WGS Major Worksheet

Women’s and Gender Studies Major WorksheetWomen’s and Gender Studies courses are open to all undergraduates, and most offer general education credit to meet diverse IWU requirements. The major in Women’s and Gender Studies requires a minimum of ten courses (four courses must be at the 300-400 level) to include:___WGS 101: Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (CSI, U) 2)___HIST 244: Women and the American Experience (CHC, U)3) One course on Global/Transnational issues: ____ANTH 252: Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (CSI, G, W)____ANTH 350: Health & Healing in Cross-Cultural Perspective (G, W)____ENGL 129: Third World Women Speak (LIT, G)____HIST 343: Migrations, Ethnicity, and Race (CHC, U)____LC 207: Language & Gender (CSI, G)____LC 350: Women in Russian Literature and Cinema (LIT, G)____SOC 354: Gender and Globalization (G)4) Six additional courses designated as Women’s and Gender Studies. Courses must be chosen from at least two of the divisions (marked I–VI below) and at least 3 different departments or disciplines. WGS 270, 370, 397 and 450 may also count in these six.5) ____WGS 490: Senior Seminar (W)Courses for WGSHUMANITIESENGL 120: Women in Literature (LIT) ENGL 122: A Woman’s Place (LIT)ENGL 123: Bad Girls (LIT)ENGL 129: Third World Women Speak (LIT, G)ENGL 170: Special Topics--20th Century Women Writers (LIT); Jane Austen and Economics (LIT)ENGL 220: Literature and its Signs: An (Un)Suitable Job for a Woman (LIT); The New Woman: A Literary History (LIT)ENGL 222: Shakespeare’s Shrews (LIT, W) [Formerly ENG 220]ENGL 257/HIST 257: Promised Land (CHC, U)ENGL 351: Manifest Destinies: American Lit. to 1865 (LIT, U) [2018]ENGL 370: Special Topics*ENGL 381: Thinking Queer/Reading Queer (LIT, U)ENGL 394: Death, Gender, Power (LIT)GRS 312: Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome (CHC, W)HUM 370: Women in Popular Music (U) [2017]LC 207: Language and Gender (CSI, G)LC 247: Fairy Tales of the 20th Century (AV)LC 350: Women in Russian Literature and Cinema (LIT, G)PHIL 230: Philosophy of Feminism (AV, U)REL 106: Women, Religion, and Spirituality (CSI, G)REL 324: Sexuality and Christianity (AV)SOCIAL SCIENCESANTH 245/345 World Music (IT, G)ANTH 252: Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (CSI, G, W)ANTH 350: Health and Healing in Cross-Cultural Perspective (G,W)HIST 144: The Gilded Age, 1865-1900 (CHC, U) [Formerly 344]HIST 244: Women and the American Experience (CHC, U)HIST 249: Growing Up in America (CHC, U)HIST 257/ENG 257: Promised Land (CHC, U)HIST 323: Sex, Gender, and Power under King James (CHC)HIST 343: Migrations, Ethnicity, and Race (CHC, U)HIST 350: Women, Work, and Leisure, 1890-1930 (CHC, U)HIST 370: Studies in History*PSCI 220: Women and Politics (CSI, U)PSCI 270: Special Topics*PSCI 342: The Politics of Presence (W)SOC 222: Sex and Gender in Society (CSI, U)SOC 270/370: Special Topics*SOC 311: Marriage and FamilySOC 328: CriminologySOC 345: Intersectionality (IT, U)SOC 354: Gender and Globalization (G)SOC 380: Sociology of Sexualities [Formerly SOC 270/370]NURSING/HEALTHHLTH 310: Special Topics in Health*HLTH 330: Human Sexuality (AV)HLTH 351: Abuse in America (AV)NATURAL SCIENCESPSYC 333: Psychology of Gender (U) (prerequisite PSYC 100; some sections for Psychology majors only) [Formerly PSYC 374]FINE ARTSTHEA 370: Special Topics*MUS 245/345 World Music (IT, G) [ANTH 245/345]MUS 350 or 359: Women in Popular Music (U) [2017, 2018, 2019]WOMEN’S AND GENDER STUDIESWGS 270: Special Topics in Women’s and Gender StudiesWGS 370: Special Topics in Women’s and Gender StudiesWGS 370/MUS 359: Women in Popular Music (U)WGS 397: InternshipWGS 450: Independent Study*Applies if course has significant women’s and/or gender issues content. Contact Women’s and Gender Studies Director for approval.Women’s and Gender Studies Minor WorksheetThe minor in Women’s and Gender Studies requires a minimum of six courses, with at least 2 300- or 400-levels courses. Students wishing to minor in the program should consult with the Women’s and Gender Studies Director to determine the best course plan, since not all courses are offered each semester. Only courses in which students earn a C or higher may be applied towards the minor.