A&P II Exam 3 Answers1) Examples of physical barriers against pathogens include A) sebaceous glands. B) mucus. C) epithelia. D) epidermal layers. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: ELearning Outcome: 22-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension2) Each of the following is a physical barrier to infection except A) body hair. B) epithelium. C) secretions. D) complement. E) basement membranes. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 22-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge3) Various types of macrophages are derived from A) lymphocytes. B) monocytes. C) neutrophils. D) eosinophils. E) basophils. Answer: BLearning Outcome: 22-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge4) Inflammation produces localized A) swelling. B) redness. C) heat. D) pain. E) All of the answers are correct.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 22-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge5) The classic pathway of complement activation begins when the protein C1 binds to A) the cell wall of bacteria. B) the plasma membrane of bacteria. C) an antibody attached to an antigen. D) a cell surface antigen. E) a plasma protein. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 22-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge6) The cells that perform immunological surveillance are the ________ cells. A) NK B) plasma C) B D) helper T E) suppressor T Answer: ALearning Outcome: 22-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge7) The larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles all make up the A) upper respiratory tract. B) lower respiratory tract. C) internal respiratory tract. D) alveoli of the respiratory tract. E) respiratory mucosa. Answer: BLearning Outcome: 23-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge8) Exposure to ________ generally causes a rapid increase in the rate of mucus production in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. A) noxious vapors B) unpleasant stimuli C) allergens D) debris or pathogens E) All of the answers are correct.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 23-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension9) Air entering the body is filtered, warmed, and humidified by the A) upper respiratory tract. B) lower respiratory tract. C) lungs. D) alveoli. E) bronchioles. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge10) Which of the following organs is not part of the lower respiratory system?A) pharynxB) tracheaC) larynxD) bronchiE) alveoliAnswer: ALearning Outcome: 23-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge11) Functions of the nasal cavity include all of the following except A) filtering the air. B) warming the air. C) humidifying the air. D) housing tonsils. E) housing olfactory receptors. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 23-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge12) Which of the following is false about the pharynx?A) It is shared by the integumentary and respiratory systems.B) The nasopharynx is superior.C) The oropharynx connects to oral cavity.D) The laryngopharynx ends at esophagus opening.E) Solids, liquids, and gases pass through.Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension13) During swallowing, the A) intrinsic laryngeal muscles contract. B) extrinsic laryngeal muscles contract. C) glottis closes. D) epiglottis is depressed.E) All of the answers are correct.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 23-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension14) The airway that connects the larynx to the bronchial tree is theA) trachea. B) bronchiole. C) laryngopharynx. D) alveolar duct. E) bronchus. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-4Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge15) The following is a list of some airways. What is the order in which air passes through them?1. secondary bronchus2. bronchioles3. alveolar ducts4. primary bronchus5. respiratory bronchiole6. alveoli7. terminal bronchioleA) 4, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 6 B) 4, 1, 2, 5, 7, 3, 6 C) 1, 4, 2, 5, 7, 3, 6 D) 1, 4, 2, 7, 5, 3, 6 E) 2, 4, 1, 7, 5, 3, 6 Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge16) The respiratory membrane of the gas exchange surfaces consists of A) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. B) moist cuboidal epithelium. C) simple squamous epithelium. D) ciliated squamous epithelium. E) surfactant cells. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 23-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge17) Damage to the type II pneumocytes of the lungs would result in A) a loss of surfactant. B) an increased rate of gas exchange. C) decreased surface tension in the alveoli.D) expansion of alveoli. E) All of the answers are correct.Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge18) Blockage of pulmonary blood flow by a clot or similar obstruction is A) emphysema. B) COPD. C) anoxia. D) pulmonary embolism. E) pneumothorax. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 23-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension19) Which respiratory organ has a cardiac notch?A) right lungB) left lungC) right primary bronchusD) left primary bronchusE) diaphragmAnswer: BLearning Outcome: 23-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge20) Determination of blood gases includes testing an arterial sample for A) pH. B) PO2. C) PCO2. D) PO2 and PCO2.E) pH, PO2, and PCO2. Answer: ELearning Outcome: 23-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge21) When there is no air movement, the relationship between the intrapulmonary and atmospheric pressure is that A) they are equal. B) intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric. C) atmospheric pressure is less than intrapulmonary. D) atmospheric pressure is more than intrapulmonary. E) intrapulmonary pressure is less than atmospheric. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension22) Boyle's law states that the pressure of a gas is A) inversely proportional to the volume of its container. B) always higher in the atmosphere than in the lungs.C) directly proportional to temperature. D) inversely proportional to temperature. E) directly proportional to the volume of its container. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge23) Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is A) greater than intraalveolar pressure. B) less than the pressure in the atmosphere. C) less than intrapulmonic pressure. D) equal to the pressure in the atmosphere. E) greater than the pressure in the atmosphere. Answer: ELearning Outcome: 23-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge24) If the volume of the lungs increases, what happens to the air pressure inside the lungs? A) It decreases. B) It increases and possibly damages the lungs. C) It increases twice the amount of the increase in volume. D) It remains constant. E) It increases. