Gender and Gender Inequality

Gender and Gender Inequality

I. Gender in General

A. What is the difference between sex and gender? How are they connected?

B. “Real Men and Women”.

C. Occupational Sex Segregation.

II. Sociological Theories of Gender Stratification.

A. What is Gender Stratification and Sexism?

B. Sociobiology: History, Sex Roles, and Gender Roles.

C. Feminist Theory: Patriarchy, Power and Privilege.

-Example of Athletic Performance.

D. Do Men Suffer From Gender Stratification?

III. Educational Attainment and Gender Inequality.

A. Field of Study by Sex and Gender.

B. Years of Education: Are There Major Differences?

C. Median Income by Sex and Educational Attainment.

IV. Gender and the Workplace.

A. The Glass Ceiling and Glass Escalator.

B. Type of Job and Compensation.

V. Politics and Gender.

VI. Violence and Gender.


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