Administer iPERMS Personnel and Finance Records Review …

Administer the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS 805C-CDA42173 / 9.0Analysis7 July 2020Effective Date: N/ASCOPE: Administer the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS) is a 6.0 hour lesson that provides the students with an introduction to the core competency of Man the Force and the human resources (HR). This lesson focuses on familiarizing and introducing students to the essential HR system used to administer the interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS).Distribution Restriction: Destruction Notice: Foreign Disclosure: SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA All Course Masters/POIs Including This LessonCourses Course Number Version Title Phase Status `POIs POI Number Version Title Phase Status Task(s) Taught (*) or Supported Task Number Task Title StatusReinforced Task(s) Task Number Task Title StatusKnowledge Knowledge Id Title Taught Required SkillSkill Id Title Taught Required Administrative/ Academic Hours: Academic Resident Hours/Methods Total Hours: hrs mins Test Lesson(s)Hours Lesson Number Version Lesson Title Prerequisite Lesson(s)Hours Lesson Number Version Lesson Title Training Material ClassificationForeign Disclosure Restrictions References NumberTitleDateStudent Study Assignment:Assignments will be provided by the facilitator.Instructor Requirements:1. Must be of the grade authorized by the TDA series.2. Must meet physical qualifications IAW AR 40-501, Standards of Medical Fitness.3. Must document successful completion of a TRADOC-approved ITC within the past five years. The newer ITCs cover the skills and concepts necessary to conduct this course. In addition to formal ITC, complete an apprenticeship period prior to assignment of full teaching responsibilities (SSI Reg 350-25).4. Must be career-field qualified (PMOS, SMOS or ASI) in the subject they are to instruct and have documented experience.5. Must provide documentary evidence of their trainer qualification (i.e., course completion). Support Personnel RequirementsAssistant Instructors (AIs): All lesson plans material must be reviewed prior to instruction. AIs will be alert to the needs of the students and assist as necessary. Must be prepared to take over class in the event of an interruption or emergency.Additional Support Personnel RequirementsName Student Ratio Qty Man Hours Equipment Required for InstructionID-Name Student RatioInstructor Ratio Spt Qty Exp Materials RequiredInstructor Materials:Each primary facilitator should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, practical exercises, internet access. Student Materials:Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises, and standard classroom supplies and internet access.Classroom, Training Area, and Range Requirements ID – Name Quantity Student RatioSetup Mins Cleanup Mins Ammunition Requirements DODIC -Name Exp Student RatioInstruct Ratio Spt Qty Instructional Guidance/Conduct of Lesson:Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time.Proponent Lesson Plan ApprovalsName Rank Position Date SHOW SLIDE# 1: ADMINISTER THE INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (iPERMS)SECTION II. INTRODUCTION Method of Instruction: Discussion (Small or Large Group)Instr Type (I:S Ratio/Qty): Military - ICH (1:36/0) (Certified Instructor: ARMY 42B)Time of Instruction: 30 minsInstructional Strategy: Large Group InstructionSHOW SLIDE# 2: OMG (Concrete Experience)Motivatora. Concrete Experience: What happens when you or a Soldier has a record that is not complete or has not been updated to reflect the most current information? Could you imagine if you were supposed to receive an entitlement and didn’t because your record was not updated? (1) What would be the impact on the Soldier if he or she did not get the proper entitlements?(2) Why is iPERMS so important?b. Publish and Process: This phase is student-centered and instructor facilitated. Instructor Note: The “publish” portion is a short discussion on how group members felt during their experience of generating data. This phase focuses on the group dynamics during the exercise and is NOT intended to be a discussion of the content generated. This can be kept short; once the group moves to “process,” they will likely continue to add to “publishing” type information. Do not let the group jump straight to content. When well facilitated, publishing is a good method to relate a discussion of interpersonal communication and group dynamics to the broader topic of leader competencies described in FM 6-22.Questions the instructor may ask to assist in publishing: (Intent is to push critical thinking. Push students to defend their answers – allow students to hash out ideas).Why did you site “Item X” as an example? What does it mean to you? (This gets at affective learning and how students find the material relevant from their experiences).Instructor note: The purpose of this lesson is to impart knowledge– it is intended to get students thinking about how important – and how complex – Monitoring Command Interest Programs is. There are very few slides in the lesson; however, there are multiple opportunities for discussion. While topic slides do introduce knowledge and provide a focus, they are primarily designed to start discussions and constantly engage students, even in the GNI portion. The information covered in this lesson is basic, and even students with limited HR background can prepare for the lesson by completing the reading assignmentsc. This lesson supports multiple AG Technical desired educational outcomes, preparing students to be confident leaders who are