HSP3M1 Practice Exam Questions, Morning Class

HSP3M1 Practice Exam Questions, Morning Class

1. In the Asch experiment involving various lengths of lines, what did the subjects conform to?

A) The group D) The minority

B) Pressure E) A,B and C

C) The majority F)A,B and D

2. In the case of Kitty Genavese, what was the term used to describe her neighbors who had heard/saw what happened?

A) The bystander effect D) A&B are correct

B) Group unanimity E) A&C are correct

C) Diffusion of responsibility

3. In the Milgram experiment, it had a high level of deception because ___

A) People were conforming to authority figure

B) It was of a script

C) The subject conforms to authority

D) It was very unethical

E) All of the above

4. What factors affect conformity?

A) Group C) Roles

B) Authority D)All of the above

5. What is not true about the Zimbardo experiment?

A) People conform to environment

B) People conform to roles

C) The experiment is ethical

D) Researcher became part of simulation

6. What is an example of a social role?

A) Family C) Work

B) School D)All of the above

7. What is an example of a norm in society?

A) Blowing up a balloon

B) Brushing your teeth

C) Talking to dogs

D) None of the above

8. What does Ruscher experiment involve?

A) Prison

B) Blue- brown eye prejudice

C) Authority

D) Forming quick perceptions to out groups

9. Why did people graduately start helping the pregnant woman in distress rather than right away?

A) They might not have known how to respond

B) They didn’t want to help because no one else helped beforehand

C) Didn’t see her

D) All of the above

E) None of the above

Ferals and Isolates

Who were the “feral/isolates” children?

a. Oksana, Victor, Kitty Genovese

b. Kitty Genovese, Sam, Oksana

c. Oksana, Victor, Genie

d. Genie, Sam, Kitty Genovese

Heredity, environment

When twins are separated at birth and they share similar characteristics, what has affected their behaviours?

a. Nurture

b. Nature

c. Both

d. None

David Reimer case study (Brenda)

What is David Reimer’s birth name?

a. Bruce

b. Brenda

c. David

d. Mark

Twin/Adoption Research

What is the main focus of twin studies?

a. Whether they think alike

b. Chronogenetics

c. Epigenetics

d. b & c


At what age do children start to talk?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

Agents of socialization (primary, secondary)

What are some examples of primary and secondary agents of socialization respectively?

a. Pet, peer groups

b. Mother, father

c. Family, religion

d. Mass media, mother

“Ad and the Ego” terminology- objectification

What is the “Ad and the Ego” about?

a. Consumerism; consumer’s blind commitment to economic growth

b. Deconstructing an advertisement

c. Reconstructing TV commercials

d. To provide entertainment

Traits, types, theories: Jung, Freud, Erikson

Which personality theory is based off of age groups?

a. Erikson

b. Jung

c. Freud

d. Sheldon

1) What is Nature vs. Nurture? (Kayvon)

a. Characteristics provided by genetics and someone’s environment.

b. Plants and taking care of them.

c. The growing of life and taking care of them.

d. Forests and mothers

2) What would be considered racism? (Gavin)

a. Discriminating against someone’s religion.

b. Discriminating because they are of a different gender.

c. Discriminating someone because they practice a different religion.

d. Discriminating someone because they are a different race.

3) Stereotyping is a form of? (Dylan)

a. Racism

b. Prejudice

c. Discrimination

d. All of the above

4) What is self-fulfilling prophecy? (Jack)

a. When you live up to your stereotype you were given.

b. What Anakin Sywalker had

c. Doing the right thing

d. Knowing your boundaries

5) Which country did Romio Delaire do service in? (Quinn)

a. Uganda

b. Rwanda

c. Papa New Guiney

d. Na’vi

1. Marriage between one man and several women is:

a. Monogamy

b. Polygny

c. Polyandry

d. Triagny

2. A type of marriage that is practised in India, Nepal, Tibet, Sri lanka and Bhutan in which one women marries several men:

a. Polygamy

b. Polyandry

c. Polygyny

d. Monogamy

3. What is the best way to describe Functionalist Theory?

a. Traditional

b. Liberal

c. Corrupt

d. Conformal

4. What is the primary agent of socialization in society?

a. Family

b. Military

c. Education

d. Law

5. Transmitting knowledge and skills form one generation to the next is a characteristic of which institution?

a. Military

b. Health

c. Education

d. Family

1. A case study is...

a) An observation

b) Detailed investigation on a subject

c) Lead discussions

d) Question & Response

2. Strengths of Control experiment...

a) Influence on researchers

b) Various opinions + responses

c) Information gained

d) Observations -> Specific results

3. A researcher admitting himself as a patient in a psychiatric hospital is an example of...

a) Controlled experiment

b) Survey

c) Participatory investigation

d) Natural observation

4. Weakness of a survey is...

a) Info gained not always useful

b) Time consuming

c) Different opinions from difference people

d) All of the above

e) A & B

5. Which of the following is on of the 3 disciplines of social science?

a) Economics

b) Political science

c) History

d) Psychology

A = Anthropology

P = Psychology

S = Sociology

6. How does marriage in North America compare with the same practice in China?

a) P

b) S

c) A

7. Technology is having a major impact on relationships at work.

a) P

b) S

c) A

8. Milo and his mother were both regularly beaten by the father.

a) P

b) S

c) A

9. Sociologists are interested in studying:

a) Orphans in an orphanage

b) How a child solves a math problem

c) Behavior of chimpanzees

d) All of the above

10. Who would want to study a group of tourists in France?

a) A

b) P

c) S

11. What would a psychologist study?

a) The evolution of humans

b) Mr. Chang's computer hard-drive

c) A party

d) None of the above

12. Which of the following is a human feature?

a) Emotions

b) Creativity

c) Grammar

d) All of the above

13. Alex the parrot was able to:

a) Dance

b) Make consonant sounds

c) Cook

d) All of the above

14. Which of these hominids average under 5.5 feet fall?

a) H. ergaster

b) H. Heidelbergensis

c) H. Sapien

d) H. Neanderthalesis

15. Who were our oldest ancestors?

a) Lucy

b) Ardi

c) Morgan Freeman

d) Hitler

16. Which is not a part of Darwin's theory?

a) Birth order

b) Natural Selection

c) Survival of the fittest

d) Evolution through random mutation


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