watch for the flyers and info.????Interpreter workshop??CDI training and workshop??Deaf hospice volunteers??Expand on interpreter list for DASA??JCCD are going strong. We thrive on community support and collaboration.??????Windy City Rainbow Alliance for the Deaf, Elke Weinbrenner, President??WCRAD had hosted several events such as St. Patrick Party, Valentine/ Mardi Gras Party,? Halloween Party, Marriage Equality Workshop and several other events.???The past few months, WCRAD has been focusing on WCRAD 10th Anniversary, which is slated for August. More details will be forthcoming. WCRAD continues to educate others about LGBT issues.?????We are shifting our focus to get more LGBT youths involved with WCRAD as we recognize our future lies with the youth.? WCRAD is working on recruiting more members to get involved in LGBT community. WCRAD are slowly partnering with events, such as the play, “Miracle.” WCRAD has a possible partnership with the movie, “The Tribe”, which is still in the works. We do have a few upcoming events coming during the summer. More workshop and educational opportunities is forthcoming. On the political side, WCRAD is on Equality Illinois Newsletter to obtain any recent updates with LGBT issues in the state of Illinois () and HRC (Human??Rights Campaign ).? WCRAD’s office house right at COH (Center on Halsted),which house all LGBT organizations in Chicago area.???The most exciting news for WCRAD was being able to work with IAD to bring recognition to LGBT and diversity issue to the IAD conference. You may have noticed the poster, “Embrace Diversity” and LGBT activities during conference.?????The reason why WCRAD felt this was important, some of you may be aware that the month of June is Gay Pride month. In fact, this very week of IAD conference, there is Gay Pride Parade (Sunday), the famous Back Lot Bash party for Lesbians, and several other events for LGBT. WCRAD want to say thank you, IAD, for partnering with us on the issue of diversity. If you want more information with events WCRAD is partnering with or any other??LGBT events in general, you can check out WCRAD website??() and WCRAD Facebook??().? You can become a member of WCRAD (Ally are always welcome) and get WCRAD Eblast News regularly.????Our national organization, RAD (Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf) is having a conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which is slated for July 29th- August 2nd. You don’t need to be LGBT to attend, as long??you? are an ally, please do consider attending the conference. You can check for more information by going to this link: .? . WCRAD is one of 7 chapters of RAD. The other chapters are: British Columbi a, Ontario, Colorado, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, and Southern Florida. For your information, NAD (National Association of the Deaf) does have LGBT section if you are interested, go to this li nk: next biggest challenge is our election, which is coming up in November. If you know anyone who may be interested in working with WCRAD, please have the person contact Elke Weinbrenner.??????STANDING COMMITTEES’ HIGHLIGHTS??2015 IAD Conference? - Angela Botz and Shelley Williams?? IAD would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the conference committees for their hard? work and community support to make this conference a great success! The Conference??Committee been phenomenal with the planning, promotions, craft makings, collaborations, and raising money in just few months!! Anything is Possible! Let’s not forget to thank QCIAD for implement of the Conference and did the best they could.??Bylaws? - Shelley Williams (2013-2015), Marietta Coufal (2015)??The bylaws have been updated since the 2013 IAD Biennial Conference. The Bylaws has been posted on IAD website. Available for electronic upon request or printed material.????Guidelines??After the last board meeting, the IAD guidelines and Board Policy Manual were reviewed by the Bylaws Committee. The committee recommended some additional edits, and requested these guidelines to be approved by the IAD Board at the next IAD Board meeting (date TBD).?????Family Program - Rhychell Barnes????Attended the? MATA EXPO on May 18, 2013 to provide first Family Program activates. Big Thanks to Maria, IAD Youth and Dawn Schwartz to outreach and requested donated to Family Program and Youth.??First Attend to IAD Conference for Family Program on? June 20 -22, 2013. One Child Registry to the Daycare!??Volunteer to work as food court with EARS Family Fun Walk