Houston Independent School District

PROMOTION BOARD STUDY PACKETPromotion board will be convening at 4:30 on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. Cadets attending the board will be evaluated on the following categories: Reporting ProceduresUniform QuestionsRanksCadet Creed23 Step Marching SequenceDrill and CeremoniesChain of CommandMilitary CustomsMerits/Demerits1. Reporting Procedures Cadets will enter the classroom where the board will be conducted and report to the president of the board as follows:Report inRender a hand Salute to the president of the board and say, “Sergeant Major, Cadet (Rank) (Last name) reports to the president of board” and hold the salute until he returns his salute. Cadets will be asked a series of questions by the board members; once all questions are done cadets will report out as follows: Report outRender a hand Salute to the president of the board and hold until he returns his salute. Exit the room in the most direct route. 2. UNIFORM QUESTIONS1. Q. What does C/ASU stand for? A. Cadet Army Service Uniform. 2. Q: What type of shirt is worn under the Cadet Army Service Uniform Coat? A: Gray long sleeve or short sleeve shirt. 3. Q: The black necktie/neck tab is optional when wearing what type of uniform? A: Class B uniform with short sleeves. 4. Q: What color t-shirt is worn with the Cadet Army Service Uniform? A: White. 5. Q: What uniform is worn during ceremonies and social functions? A: The Class A or B uniform 6. Q: What uniform is worn at summer camps and for participation on special teams? A: ACUs. 7. Q: What insignia do cadet officers wear on the gray beret? A: Grade or rank insignia. 8. Q: What insignia do enlisted cadets wear on the gray beret? A: ROTC insignia. 9. Q: What color t-shirt is worn with the ACU uniform? A: Tan or Sand 10. Q: How is the grade (or ROTC) insignia worn on the gray beret? A: Centered on the flash. 11. Q: How are ribbons positioned on the class A uniform? A: For males, centered on the left side 1/8 of an inch above the left pocket and in order of precedence. For females, on the left side parallel to the nameplate and in order of precedence. 12. Q: Describe a rank? A: Cadet describes a certain rank asked by the inspector. 13. Q: How often must a uniform be worn by cadets? A: once a week. 14. Q: Can male cadets wear earrings in uniform? A: NO. 15. Q: What size/color earrings can female cadets wear? A: Small silver, gold or white spherical earrings not to exceed 1/4 inch in diameter. 16. Q: How is the nameplate worn on your uniform? A: Male: Center the nameplate on the right pocket between the top of pocket and the top of the button of the shirt or coat. Females: 1 to 2 inches between the 2nd and 3rd button, centered horizontally on the right side of the shirt or coat. 17. Q: What regulation covers the wear of the uniform? A: AR 670-1 and CCR 145-2. 18. Q: Are shoulder boards authorized for wear with the class B uniform? A: Yes 19. Q: What does ACU stand for? A: Army Combat Uniform. 20. Q: What color socks are worn with the Cadet Army Service Uniform? A: Black socks3. RANKSDescribing Ranks:Cadet Private (PVT): 1 ChevronCadet Private First Class (PFC): 1 Chevron over 1 BarCadet Corporal (CPL): 2 ChevronsCadet Sergeant (SGT): 3 ChevronsCadet Staff Sergeant (SSG): 3 Chevrons over 2 BarsCadet Sergeant First Class (SFC): 3 Chevrons over 2 BarsCadet Master Sergeant (MSG): 3 Chevrons over 3 BarsCadet First Sergeant (1SG): 3 Chevrons over 3 Bars with a silver diamond in the middleCadet Sergeant Major (SMA): 3 Chevrons over 3 Bars with a 5-point star in the middleCadet Command Sergeant Major (CSM): 3 Chevrons over 3 Bars with a 5-point star wrapped in a wreath in the middleCadet 2nd Lieutenant (2LT): 1 Silver DiskCadet 1st Lieutenant (1LT): 2 Silver DisksCadet Captain (CPT): 3 Silver DisksCadet Major (MAJ): 1 Silver DiamondCadet Lieutenant Colonel (LTC): 2 Silver DiamondsCadet Colonel (COL): 3 Silver Diamonds4. The Junior ROTC Cadet CreedI am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets.I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America.I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.I will work hard to improve my mind and my body.I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.5. 