Chapter 5 Terms - Find People

Chapter 5 (Variations in Consciousness)

1. Be familiar with the nature of consciousness

a. Levels of Awareness

1) Awake

2) Asleep

3) Anesthesia

4) Coma

5) Persistent Vegetative State

6) Death

a) Know the four criteria for death

2. Be familiar with how biological rhythms affect sleep

a. Circadian rhythms

3. Be familiar with the sleep and waking cycle

a. NREM sleep

1) Know what EEG patterns are associated with the different stages of NREM sleep.

b. REM sleep

1) Know how REM sleep changes over course of lifetime

c. Bases of sleep

1) Neural Factors

2) Evolutionary Factors

d. Sleep deprivation

1) Sleep restriction

2) Selective deprivation

e. Sleep disorders

1) Insomnia

a) Know the three “flavors” of insomnia

b) Know the three types of insomnia

2) Narcolepsy

3) Sleep apnea

4) Night terrors

5) Nightmares

6) Somnambulism

4. Be familiar with the psychology of dreams

a. Know what influences the content of dreams

b. Know how culture affects dreams

c. Be familiar with the different theories of dreaming

1) Wish fulfillment (Freud)

2) Problem solving (Cartwright)

3) Activation-Synthesis model (Hobson and McCarley)

5. Be familiar with hypnosis

a. Know the different theories of hypnosis

1) Role playing

2) Altered state of consciousness

b. Be familiar with various hypnotic effects

1) Anesthesia

2) Sensory distortions & hallucinations

3) Disinhibition

4) Posthypnotic suggestions

c. Know that people differ in their hypnotic susceptibility

6. Be familiar with the various categories of drugs

a. Narcotics

b. Sedatives

c. Stimulants

d. Hallucinogens

e. Cannabis

f. Alcohol


7. Be familiar with the factors that influence the effects of drugs

a. Tolerance

8. Be familiar with the types of drug dependence

a. Physical

b. Psychological

Chapter 10 (Motivation and Emotion)

9. Be familiar with the fundamentals of motivational theories

a. Definition of motivation

b. Definition of motives

c. Understand the 3 different approaches to understanding motivation

1) Drive theories

a) Be familiar with the concept of homeostasis

2) Incentive theories

3) Evolutionary theories

d. Understand the distinction between biological and social motives

10. Be familiar with the motivation of hunger and eating

a. Biological factors

1) Brain regulation

2) The role of glucose

3) Hormonal regulation

a) Insulin

b) Leptin

b. Environmental Factors

1) Availability and palatability of food

2) Learning processes

a) Classical conditioning

b) Operant conditioning

3) Culture

4) Stress

c. Roots of obesity

1) Know how obesity is defined

a) BMI

2) Genetics

3) Eating and exercise

4) Set and settling points

5) Dietary Restraint

11. Be familiar with sexual motivation and behavior

a. Determinants of sexual desire

1) Hormones

a) Estrogens

b) Androgens

2) Erotic materials

3) Attraction to partner

a) Coolidge effect

b. Evolutionary approach to understanding sexual behavior

1) Parental investment theory

a) Gender differences in sexual activity

b) Gender differences in mate preferences

12. Be familiar with the components of expectancy theory and how they create motivational force.

a. Outcomes

b. Valence

c. Expectancy

d. Instrumentality

13. Be familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

a. Physiological

b. Safety

c. Social

d. Esteem

e. Self-actualization

14. Be familiar with McClelland’s theory of learned needs

a. Need for Achievment (nAch)

1) What personality characteristics are associated with a high need for achievement?

2) What are the situational determinants of achievement behavior?

b. Need for Affiliation (nAff)

1) What personality characteristics are associated with a high need for affiliation?

c. Need for Power (nPower)

1) Socialized power

2) Personalized power

15. Be familiar with the different components of emotions

a. The cognitive component

b. The physiologic component

c. The behavioral component

16. Be familiar with cultural similarities and differences in emotional peoples’ emotional experience.

17. Be very familiar with the different theories for understanding emotion

a. James-Lange theory

b. Cannon-Bard theory

c. Schacter’s two-factor theory

d. Evolutionary theories

1) Plutchik’ theory of emotional intensity

Chapter 13 (Stress, Coping and Health)

18. Be familiar with the nature of stress

a. Stress as a common event

1) Everyday hassles

2) Major life events

b. The role of cognitive appraisal

c. Major types of stress

1) Frustration

2) Conflict

a) Approach-Approach conflict

b) Avoidance-Avoidance conflict

c) Approach-Avoidance conflict

3) Change

a) be familiar with SRRS studies

4) Pressure

a) to perform

b) to conform

19. Be familiar the people’s responses to stress

a. Emotional reactions

1) Negative emotions

2) Positive emotions

3) Arousal and task performance

b. Physiological reactions

1) Fight or flight (Cannon)

a) Be familiar with gender differences in this response

2) General Adaptation Syndrome (Selye)

c. Behavioral Responses (Coping)

1) Constructive coping

a) Cognitive reappraisals (Ellis)

b) Humor

c) Expressing emotions

d) Managing hostility

e) Exercise

f) Relaxation techniques

2) Maladaptive responses

a) Giving up

b) Learned helplessness

c) Blaming oneself

d) Striking out at others

e) Indulging oneself

3) Defensive coping

20. Be familiar with the effects of stress on psychological functioning

a. Impaired task performance

b. Burnout

c. Psychological disorders

d. Stimulating personal growth

e. Acquisition of new strengths

21. Be familiar with the effects of stress on physical health

a. Heart disease

1) Type A personality

2) Hostility

3) Emotional reactions

b. Immune functioning

c. Link between stress and illness

22. Be familiar with the factors moderating the impact of stress

a. Social support

b. Optimism

c. Conscientiousness

23. Be familiar with various forms of health impairing behavior

a. Smoking

b. Poor nutrition

c. Lack of exercise

d. Alcohol and drug use

e. Behavior and AIDS

24. Be familiar with the various reactions to illness

a. Ignoring symptoms

b. Compliance with medical advice


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