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-7Bloom's Taxonomy: ComprehensionFigure 23-2 Mechanics of VentilationUse Figure 23-2 to answer the following questions:25) Which muscle(s) produce(s) the movement labeled "1"? A) rectus abdominis B) internal intercostals C) external intercostals D) diaphragm E) both rectus abdominis and external intercostalsAnswer: CLearning Outcome: 23-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension26) What is the relationship between the pressures at label "3"? A) P outside = P inside B) P outside > P inside C) P outside < P inside D) P outside + P inside E) P outside - P inside Answer: BLearning Outcome: 23-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension27) What pressure will be present in the space labeled "4"? A) alveolar pressure B) interpleural pressure C) subalveolar pressure D) intrapleural pressure E) atmospheric pressure Answer: DLearning Outcome: 23-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Application28) What is the relationship between the pressures at label "8"? A) P outside = P inside B) P outside > P inside C) P outside < P inside D) P outside + P inside E) P outside - P inside Answer: CLearning Outcome: 23-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension29) Henry's law states that A) gas volume and temperature are directly proportional. B) gas volume and pressure are inversely proportional. C) the volume of gas that will dissolve in a solvent is proportional to the solubility of the gas and the gas pressure. D) in a mixture of gases such as air, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of the gases in the mixture. E) gas pressure is inversely proportional to gas volume. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 23-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge30) Dalton's law states that A) gas volume and temperature are directly proportional. B) gas volume and pressure are inversely proportional. C) the volume of gas that will dissolve in a solvent is proportional to the solubility of the gas and the gas pressure. D) in a mixture of gases such as air, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of the gases in the mixture. E) gas pressure is inversely proportional to gas volume. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 23-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge31) Carbon dioxide and water combine to form A) hydrochloric acid. B) oxygen. C) carbonic acid. D) carbaminohemoglobin. E) nitric acid. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 23-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge32) For maximum loading of hemoglobin with oxygen at the lungs, the A) PCO2 should be high.B) pH should be slightly acidic. C) PO2 should be about 70 mm Hg. D) BPG levels in the red blood cells should be high. E) PO2 should be as high as possible.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 23-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge33) The percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the temperature is 38 degrees centigrade is A) greater than the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the temperature is 43 degrees centigrade. B) less than the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the temperature is 43 degrees centigrade. C) equal to the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the temperature is 43 degrees centigrade.D) equal to the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the temperature is 20 degrees centigrade.E) None of the answers is correct. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 23-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge34) Hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen when the BPG level is high isA) greater than hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen when the BPG level is low. B) less than hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen when the BPG level is low. C) equal to hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen when the BPG level is low. D) equal to hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen when pH is low.E) None of the answers is correct. Answer: BLearning Outcome: 23-9Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge35) Digestion refers to the A) progressive dehydration of indigestible residue.B) mechanical breakdown of food. C) chemical breakdown of food. D) mechanical and chemical breakdown of food.E) All of the answers are correct.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 24-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge36) The activities of the digestive system are regulated by A) hormones. B) parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons. C) the contents of the digestive tract. D) intrinsic nerve plexuses.E) All of the answers are correct.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 24-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge37) The lamina propria and mucous epithelium are components of the A) serosa. B) adventitia. C) muscularis mucosa. D) mucosa. E) submucosa. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 24-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge38) Contraction of the ________ alters the shape of the intestinal lumen and moves epithelial pleats and folds. A) mucosa B) submucosa C) submucosal plexus D) muscularis mucosa E) adventitia Answer: DLearning Outcome: 24-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge39) Which organ is responsible for dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials? A) small intestine B) esophagus C) large intestine D) stomach E) anus Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge40) A structure that helps prevent food from entering the pharynx prematurely is theA) uvula. B) pharyngeal arch. C) palatoglossal arch. D) palatopharyngeal arch. E) epiglottis. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 24-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge41) A blockage of the ducts from the parotid glands wouldA) occur when too much protein is ingested. B) cause mumps. C) interfere with carbohydrate digestion in the mouth. D) prevent emulsification of lipids. E) inhibit the secretion of saliva from other glands.Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension42) Which of the following is not a function of the tongue? A) manipulation to assist with chewing B) mechanical processing C) passing food across occlusal surfaces D) secretion of mucins E) All of these are functions of the tongue.