CHM 1045 - General Chemistry I - St. Petersburg College

CHM 2046 General Chemistry II – Summer 2015

Instructor: Dr. Mark Italia

Office: NM 213

Phone: 727-791-2503

Email: or through MyCourses

Prerequisite: CHM 2045

Corequisite: CHM 2046L

Required Supplies to be Furnished by the Student:

1. Textbook: Zumdahl/Zumdahl Chemistry, Hybrid Edition (with OWLv2 24-Months Printed Access Card), 9th Edition ISBN 9781285188492.

2. Scantron Form 882E for all exams; 5 total.

3. Access to MyCourses

Please Note: The OWL component is mandatory and is not optional. Be careful when you purchase the textbook from websites – it must contain the license. If you already have a license from Chem 2045 it may still be valid. Please check with the publisher to make sure.

Class Attendance and Participation:

1. Regular class attendance and participation is expected and required. This includes coming to class prepared to answer questions and to work problems. In order to do this properly you must read the sections in advance of the lecture and keep up with all assignments.

Class time consists of lecture and problem-solving of problems. Attendance will be taken at every class meeting. If you incur more than 2 absences prior to the withdrawal date of June 26, 2015, you may be subject to administrative withdrawal, which means that you will receive a WF; a WF grade is calculated as an F for GPA purposes.

2. Late Arrivals. If an unavoidable circumstance causes you to be late, you are expected to enter the classroom quietly and take the nearest available seat. Repeated late arrival is not acceptable. If you are repeatedly late, you may be prevented from entering the classroom and possibly withdrawn from class. Work schedules are not valid reasons for lateness or absences. Those schedules need to be conducive to your regular class attendance.

3. General Rules:

Regular Lectures: If you miss class, it is your responsibility to obtain any notes, handouts, announcements, changes to the syllabus, etc. from another student. In addition, be sure to check MyCourses for any assignments or other documents.

Text Book Reading: It will be beneficial to keep up by reading the textbook. The book has information that may not be covered in lecture, but that you will be held responsible for knowing. Solving the problems presented in OWL will help you be successful on the quizzes and exams.

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given as either announced in-class or pop quizzes. No make-ups are given for quizzes. One of your lowest quiz grades will be dropped, so if you miss one, it will be your dropped grade. All missed quizzes will be given a grade of zero.

Exams: All exams must be taken at the time they are scheduled. If you arrive late for an exam you will be allowed to take it, but the test must be turned in at the normal end time, no extra time is provided.

Make-up exams are given at my discretion. It is possible that you will be given permission to take a make-up exam if you have made prior arrangements with me and I have stated that you have approval or you contact me by e-mail within 24 hours of the beginning of the missed exam period. I may require formal documentation for the situation. You are responsible for ensuring that I have received your message. If you do not get a response, that means I did not receive it – you are responsible for making sure your message gets to me. Exams must be made up within the same week that they are given. Oversleeping/job/vacation are not valid reasons for missing an exam. The 24-hour period begins at the start time of the class. Failure to follow this procedure will result in your receiving a grade of zero for the missed exam, which will be averaged in with your other exam scores. There will be no exception to this rule and only one make-up exam per student will be allowed, regardless of the reason for the absences. You will be responsible for arranging to take the exam either during my office hours or other appropriate time that I am scheduled to be on campus.

Testing and Grading Policy:

The following criteria will be used to determine your final grade for this course:

1. OWL Homework: This will count for 10% of your grade. The homework is online and accessible through the purchase of OWL access. This is a mandatory component of the class and you will be expected to complete all of the homework assigned. Your lowest homework assignment grade will be dropped.

2. Quizzes will count for 10% of your grade. Quizzes will be graded on a 10 point scale. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped. There are no make-ups for quizzes.

3. Exams will count for 60% of your grade. There will be four closed book exams. These will be given after the completion of specific chapters as indicated in the syllabus. There are no formal reviews for exams. Your lowest exam grade will be dropped.

4. The Final Exam will count for 20% of your grade. This exam is comprehensive, covering all material of the semester. You should review for this throughout the semester.

5. Class Participation: Although a subjective measure, class participation will only help your grade.

6. Aside from any extra credit questions on exams, there is no other extra credit in this class. The time to be concerned about your final grade is not at the end of the semester, but early on. Little can be done about a poor grade at the end of the semester.

Final grades will be assigned as follows:

90% and above A

80%-89.9% B

70%-79.9% C

60%-69.9% D

Below 60% F

The following are the rules of the classroom:

• Cell phones must have the ringer or sound turned off and they must be put away. Cell phones may not be used in the classroom for any reason, including calculator usage and text messaging. If a cell phone is used for texting during class you may be asked to leave. It is disruptive to everyone in the class.

• iPads or Tablets may be used in class as long as they are being used to follow the lecture or perform other class related tasks. No iPad or tablet may be used during any quizzes or exams. Just like cell phones, if the tablet is used for any other purpose you may be asked to leave class.

• Except for a calculator, no other electronic device may be used or out during class or exams. If a cell phone is out during an exam, the student will receive a zero for that exam

• Any non-graphing Calculator may be used. TI-30Xa, TI-30XIIs or similar calculator. No engineering or graphing calculators are permitted, nor any calculator that has advanced functions, such as numerator/denominator display, answers that are put into correct number of significant figures, etc. Other brands are also acceptable, but make sure that they meet the guidelines.

• Photographs and videos are strictly prohibited. No audio or video recordings of any kind may be made in class of lecture or conversation.

• Cheating on exams or other outside assignments. You will receive a grade of zero for that exam or assignment and may be subject to a grade of F for the class and possible expulsion from the college. (See SPC handbook for reference and consequences.)

CHM 2046 Tentative Schedule (subject to change)

Week beginning:

5/18 Ch 11: Solutions

Ch 12: Rates of Reaction

5/25 Ch 12: Rates of Reaction

Ch 13: Chemical Equilibrium

6/1 Ch 13: Chemical Equilibrium (cont)

Exam 1 (Chapters 11, 12 and 13)

6/8 Ch 14: Acids and Bases

Ch 15: Acid-Base Equilibria

6/15 Ch 15: Acid-Base Equilibria (cont)

Exam 2 (Chapter 14 and 15)

6/22 Ch 16: Complex Ion Equilbria

Ch 17: Thermodynamics

6/29 Ch 17: Thermodynamics (cont)

Exam 3 (Chapter 16 and 17)

7/6 Ch 18: Electrochemistry

7/13 Ch 19: Nuclear Chemistry

Exam 4 (Chapters 18 and 19)

7/20 Review Day

Final Exam (determined by College schedule)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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