| Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie "Nicolae ...

1 The most common cause of intestinal obstruction is: volvulus neoplasm intussusception hernia adhesions 2 A two-week-old boy develops persistent projectile vomiting. The most likely diagnosis is: pyloric stenosis esophageal atresia annular pancreas incomplete rotation of the gut amyloidosis3 An endoscopic biopsy of gastric mucosa reveals small intestinal type epithelium this finding is most likely due to: Chronic gastritis Congenital heterotopia Precancerous dysplasia Metastatic carcinoma Benign neoplasm 4 Hematemesis is an indication of: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding Lower gastrointestinal bleeding Middle gastrointestinal bleedingAll of the listedNone of the listed5 The most common cause of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (hematemesis or melena) is: Esophageal varices Gastric carcinoma Peptic ulcer Gastritis All of the listed6 The Mallory-Weiss syndrome refers to the occurrence of gastrointestinal hemorrhage as a result of: Esophageal varices Esophageal peptic ulcers Mucosal tears at the esophagogastric junction Iatrogenic perforation Ulcerogenic drugs Primary carcinoma is least common in: Esophagus Stomach Small intestine ColonRectumBilateral ovarian metastases presenting as tumor masses are most characteristically associated with carcinoma of the: esophagus stomach small intestine sppendix colon9 What is the most common cause of esophageal varices: alcoholic cirrhosis cardiac cirrhosis extra-hepatic portal vein obstructionesophagitisall of the listed 10 Which is characterized by vomiting of blood:Zenker diverticulum Traction diverticulum Achalasia Mallory-Weiss syndrome Hiatal hernia11 Acute erosive gastritis is characterized by: Pus in the stomach Superficial multiple ulcerations of gastric mucosa A deep ulcer of the stomach with a scarred base A frequent association with gastric cancer Perforation as frequent complication The most frequent complication of chronic duodenal ulcer is: Hemorrhage Obstruction Perforation MalabsorptionAll of the listedCarcinoma of the stomach usually arises from: Smooth muscle cells Acid producing cells Pepsinogen producing cellsMucus producing cells Argentaffin cells Which feature of ulcerative colitis is most closely related to the development of carcinoma? Age of patient at time of onset The duration of the disorder Severity of manifestations at onset Presence of pseudopolypsPresence of melenaThe most typical distribution of the inflammatory process in ulcerative colitis is: Entire colon and terminal ileum Diffuse, involving entire colon Focal, segmental Rectum and a variable length of contiguous colon Stomach and duodenum Which neoplasm is most FREQUENTLY found in the appendix? Carcinoid Villous adenoma Lymphoma Adenomatous polyp AdenocarcinomaColonic neoplasms tend to metastasize most frequently to: Liver Lung Vertebral column Small intestine KidneyIn contrast to carcinoma of the right colon, carcinoma of the left colon tends to be associated with: anemia diverticulosis malabsorption obstruction Nno symptomsCarcinoma of the esophagus is characterized by the following: adenocarcinoma has higher incidence then squamous cell carcinoma squamous cell carcinoma has higher incidence then adenocarcinoma a tumor with a poor prognosis dysphagia is a common symptom a tumor with good prognosis The most common fatal complication of chronic peptic ulcer of the stomach is: Adenocarcinoma Acute gastritis Perforation and peritonitis Pancreatitis Pyloric outlet obstructionChronic tonsillitis is characterized by following statements:lymphoid tissue sclerosis tonsillar sheath sclerosis epithelial metaplasiaenlargement of tonsillar lacune epithelial displasia22 The most frequent types of acute esophagitis are the following:catarrhalfibrinousflegmonoushemorrhagic granulomatous 23 Microscopic changes in catarrhal gastritis include the following:edemahyperemiasuperficial erosionsfibrin network epithelioid cells infiltration 24. Destructive complications in peptic ulcer are:hemorrhage plasmorrhagestenosisperforation penetration 25. Choose the macroscopic types of the esophageal cancer:nodularexophytic diffuse nodularbranchingdiffuse infiltrative 26. Morphological types of chronic gastritis are:metaplastic flegmonousatrophic gangrenousautoimmune 27. Peptic ulcer complications are the following:destructiveinflammatoryinvasive malignant transformation e. benign transformation28. Which of the following types of esophagitis it is the most common:reflux viralfungalacute corrosivechronic granulomatous29. Choose