able to effectively apply doctrinal concepts and sound judgment. The expected outcome of this lesson is to introduce program management tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) at the foundational battalion level, while building a general understanding of higher echelon readiness. This lesson focuses on developing HR officers who can plan, prepare, execute, and assess readiness at battalion and correlate readiness functions and responsibilities at division/corps, and Human Resources Command (HRC) level. NOTE: Inform the students of the following Terminal Learning Objective requirements. Terminal Learning Objective: Administer the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS SHOW SLIDE# 3: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (ACTION) Action: Administer the interactive Personnel Electronic Records System (iPERMS)SHOW SLIDE# 4: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (CONDITION) Condition: In a classroom environment given internet connectivity, a computer, access to the iPERMS Training Database, Supplements, practical exercise, AR 600-8-104, and with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors.SHOW SLIDE# 5: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (STANDARD)Standard: The standard is met when the student can correctly:1. Identify personnel requiring personnel and finance records reviews without error.2. Ensure Soldier provides supporting documentation when conducting records review without error.3. Conduct personnel records review without error.4. Conduct finance records review without error.5. Review monthly HR Metrics to ensure compliance without error.Safety Requirements In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM 385-30, Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, and terrain. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29.Risk Assessment Level Environmental ConsiderationsInstructional Lead-In Administer the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records System (iPERMS) is a vital component of Unit Readiness. The successful monitoring and use of this programs has a direct impact on the unit’s warfighting capabilities.SECTION III. PRESENTATION TLO - LSA 1. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 1. Identify Personnel Requiring Personnel and Finance Records ReviewsMethod of Instruction:Instr Type (I: S Ratio/Qty): Military - ICH (1:36/0)*(Certified Instructor: ARMY 42B)Time of Instruction: 35 minsInstructional Strategy: Media Type: Other Media: Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified.Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object Learning Step/Activity Text:SHOW SLIDE #6: ADMINISTER iPERMS Note: Ensure students Have AR 600-8-104 readily available.SHOW SLIDE #7: PURPOSE AND FUNCTIONSNote:a. The iPERMS utilizes a web-based application with a unified user interface that provides encrypted, end- to-end, secure, remote access to, input to, and retrieval of, documents from the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and other personnel folders/subfolders via the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) portal at any time from any place in the world.b. Records transfer between the domains is completed automatically when the transfer information is recorded in the Army personnel database (ITAPDB, eMILPO).c. The system defines the format, contents, and structure for the information exchange. The iPERMS Records Management System provides storage of, controlled access to, and safeguarding of the OMPF and other personnel folders/subfolders. d. The retention period for the OMPF is 62 years after the date of retirement, discharge, death in service, or 62 years after the completion of military service obligation (MSO). e. The date for transfer of ownership of OMPF to the National Archives is 62 years. f. The iPERMS is the Army’s authorized electronic records repository that supports the Army'sg..Human Resource (HR) Management life cycle of a Soldier. (1) Enables online and real-time updates to profiles for the Soldier or records administrator. (2) This includes changing what records can be viewed, how long they can be viewed, and the disabling of a profile restricting the ability to view any record. h. The authoritative source documents/images are managed and stored in a Group 4, Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) meeting the current National Archives and Records Administration standard for archiving images of documents. (1) The iPERMS employs WORM (write once, read many) technology. (2) Once an image of a document is imported into iPERMS the image cannot be changed oraltered. Audit controls are in place to provide a history of activity related to each document. i. IPERMS is the Army’s authorized electronic records repository that supports the Army MilitaryHuman Resource Record (AMHRR) of a Soldier. (1) Enables online and real-time updates for the Soldier or records administrator. (2) Includes changing what records can be viewed, how long they can be viewed, restricting the ability to view any record. j. IPERMS provides encrypted, end-to-end, secure, remote access to, input to, and retrieval ofdocuments from the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and other personnelfolders/subfolders via the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) portal. (1) Records transfer between the domains is completed automatically when the transfer information is recorded in the Army personnel database (ITAPDB, eMILPO). (2) The system defines the format, contents, and structure for the information exchange. k. The IPERMS Records Management System provides storage of, controlled access to, and