October 13, 2013 in Springfield.??Attend Parent Advocacy IDEA Training on September 20, 2013 at University of Chicago to work with families. Received EI Certificate.??Family Program created a flyer to promote to Deaf Community.??Request IAD President to send IAD 2015 Conference flyer to Illinois EARS Newsletter.??Contacted Coordinating Jodee? Crace, former President and committee for American Society of the Deaf Children to include with Marcie Breese, Illinois School for the Deaf Outreach Program,??Dr. Janice Warshaw, Illinois School for the Deaf Superintendent, Angela Botz, President of??Illinois Association of the Deaf and Carolyn Eilering, State of Illinois about a possible host American Society of Deaf Children? in Illinois??Completed First Family Program Schedule for 2015 Conference and create Vlog to share with Deaf Community.??Be sure to see Rhychell to thank her for all she does for the Family Program!???Media – Corey Axelrod???Over the past two years, there have been a number of changes with communicating with IAD members using different media. Two of the most notable changes are the new IAD website and the new email? distribution via MailChimp that sends out emails on a regular basis to IAD members.??The content management system (CMS) used to access the previous website was not user-friendly, and with the support of the IAD Board, the switch was made. There are fantastic features within the website, including the IAD Calendar in which IAD, Chapters and Affiliates can have their events and meetings posted. Further, during the last IAD Board meeting, it was shared the Blog page would no longer be used because of the email distribution that increased efficiency and connecting with members.??Last, but not least, we have distributed 23 total email shots since February via MailChimp to IAD members. We have achieved an average of a 51.61% open rate. Per mail Chimp, the non-profit industry’s average open rate is 25.71%. Additionally, we've achieved an average of 9.54% click rate. Per MailChimp, the non-profit industry's average industry click rate is 2.99%. With these figures, MailChimp is concluded to be an effective means of reaching out to members.??Fundraising – Bill Newell, IAD Fundraiser Chair??An online fundraising effort for the Deaf Youth Program raised $4,704 concluded November 2014. See deafyouthprogam for listing of over ninety donors including a $1,000 matching gift from an anonymous donor. Team NEWELL, Team BOTZ, Team HERNANDEZ, and Team OBRIEN did a great job getting the word out. Heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who gave.???On September 13, 2014 at Shore Acres Clubhouse in Chilliclothe ( just north of Peoria), IAD along with HIAD hosted a fantastic cookout for all attendees. It was a beautiful day. We had a large spacious Clubhouse eating area - looking out the windows we could see long barges being towed on the river. A washer tournament was a great hit too. I am very grateful to Chairperson Carolyn Burrus and her wonderful HIAD committee for putting it all together. Total raised was $77.11 plus a lot of IAD awareness was spread around.??During March 2015, Fox Valley IAD Chapter hosted two Deaf Doc fundraiser events raising $263.45.??"Everyone loved Deaf Doc shows" says Kevin Ryan.??Much appreciations goes to FVIAD for the planning, Angela Botz for some behind the scenes input, and Gary Etkie for his humorous antics.?????Two other fundraising suggestions, a Deaf Gala and a Deaf Movie event, was not pursued at this time.?????Mental Health – Crystal Kelley Schwartz?????Three main issues were repeated when conducting interviews with members of the Deaf community.??They are:??Awareness of mental health services for the Deaf??Awareness about Mental Disability and removing stigma???Qualified interpreters for Deaf in hearing mental health settings???A presentation will be set up where we will invite the community to come listen to the committee share why this is a major issue and explain how participants may advocate for themselves with the mental health system along with removing stigma.???Gave a brief presentation to the audience at the 2014 DeafNation Expo at Harper College.????Training – Lisa Roth???Chairperson was created as a special committee by recognizing the need to establish training opportunities for IAD chapters, affiliated organizations and especially to the members.? ??IAD provided a leadership retreat that over 30 people attended with workshops ranging from finances to parliamentarian procedures. The goal is to host leadership retreat