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 24-2Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge43) The epithelium lining the oropharynx isA) simple squamous.B) simple cuboidal.C) simple columnar.D) stratified squamous.E) pseudostratified squamous.Answer: DLearning Outcome: 24-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge44) Parietal cells secrete A) pepsinogen. B) gastrin. C) mucus. D) hydrochloric acid. E) enteropeptidase. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 24-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge45) G cells of the stomach secrete A) cholecystokinin. B) secretin. C) gastrin. D) enteropeptidase. E) pepsin. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-5Bloom's Taxonomy: KnowledgeFigure 24-1 The Stomach (dissected)Use Figure 24-1 to answer the following questions:46) What is the function of the structure labeled "6"? A) strains materials entering the stomach B) regulates gastric emptying C) mixes stomach juice into food D) controls contraction of stomach muscles E) prevents food from entering the esophagus Answer: BLearning Outcome: 24-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension47) Identify the structure labeled "10." A) longitudinal muscle layer B) circular muscle layer C) oblique muscle layer D) rugae E) submucosa Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge48) Identify the structure labeled "4." A) longitudinal muscle layer B) circular muscle layer C) oblique muscle layer D) submucosa E) rugae Answer: BLearning Outcome: 24-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge49) Identify the structure labeled "3." A) rugae B) circular muscle layer C) oblique muscle layer D) longitudinal muscle layer E) submucosa Answer: DLearning Outcome: 24-5Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge50) The villi are most developed in the A) stomach. B) duodenum. C) jejunum. D) gallbladder. E) cecum. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge51) Which of the following enhance the absorptive effectiveness of the small intestine? A) the circular folds B) the villiC) the microvilli D) intestinal movements E) All of the answers are correct.Answer: ELearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension52) The intestinal hormone that stimulates the pancreas to release a watery, bicarbonate-rich fluid is A) enterocrinin. B) secretin. C) cholecystokinin. D) GIP. E) gastrin. Answer: BLearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge53) An intestinal hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile is A) enteropeptidase. B) secretin. C) cholecystokinin. D) GIP. E) gastrin. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: KnowledgeFigure 24-2 The Wall of the Small IntestineUse Figure 24-2 to answer the following questions:54) What is the function of the structure labeled "7"? A) production of sodium bicarbonate B) production of lipase C) protection from bacteria D) production of hydrochloric acid E) production of pepsinogen Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension55) Which structure controls the contraction of the muscularis externa? A) 2 B) 8 C) 9 D) 10 E) 11 Answer: DLearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension56) Contraction of the muscle layer labeled "9" causes the digestive tract to A) constrict. B) shorten. C) dilate. D) fold for increased surface area. E) secrete enzymes. Answer: ALearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension57) Approximately the last 15 cm of the digestive tract is the A) anus. B) anal canal. C) rectum. D) sigmoid colon. E) rectal column. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge58) Functions of the large intestine include A) absorption of bile salts. B) secretion of vitamins. C) reabsorption of water and compaction of feces. D) production of gas to move waste toward the rectum. E) most of the chemical breakdown of food.Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge59) The pouchlike structure that joins the ileum at the ileocecal valve is the A) appendix. B) sigmoid colon. C) rectum. D) haustra. E) cecum. Answer: ELearning Outcome: 24-7Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge60) Movements unique to the large intestine are ________ movements. A) peristaltic B) segmentation C) mass D) pendular E) writhing Answer: CLearning Outcome: 24-7Bloom's Taxonomy: KnowledgeXtra Credit (1 point ea)1) A sample of John's blood shows a high level of pyrogens. This would indicate that John A) is feeling achy. B) is producing T lymphocytes. C) has a sore throat. D) is running a fever. E) has swollen lymph nodes. Answer: DLearning Outcome: 22-3Bloom's Taxonomy: Application2) A patient with a connective tissue disease experiences increased pulmonary vascular resistance. Over a period of time, you would expect to observe A) increased cardiac output from the right ventricle. B) increased cardiac output from the left ventricle. C) increased thickness of the right ventricular wall. D) distension of the pulmonary veins from the right lung. E) no appreciable changes in heart structure or function. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 23-1Bloom's Taxonomy: Application3) A SCUBA diver has been deep underwater and suddenly rises to the surface too fast. Why does the diver get decompression sickness? A) Pressure decreases and carbon dioxide rushes into cells.B) Pressure changes too fast and the carbon dioxide in the blood forms bubbles. C) Pressure decreases too fast and nitrogen gas in the blood forms bubbles. D) The gas in the SCUBA tank had too much pressure and rapid ascent forces too much air into the blood.E) Pressure increases too fast and too much oxygen enters the blood and forms bubbles. Answer: CLearning Outcome: 23-8Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge4) Tony is a chronic alcoholic with cirrhosis of the liver, a condition in which liver cells die and are replaced by connective tissue. Which of the following signs would you expect to observe in Tony? A) increased clotting time B) jaundice C) portal hypertension and ascites D) decrease in plasma protein productionE) All of the answers are correct. Answer: ELearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Application5) Tom has hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. Which of the following symptoms would you expect to observe in Tom? A) jaundice B) elevated levels of blood glucose C) impaired digestion of protein D) blood in the feces E) overproduction of blood plasma albumin Answer: ALearning Outcome: 24-6Bloom's Taxonomy: Application ................

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