safeguarding of the AMHRR and other folders/subfolders. (1) The retention period for the records in the AMHRR is 62 years after the date of retirement, discharge, death in service, or completion of Military Service Obligation (MSO). (2) The date for transfer of ownership of the AMHRR to the National Archives is the 63rd year.h. The authoritative source documents/images are managed and stored using a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), meeting the current National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) standard for archiving images of documents. (1) IPERMS employs the WORM (write once, read many) technology. (2) Once an image of a document is imported into iPERMS, the image cannot be changed oraltered. Audit controls are in place to provide a history of activity related to each document. SHOW SLIDE#8: WHO REQUIRES A REVIEWNote: a. (AR 600-8-104, Para 3-7) A Soldier’s personnel and finance record includes documents that support entries on the appropriate record brief and all key supporting documents for pay entitlements. Commanders, Soldiers, and HR providers must take deliberate steps to ensure the accuracy of Soldier records as they have a significant impact on Army promotion and/or selection boards, assignment opportunities, and financial audit readiness for the Army. b. Soldiers and Records Managers (RMs) are required to conduct a review of their personnel and finance record using the record review tool in iPERMS during in-processing to a new duty station, annually thereafter and prior to separation from the Army. (1) Brigade and battalion S1s, UAs, and installation MPDs will assist Soldiers in maintaining accurate and complete records by supporting the annual record review for personnel and finance records, and uploading and verifying receipt of required documents to iPERMS. (2) The personnel record review consists of ensuring that data on the record brief is correct and supporting documents required for filing in the AMHRR are present in iPERMS before updating entries on the record brief. (3) The finance record review consists of reviewing all pay entitlements listed on the current leave and earnings statement and ensuring the key supporting documents required for filing in the AMHRR are identified and present in iPERMS. (4) S1s and UAs will establish local procedures to notify Soldiers for their annual records review and to assist commanders in tracking compliance with the annual records review requirement.?SHOW SLIDE#9: iPERMSNote: Log into interactive Personnel Records Management System (iPERMs) as Domain Administrator and create accounts for the Students using their AKO user name at least 2 or 3 days prior to teaching the classCheck on LearningSHOW SLIDE#10: CHECK ON LEARNINGNote:Q. The Personnel Record Review consists of? A : The personnel record review consists of ensuring that data on the record brief is correct and supporting documents required for filing in the AMHRR are present in iPERMS before updating entries on the record brief.Q. The Finance Records Review consists of?A: The finance record review consists of reviewing all pay entitlements listed on the current leave and earnings statement and ensuring the key supporting documents required for filing in the AMHRR are identified and present in iPERMS. Q. _____ and ______ _________ are required to conduct a review or personnel and finance records? A: Soldier, Record ManagerSHOW SLIDE#11: QUESTIONSNote: Poll students for questionsReview Summary:During this block of instruction we have discussed:- Identify Personnel Requiring Personnel and Finance Records Review.What are your questions? TLO - LSA 2. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 2. Ensure Soldier Provides Supporting Documentation When Conducting Records ReviewMethod of Instruction:Instr Type (I:S Ratio/Qty): Military - ICH (1:36/0)*(Certified Instructor: ARMY 42B)Time of Instruction: 45 minsInstructional Strategy: Media Type: Other Media: Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified.Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object Learning Step/Activity Text:SHOW SLIDE #12: TRAINING DATABASE (1 of 2)Note: a. Access iPERMS at “URL: (1) Click “I Accept.” (2) Click “Certificate Login.” b. The system will connect to AKO for certificate verification. (1) Click “OK” at your AKO user name. (2) Enter your “AKO Password.”c. Ensure system requirements are met before log-in. AKO account. A military AKO account or a Sponsored AKO account is required for iPERMS login. Internet Explorer. iPERMS is a web based program that requires Internet Explorer. ActiveX tools must be working properly on the computer in order to Index, Verify, or Quality Control document. QuickTime is required to view IPERMs documents. SHOW SLIDE #13: TRAINING DATABASE (2 of 2)Note: a. Click “Accept” to agree to the terms of accessing the system. Click “Log in as Yourself.” The iPERMS Manager will control all user accounts. (1) A first-party requester (the Soldier to whom the records pertain) may access the OMPF using AKO. (2) A third-party requestor (a person who may access Privacy Act records providedthey have an official need for the record in the performance of their duties) must obtainthe Brigade (BDE) S-1 or Readiness NCO’s permission. (3) The DD Form 2875, System Authorization Access Request, must be completedand submitted to the iPERMS Manager/BDE S-1 NCOIC .b. MACOM Domain Administrators may enable users within their domain. (1) The BDE/MSC S1 will be held responsible for misuse of the iPERMS system. (2) Once a request is granted, an account will be created for the requestor basedSHOW SLIDE #14: ROLESNote: a. Access will be