[Country]: [Project Title] - FIRST Initiative

PROJECT PROPOSALProject # XXXXX[Country]: [Project Title]Total Project Cost: US$ [000,000]FIRST Contribution: US$ [000,000][Beneficiary Agency]Date of submission to Program Manager[month day, year]Date of submission to Project Advisory Committee[month day, year]Date of submission to Governing Council[month day, year]Date of Final Approval[month day, year]Project and Country ProfilesI.1. Project ProfileDate of Inquiry:Date of Proposal:Country:Sector(s):Sub-Sector(s):Project Type:Project Development Objectives:(The PDO should be specific about the outcomes defined as the success of this Project, and to be measured at Project completion or at post-completion. The second element of PDO is to state about the link or contribution to the bigger picture of the financial sector development agenda. For example: This Project aims to support [client] to introduce the legal and regulatory framework for mobile money, which in the longer term would help the [country] to achieve its financial inclusion goal.)Contribution to:? Financial Stability? Financial Inclusion? Financial Depth? Financial Efficiency FSAP related??Yes, FSAP year_____ ?NoCAS/CPS related??Yes ?NoLinks to FIRST’s previous project(s)? ?Yes ?NoLinks to WBG lending projects??Yes ?NoGender Focus?Does the Project plan to undertake any of the following? Please select Yes or No for each:Analysis and/or consultation on gender related issues:?Yes ?NoSpecific actions to address the distinct needs of women and girls, or men and boys, or positive impacts on gender gaps:?Yes ?NoMechanisms to monitor gender impact to facilitate gender-disaggregated analysis:?Yes ?NoEstimated Implementation Timeframe:RecipientContact details of the RecipientWorld Bank & FIRST teamTTL:TL:PO:I.2. Country ProfileLIC/MICGDP per CapitaSize of the relevant sector (as % of GDP)Date of Last FSAP/ROSCOther relevant informationProject DescriptionBACKGROUND AND RATIONALEFinancial Sector Context (Please summarize the financial sector context of the project)List of Relevant Laws and Regulations(Please list the laws/regulations related to the project)1.3 Strategic Relevance: Linkage to FSAP, CAS/CPS (Please briefly state how this project is linked to FSAP, CAS/CPS. If it is linked to FSAP, please summarize the recommendations and priorities that are relevant for this project)PROBLEM STATEMENT(Within the context provided in question 1, describe “what are the specific problems or gaps that this project aims to address?”)PROJECT DESCRIPTION3.1Development Objectives (PDO) (The PDO should be specific about the outcomes defined as the success of this Project, and to be measured at Project completion or at post-completion. The second element of PDO is to state about the link or contribution to the bigger picture of the financial sector development agenda. For example: This Project aims to support [client] to introduce the legal and regulatory framework for mobile money, which would help the [country] to achieve its financial inclusion goal.)3.2Expected Activities and Deliverables/Outputs3.3 Stakeholder Engagement(Please elaborate the steps Team plans to take in order to engage stakeholders to secure buy-in and commitment for design and implementation of the proposed reforms. Project Team needs to specify who the stakeholders are, how and when the consultation/sensitization takes place. It includes ex-ante consultation during the project and outputs’ dissemination events)3.4 Results ChainPlease provide a brief narrative of intervention logics (theory of change)–how TA contributes to the Financial Sector development and how each component complements each other to achieve the intended impacts. FIRST’s M&E Officer will work with TTL/TL to strengthen the results chain if needed. Example:OUTPUTSOUTCOMESIMPACTSMobile Money Regulations drafted82551968500Mobile Money regulations enacted, allowing non-bank service providers enter the payments markets-31751397000Increased financial inclusion(long-term goal which is not to be measured within this Project’s accountability)OTHER RELATED PROJECTS (Do you know if there are other projects from WBG/IMF or donors completed or on-going in the same area? If yes, please provide a brief description and explain how this project complements those activities. If no, leave this section blank)LESSONS LEARNED FROM OTHER PROJECTS(Are you aware of any previous lessons that this Project might learn from similar projects at WBG? If yes, please briefly summarize. If no, leave this section blank)Results Framework(Example)ResultsIndicatorsBaselineTargetData SourcesValueTimeValueTimeImpactsIncreased financial inclusion% of adults with a transaction account3%2015Increase2020FindexOutcomesMobile Money regulations enacted, allowing non-bank service providers enter the payments marketsNumber of recommended laws/regulations/amendments enactedExisting regulation does not allow non-bank