JUNE 3 – 6, 2013



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Materials Testing Laboratories (MTL) Task Group was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 03-Jun-13.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


| | | | | |

| |Bruno |Addivinola |Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. | |

| |Mike |Baumann |The Boeing Company | |

| |Philippe |Brailly |SAFRAN Group | |

|* |Georges |Coste |SAFRAN Group | |

|* |Doug |Deaton |GE Aviation | |

|* |George |Doviak |Goodrich (UTAS) | |

|* |Kevin |Elston |Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. | |

| |Stuart |Hunt |Airbus | |

|* |Frank |Lennert |The Boeing Company | |

| |Adrien |Maffre |Airbus | |

|* |Muriel |Malhomme |Airbus | |

|* |Olivier |Molinas |Eurocopter | |

|* |Tim |Myers |Honeywell Aerospace | |

|* |Amanda |Rickman |Raytheon Co. | |

|* |Christian |Schwaminger |MTU Aero Engines GmbH | |

|* |Gary |Winters |Northrop Grumman Corp. | |

|* |Verl |Wisehart |Rolls-Royce | |

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


| | | | | |

| |Olga |Antonenko |Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Works KUMZ | |

| |Vanesa |Aragon |TITANIA, Ensayos y Proyectos Industriales | |

| | | |S.L. | |

| |Pedro |Astola |TITANIA, Ensayos y Proyectos Industriales | |

| | | |S.L. | |

| |Francois |Barbaza |ECCI | |

|* |Corwyn |Berger |Exova Inc., Chicago Laboratory | |

| |Elena |Bolotova |Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Works KUMZ | |

|* |Philip |Bretz |Metcut Research Associates Inc. | |

| |Elena |Bulgakova |Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Works KUMZ | |

|* |Matthew |Chamberlain-Webber |Timet UK Limited ( Witton ) | |

| |Eric |Chabault |Bureau Veritas Laboratoires | |

| |Jean-Francois |Chevalier |Lisi Aerospace | |

| |Zdzislaw |Chowaniec |ATI ZKM Forging Sp. Z o.o. | |

| |Christopher |Cowap |Exova s.r.o. | |

| |Julien |Corato |Exova | |

| |Niall |Dodds |Exova (UK) Limited | |

| |Romeo |Evangelista |Metals Technology, Inc. | |

|* |Kay |Fisher |Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG | |

| |David |Fluck |Haynes International | |

| |Thomas |Fox |SGS Institut Fresenius GmbH | |

| |Markus |Fuchsmann |Otto Fuchs KG | |

| |Rick |Gasset |Lisi Aerospace Torrance | |

|* |Stephan |Greimers |Outokumpu VDM GmbH | |

| |Mirko |Grotto |RTM BREDA S.r.l. | |

|* |Bryan |Hall |NSL Analytical Services, Inc. | |

| |Uwe |Hallmann |Aerotech Peissenberg GmbH & Co KG | |

| |Irina |Inkova |Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Works KUMZ | |

| |Sylvie |Lefebvre Addison |Lisi Aerospace | |

| |Bao |Lei |National Analysis Center - Iron & Steel | |

| |Phillippe |Luce |Metcut Recherches SAS | |

|* |Annette |O’Connell |Haynes International, Inc. | |

| |Owen |O’Grady |Exova (UK) Limited | |

|* |Bob |Olevson |Element Huntington Beach |Proxy for Luoni |

| |Thierry |Ouisse |Metcut Recherches SAS | |

| |Martin |Pojer |LETOV LETECKA VYROBA s.r.o. | |

| |Vincent |Ravel |CASIMIR | |

|* |Pierre-Emmanuel |Richy |Aubert & Duval | |

|* |James |Rossi |Westmoreland Mechanical Testing* | |

| |JJ |Sagot |Critt-Materiaux MPC | |

| |Peter |Schmidt |SGS Institut Fresenius GmbH | |

| |Wolfgang |Schuetzenhoefer |Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG | |

| |Peter |Scrimshire |IncoTest | |

|* |Dave |Serbousek |Olympic Scientific, Inc. | |

| |Tsunao |Tezuka |IHI Corporation | |

|* |Simon |Tournebize |Aubert & Duval | |

| |Nicolas |Vetel |Critt-Materiaux MPC | |

| |Liu |Zhemg |National Analysis Center - Iron & Steel | |

PRI Staff Present

| |Robert |Hoeth | | |

| |Kevin |Wetzel | | |

1.2 Introductions

1.3 Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct

Viewed PRI video

1.4 Review Agenda

Review the closed meeting agenda

Please refer to eAuditNet for more information / Resources → Public Documents → Materials Testing Laboratories → Nadcap Meeting Presentations → June 2013. This presentation contains the information reviewed in the meeting and follows the order of the rest of the minutes presented here.


2.1 Present the Status of MTL Audit Report Reviewers - Dashboard

Metrics tab on eAuditNet Dashboard and t-frm-07 was reviewed. All current delegated reviewers (Kevin Wetzel, Jim Lewis, Rob Hoeth, Bob Lizewski and Jim Stokes) continue to meet the requirements defined in NOP-003. No change was made to the delegation status.


3.1 Present Auditor Evaluations

Presented Auditor Evaluations along with Dashboard on eAuditNet, no action required.

3.1.1 Supplier Feedback

Present Supplier Feedback, no Supplier feedback reviewed.

3.1.2 Subscriber Audit Observation Report

Audit Report Observation Reports were reviewed and discussed. NOP-007 was reviewed as this procedure describes the process for scheduling and participation for an audit observation. All observations met Task Group expectations.


