Working Group Meeting Minutes

Working Group Meeting MinutesAugust 19, 2020SBCTC Olympia, Bonanza Room and WebEx Tara Keen, FacilitatorMeeting ParticipantsVoting Members?Kathy Disney, Tacoma (Absent, Pat has vote)? Pat Daniels, Highline ? Krista Francis, Peninsula ? Beth Farley, Edmonds ? Sabra Sand, Clark (Absent, Char has vote)? Chantel Black, Spokane? Dani Bundy, SBCTC ? Christyanna Dawson, SBCTC ? Ana Ybarra, SBCTC (Absent, Dani has vote)? John Henry Whatley, SBCTC (Absent, Dani has vote)? Shon Dicks-Schlesinger, SBCTC? Brian Lanier, SBCTC ? Sanjiv Bhagat, SBCTC? Sandy Main, SBCTC ? Venkat Gangula, SBCTC? Carmen McKenzie, SBCTCNon-Voting Members?Christy Campbell, SBCTC ?Tara Keen, SBCTC?Cheryl Fritz, Wenatchee?Charlene Rios, Big Bend ?Ray Gartner, SBCTC?John Ginther, SBCTC?Roger Curry, SBCTC?Janelle Runyon, SBCTC ?Reuth Kim, SBCTC ?Kristy Snow, SBCTCMeeting MinutesReview & Approve Meeting Minutes from 8/5/2020 and Status Updates on Action ItemsWebEx Recording Time 04:06 – 13:28Reviewed meeting minutes from 8/5/2020. The minutes are approved.Enhancement Requests (ER) UpdatesWebEx Recording Time 13:29 – 27:10Sandy Main provided an update on the ERs and where they are in the queue to be worked on. These items are listed on the Change Management Board (CMB) SharePoint site to provide transparency on where each item is in the process. Dani Bundy explained that each week, the team meets to prioritize the work in the queue. Each team comes with items that have priority status based on the number of institutions impacted, the number of students and/or staff impacted, etc. Each Associate Director in the Functional areas of the Customer Support Organization initially brought 3-5 items to prioritize as “in flight” on the list and then as a team determine resourcing to ensure the right resources are assigned without overloading their current work load. Dani is creating a slide to present to the Working Group (WG) that shows a high level view of what items are currently being worked on, completed and up next. This information will also be shared with the Steering Committee (SC) so the leaders are also aware of these statuses. Dani has also been working with Reuth Kim to clean up the WG log and update the CMB log to link ER items to the WG log item. This way, when an item is updated on the CMB log, the owner of the ER will be notified to update their WG log item. Reuth shared some of the updates to the WG log including the “Current Status by Production Team” filter view. The options for this field include: in flight, next up, future work and resolved. This change has led to several items needing updates to update this new field, so Dani advised folks to go in and check their items.For clarification, “in flight” means the item is currently being worked on, “up next” means as space becomes available to add another item to “in flight,” the “up next” item(s) will move to “in flight” and “future item” means this is an item that will be worked on, but is not “up next.”Sentinel & Okta UpdatesWebEx Recording Time 27:11 – 45:43Sandy explained that Sentinel is a third party application that lives on top of PeopleSoft (PS) to assist with user management and auditing of accounts. This tool allows you to do a side-by-side comparison of what folks can see based on their security roles; provide feedback on violations of segregation of duties; look at menus, components, pages; along with some other things. There has been a lot of changes in security due to changes in new staff members so Sandy’s team will be doing a deep dive in all the different features of Sentinel to understand what it can and cannot do before incorporating the colleges. Once rolled out to the colleges, this will help security administration on campuses to be more easily managed.Pat Daniels asked if there was a cost associated with this tool for the colleges and Sandy will look into this and get back to the WG.Kenn Nied explained that Okta is an identity management solution for the cloud and is a single sign on platform focusing on multi-factor authentication (MFA). This has robust reporting features so someone can see what browsers folks are using, where they are coming from and when they logged in. For ctcLink, you can have adaptive MFA, so if someone is logged into the system in Washington and then someone tries to log in with the same credentials from New York, they will be denied access and challenged for a second MFA factor, which will secure the platform.Okta has a secure access gateway for ctcLink, so when someone goes to log in to ctcLink, they will actually