every other year.? ??Board Retreat 2013, Lanark??Leadership Retreat 2014, Lacon???Youth Ambassador Program (YAP) – IAD shall seek youth participating in the National Association of the Deaf’s Youth Ambassador Program (YAP) competition in the near future! IAD welcome any advisor(s) to help IAD with the new program. There will be financial consideration to support any qualified contestant or two in the near future.??Youth Program - Maria Hernandez????10 youth attended 2013 IAD Biennial Conference at Holiday Inn in Urbana, IL.????Successful fundraising made possible through Crowdrise online for the Deaf Youth Fund – raised over $4,000!???Attended several outreach events, meeting and training to promote IAD Deaf Youth.????6 youth, 3 boys and 3 girls attend today conference.?????Please be sure to stop by and thank Maria Hernandez for all she does for the youth!?????NAD????Upcoming National Association of the Deaf Leadership Training and Biennial Conferences?? 2015 NAD National Leadership Training Conference at Birmingham, Alabama 2016 NAD Conference at Phoenix, Arizona???Angela’s Farewell Note:??Today I come to you with a message of leave-taking and farewell from IAD, and to share a few final thoughts with you, my friends, my very important members!??Like all members, I wish the new President and all who will labor with him, Godspeed.???It’s been the honor of my life to be your President for the past two terms!? So many of you have written the past few weeks to say thanks, but I could say as much to you. Thank you for the opportunity and rewarding experience you gave me to serve.???It has been a tremendous experience as a president since 2013! It has been a privilege to gain rich knowledge, embrace and a precious time to gain many new friends and seeing the old.???People ask how I feel about leaving. And the fact is, "parting is such sweet sorrow." The sweet part is my family, my love for painting and freedom. The sorrow--the goodbyes, of course, and I will be there to support IAD as long as I live!??Like our dear long time member Henry Niemeyer also said, ”Keep IAD Strong, Keep IAD going!”???Interact, collaborate, reflect, reconnect, and renew!???IAD is here to stay!??Thank you for coming to the Conference!??We hope you enjoyed your stay!??The 2015-2017 IAD PRIORITIES were presented by Crystal Kelley Schwartz. They are:2015: ADV-001 EHDI IAD shall continue to work on the 2013 ADV priority regarding EHDI Act to make sure that ASL materials are included as language exposure for deaf children. 2015: ADV-002 Education Strategy Team IAD shall establish an education strategy committee with working groups to address educational issues which impact deaf children. 2015:ADV-003? Direct Services Adhoc Committee IAD shall form a direct services adhoc committee to advocate, promote and protect the needs for deaf social service providers. 2015: ADV-004 Emergency Alert and Accessibility Adhoc IAD shall form an emergency alert and accessibility adhoc committee to advocate, protect and promote the needs of deaf individuals in all emergency situations.? 2015: ADV-005 Access for Deaf in nursing homes or ward of state IAD shall set up an adhoc committee to help open up access for deaf people in nursing homes or those who are ward of state. Kevin Ryan (Corey Axelrod) moved to accept the priorities as presented. Motion Carried.New Business:2015 Conference-Moline 1: Illinois Metro Jr. NAD ChapterJoe Vieira (Crystal Kelley Schwartz) moved that IAD work with chapters to identify deaf students in their proximity and form a metro Jr. NAD chapter to be affiliated with the National Jr. NAD. Motion Carried.2015 Conference-Moline 2: NAD Leadership Workshop (Training)Dede Summers (Lori Krakora) moved that Dede Summers and Susan Dramin-Weiss be appointed to attend the NAD Leadership Training Conference in Alabama. (Motion referred to Post Transition meeting)2015 Conference-Moline 3: ISDAA collaboration with IADPaula Chance (Anil Phadke) moved that IAD and ISDAA work together on the ISD governance. Motion carried. 2015 Conference-Moline 4: Kids4ASL Task ForceCrystal Kelley Schwartz (Gary Etkie) moved that IAD shall send a representative to participate with Kids4ASL Task Force. Motion carried. The board approved that the conference bidding section of the agenda would be referred to the IAD board. (Gary Etkie/Bill Curtis)President Angela adjourned the meeting at 4:41 p.m.Respectfully Submitted by Crystal Kelley Schwartz, IAD Secretary 2013-2015 ................

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