granted based on a demonstrated need to know by the Brigade S-1 or Readiness NCO. Determination for access will be made IAW DA Memo 600-8-104, Military Personnel Information Management/Records. Additional roles of Problem Resolver; Verifier (for BN or BDE, level accounts); and Quality Control (QC) (BDE level accounts only). (1) Domain Administrator (DA) is a role designed to permit the user to perform document management functions on behalf of the Domain . The DA acts as the records manager. The Domain Administrator’s functions are limited by the Domain Manager when the role is assigned. DA access will match AO access. (2) Scan Operator (SO) (Index Verifier ). All users with Scan Operators will scan/upload and index all authorized documents they create or acquire. Scan Operator (SO), will have access to one UIC; Index/Validation (IV), will have access to one UIC (should match SO UIC). (3) Field Operator (FO). Ensures a batch is finished in the index role before it can be move into the batch workflow. (4) Authorized Official (AO) is given view only access to selected records by the Domain Administrator (DA) when access rules are assigned. Authorized Official (AO) may access all UICs needed for BN or BDE level. Note to Instructor: The Authorized Official and Scan Operator roles will be used for the iPERMS training database. Use “Email Preferences” if you would like to receive email notification when you submit a batch, have a document added or deleted from your record.SHOW SLIDE#15: RECORDS ACCESS (1 of 2)Note: a. Log-in to iPERMS and select the Authorized Official (AO) role from the iPERMS Training-Select Role page. (1) Query records using the SSN. (2) Using the SSN for CW3 JARVIS PENDLETON. In the Soldier SSN field, type: 9CL(87)1307SN(01).Click the “Lookup SSN” button. The Soldier’s record will open. b. Query Records Using Soldier report parameters. Enter the “full” or “partial” name of the Soldier.c. Report Criteria. (1) Use the magnifying glass to select the specific criteria, then click “Select Value” button. The selected criteria appears in the Value(s) field. (2) Click the “Add” button. The criteria will be added to the Report Criteria field. If you want to select the Inverse of the selection, click the Inverse box. This will include everything, except what you selected.d. Navigate the Record. (1) The Soldier’s record is divided into folders that are displayed in the Record Window. (2) Each main folder can be opened to display a list of sub-folders. (3) Only the document folders and or subfolders that contain documents are displayed. Note to the Instructor: Documents for UIC (WK8701) and (WK8751) of the eMILPO training database are loaded in iPERMS. Should a student require additional training select a Soldier from one of the AAA-162’s of the UICs.year (or 18 months with respect to the MPLP retroactive period) of a qualifying birth event or adoption.SHOW SLIDE#16: RECORDS ACCESS (2 of 2)Note:a. View a Document. (1) Click the View button in the Search Results window. (2) The Record Window opens.b. Components in the Record Window are: (1) Search Field. Can be used to search the record for specific documents. (a) If you know the document name, type the partial title, name, or effective date (in the correct format: YYYYMMDD) of the document or documents that you want to find inthe Search field. (b) Click the arrow next to the Search field or press “Enter.” Soldier Information. Includes SSN, Name, AKO User ID, Date of Birth, date the account enabled, etc. Download Button. Allows the record to be downloaded to a local file.Close Record Button. Closes the record, and returns user to the Enter Search Criteria window. Record Folders. Provide access to record folders.Soldier View Count. Checkmarks in this column indicate that the Soldier has viewed the document, if the Soldier has not viewed the document, a dot appears.(7). Document Count Tree. Lists the total number of a particular document that exists in the record. Only the most recent of a particular document type is displayed. (8) Title. Lists the titles of the documents contained in the record. (9) Name. Lists the document names. (10) Date. Lists the effective and input dates for the document. (11) Pages. List the number of pages in the document.(12) Image Icon. Takes the user to the report a problem screen.c. Close a record. Click the “Close Record” button on the Record Window. The record closes, and you are returned to the window where you first accessed the record.SHOW SLIDE#17: INDEX FILES (1 of 2)Note:SHOW SLIDE#18: INDEX FILES (2 OF 2)Note:a. Complete Supplement 1 “BEFORE” learning activity (5) to teach students the process of changing a document to a TIFF file from the eMILPO training database and index to iPERMS. The selected Soldier record will be used to continue the learning activity. If the iPERMS session was terminated, log back into iPERMS and select the “Scan Operator” role from the iPERMS Training-Select Role page. Scan images in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)Create a Batch. b. From the Queue select the Create a new batch button (looks like a folder with a star on the upper right hand corner).c. Click the Upload Images button (looks like a sheet of paper with a star on the upper right hand corner).d. Click the Browse button next to the Image 1 field on the Upload Images to Batch window, locate and open the TIFF image(s) file you saved in the above step c(4).e. Click the Open button. The image name is returned to the Image 1 field.f. Add more images as needed, using the steps above.g. Click the Add Now button. A message appears, indicating that the upload was successful.h. Click the View button. The