go to a proxy server. The portal page will look the same, but it will let you know that Okta is our identity management solution, it will check two credentials to see if the person is requiring MFA and if so, it challenges that person and then logs them in to PS if they correctly pass the challenge. In the agreement with Okta, it was written that the colleges will get their own independent sandbox and production of Okta to use as they see fit. Those will not be tied to SBCTC, so they can be used for colleges’ local applications as well at no additional cost. The package includes universal directory single sign on and adaptive MFA. The only process change will be needing to use Okta for password resets.Tara asked if the user experience of activing the account will change or is it just on the back-end. Kenn clarified that the only change will be when they need to reset their password.DG3 Support UpdatesWebEx Recording Time 45:44 – 49:48Dani shared there has been work continually going on with the colleges on different activities including Financial Aid (FA). Although, each colleges has dispersed FA for the aid year.Finance is still working on regularly scheduled activities, year-end and month-end close. In regards to staffing for the Customer Support Organization, there are ten new positions approved including different Functional Analysts, Senior Functional Analysts (one for each pillar) and a College Relations Triage Manager. The College Relations Triage Manager will be the one point of contact the colleges will reach out to if they need escalation for any issues.Sandy shared that the technical team has also gotten approval for three additional staff.Online Admissions Application (OAA), CampusCE & Budget Planning Tool UpdateWebEx Recording Time 49:49 – 01:05:26Kristy Snow shared the Budget Planning project is still working on global aspects of the tool, but also working on the local pieces now as well. We received the responses from all the Deployment Group (DG) 2 and DG3 colleges to the requirements questionnaire that asked about local processes and configuration. We had also sent an email to the DG2 & DG3 Business Affairs Commission (BAC) leaders providing an update and asking for confirmation that they would like to be included in the first group of colleges to go live on the new tool in January 2021. We have received responses from all those colleges that they want to move forward with the January 2021 go-live.There was a meeting with the colleges this morning to update the colleges on the work that has been done so far and what is coming up. We are providing them another homework assignment so we can collect Department hierarchy information, which will be due on September 11, 2020. There is an open WebEx scheduled for September 2, 2020 for colleges to log in and ask any questions they may have in regards to this homework assignment. During our last meeting, Christy Campbell explained that this project has been split into two different phases (Design phase & the rest of the implementation) because the original scope was for the DG2 colleges, but has since expanded to include the DG3 colleges. At the end of this month, we will be finishing up the Design phase and in early September 2020, Mythics will be doing an analysis of the work effort needed to get the rest of this project complete. After their analysis, they will be providing us with the Change Order as well as the final plan for the rest of the project.Christy Campbell added the reason for the phases and additional contract work needed is because when we added the DG3 colleges, the vendor doubled the price of the contract. This did not seem reasonable based on the system wide approach, so they agreed to do the design phase to really discover how much more time and how many more resources would be needed and then will provide a change order based on data and actual work effort. Kristy shared the OAA is still working on the global aspects of the application. We are actively working on the account creation process and what will be shared with PS when a new OAA account is created, the search/match feature, when an EMPL ID will be created in PS, etc. and there is an internal meeting on this today. Joe Carl has created a process flow map to illustrate all of this and will be sharing that map during that meeting.We have started work on the International Application and met with folks from the Community Colleges of Spokane as a starting point for these discussions. We have been working with Kastech on a proposal to address international applications and Joe