8.14 Student Administration & Support

Contact Details:

Information Compliance, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA email: foi@gcu.ac.uk

8.14 Student Administration & Support


This category contains information on how the institution manages the administration and progression of their students from admission to course completion, including student support services.

Category Name Course information

Category Description

Degree programmes offered by the institution

Can be found at

GCU London

Recruitment and admissions Fees and charges

The institution's admissions procedures and policies Tuition fees and other charges to students

Scholarships and bursaries


Scholarships and bursaries available to students

The institution's arrangements for registering students

Updated April 2021

Category Name Induction

Examinations Progression Learning support provision Student liaison

Student records Student discipline Student accommodation

Category Description The institution's student induction arrangements

Arrangements for examinations

Regulations governing student progression

Description and availability of the academic and non-academic learning support provision offered by the institution. The structure and functioning meetings of staff/student consultative committees or other liaison groups The institution's policies on the collection, maintenance and use of personal information about students The institution's policies and procedures for disciplinary proceedings against students Availability, conditions of use and range of accommodation services offered by the institution

Can be found at ent/inductionandorientation/ on/ nsandassociatedpolicies/

Updated April 2021

Category Name Graduation arrangements Student complaints Student facilities

Relationship with the Students Union/ Association

Category Description Information about awards ceremonies Procedures for dealing with student complaints about the institution Description of the academic, leisure and other facilities and services available exclusively to students

The legal and structural basis of the institution's relationships with the Students Union/Association

Can be found at

ntwellbeing/ Student Wellbeing urservices/statisticsreportsforresearchers/ The Glasgow Caledonian University Students' Association (GCUSA) is a separate legal entity. Further information relating to GCUSA can be found at

Updated April 2021


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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