participants to provide payment services201512017Official GazettesOutputsMobile Money regulations draftedNumber of laws/regulations/amendments drafted or contributedNot Applicable12016Deliverables filed in WB and FIRST’s systems.Risks to Achieve Objectives(Please describe and rate the principal risks to achieve the development objectives within the time period envisaged and how they can be mitigated. No mitigating measures are required for risks rated Low. Not all risks can be mitigated, regardless of their severity)Risks Risk RatingMitigation Measures1.? High? Moderate? Low2.? High? Moderate? LowImplementationV.1 Timetable and level of effort of consultantsProvide the level of effort that will be necessary for the completion of this project. For each output, indicate if it is a precondition to the completion of any other activity of this project, the corresponding timeline for delivery, the number of workdays per consultant and the number of field trips and days in the field. Just double-click on the Table below and fill in with relevant data, Time in Days and Gantt Chart will be automatically adjusted. Below is an example. LINK Excel.Sheet.12 "C:\\Users\\wb443896\\Documents\\FIRST Budget Template with GANT Chart .xlsx" Sheet1!R1:R1048576 \a \f 4 \h \* MERGEFORMAT V. 2. Timetable and level of effort of WB Staff (Only complete if WB Staff are delivering outputs)Activity/OutputIs this output a precondition for any other activity of this project? (yes/no) Start dateCompletion dateLevel of effort(number of staff weeks)Number of field trips / days in the fieldTOTALTotal No. of staff weeks =Total No. of field trips and days in the field =Financial InformationAsk FIRST project officer for an excel templates if you wishVI. 1. Budget – Breakdown by expenditure category?FIRST Contribution (USD)Percentage of Total Cost (%)Client Contribution(USD)Total Cost (USD)a. International consultant feesb. Local consultant fees Total consultant fees (a+b)c. Traveld. Hotel and subsistencee. Workshops/Other Costs Total reimbursable expenses (c+d+e)A. Total project implementation cost (a+b+c+d+e)B. Total WB BudgetC. Contingency (5% of A ) TOTAL PROJECT COST (A+B+C)VI.2. Budget – WB staff component (Standard staff week costs have been estimated for grades GE to GH. Please follow instructions of the excel budget tables template)?WB Staff 1 - Name: Role: Grade: Region/Network:WB Staff 2 - Name: Role:Grade:Region/Network:TotalPolicy DialogueProject DeliveryProject Management and Quality ControlTravel & AccommodationTotal WB Staff ComponentVI. 3. Budget – Breakdown by activity/output?FIRST Contribution (USD)Percentage of Total Cost (%)Client Contribution(USD)Total Cost (USD)A. Output 1 (as in the list of outputs in the project’s description) International consultant fees Local consultant fees International consultant travel and accommodations Workshops/Other Costs WB staff deliveryB. Output 2 International consultant fees Local consultant fees International consultant travel and accommodations Workshops/Other Costs WB staff deliveryC. Output 3 International consultant fees Local consultant fees International consultant travel and accommodations Workshops/Other Costs WB staff deliveryD. WB Policy Dialogue, Supervision, TravelE. Contingency TOTAL PROJECT COST (A+B+C+D+E)VI. 4. Are there any other sources of funding available? (If applicable, please include any plans for co-financing from other agencies)ANNEX I - Project Team BeneficiaryPrimary ContactName: Title:Agency Name:Address:Telephone number:Fax number:Email:Additional ContactName:Title:Agency Name:Address:Telephone number:Fax number:Email:World Bank FIRST Project Officer Name:Telephone number:Fax number:Email:Task Team Leader (if different)Name:Title:Unit:Telephone number:Fax number:Email:Technical Leader Name:Title:Unit:Telephone number:Fax number:Email:ANNEX II - Letter of RequestInclude a letter from the beneficiary requesting the support of FIRST to develop the activities described in the proposal and stating the beneficiary contribution. The letter should include the letterhead from the requesting agency and it should be received by FIRST before submission for approval.ANNEX III - Comments from Reviewers and Team’s ResponseTo be completed at the stage of Due Diligence. The project officer will compile all the comments from the peer reviewers. The task team leader and technical leader should provide response to each of the comments.Regional Reviewer - (Name, Title, Department)Comment # 1: Team Response: Comment # 2: Team Response: WB Technical Reviewer - (Name, Title, Department)Comment # 1: Team Response: Comment # 2: Team Response: IMF Technical Reviewer - (Name, Title, Department)Comment # 1: Team Response: Comment # 2: Team Response: Other - (Name, Title, Department, Organization)Comment # 1: Team Response: Comment # 2: Team Response: ................

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