Holliday has gotten in touch with Senior International Officers (SIO) from the colleges so we can share the proposal and get feedback from them. A meeting has been set up for this next week on August 26, 2020.Beth Farley asked if Joe Holliday was contacting SIOs from only the DG2 & DG3 colleges or all colleges. Kristy clarified that Joe got in contact with the SIO from Green River on Monday and she was able to pull the group together quickly, which does include SIOs from all colleges.Christy added that the current application that’s been deployed has the ability to be used for international applicants, but it is not being used by the colleges because it did not meet the college needs. So we have been trying to find a way to have the new application be flexible enough that we have a global template that fits the needs for all colleges in regards to other questions or documents the colleges need from these applicants.Beth shared that Edmonds College saw what the PS solution provides and was unimpressed, but Beth wants to encourage them to look at what the new OAA could provide. Christy shared there has been some initial meetings with CampusCE on the plan, timeline and objectives of the work effort needed. There have been some challenges making sure there’s involvement from the Continuing Education Council (CEC) as part of the overall review of the system and integration. Jennifer Ward from CampusCE and Mike Nielsen from Green River College have really guided us to be very inclusive and due to calendar challenges with getting the CEC group together, we are about a week or two behind where we thought we’d be, but we’re coordinating to get the right people at the table to kick off the business alignment sessions. The timing is being based on how quickly the integration can be built. The goal is to be ready for testing at the same time as DG4’s sprint two testing phase beginning in November.Steering Committee (SC) Relevant UpdatesWebEx Recording Time 01:05:27 – 01:15:08Christy shared that there has been some feedback form some colleges in regards to the current environment and some colleges are finding it much more difficult to engage staff in project work and complete assignments. One college even said they feel like their people are breaking. Christy brought this up at the SC for guidance to address these concerns. The guidance was to have a meeting with DG4-DG6 Executive Sponsors (ES) and then bring a summary back to the SC. The SC will then write either a summary or recommendation to send to the Executive Leadership Committee (ELC). Once DG4 goes live, half of the colleges will be live on PS and the concern is that if there’s a recommendation for a timeline shift or delay, there is a cost tied to that and all colleges will be taking on that additional cost. The work still needs to be done, it may be at a slower pace if that’s what is chosen, but the work still needs to be done. It is understood that the work is hard and there is empathy for the colleges going through this, but there’s a probability the colleges live on PS will not want to pay for the additional time.The meeting with the ES is expected to take place in the next 2-3 weeks so the recommendation has time to go to the SC before the next ELC meeting in the beginning October. At the last SC meeting, Reuth shared the DG6 Peer Review results. Only a couple colleges were slightly behind in the Legacy business process mapping, but have plans in place to complete this work before the cross into implementation. The SC approved DG6 to move forward to the implementation phase.Reuth also shared a couple colleges scored a little lower on budget for not having a solid budget yet and the progress on Legacy business process mapping. She will provide updates to the SC as the DG6 colleges progress on this work.Follow-Up/Action ItemsReach closure on GDR items/governance approval requests and properly track the items and update. Finalize global configuration guides and receive complete approval.Tara, Reuth, delegates1/23/20192/6/19: In Progress: No updates at this time. Tara & Reuth will be meeting on this soon.3/20/19: Reuth & Tara will be meeting next week. DG2 Global Configuration Guides are being sent out for review.4/17/19: Tara and Reuth will need to continue to work on this. 5/1/19: Global and Local Configuration Guides are located in cDR. 6/26/19: Reuth needs to loop back with Tara regarding this.3/4/20 & 3/18/20 & 4/1/20: Hoping to cover the guide at a future meeting. Focus has been on DG3 deployment. 