images are now part of the new batch.NOTE: For training purposes only, if the duplicate document icon appears, by pass by clicking “Cancel” when the system prompts to clear duplicate. This action is a result of previously indexed documents for UIC (WK8701 and WK8751) within the iPERMS training databasei. Naming Batches. (1)..Enter the Container ID using the unit ie. (AGS)(2) Edit the Batch Name, if applicable, using the Soldier’s Name. The Batch Name defaults to the New Batch Date and Time.SHOW SLIDE#19: RUN REPORTS (1 of 2)Note:a. Log-in to iPERMS and select the Authorized Official (AO) role from the iPERMS Training-Select Role page and click “Run Report” icon on the center of the page.b. The user can view the status of the Soldiers Record report. c. If document(s) need to be added, deleted or are misfiled in the Soldier’s OMPF or they have questions about the record, the Record Managers (RM) is the point of contact for corrections.d. Record Managers are defined as Military Personnel Divisions (MPDs), S1 Personnel, Human Resource Personnel, Unit Administrators, or any other individual authorized to service the OMPF regardless of component.SHOW SLIDE#20: RUN REPORTS (2 of 2)Note:e. Log-in to iPERMS and select the Authorized Official (AO) role from the iPERMS Training-Select Role page. The DD 93/SGLV report is available for Sys Administrator; Domain Manager; Domain Administrator; and Authorized Official roles.f. Select menu item “DD 93/ SGLV” from the top left of the page.g. To acknowledge privacy act restrictions and requirement for FOUO marking and handling click “I Accept.” h. The Unit Summary Report and the Unit Detail Report will be made available for viewing.SHOW SLIDE#21: WEB BASED TRAININGNote:a. Have the students log into the iPERMS training site at URL: . The students will print the certificates at the end of the training modules. The certificates are required to establish real world iPERMS user accounts at their home stations. (1) The training covers input and records management roles in iPERMS.? (2) Take “Navigating the WBT” module first, as it will provide navigation instruction as well as familiarize the student with the terms and tools used throughout the training. (3) All roles work together to ensure that documents are transferred to electronic image files that can be retrieved and viewed in a Soldier's official online record.Check on LearningSHOW SLIDE#22: CHECK ON LEARNINGNote:Q. True or False? iPERMS is a web based program? A: TrueQ. The System Authorization Access Request is a DD form ______?A: 2875Q. Who will be held responsible for miscues of iPERMS? A: BDE / MSC S-1 SHOW SLIDE#23: QUESTIONSNote: Poll students for questions.Review Summary:During this block of instruction we have discussed -Ensure Soldier Provides Supporting Documentation When Conducting Records Review What are your questions? TLO - LSA 3. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 3. Conduct Personnel Records ReviewMethod of Instruction:Instr Type (I:S Ratio/Qty): Military - ICH (1:36/0)*(Certified Instructor: ARMY 42B)Time of Instruction: 55 minsInstructional Strategy: Media Type: Other Media: Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified.Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object Learning Step/Activity Text:Note: Refer students to AR 608-20SHOW SLIDE #24: PERSONNEL RECORDS REVIEW Note:SHOW SLIDE #25: RECORDS BRIEFNote: Show Soldiers what the Records Brief looks like and Idenitify the areas that Identify the dates of last reviews conducted.SHOW SLIDE #26: KEY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS KSDs (1 of 2)Note: a. For an example of the complete list of key supporting documents (KSDs) that are required to be filed in the AMHRR using iPERMS (ARNG forms are found at the bottom of the KSD list). Inform the students that the KSD list receives constant updates and to check the following websites to ensure they are using the latest version of the KSD list.b. The list of KSDs provides RMs with a comprehensive list of documents required to support the Army’s auditability requirements. SHOW SLIDE#27: KEY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS KSDs (2 of 2)Note:Ensure that students understand that it is imperative that the Review Manager (RM) complete the following. Annotate missing documents and collect copies of supporting documentation for upload to iPERMS. Complete the personnel records review by applying digital signatures for both Soldier and Records Manager. Discuss Milper message 16-314, Procedural guidance for uploading ABCP documents to iPerms.SHOW SLIDE#28: RECORDS REVIEW TOOL (1 of 8)Note:a. System Administrators will assign students/instructors as Record Managers (RM) and classrooms to complete record reviews. (1) Log-in as Record Manager. Select “Review” and click “I Accept.” (2) There are three different methods for conducting Records Reviews. NOTE: refer students to DA Pam 600-8-104, Para 4-3a,b,cb. Soldier Present Review: This is the preferred method for conducting reviews. This requires both the Soldier and the RM be logged into the same workstation (requires dual CAC readers).c. Independent Review: This enables the review to be completed on separate work stations in geographically different locations. The review can be conducted concurrently with the RM, telephonically or at separate times. Once the Soldier has reviewed documents and CAC signed the review, the RM can then verify documents and complete the review.d. Soldier Unavailable Review: This review should only be used in extreme circumstances. See the “How to Guide” and the RRT tool for examples of extreme circumstances.e. DA PAM 600-8-104 requires every Soldier to complete a personnel and finance records review during in-processing to a new duty station, annually thereafter, and prior to separation from the Army. In this Learning Activity students will complete a “FINANCE” record review. The Personnel Records review is conducted with the same basic instructions as the Finance Record review. See the “How to Guide” for step-by-step instructions.SHOW SLIDE#29: RECORDS REVIEW TOOL (2 of 8)Note: a. There are “5” records available for use with the Review the Records Review Tool (RRT):1st Record MAJAUSTINHAWKINS, Shownette B. 2nd Record CW3 STURGIS, Rodricus. 