IEARN Global Learning Circles

1. Our Questions & Answers

2. Some pictures of Iranian Women

3. Gaber Hassan Egypt

4. Meghan Grout United States (US)

5. Farzanegan High school (Kashan - Iran)

6. Saba Art School (Tehran _ Iran)

1- Is there any gender disparity in your country?

Yes, there is.

2- How are male and female rights in your country? Are they equal?

Rights in our country are according to the Islam rights. In Islam rights each genders has their right according to its feature . Females and Males don’t create the same so they can’t equal in some rights. For example in education they are equal but in career they are deferent more of nurses are women but in some jobs like working with forklift and machines for heavy duty only men do them.

3-How are the male and female rights after they get divorce in your country?

About children, if they had any children they will belong to the mother till becoming seven years old and after that they should live with father till 18 years old.(of course parents can see their children during the time of responsibility of other one about children) after 18 years old the children can decide to live with one of them .

4- Do the girls and boys have the same freedom in your country?

They have some common and some differences facilities .For example all of them can more sports but we have swimming pool special for girls and women and they have their own competition in special swimming pool. In Iran women have to wear covering clothes like scarf and long skirt and their sleeve must long.

5-Do the men limit the women in your country?

In town and village because of some religious, traditional, customs and treatments ideas most of the men limit their wife in some cases, such as: Working outside, social communications, covering themselves …

But in recent years these limitations and thoughts has been changed.

6-In your opinion, the gender disparity improve the men’s rights?

No, we think each of them must have their own ac according to their own feature

7- Do the men have the high priority in your country?

In some rights yes, they have high priority

8- Can men marry again in your country? If his wife permits her husband can marriage again

Dear friends in Behpooyan highschool, Here is an answer for your questions. Students names :

Mohamed Zaghloul, Mohamed Elzeny and Mohamed Ameen

1- Is there any gender disparity in your country?

Yes. There is a little disparity.

2- How are male and female rights in your country? Are they equal?

   They are equal in work rights, and our daily life and other aspects according to the fair in our Islamic religion

3-How are the male and female rights after they get divorce in your country?

They are decided according to law.

4- Do the girls and boys have the same freedom in your country?

Yes, they do.

5-Do the men limit the women in your country?

Yes, they do.

6-In your opinion, the gender disparity men's right?

Yes, as long as they do not abuse women and as long as they gave women their rights

7- Do the men have the high priority in your country?

Yes, they do.

8- Can men marry again in your country?

Yes, they can.

Best wishes

Hi my mane is Meghan Grout, I am part the Vermont group. Here is Mr. Furlong’s 10th grade class response to your questions.

1. No, there is no gender disparity in the United States (US)

2. In the US men and women’s rights are the same.

3. After divorce men and women’s rights are the same.

4. Girls and boys have the same amount for freedom as men and women. Freedom is equal

5. In the US men do not limit the women and women do not limit the men.

6. I am not quite sure how to reply to this question

7. No, men don’t have high priority in the US

8. Men and women can only have one spouse at a time. After a divorced they may remarry.

fatemeh nikui nezhad

Hello all dear participants in MWH1. Especially Behpooyan students.

What follows are my students' answers to your project idea "Gender disparity".

1- Is there any gender disparity in your country?

Yes there is.

2- How are male and female rights in your country? Are they equal?

In many aspects they have the same rights but these rights are not observed equally in our country.

 3-How are the male and female rights after they get divorce in your country?

Both can remarry or continue their own private lives.

4- Do the girls and boys have the same freedom in your country?

Since we do not have the same facilities for both men and women, the girls are robbed of their rights in some aspects.

5-Do the men limit the women in your country?

They don’t have the right to do this but some narrow-minded men limit their own wives.

6-In your opinion, the gender disparity improve the men’s rights? There should not be any gender disparity in anywhere. All should have their legal rights.

7- Do the men have the high priority in your country?

Yes they have, but this is not something that we believe in it. We are waiting for a day in which both men and women can have their own legal rights.

8- Can men marry again in your country?

Yes they can.

Best wishes,

Farzanegan Highschool students,

Kashan, Iran [pic][pic][pic][pic]

Farnaz Hajimohamad and Sabura Sharifi answered these questions

1- Is there any gender disparity in your country?

Yes there is.

2- How are male and female rights in your country? Are they equal?

No they are not.

3-How are the male and female rights after they get divorce in your country?

In my country and my people's opinion man is always free and what he says is right, but when the female get divorce the people think she is so dependent.

4- Do the girls and boys have the same freedom in your country?

No they don’t the boys can do any thing they like but the girls can not and they are limited.

5-Do the men limit the women in your country?

Some of them do and some of them don’t it depends in their upbringing.

6-In your opinion, the gender disparity improve the men’s rights?

No I think what improve the men right is their education.

7- Do the men have the high priority in your country?

Yes they have and it's so bad.

8- Can men marry again in your country?

Yes they can have four wives.

Golnaz Shakerifar & Niloufar Abotorabian answered these questions

1. Yes there is gender disparity in my country.

2. Male and female rights are not equal in my country, males has more rights than females.

3. Most of the rights are for males after divorce, they have the right to keep the child.

4. Boys and girls do not have the same freedom in my country, boys have more freedom, for example girls have to have Islamic cover but boys do not need Islamic cover.

5. Men limit the women in my country especially in religion families.

6. Gender disparity improves men’s right in my country because it gives most of the rights to men.

7. Yes men have the high priority in my country.

8. Yes men can marry again under certain conditions.


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