5/13/2020: Transitioned local config guides to reference center, but will bring global config guides back to WG.6/10/2020: Reuth to schedule a meeting to discuss this with Tara.6/24/2020: Tara will work with testing team to translate global configuration to same format as the local config guides in the Reference Center. CS GDR doc needs to be reviewed because it was not fully approved by SC.7/8/2020: Test Coordinators will be taking Global Config guides and add them to the reference center.CS doc will be sent to Tara/team by Reuth.7/22/2020 & 8/5/2020: Will address at next meeting.8/19/2020: CS needs to be reviewed and guide recommendations to see what has been closed out. Tara will reach out to JH and Joe on those items.Create questions to bring back to BAC around OUs to gain more information about this request.Notes: Expenditures tracking incorporates some of the department/multiple OUs information. Action Item: Track as Delegate Input Decision ItemChristyanna Dawson, John Ginther and Dani Bundy3/20/19In Progress4/3/19: Emmett has a preliminary list of questions, but still needs to loop around with Char.4/17/19: Questions and concept of expanded set of operating values created and received initial feedback from BAC, need to figure out next steps, how to support it and measure it by risks/impacts (potential impact to CoA). Bring this info to BAR in June to gather feedback and further refine recommendation. *This is currently tracked in PWA with John G. original request for OU Enhancement Request.5/15/19: Charlene heard from Choi, and waiting for Emmett.5/29/19: Emmett will speak with BAC next week.6/26/19: Reuth to follow up with Emmett for update. We are unsure if Emmett provided the June update to BAR/BAC.7/17/19: Emmett presented to BAR in June, no vote taken. 8/7/19: Christyanna will loop back with Emmett to get an update on this.9/4/19: Write up synopsis of the June BAR presentation and define next steps. Will bring back to next WG meeting. 10/2/19: Emmett provided a verbal update and recommended next steps11/27/19:Re-assign to Christyanna and get update. 12/11/19: Christyanna will work with Finance team and John Ginther to work further on this. 1/8/20: Christyanna received more information from FIN team and will follow up with John Ginther.2/19/20: need to meet with all parties to continue this work.3/4/20: Need to follow up with Christyanna.3/18/20: Christyanna mentioned this impact is to a wider audience and has reviewed Emmett’s doc. Also added Dani.4/29/20 & 5/13/2020: Pending; Christyanna will re-visit.5/27/2020: Christyanna and Tara will meet to figure out a plan of action in moving forward. 6/10/2020: Christyanna and Tara continuing to meet with different stakeholders (analysts for GL, reporting, SF team and will meet next with HCM team). Goal is bring back an infographic to WG with the scope and how it impacts all pillars.6/24/2020: Tara and Christyanna to meet today to create a visual (infographic) and will bring this info back to WG.7/8/2020: Infographic is being drafted and brought back to next WE meeting.8/5/2020: Christyanna to check on the next BAC meeting to see if we can be part of the next agenda. Information was presented to WG on 7/22/2020.8/19/2020: Christyanna will be on the agenda for the next BAC meeting with Tara (scheduled for October 2nd).cEmail Delegated Decision Tara Keen5/15/19Update WG on full analysis when ready.9/4/19: Tara to add to WG agenda.10/2/19: New resource will need to lead this effort.11/27/19: Lead returns we will work on specifications for functional and tech design changes and prep Enhancement Requests. Notifications on W2 for HCM pillar was not included.12/9/19: Tara will work with HCM team on W2 notifications.1/8/20: Team has not begun the development analysis work due to conversion activities. 1/22/20: Tara will have an update by next meeting.2/19/20: Resource is available to start this work with Tara.3/4/20 - 5/13/2020: Resource will focus on this after DG3-B go-live. Tara has forwarded information to key resources.5/27/2020: Resource will meet next week to de-construct CS/HCM pillar and Tech Team to develop FTDD. 6/10/2020: Tara met with development lead, HCM and CS teams. Tara asked the teams to do an analysis of the notifications to identify customizations and effort estimates. This will be a large effort that will potentially need to go to SC for potential resource allocation and size of change.6/24/2020: Tara continues to meet with the team to determine depth and scope of change and will bring updates to WG. This will likely to go SC due to the size, change and time for the project.7/8/2020: Still working on this and will bring this back to WG and then will need approval by SC.7/22/2020: Tara will meet with team next week to determine the FTDD count. This will go to SC after WG approval.8/5/2020: Tara has a meeting scheduled next week to discuss FTDD.8/19/2020: Another few weeks to provide a good effort estimate for customizations.HCM Payroll M-O45 PSHUP Load Process Modification –Enhancement Request tabled –Shon to work with Brian /HCM team and update working group on 7/10/19Brian Lanier and Dani Bundy6/26/197/24/19: Meet to discuss. 