Ripley’s Aquarium Canada

Ripley's Aquarium Canada

By: Reese Barnes

Grade 6D All Saints Catholic School

Mrs Dawe Due: March 31

Table of Contents



In the Beginning


The Attractions


The Year




The Maker and His Goal




Working at an Aquarium


A Situation


The Memories


Another Ripley's








Ripley's aquarium has been around since 2013 and it is a great aquarium. I decided to do Ripley's aquarium Canada because I went there in grade 3, and not many people have heard about it. You should learn about Ripley's aquarium because it's a slightly new attraction, and it's a must see if you visit Toronto.

In this report you will learn what design choices they made, how it first started, who owns it, what's the newest animal, what it's like to work there, what times in the year you should visit it, when there was a situation there, the oldest employee they have, if there making another Ripley's, and some animals they have.

These topics are crazy. Some were quite fun to research, others were difficult. Now please enjoy my presentation!


In the Beginning

Ripley's Aquarium Canada, first opened in Toronto, October 16 2013. Ripley's aquarium was planned in 2004 to be in Niagara Falls next to what is called the Great Wolf Lodge around 2007. Later Ripley's Aquarium got relocated to downtown Toronto. The construction began in August 2011. With a final cost of $130 million. The building progress was going well as updated on July 4 2012.

Some pros and cons are that the sea animals are taken out of their natural habitat, but they are taken into an aquarium that feeds them and takes care of them. I should know because I went there when I was in Toronto, there were these kinds of shows, and people that worked there would go into the big tank of water, and feed the animals. I went to the one where they fed the stingrays, it was supposed to teach us how they eat. Ripley's aquarium is meant for families to have fun and spend time together, but it is educational, even for grown ups.


The Attractions

Some attractions for Ripley's aquarium is the Cuttlefish. The Cuttlefish is related to squids and octopi. It's known as a master of disguise. It's known to be called that because of special cells in its skin called chromatophores. If an animal has chromatophores, then it has the ability to change its appearance. Even if the background has a lot of texture like a rock, the Cuttlefish can still camouflage perfectly.

An Archerfish is a small sized tropical fish, which mainly eats insects. The Archerfish got its name from how they catch their prey. They're more than four inches long, and are able to shoot jets of water at insects near water to eat. They can hit their tiny targets with enough force to knock them into the water to eat.

Sharks have a 6th sense, they have special cells in their head that are able to detect electricity. The special cells are used for hunting and for navigation. The sense is so developed that the Sharks are able to detect fish that are hiding under sand.



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