First Lecture

The digestive system is composed of a long muscular tube –the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, or alimentary canal-and a set of accessory organ.

The GIT consist of oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anal canal.

fliver, and gallbladder. There are four major functions of GIT:





General structure of GIT:

Is a hallow tube composed of lumen of variable diameter surrounded by a wall made up of four principle layers :

1-Mucosa:composed of epithelial lining and lamina properia of loss connective tissue rich in blood and lymph vessels.

2-Submucosa: composed of loss connective tissue with many blood and lymph vessels and nerve plexus caaed Miessner plexus.

3-Muscularis externa :consist of inner layer of circular and outer layer of longitudinal oriented smooth muscle fiber Myenteric (Aurbach) nerve plexus lies between the tow muscles sublayer.

4-Serosa: is a thin layer composed of loss connective tissue rich in blood and lymph vessel and adipose tissue.

Neural control of GIT:

Is provided by extrinsic and intrinsic(enteric) neuron:

1-Extrinsic nervous control comes from the parasympathetic and

sympathetic nervous system.

a. Parasympathetic innervation :

(1) Parasympathetic nerve fibers come from

(a) The vagus nerve, which innervates the striated muscle of the esophagus, the stomach,, the small intestine, and the ascending colon.

(b) The pelvic nerve, which innervates the lower portion of the colon and the striated muscle of the external anal canal.

2- Parasympathetic nerve activity:

(a) Increase GI motility and secretion.

(b)Decrease the activity of sphincters.

b.Sympathetic innervation:

(1) Sympathetic fibers reach all level of the GIT from the celiac, mesenteric and hypogastric ganglia

(2) Sympathetic nerve activity:

(a) Increase sphincter tone.

(b) Reduce blood flow to the GIT.

3. The intrinsic nervous system is composed of the myentric and submucosal plexuses .

a. The extrinsic nerve fibers synapse on neurons within the intrinsic nervous system.

(b) Intrinsic nervous activity can act independently of the extrinsic nervous.


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