Commack Schools


AP Human Geography Mrs. Bellisari

Rubenstein’s The Cultural Landscape

Chapter 9: Development

Note Packets

Directions: Reading the textbook in any class leads to a better understanding of the material discussed in class. In an AP class, reading the textbook is ESPECIALLY important in order to be prepared for the higher level thinking activities you will be asked to complete. . Complete the worksheet that follows based on your reading of the text. Choose your bullet points from the reading to support each idea/section. DO NOT recopy the text – choose your details wisely. Remember: AP Hug stresses three things: DEFINE the concept – Provide an EXAMPLE of the concept – Explain a REAL-WORLD APPLICATION of the concept.

|Key Idea / Concept |Supporting Details |

|What is meant by a country’s development? | |

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|Differentiate between MDCs (developed) and | |

|LDCs (developing) | |

| | |

|Key Idea / Concept |Supporting Details |

|What are the three factors that determine a | |

|country’s level of development? | |

|How does the UN create the Human Development | |

|Index? | |

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|Use the map on page 301 to indicate the four | |

|major areas of the world with high HDIs. | |

|What are some possible reasons for this? | |

|Use the map on page 301 to indicate the four | |

|major areas of the world with lowest HDIs. | |

|What are some possible reasons for this? | |

|Explain Gross National Income (GNI) and | |

|Purchasing Power Purity (PPP) | |

|Explain Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | |

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|How is GDP distributed in MDCs and LDCs | |

|comparatively? | |

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|Can per capita GNI measure wealth perfectly? | |

|What is the downfall with measuring average | |

|(mean) wealth? | |

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|What is the difference between jobs in the | |

|primary, secondary, and tertiary sector? | |

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|What sector are MDC jobs concentrated in? | |

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|Define : Productivity | |

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|Define: Value Added | |

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|How do raw materials measure a country’s | |

|development potential? | |

| | |

|What is the purpose of Inequality-adjusted | |

|HDI (IHDI)? | |

|What three goods are measures of a society’s | |

|development? Why? | |

|What is the difference of life expectancy for| |

|MDCs and LDCs? Why? | |

|Why is the infant mortality rate higher in | |

|LDCs? | |

|What is the mean school time attended in both| |

|MDC’s and LDC’s? | |

|What is the literacy rate measure? | |

|Explain the Gender Inequality Index (GII). | |

|Formerly the Gender-Related Development Index| |

|(GDI) and the Gender Empowerment Measure | |

|(GEM)? | |

| | |

|Name the highest and lowest countries in | |

|terms of gender equality based on Figure 9-17| |

|What are the two indicators of the | |

|empowerment dimension of GII? | |

|Where are there the largest percentages of | |

|women found in national parliaments? | |

|Explain the differences in the percentage of | |

|women who have completed high school in a | |

|typical MDC and LDC | |

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| | |

|What is the female labor force participation | |

|rate? Why is this important in measuring GII | |

|of a country? | |

| | |

| | |

|Describe the two indicators of the | |

|reproductive health dimension of GII. | |

|Describe supply and demand. | |

|What is a fossil fuel? What are the three | |

|known fossil fuels? | |

|What are the inequalities in the distribution| |

|of fossil fuels based on supply and demand? | |

|Based on Figure 9-27 – what areas consume the| |

|highest rate of energy? Why do you think | |

|this is? | |

|Based on Figure 9-29, why is the future | |

|energy demand changing? | |

|Describe the distribution of production of | |

|coal, petroleum, and natural gas. | |

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|What is the difference between renewable and | |

|nonrenewable energy? | |

|How are proven and potential reserves | |

|measured? | |

|Based on Figure 9-34,which countries possess | |

|the most proven reserves of all three fossil | |

|fuels? | |

|Describe the role of OPEC | |

Alternative Energy Sources

For each of the following alternative energies , list the advantages and disadvantages.

|Nuclear Energy | |

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| | |

|Hydroelectric Energy | |

|Biomass | |

|Wind Power | |

|Geothermal Power | |

|Nuclear Fusion | |

|Solar Energy (Passive and Active) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|What are the 2 obstacles in trying to | |

|encourage development? | |

|Explain the self-sufficiency approach | |

|What did India do to remain self-sufficient? | |

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|Why could this be inefficient? | |

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|What are government subsidies? | |

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|Why could large bureaucracy be bad? | |

|Summarize Rostow’s Development Model | |

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|How do Persian Gulf countries use petroleum | |

|revenues? | |

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|How to the Four Asian dragons remain | |

|prosperous? | |

|What are the problems associated with the | |

|international trade alternative? | |

|How did the international trade approach | |

|effect India in the 1990’s | |

|What is the goal of the WTO? | |

|How do global loans affect both MDC’s and | |

|LDC’s? | |

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|What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? | |

|What is the purpose of the World Bank and the| |

|International Monetary Fund? | |

| | |

|What are structural adjustment programs? | |

| | |

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| | |

|Describe the differences between the stimulus| |

|strategy and the austerity strategy due to | |

|the economic difficulties between 2008-2009. | |

|What problems due European countries face due| |

|to the economic slowdown? | |

|What is fair trade? | |

|Describe the Fair Trade Producer Standards | |

| | |

|Describe the Fair Trade Worker Standards | |

| | |

| | |

|What is microfinance? What is the advantage | |

|of it? | |

| | |

| | |

|Based on the Table 9-1, which Millennium | |

|Development Goal appears to be making the | |

|most limited progress? Explain. | |

|Explain the concept of the north-south split | |

|in the world. | |

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|Describe Immanuel Wallerstein’s world-system | |

|analysis. Why is this analysis important in | |

|studying the world economy? | |

|Using the north polar map projection Figure | |

|9-68, which countries are considered core, | |

|which ones are peripheries? Why is this | |

|projection important for geographers? | |


AP Human Geography Mrs. Bellisari

Review of the Rostow Model and Core-Periphery (Wallerstein’s World-System Model)

Directions - Answer the following questions.

1. Review pages 328-329. How do the four Asian dragons fit into the takeoff stage?

Give examples of goods traded.

2. Review page 329. Trace the chain of events that moved the Arabian states from

takeoff to maturity to mass consumption.

3. Review pages 330–331. How might international organizations affect a country’s

place in Rostow’s model? Give examples.

4. Review your notes on the core-periphery model. How could the core-periphery

model be used to support Rostow? How could it be used to refute him?

5. Review the caste system. How might the caste system undermine Rostow?

6. Review what you know about resistance to Western culture. How might such

resistance undermine Rostow? Think of specific countries as examples.

7. Review what you know about Yugoslavia in the 1990s and Iraq today. How

might those countries undermine Rostow?

8. Review what you know about gender. How might lack of education limit the

usefulness of Rostow’s model?

9. Review what you know about gender. How might gender discrimination limit the

usefulness of Rostow’s model?

10. Read the passage below and explain how colonial transportation systems might

undermine Rostow.

|India became economically valuable only after the British established a railroad |

|network. Railroads transported raw products from the interior to the ports and |

|manufactured goods back again. The majority of the raw materials were agricultural |

|products produced on plantations. Plantation crops included tea, indigo, coffee, |

|cotton, and jute. Another crop was opium. The British shipped opium to China and |

|exchanged it for tea, which they then sold in England |


Introduction (pg 300)

Key Issue #1 – Why Does Development Vary Among Countries?

Key Issue #2: Why Does Development Vary By Gender?

Key Issue #3: Why are Energy Resources Important for Development?

Key Issue #4 – Why do Countries Face Obstacles to Development?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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