8/7/19: Brian & Shon met and discussed. This will be a customization. More work needed on this.10/2/19: Needs to be looked at after go-live.12/9/19: Support organization will review intended delivery timeframe before DG3 cutoff. John Ginther will follow up to ensure resources.1/8/20: A request to PMO needs to be made for resource support from project team.2/19/20: Dani will gladly go back and check with the team.3/4/20: Need to follow up with Dani. 3/18/20: Dani has discussed this with Brian, two tickets are pending on this topic and will need further review.4/1/20: Topic deferred will be reviewed in the future. 4/15/2020; Meeting set up this week and have suggestions from project team to discuss best way to approach this.4/29/2020: Brian said a query has been created for accounting line and PSHUP file, this will be run before each payroll (and checklist) is run. Brian to confirm with John G. if there is a concern with closing this.5/13/2020: Last payroll showed lots of errors so not ready to be closed out. More work needs to be considered for this.5/27/2020: Testing has re-started and have received recommendations from tech team before PSHUP file can go to PRD. Query is in place and colleges are using this.6/10/2020: Tech team is currently working on this.6/24/2020: Still working on this request / query. 7/8/2020 & 7/22/2020: Currently in testing phase.8/5/2020: Continuing to work on this fix.8/19/2020: Still working on this. May put this on hold but have a temp fix. Still in the queue.Create ER for the 2 recommendations from the Travel Auth/Adv/Exp CPWDani Bundy9/4/19Pat will work with Daniel to get formal ER submitted to WG. 10/2/19: In Progress with CPW team. 1/8/20: Reuth will follow up with Daniel, Carrie & Pat on status of CPWs and bringing requests forward. 2/19/20: Reuth and Pat to finalize. 3/4/20: Pat has drafted the ER form.3/18/20: Pat submitted draft and will be a topic for a future meeting.4/1/20: ER drafted, need to meet to discuss this further with Pat, Christyanna, Dani and Reuth. 4/15/2020: Pat, Christyanna & Dani met, discussed items and will be bringing the info back to WG. Dani is going to review PRD related items (specific fields). 4/29/2020: Pat has updated.5/13/2020: & 5/27/2020: The map will be updated by Pat (drop down menu value changes) and Dani will take this to Change Management Board. 6/10/2020: Dani brought this to CMB. Group is currently looking at the reporting impact.6/24/2020 & 7/8/2020: Dani will follow-up on this with CMB.7/22/2020 – 8/19/2020: Dani followed up with CBM. This is currently being prioritized.Enhancement Requests from Clark-Finance one has been evaluated but needs to be communicated back to the colleges.Shon & Christyanna 3/4/20203/18/20: Shon will coordinate UAT with Clark/FIN. Susan may be able to help coordinate this.4/1/20: Shon will reach out to Susan this week. 4/29/2020: Shon will meet with Susan on Friday.5/13/2020: Shon met with Susan and also followed up with Tanya on requirements for UAT.5/27/2020: Get update from Shon at next meeting. 6/10/2020: Reuth to get an update from Shon.6/24/2020: Shon reported that this change will happen after year end.7/8/2020 – 8/5/2020: Still on track to update after year end activities.8/19/2020: FIN Functional Analyst started working on this last week.Enhancement Request PRD Status Dani & Tara & ReuthApril 20205/27/2020: Meeting in June to discuss this. 6/10/2020: Reuth to schedule another meeting.6/24/2020 & 7/8/2020: Reuth will reschedule another meeting for additional conversations about this. 7/22/2020: Will cover after Reuth returns.8/5/2020: Still working through this process to provide an update back to WG. Prioritizing and working through the fixes with the CMB as it pertains to PRD and project. 8/19/2020: On agenda for WG today.Cost for SentinelSandy8/19/2020Status update for Asset Management scanner solutionChristyanna8/19/2020Status on credit card solution – ask John G for an update Reuth / Tara 8/19/2020 ................

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