the retrograde matastases of the gastric cancer:VirchowAbrikosovKaposiKrukenberg Schnitzler 30. The most frequent localization of the gastric cancer is:lesser curvature greater curvaturepylorusfundus cardia31. Choose the histologic zones of the chronic peptic ulcer:layer of necrotic fibrinoid debris zone of nonspecific inflammation granulomatous inflammation fibrous, colagenous scar e. specific inflammation32. Choose the benign types of the gastric tumors:diffuse carcinomavilous polyp acute gastritisadenomatous polyp lymphoma33. Which gastro-intestinal segments are most frequently involved in Crohn's disease:small intestine stomach oral cavitycolon esophagus34. The most common complications in Crohn disease are:fistulasmassive bleeding spreadingmalignant transformation toxic dilatation35. The following statements can be characteristic for the ulcerative colitis:affects colon and rectumaffects small intestinumhas a pseudopolypous patternspreads into abdominal cavityit can be followed by peritonitis36. The most frequent complications in acute enteritis are:hemorrhageocclusionstenosisperforationcancer development37. The most frequent complications of appendicitis are:peritonitiscancermucocelehemorrhagediverticulitis38. Choose the benign types of the intestinal tumors:tubular adenomavilous adenoma melanomatubulo-vilous adenomalymphoma39. The most common cause of the peritonitis are the following, EXCEPT:gastric ulcer perforationintestinal perforation in typhoid fevergangrenous appendicitisfocal pneumoniaacute pancreatitis40. Acute colitis complications are:hemorrhageperforationspneumoniaappendicitisabscess41. Gross features of a benign gastric ulcer include all of the following, EXCEPT: location on the lesser curvaturesmall sizebig size smooth baseradial arrangement of surrounding mucosal folds 42. Acute appendicitis is characterized by:mainly as disease of adolescentsmost commonly confused clinically with mesenteric lymphadenitisaccompanied by luminal obstruction in most casesdiagnosed histologically by massive lymphoid infiltration in the submucosaproduces watery diarrhea43. Histologic changes commonly seen in reflux esophagitis include:elongated mucosal papillaehyperplasia of the mucosal basal zoneintraepithelial eosinophilssubmucosal varicesmucosal destruction44. Features of colonic adenomas that are associated with increased risk for carcinoma include all of the following, EXCEPT:severe dysplasiavillous architecturesize exceeding 2 cmmarked inflammationmultiple adenomas45. Which of the following inflammatory conditions of the intestine is characterized by segmental involvement of the small/or large bowel, transmural inflammation, and the development of epithelioid granulomas:crohn's diseaseulcerative colitiscryptosporidiosis diverticulitiscolitis cystica profunda46. The most common site of gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors is:small bowelcolonappendix esophagusstomach 47. The most common types of intestinal tumors are: squamous cell carcinomasadenocarcinomasadenosquamous carcinomaslarge cell undifferentiated carcinomassmall cell undifferentiated carcinomas48. The intestinal tumors are complicated with:hemorrhageplasmorrhagebowel perforationsneuronal spreadingperitonitis49. The cause of ulcerative colitis in most cases is:psychosomatic viral autoimmune bacterial undetermined 50. Which of the following is associated with an increased risk of esophageal cancer: herpetic esophagitis candida esophagitis cigarette smoking Mallory-Weiss syndrome E Barrett's esophagus 51. Acute gastric erosions occur in each the following settings, EXCEPT:extensive burns alcohol abuse trauma to the brain irreversible shock pernicious anemia 52. Which of the following bowel disease is associated with arthritis and uveitis:Crohn disease pseudomembranous colitis mycobacterium avium intracellulare enterocolitis CMV (cytomegalovirus) colitis vibrio cholera 53. The most common complication of duodenal peptic ulcer is: bleedingmalignant transformation rupture peritonitis obstruction 54. Pernicious anemia is usually associated with: gastric hypersecretion gastric adenocarcinoma hypertrophic gastritis autoantibodies to parietal cellsautoantibodies to the intrinsic factor 55. Familial adenomatous polyposis is characterized by each of the following, EXCEPT: multiple tubular adenomas autosomal dominant inheritance colonic polyps usually are present at birth high incidence of malignancy multiple villous adenomas 56. Carcinoma of the oral cavity is most often: squamous basal cell transitional cell ameloblastic odontogenic 57. Acute gastric