___WGS 101: Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (CSI,U) Five additional courses designated as Women’s and Gender Studies. Courses must be chosen from at least two of the divisions (marked I–VI below) and at least 3 different departments or disciplines. WGS 270, 370, 397 and 450 may also count in these five. 3) One of the five courses must focus on global/transnational issues. Choose from among these:____ANTH 252: Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (CSI, G, W)____ANTH 350: Health and Healing in Cross-Cultural Perspective (G,W)____ENGL 129: Third World Women Speak (LIT, G)____HIST 343: Migrations, Ethnicity, and Race (CHC, U)____LC 207: Language & Gender (CSI, G) ____LC 350: Women in Russian Literature and Cinema (LIT, G)____SOC 354: Gender and Globalization (G)Courses for WGSHUMANITIESENGL 120: Women in Literature (LIT) ENGL 122: A Woman’s Place (LIT)ENGL 123: Bad Girls (LIT)ENGL 129: Third World Women Speak (LIT, G)ENGL 170: Special Topics--20th Century Women Writers (LIT); Jane Austen and Economics (LIT)ENGL 220: Literature and its Signs: An (Un)Suitable Job for a Woman (LIT); New Woman: A Literary History (LIT)ENGL 222: Shakespeare’s Shrews (LIT, W) [Formerly ENG 220]ENGL 257/HIST 257: Promised Land (CHC, U)ENGL 351: Manifest Destinies: American Literature to 1865 (LIT, U) [2018]ENGL 370: Special Topics*ENGL 381: Thinking Queer/Reading Queer (LIT, U)ENGL 394: Death, Gender, Power (LIT)GRS 312: Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome (CHC, W)HUM 370: Women in Popular Music (U) [2017]LC 207: Language and Gender (CSI, G)LC 247: Fairy Tales of the 20th Century (AV)LC 350: Women in Russian Literature & Cinema (LIT, G)PHIL 230: Philosophy of Feminism (AV, U)REL 106: Women, Religion, and Spirituality (CSI, G)REL 324: Sexuality and Christianity (AV)SOCIAL SCIENCESANTH 245/345 World Music (IT, G)ANTH 252: Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (CSI, G, W)ANTH 350: Health and Healing in Cross-Cultural Perspective (G, W)HIST 144: The Gilded Age, 1865-1900 (CHC, U) [Formerly 344]HIST 244: Women and the American Experience (CHC, U)HIST 249: Growing Up in America (CHC, U)HIST 257/ENG 257: Promised Land (CHC, U)HIST 323: Sex, Gender, and Power under King James (CHC)HIST 343: Migrations, Ethnicity, and Race (CHC, U)HIST 350: Women, Work, and Leisure, 1890-1930 (CHC, U)HIST 370: Studies in History*PSCI 220: Women and Politics (CSI, U)PSCI 270: Special Topics*PSCI 342: The Politics of Presence (W)SOC 222: Sex and Gender in Society (CSI, U)SOC 270/370: Special Topics*SOC 311: Marriage and FamilySOC 328: CriminologySOC 345: Intersectionality (IT, U)SOC 354: Gender and Globalization (G)SOC 380: Sociology of Sexualities [Formerly SOC 270/370]NURSING/HEALTHHLTH 310: Special Topics in Health*HLTH 330: Human Sexuality (AV)HLTH 351: Abuse in America (AV)NATURAL SCIENCESPSYC 333 [or 374]: Psychology of Gender (U) (prereq. PSYC 100; some sections for Psychology majors only) FINE ARTSTHEA 370: Special Topics*MUS 245/345 World Music (IT, G) [ANTH 245/345]MUS 350 or 359 or 370: Women in Popular Music (U) [2017, 2018, 2019]WOMEN’S AND GENDER STUDIESWGS 270: Special Topics in Women’s and Gender StudiesWGS 370: Special Topics in Women’s and Gender StudiesWGS 370/MUS 359: Women in Popular Music (U)WGS 397: InternshipWGS 450: Independent Study*Applies if course has significant women’s and/or gender issues content. Contact Women’s and Gender Studies Director for approval. ................

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