New Providence School District / Overview

Name________________Chemical Reactions WebQuestDirections: Answer the following questions using complete sentences and complete the outline for each reaction type. You may need to add or take away from what I give you for the outline. I have given you a framework to use.Go to the following website: . What is a chemical reaction?Go to the following website:. What are signs that a chemical reaction has occurred? Go to the following website:. What factors influence the rate of a chemical reaction?Using the following websites complete the outline below, will be good to use as notes. Go to the following websites:. Describe the 8 types of chemical reactions.Synthesis (Combination) Reaction a.????? General Formula ? b.???? Describe ? ? c.????? Examples: i. ii. ?d.????? Rules for Predictions: i. ii. Decomposition Reaction a.????? General Formula ? b.???? Describec.????? Examples: i. ii. Single Replacement Reaction a.????? General Formula ? b.???? Describe? ? c.????? Examples: i. ii. ?d.????? Rules for Predictions: i. ii. Double Replacement Reaction a.????? General Formula ? b.???? Describe c.????? Examples: i. ii. ?d.????? Rules for Predictions: i. ii. Combustion Reaction a.????? General Formula ? b.???? Describe ? ? c.????? Examples: i. ii. ?d.????? Rules for Predictions: i. ii. Acid/Base Reactiona.????? General Formula ? b.???? Describe ? ? c.????? Examples: i. ii. ?d.????? Rules for Predictions: i. ii. Oxidation/Reduction (Redox) Reactiona.????? General Formula ? b.???? Describe ? ? c.????? Examples: i. ii. ?d.????? Rules for Predictions: i. ii. ................

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