Council Rock School District

7th Grade Health – Digestive SystemNote SheetName:________________________Period:_________Objectives: Understand the structure of the Digestive System and how it functions Identify diseases and problem linked to the Digestive SystemDevelop an understanding of how to maintain a healthy Digestive System* The functions of the digestive system are broken into 3 main processes.- Digestion - - Absorption - - Elimination - * Digestion includes 2 processes.- Mechanical Process – - Chemical Process – * The Digestive System consists of the mouth, throat, stomach and intestines.* Mouth- Teeth - - Mastication - - Salivary Glands - - Tongue - * Throat- Uvula - - Epiglottis - - Peristalsis - - Esophagus - * Stomach – 3 Main Functions - --* Small Intestine - - - - villi - * Large Intestine - - - - * Rectum - *Anus- * Organs That Help the Digestive SystemPancreas – Liver – Gall Bladder – * Digestive System ProblemsFunctional Problems Indigestion – Causes – Constipation – Causes – Heartburn – Causes – Gas – Causes – Nausea – Causes – Structural Problems Gastritis – Causes – Peptic Ulcer – Causes – Gall Stones – Causes – Lactose Intolerance – Causes – Hemorrhoids – Causes – * 10 Steps to Digestive System Health1. Fruits and Veggies- 2. Get Plenty of Fiber- 3. Consume Adequate Protein -4. Get Nutrients from Food First- 5. Limit Fats and Concentrated Sweets - 6. Stay Hydrated- 7. Eat Mindfully- 8. Exercise- 9. Manage Your Stress-10. Pay Attention to Your BodyDigestive System Structure and Word ScrambleRearrange the words below in the correct order in which food travels through the digestive system.Large IntestineStomachMouthSmall IntestineEsophagusAnus Rectum____________________?____________________?____________________?____________________?____________________?____________________?____________________Unscramble the words on the left, then match them with the definition below. _____ lauvu - _____ lamsl stenintel - _____ atssilsreip - _____ gonteu - _____ heeht - _____ glrea entsientl - _____ tasaciitmon - _____ unas - _____ gaphussoe - _____ tolisetpig -_____ moactsh - _____ livil -_____ vierl - _____ nacresap - _____ lagl labdred - 1. Break down foods into smaller pieces2. Process of chewing, which prepares food to be swallowed3. Shapes and prepares food to be swallowed4. Small flap of tissue at the back of the throat that prevents food from entering the respiratory system.5. Hollow, sac-like organ enclosed in a wall of muscles, converts food in chime. 6. Small flap of tissue at the back of the mouth that prevents food from entering the nasal passage. 7. 10 inch long muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.8. Series of involuntary muscle contractions that moves food through the digestive tract.9. 20-23 feet long, 90% of all nutrients are absorbed here.10. Miniature finger-like projections that line the inner wall of the small intestine and absorb nutrients.11. Undigested parts of food like fiber and roughage leave the small intestine and end up here, also called the colon.12. External opening of the rectum.13. Feeds the small intestine, produces enzymes that break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins in food.14. Stores bile between meals15. Produces bile ................

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