3rd Record SFCPALUMBO, Cory L. 4th Record SFCLEONARD, Jon S.5th Record SFCHANDY, Christopher J.Use the SSN for SFC HANDY, Christopher J. b. Domains for the iPERMS training database:A = Active Army (AA). The first 3 numbers of the SSN are indicative of the trainingdomain:986 = AA domain. The fourth and fifth numbers indicate the classroom:986-01 = AA domain, classroom 1. The last four of the SSN indicate the Student number in the classroom and the Soldiers record in the iPERMS training database. 0105 = Student number 1, 5th Recordc. Each domain is uploaded with only “5” records that alternate with the classroom and maximum student capacity of “50” records. d. SSN (986-01-0105) = AA domain, classroom 1, student 1, 5th recordSHOW SLIDE#30: RECORDS REVIEW TOOL (3 of 8)Note:e. Initiate the Finance Record Review (1) Select “Initiate Review” and type in SSN: 986-CL-SN05. (2) From the "Review Type" tab select “FINANCE RECORDS REVIEW” from the drop-down menu. The purpose of conducting the Finance Record Review is to ensure that Soldiers have the required Key Supporting Documents (KSDs) in their record foreach pay entitlement they are receiving. The purpose of conducting the PersonnelRecord Review is to ensure that data on the Record Brief is correct and that all source documents required for filing in the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) are in iPERMS. (3) Click the “Initiate Review” and “Open Review Tool” tabs at the bottom of the page. (4) The Leave/Earnings Statement (LES) is validated at the Finance Review and the ERB/ORB/SRB at the Personnel Record review. Inform the students, to notify theSoldier in advance if either or both reviews are conducted at the scheduledappointment. The RM will convey the intent of the review through an automatic emailfrom the RM to the Soldier generated when the RM initiates the review. (5) The Finance and Personnel Records Reviews are separate and distinct reviews; however, any shared document that is checked in one review is automatically checkedin the other review.SHOW SLIDE#31: RECORDS REVIEW TOOL (4 of 8)Note:f. Finance Record Review SFC Handy, Christopher SSN: 986-CL-SN05.(1) Conduct the finance review using the most recent LES and the KSD Matrix to identify the appropriate substantiating documents for each entitlement. (2) Soldiers/RMs will also verify KSDs for specific deductions. (3) Any documents found to be missing as a part of this review must be web uploaded to iPERMS for filing in the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR).(4) Do NOT recreate missing document. The RM will list permanently missing documents in the review level comments.(5) The Soldier and the RM are verifying that the document belongs to the Soldier, is legible, and meets the general intent of the document. g. Documents in the Finance Review are organized by Categories (sub-folders) (1) General: Contains promotion orders, contracts, and additional supporting documents for finance. (2) Special Pay/Bonuses: Contains OMPF documents that support bonuses or special pays. (3) Entitlements: Contains supporting documents for entitlements or benefits (that is basic allowance for housing, basic allowance for subsistence, loan repayment, and scholarships). (4) Deductions: Contains documents related to garnishment, recoupment indebtedness, and insurance. NOTE: Soldier Present Review is the preferred method for conducting reviews. You may enable Soldier Present by clicking the “Soldier is Present” Tab or you may continue without the Soldier and select from the reason codes available from the drop down list. If the code “OTHER” is selected the RM will provide a mandatory reason in the comment boxSHOW SLIDE#32: RECORDS REVIEW TOOL (5 of 8)Note:h. (RRT) SFC Handy, Christopher SSN: 986-CL-SN05 (1) Soldier will be prompted to CAC sign the form. (2) Click the "Documents" Tab on top of the page. (3) Ensure each specific KSD listed in the Matrix for a specific entitlement is in the record. (4) Soldier and RM click on the “Title of the Document” and review . Ensure document is correct. (5) Once the document has been viewed, the "Soldier Reviewed" and "RM Verified" boxes and date are automatically populated. (6) If document is correct, check the "RM Verified" box (one time). (7) If the document is incorrect, click the review button TWICE to mark with a "red" x. (8) Documents marked as having errors or missing require “Reviewer Document Comments” and “Soldier Comments” in the comment box. (9) RM must select an error reason code from the “Errors” drop down menu.NOTE: See the “How to Guide” for additional instructions on error resolution.NOTE: The Army Military Human Resource Records Management regulation requires the Soldier and the RM to have a copy of the Key Supporting Document/Entitlement Matrix as a source document when conducting the record review.SHOW SLIDE#33: RECORDS REVIEW TOOL (6 of 8)Note:i. (RRT) SFC Handy, Christopher SSN: 986-CL-SN05 (cont.) (1) If the review is conducted without the Soldier check the "Soldier Unavailable" box and select a reason code for