District Manager

Central Plains Performance Cluster


June, 2007

Memorandum to: All EAS Employees

Subject: Allegations of Harassment based on Sex, Sexual Orientation,

Gender Identification or Gender Stereotyping

The Western Area investigation procedure is an internal process to respond to allegations of harassment based upon these types of issues in the workplace. The prompt, efficient and appropriate response from management to an allegation of this type of harassment significantly reduces the agency’s liability while simultaneously protecting the rights of our employees. In some cases a unit investigation is done. In other cases a Fact Finding Team is assigned.

Any EAS employee who is made aware of an allegation of this type of harassment or observes an incident of this type of harassment is required to immediately call the District Manager, the Senior Manager P&D, Lead MPOO, or the Manager, Human Resources, and report the allegation/observation. These individuals will determine whether a unit investigation will be initiated or if a Fact Finding Team will be assigned.

Part of the required paperwork, along with written statements from those involved and other investigative material associated with an investigation into an allegation of this type of harassment, comes in four parts, called Parts A, B, C & D. In all cases Part A of the investigatory paperwork must be completed by the manager/supervisor initially notified or who observes the incident as it covers the initial report. Part B (Interview with Alleging Party) Part C (Interview with Witness) and Part D (Interview with Alleged Harasser) will need to be completed also if it is determined that a unit investigation is to be done. If Fact Finders are assigned, they will complete the remainder of the report after Part A. All Parts are located on and can be downloaded from the Central Plains Web Site under Policies/SOI’s or follow this link Sexual Harassment Investigation Forms

Management employees should avoid any beyond-friends relationships with subordinates. If a beyond-friends relationship does develop, the superior must contact their Supervisor/Manager and discuss a possible position change.

Any actions that are likely to be seen as this type of harassment or offensive sexually related behavior will not be tolerated. I do not and will not condone, ignore or tolerate this type of harassment in our workplace. All employees must do their part to report potential incidents whether they are personally involved or not. Questions may be directed to the Manager, Human Resources and/or the Diversity Development Specialist. The Manager, Human Resources can be reached at (402) 255-3980 or via email at jeanette.a.moser@. The Diversity Development Specialist can be reached at (402) 255-3898.

Follow this link National Policy on Sexual Harassment to view a copy of the National Policy on Sexual Harassment. Follow this link Postal Service Policy Statement to view the Postal Service Policy on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identification, and Gender Stereotyping.

Michael Holloway

District Manager

Central Plains Performance Cluster


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