ulceration may be associated with each the following conditions, EXCEPT: extensive burns cerebrovascular accidents corticosteroid therapy excessive alcohol intake achalasia of esophagus 58. Anemia associated with gastric carcinoma is usually as a result of: prolonged blood loss metastases into bones metastases into the small intestine metastases into the liverVitamin B-12 deficiency 59. Each of the following is associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, EXCEPT: alcoholism reflux esophagitis chronic esophagitis achalasia smoking 60. Which of the following pathologic features is not characteristic of squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus , EXCEPT: well differentiated glands arises in zones of metaplastic mucosa called Barrett esophagus clinical symptoms usually appear only when the tumor is advanced beyond the point of curative resection mostly occurs in conjunction with esophageal varices early distant metastases are common, whereas lymphatic spread to regional lymph nodes is rare 61. Each of the following is true about gastric leiomyomas, EXCEPT: they are most common than gastric adenocarcinoma they may cause erosion and bleeding if are larger than 2 cm they are usually benign they may show a variety of histologic patterns histologic criteria for malignancy include mitotic frequency 62. Each the following statements about gastric carcinoma are true, EXCEPT: incidence rates of gastric carcinoma show wide geographic differences prognosis in gastric carcinoma is related to stage of disease absence of acid secretion after pentagastrin stimulation is highly correlated with gastric carcinoma persons with blood group O many tumors are mucin producing 63. Which of the following types of polyps is non-neoplastic: tubular adenoma adenomatous polyp juvenile polyp villous adenoma e. hyperplastic polyp 64. Acute gastritis is best described by what the pathologist sees in this sense, name the term:hypertrophic gastritis hyperplastic gastritis erosive gastritis atrophic gastritis non-necrotizing granulomatous gastritis 65. Non-erosive gastritis can lead to each of the following, EXCEPT: achlorhydriapernicious anemia gastric atrophy gastric carcinoma folate deficiency anemia 66. Pseudomembranous colitis is a: granulomatous inflammation that is caused by Campylobacter, and rarely shows transmural involvement non-necrotizing granulomatous inflammatory condition of the colon which is of unknown etiology bacterial infection of the colon characterized by focal mucosal ulceration and the formation of fibrinomucinous exudate over denuded areas transmural inflammatory condition that is characterized by focal granulomatous inflammatory infiltrates that are best seen along the serosal surface of the colon disease not associated with any known organism and is characterized by focal mucosal ulceration with the formation of a fibrinous exudate over denuded regions 67. Identify the name of the pathological process.chronic appendicitis.appendiceal mucocele.pseudomembranous colitis. carcinoma of sigmoid colon.encephaloid modifications of peyer patches in typhoid fever. 68. The causes of the pathological process from image are:vibrio choleraestaphylococcus aureus?escherichia coliclostridium perfringens?clostridium difficile 69. Manifestations of the pathological process from image are:necrotic masses and exudate remain adherent to the mucosa the colon is usually most severely involved diarrhea with blood and mucus acute inflammation of the small intestinelongitudinal ulcers overlying the peyer patches in the ileum70. Identify the name of the pathologic process.chronic appendicitis.appendiceal mucocele.pseudomembranous colitis. carcinoma of sigmoid colon.encephaloid modifications of peyr patches in typhoid fever71. Identify the morphological changes of the pathological process:intact muscularis. clusters of "signet ring cells" and mucous substance which infiltrate the intestinal wall.clusters of typhoid cells.intact lymphoid tissuenecrotic masses and fibrin with diffuse leukocytic infiltration; 72. The causes of the pathological process from image are:vibrio choleraestaphylococcus aureus?escherichia coliclostridium perfringens?clostridium difficile 73. Consequences of pathological process in the image are:the necrotic mucosa and exudate remain adherent to the mucosal the colon is usually most severely involved acute severe diarrhea with blood and mucus acute inflammation of the small intestinelongitudinal ulcers overlying the Peyer patches in the ileum ................

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