Research Report Assembly: General Assembly 3 Topic: The Question of Reducing the Gender Wage Gap Student Officer Name: Chanmolis Mout Position: Deputy ChairIntroductionInternational Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8th to remind everyone that women should be treated just like men and to recognize their achievements. However, gender discrimination continues today. Women still receive lower wages than men for doing the exact same job, even after proving that they are as productive as men if not more. Unfortunately, gender stereotypes continue to prevent men and women from experiencing equality in the workplace.Definition of Key TermsKey Term : ReducingDefinition : to lessen in amount, degree, or sizeKey Term : GenderDefinition : physical or social condition of being male or female ( usually refers to social or cultural differences rather than biological differences)Key Term : Wage GapDefinition : the median earning of men and women compared to the median earning of men, often for doing the same work Background InformationAll round the world, in almost every occupation, women earn less than men regardless of skills, level of education, work quality or time spent. Women have always been perceived as the weaker sex and are expected to do the lower income section jobs. It was not until World War I that women were desperately needed in the work force. That was an opportunity for them to be employed and their potential be recognized and valued. However, as soon as soldiers came back from the war, women were forced to move back to their old professions so that veterans could get their jobs back. Nevertheless, women felt the need to continue working outside of their homes and experiencing the freedom those jobs provided. Although they might secure a job or profession in the work force, there arises the gender wage gap that deters and inflicts upon them.Women’s suffrage movements were organized in the early 1920s, legislation was passed, and feminine organizations look into the wage gap issue all around the world. However, wage disparity between men and women still exists, with women getting paid only 76% of what men earned. Major Countries and Organizations InvolvedCountry/Organization : SwedenInvolvement: In 1974 Sweden implemented paternity leave which allows family to spend more time together and for women to come back to work after giving birth. Country/Organization : Equal Pay Act of 1963, AmericaInvolvement : The Act aims to prevent wage disparity through gender discrimination when both men and women do the same amount of work, skills, or responsibilities.Country/Organization : UN WomenInvolvement : The UN Women’s goals are to increase women’s participation in the world affairs and promote gender equality for the development of the world politically and economically.Country/Organization : CambodiaInvolvement: Cambodia tries to combat pay gap through the Labour Law, by prohibiting wage differences through sex, age, or origin. Timeline of EventsDateDescription of Event1883Western Union Telegraph Company’s workers went on strike, demanding for equal pay between men and women in the workforce. (America)1960sNewspapers in America published separate job listings by clearly stating whether men or women were needed for the work.1996Equal Pay Day was created to raise the public awareness on the wage gap created by gender discrimination.2008The campaign ‘Charter for more women in management’ was launched in Denmark. Companies are expected to follow the guidelines set to reach the campaign’s expectations.2009The executive branch of the United States signed a bill that nullified the court’s decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Inc. The Act states that the employee can compile a complaint of employment discrimination and ask for compensation. Relevant UN Treaties and Events The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)The UN launched “Platform of Champions”on March 13, 2016UN Women and SAP met on 9 June, 2017 to create Innovative Unit in order to provide women more opportunities in the work force.The sixtieth of the Commission on the Status of Women to close gender pay gap and empower women in the work force.Equal Remuneration Convention, 100th International Labour Organization Convention Previous Attempts to solve the issueMany legislations and laws have been created to deal with the inequality that arises when it comes to gender equality in the work force. As long as women continue to earn less for the exact same job as men, full gender equality will remain elusive. Sweden allows men to take paternity leave and they receive 80% of their salaries for three months. Carla Moquin, an American, founded the ‘Babies at Work’ program, a program that ensure women’s workplace after giving birth but their babies have to be between six weeks to six months old.Some countries have tried to increase the value of low paid work such as caring and cleaning since women dominate these sectors. Institutions have also tried to raise awareness about the pay gap and encourage women to speak up for themselves when they feel that they have not been paid equally. Possible SolutionsFor gender wage gap to be eliminated, the world needs the cooperation from both men and women. Reports are needed at least annually to investigate the yearly wage of all employees, to ensure that companies and different institutions comply with the workers’ wage requirement. Reports should also include honest performance reviews so everyone’s work can be assessed and this would help any bias towards any workers. Female workers need to understand the importance of being treated equally in the workplace, as well as receiving the same bonus money, over-time pay, and salary. It is important for women to feel needed and respected in the workplace. Bibliography Holmes, K. (2017). International Approaches to Closing the Gender Wage Gap - Center for American Progress. [online] Center for American Progress. Available at: [Accessed 10 Sep. 2017].NWLC. (2017). Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - NWLC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Sep. 2017] (2017). The Avalon Project : Equal Pay Act of 1963; June 10, 1963. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Sep. 2017].UN Women. (2017). About UN Women. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Sep. 2017].. (2017). The Wage Gap: A History of Pay Inequity and the Equal Pay Act. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Sep. 2017].. (2017). Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women | Equality and Human Rights Commission. 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