23 Drill Sequence1. FALL IN 2. Dress Right, DRESS 3. Ready, FRONT 4. Present, ARMS5. Order, ARMS6. Left, FACE7. About, FACE8. Forward, MARCH9. Column Left, MARCH10. Left Flank, MARCH11. Right Flank, MARCH12. Column Right, MARCH13. Right Flank, MARCH14. Left Flank, MARCH15. Column Right, MARCH16. Rear, MARCH17. Rear, MARCH18. Column Right, MARCH19. Column Left, MARCH20. Column Left, MARCH21. Squad/Platoon, HALT22. Left, FACE23. FALL OUT6. Drill and Ceremonies What manual governs Drill and Ceremonies? Training Circular 3-21.5 (TC 3-21.5)What command is given to march element 180 degrees in the opposite direction? "Rear, March" What is the second part of a two-part command Known as? Command of Execution Given an example of a combined command. "Fall In"; "Fall Out"; "At Ease"; "Rest" What is the cadence for double time? 180 steps-per-minute What command terminates the command "Eyes, Right"? "Ready, Front" When is the command of execution "Halt" given when executing "Left Step, March"? "Halt" is given when the heels come together Give an example of a command that would turn element 90 degrees in a new direction. "Column Right/Left, March"; "Right/Left Flank, March" What foot is in the lead when at the command of execution for "Change Step, March". The left foot To revoke a preparatory command, what command is given? "As You Were" 7. Chain of CommandCommander-in-ChiefPresident Donald TrumpActing Secretary of DefenseTo Be DeterminedSecretary of the ArmyThe Honorable Mark T. EsperChief of Staff of the ArmyGEN Mark A. MilleySergeant Major of the ArmySMA Daniel A. DailyCommander of TRADOCGEN Stephen TownsendCommand Sergeant Major of TRADOCCSM David S. DavenportCommander of Cadet CommandMG (Major General) Christopher P. HughesCommand Sergeant Major of Cadet CommandCSM Mario O. TerenasCommander of 4th Brigade JROTCCOL Farrell J. DuncombeCommand Sergeant Major of 4th Brigade JROTCCSM Christopher W. Newsom8. Military Customs Saluting in Uniform: When the National Colors pass by you, when do you salute and terminate the salute?Six paces before and six paces after the Colors pass by Give one example of a song besides the playing of the “National Anthem” when you would salute when outdoor. “Hail to the Chief”, “Reveille”, “To the Colors” (The song can be switched in the question.) Cannon Salute: On what day of the year can military installations fire a 50-cannon (gun) salute? 4th of July to honor the Nation What gun salute is used to honor the sovereign or chief of state of a foreign nation? 21-gun salute What gun salute is given to the Vice President of the United States? 19-gun salute National Colors: When the U.S. flag is at crossed staffs with another flag, what side is the U.S. flag? It is on the right, the flag's own right side, and its staff in front of the other flag's staff How many days will the U.S. flag be flown at half-staff for a deceased former president? 30 days What body of government official adopted the “Starts and Stripes”? The Second Continental Congress Notable U.S. Military names and dates: What is the official name of the Army song? “The Army Goes Rolling Along” When is the official Army birthday celebrated? 14 June 17759. MERIT/DEMERIT POLICYMeritsParticipate in a JROTC activity. +5Outstanding demonstration of leadership. +5Color Guard or Drill Team Performance. +10Participation in competition. +15Recruiting of new cadets. (5 per student) +5Participation in fundraising. +15Participation in Community Service (i.e. Donate Blood) +10Any other action deserving merit. DemeritsTardy to class. -5Violating School Policy (i.e. Electronics, eating, dress, ID) -10Flagrant Use of Profanity -10Violation of Classroom Rules -10Misbehaving / Inappropriate Conduct (PDA/Disrespect) -10Failure to report to an agreed duty. (football flag detail) -15Failure to turn in assignment / fundraising money on date due. -10Failure to prepare. (Out of uniform on Leadership Lab Day with an invalid excuse / Inappropriate dress for Physical Training. -15 ................

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