the Soldier’s absence before signing. If the reason code "Other" is selected, the RM must provide an explanation prior to signing review. (2) The RM will web upload all missing Key Supporting Documents to iPERMS for filing in the Soldier's AMHRR. (3) The RM will list a batch number in the "Reviewer Comments" to indicate missing documents were sent to iPERMS. (4) The RM will click on the "Signatures" tab.NOTE: Follow the guidance based on either scenario to conduct the review with or without the Soldier’s presence. NOTE: If any comments were made throughout the review process they will appear in the comment box.SHOW SLIDE#34: RECORDS REVIEW TOOL (7 of 8)Note:j. Signatures (1) The RM and the Soldier will click on the "Signature" tab. (2) Once the review is CAC signed by the RM and Soldier, it is complete and a copy of the review will be filed in iPERMS. (3) The status for that review will be complete and the due date for the next review is one year from date this review was completed.(4) The students will select “SAVE” on the Finance Record Review page.NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the student return to the Unit Detail Report to see the record status of SFC Handy, Christopher SSN: 986-01-0105.NOTE: If any comments were made throughout the review process they will appear in the comment box.SHOW SLIDE#35: RECORDS REVIEW TOOL (8 of 8)Note:K. Unit Detail Report (1) Open the review by clicking the “in progress” tab for the Finance Review. (2) Ownership of the Record review will belong to the last RM that edits and signs the review. (3) Once the review is CAC signed by the RM and Soldier, it is complete and a copy of the review will be filed in iPERMS.NOTE: This review is NOT the same as the “My Board File” review required prior to DA level selection boards.NOTE: The Unit Detail report will show records of Soldiers in the unit who have not received a record review, has an in-progress record review or a completed record review. The RM may edit or complete reviews with an “in progress” statusSHOW SLIDE#36: RECORDS RESETNote”Show students the reset methods for records reviewCheck on LearningSHOW SLIDE#37: CHECK ON LEARNINGNote: Q. What documents are not required when conducting a Personnel Records Review? A: PT Card and Weapons QualificationQ. When conducting a Personnel Records Review, the Review Manager should not verify documents prior to uploading to the system?A: FalseQ. True or False? A DA form 1059 and the DD 93 are both examples of key supporting documents?A: TrueAnswer: c- DA Form 4179SHOW SLIDE#38: QUESTIONSNote: Poll students for QuestionsReview Summary:During this block of instruction we have discussed:-Conduct Personnel Records Review, What are your questions?TLO - LSA 4. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 4. Conduct Finance Records ReviewMethod of Instruction:Instr Type (I:S Ratio/Qty): Military - ICH (1:36/0)*(Certified Instructor: ARMY 42B)Time of Instruction: 35 minsInstructional Strategy: Media Type: Other Media: Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified.Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object Learning Step/Activity Text:SHOW SLIDE # 39: FINANCE RECORDS REVIEWNote: a. While conducting the records review it very important to review the Soldiers’ Officer Records Brief (ORB), Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) and the Soldier’s Leave and Earning Statement (LES) and to validate the Soldiers’ CAC card (1) The LES is a comprehensive statement of the Soldiers leave and earnings showing entitlements, deductions, allotments (fields not used for Reserve and National Guard members), leave information, tax withholding information, and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) information. (2) The most recent LES can be found 24 hours a day on myPay. NOTE: Provided for the Instructor as an additional tool to conduct the Finance Review.A guide to help you understand your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). SHOW SLIDE#40: LESNote:Show Students how to read the Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)SHOW SLIDE#41: KEY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (KSDs)Note:a. Ensure that students understand that it is imperative that the Review Manager (RM) complete the following. (1) Annotate missing documents and collect copies of supporting documentation for upload to iPERMS (2) Complete the personnel records review by applying digital signatures for both Soldier and Records Manager Show students what is suitable as a support document.Check on Learning:SHOW SLIDE #42: CHECK ON LEARNINGNote:Q. True or False? You need your PCS Orders, Promotions Orders, Weapons Qualification and DA Form 330 for a Financial Records Review?A: FalseQ. When conducting a Finance Records Review, the Review Manager should verify documents prior to uploading to the system?A: TrueQ. True or False? A DA form 330 and the Marriage Certificate are both examples of key supporting documents?A: True SHOW SLIDE #43: QUESTIONSNote: Poll students for questionsReview Summary:During this block of instruction we have discussed: - Conduct Finance Records Review What are your questions?TLO - LSA 5. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA . Review Monthly HR Metrics to Ensure ComplianceMethod of Instruction:Instr Type (I:S Ratio/Qty): Military - ICH (1:36/0)*(Certified Instructor: ARMY 42B)Time of Instruction: 25 minsInstructional Strategy: Media Type: Other Media: Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified.Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object Learning Step/Activity Text:SHOW SLIDE# 44: ANNUAL RECORD REVIEW (1 of 2)Note: SHOW SLIDE#45: ANNUAL RECORD REVIEW (2 of 2)Note:The Annual Records Review establishes the appropriate authorized documents for iPERMS upload. In addition, Soldiers and Records mamangers need to ensure reviews of records are done annually, during in-processing and prior to seperation.Check on LearningSHOW SLIDE#46: CHECK ON LEARNINGNotes:Q: What mechanism should be monitored to ensure RecordsReview compliance?Answer:Q: When is a Records Review Required?Answer: Annually, in-processing, upon separationSHOW SLIDE#47: QUESTIONSNote: Poll students for questionsReview Summary:During this block of instruction we have discussed: - Review Monthly HR Metrics to Ensure Compliance What are your questions?Note: Students will want to know about iPERMS, as it is essential to morale in the unit.Note: At this time show the students two Summary Review Questions on Slide 48 below in the review summary.SHOW SLIDE #48: CHECK ON LEARNINGQ: True or False? A record review must be initiated within iPERMS no earlier than 60 days prior to scheduled appointment?Answer: FalseQ: True or False? Once an image is imported into iPERMS it can be altered to reflect changes?Answer: FalseSHOW SLIDE#49: QUESTIONSNote: Are there any questions? SHOW SLIDE#50: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (ACTION)Action: Administer the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMSSHOW SLIDE #51: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (CONDITION)Condition: In a classroom environment given internet connectivity, a computer, access to the iPERMS Training Database, Supplements, practical exercise, AR 600-8-104, and with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actorsSHOW SLIDE #52: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (STANDARD)Standard: The standard is met when the student can correctly:1. Identify personnel requiring personnel and finance records reviews without error.2. Ensure Soldier provides supporting documentation when conducting records review without error.3. Conduct personnel records review without error.4. Conduct finance records review without error.5. Review monthly HR Metrics to ensure compliance without error.SECTION IV. SUMMARY Method of Instruction: Discussion (Small or Large Group)Instr Type (I: S Ratio/Qty): Military - ICH (1:36/0) (Certified Instructor: ARMY 42B)Time of Instruction: 15 minsInstructional Strategy: Large Group InstructionReview / Summary During this block of instruction we have discussed:1. Identify personnel requiring personnel and finance records reviews without error.2. Ensure Soldier provides supporting documentation when conducting records review without error.3. Conduct personnel records review without error.4. Conduct finance records review without error.5. Review monthly HR Metrics to ensure compliance without error.SHOW SLIDE #48: CHECK ON LEARNINGQ: True or False? A record review must be initiated within iPERMS no earlier than 60 days prior to scheduled appointment?Answer: FalseQ: True or False? Once an image is imported into iPERMS it can be altered to reflect changes?Answer: FalseSHOW SLIDE#49: QUESTIONSNote: Are there any questions? SECTION V. STUDENT EVALUATION Testing Requirements:Assessment Statement:Feedback Requirements: Students required to provide lesson feedback to ensure lesson plan is understood.Appendix A - Viewgraph MastersSequenceMedia NameMedia TypeAppendix B Test(s) and Test Solution(s) (N/A)Appendix C - Practical Exercises and SolutionsPRACTICAL EXERCISE(S)/SOLUTION(S) FOR LESSON 805C-CDA42173 / v9.0 PRACTICAL EXERCISE SHEET 805C-CDA42173 PE1Time: 60 minI:S Ratio: 1:36Administer the interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS:Lesson Number/Title: 805C-CDA42173 Security Classification: UNCLASSIntroduction: Today we will review Administer the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS.Motivator: Administer the interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS is a vital component of Unit Readiness. The successful monitoring of this program has a direct impact on the unit’s warfighting capabilities. Soldier’s success in combat is directly impacted by Metrics measured administrative support tasks such as ensuring that the proper SGLV /DD 93 updates are input to reflect the current information. What would happen if a Soldier got divorced and then remarried? Did we ensure his paperwork was updated to reflect the correct spouse information? What happens if we don’t and he or she is killed in combat? Does the correct beneficiary get the entitlements?Terminal Learning Objective: Administer the interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS:Action: Administer the interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS:Condition: In a classroom environment given internet connectivity, a computer, access to the iPERMS Training Database, Supplements, practical exercise, AR 600-8-104, and with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actorsStandard: The standard is met when the student can correctly:1. Identify personnel requiring personnel and finance records reviews without error.2. Ensure Soldier provides supporting documentation when conducting records review without error.3. Conduct personnel records review without error.4. Conduct finance records review without error.5. Review monthly HR Metrics to ensure compliance without error.Safety Requirements Risk Assessment: Low Environmental Considerations:Evaluation: Instructional Lead-In:Special Instructions: TBDProcedures: Feedback Requirements SOLUTION FOR PRACTICAL EXERCISE 805C-CDA42173 PE1Solution:Appendix D - Student HandoutsSequenceMedia NameMedia Type ................

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