Sample letter to school staff: AYP Release

Staff crisis letter

Dear [school/district] employee:

On [date], a student in our [district/school] suffered an asthma emergency while at school. [I am pleased to report that the student received appropriate treatment and will return to school in a few days.] [I regret to inform you that, despite emergency procedures being implemented appropriately, the student passed away as a result of the episode. Our sympathies are extended to the family.]

This incident reminds us that many students in our [school/district] have chronic health conditions, such as asthma and severe food allergies, that put them at increased risk of a health emergency. We must be prepared at all times to respond to a health emergency, and we must be diligent in making sure that our plans are appropriate and that staff are prepared to implement the plans. [Name, title] is leading a review of the recent incident, how well our emergency procedures were followed, and where there may be need for improvement. [Name] will be the official spokesperson regarding this incident and we request that you refer all media or other requests for information to [him/her].

Here are some steps to take for further action:

• Review procedures for responding to health emergencies, including review of symptoms of an asthma or allergy episode. If additional information or training is needed, notify your supervisor.

• Be prepared to talk with students about this incident. Note that social workers, school psychologist and/or counselors are available to provide support to students and staff who need help in dealing with this experience.

• Communicate with parents as needed, referring them to other staff as appropriate.

• [other]

For additional information about asthma go to .

Thank you for helping us to cope with this experience and for your support to find ways to avoid such an incident from ever happening again in our [school/district]. And special thanks for your commitment to the well-being and success of all our students.



[Superintendent or Principal name, district/school name]


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