4.1 Review of NOP/NIP Docs Where Subscribers Have Responsibilities

The Task Group Chairperson presented a letter submitted from NMC to show support to the MTL Task Group in the direction of compliance to NOP-002 section 3.3 vision compliance. NOP-002 direction for MTL compliance was discussed to determine Subscriber support. All Subscribers present supported the NMC position.

ACTION ITEM: Task Group Chairperson to email signed letter of NMC support for checklist vision to subscribers. (Due Date: 31-July-13)

4.2 Establish Protocol for Review of Subscriber Responsibilities Including Participation

Topic was postponed due to lack of time.

4.3 Determine What Criteria/Guidance to Use for Non-Standard Accreditation Lengths

Topic was postponed due to lack of time.

4.4 Provide Audit Report Reviewers with Guidance When a Supplier Essentially Claims “We didn’t think it needed to be in a procedure because it’s covered by training or is so obvious documenting it is unnecessary.”

Topic was postponed due to lack of time.


5.1 Call to Order/Quorum Check

5.2 Introductions

5.3 Code of Ethics/Antitrust Video

Viewed PRI video

5.4 Review Agenda

5.5 Review and Accept Minutes from February 2013

Tim Myers asked for approval of the minutes from the February 2013 Nadcap meeting. No disagreement. Minutes accepted.

The minutes from February 2013 were approved as written.

5.6 Meeting Conduct/Rules

Reviewed established meeting rules of conduct with meeting attendees.


Review of voting process as defined by AS7003, NOPs, and NTGOP.

Is the requirement to allow one person per facility to vote? NOP-001: One vote per clearly defined facility and product line. It was agreed that it is acceptable for the Task Group Chairperson to break tie votes for motions made by the Task Group Chairperson.

Reevaluated Motion passed in Dallas:

All motions made within the scope of the meeting require 2/3 majority of all in attendance that choose to vote to accept unless vote is restricted by the Task Group Chairperson. The Task Group decided to proceed with this allowance unless a justification to revisit this item is provided.



Three (3) Subscribers have missed two (2) consecutive ballots; four (4) Suppliers have missed two (2) consecutive ballots.

7.1 Disposition Those Members Who Don’t Meet Membership Requirements.

It was agreed to maintain all current Voting Members and for the Task Group Chairperson to contact Voting Members that are not meeting requirements and determine the intent and only remove their status if they desire. Participation is to be reevaluated during the October meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Task Group Chairperson to communicate with Voting Members that have not met the requirements to maintain voting status to determine the intent. All that wish to be maintained will be for further consideration during the October meeting. (Due Date: 31-July-13)


8.1 Review and Approve Any New Requests for Voting Member Status

Gary Winters of Northrop Grumman was proposed as a Subscriber Voting Member. Motion made by Frank Lennert and seconded to accept Gary Winters as a Subscriber Voting Member. Subscriber meets the background requirements of NTGOP-001 App MTL. Motion passed.

Simon Tournebize of Aubert & Duval was proposed as an Alternate Supplier Voting Member. No objections. Simon Tournebize is accepted as an Alternate Supplier Voting Member.

Jason Wright of Atlas Testing Laboratories was proposed as a Supplier Voting Member. No objections. Jason Wright is accepted as a Supplier Voting Member. (*Note: Jason switched companies to Atlas Testing)

Dave Serbousek of Olympic Scientific Inc was proposed as an Supplier Voting Member. No objections. Dave Serbousek is accepted as a Supplier Voting Member.

Bob Olevson of Element was proposed as an Alternate Supplier Voting Member. No objections. Bob Olevson is accepted as an Alternate Supplier Voting Member.


Dallas meeting feedback comments

• Comments from suppliers indicate a concern that the NOP-002 3.3 alignment is taking away value-added aspects of the Nadcap MTL program.

• MTL NOP-002 compliance-find a way for the Task Group to accept this requirement and move on.

• We need to establish consensus that once a direction has been agreed upon we do not continually revisit the rationale behind our efforts.

• Too many of us sit quietly while a vocal majority dominates almost all discussions.

• I liked the approach for achieving NOP-002/checklist vision. Ability for meeting participants to provide feedback was good.

10.0 Nadcap TUTORIAL – OPEN

10.1 Present Overview of Nadcap and the MTL Commodity

An MTL Task Group Tutorial was presented. No further discussion followed.


10.2 Resolving NCRs Effectively – the MTL Preferred Approach

Tim Myers commented that Suppliers need to effectively inform the Staff Engineer and Task Group Chairperson with any issues in closing the NCR’s. Communication is important when issues arise rather than accumulating excessive delinquent days.

10.3 Task Group NCR Appeals Process

Task Group Resolution is an option for Suppliers if the direction the Staff Engineer is requesting is seen as non-value added. The Supplier needs to request Task Group Resolution in the NCR response for this action to be taken.


Tim Myers reviewed the TAG and TAG process.

Verl Wisehart agreed to replace Linda Cook as TAG Chairperson of the AC7101/2 checklist.

11.1 TAG Chairpersons to Report on TAG Activity Function and Challenges, Handbook Updates

TAG Chairpersons for AC7101/1, /3, /6 reported on recent activities and Audit Handbook updates.

Limited use of the TAGs for AC7101/1, /3, /6 and limited group participation to resolve minimal requests has been observed to date. Retesting was an issue raised by the TAG for AC7101/1 which needs further discussion.

ACTION ITEM: Tim Myers to put the “retesting topic” on the October Agenda. (Due Date: 5-July-13)

ACTION ITEM: Tim Myers to send out request for more participation on TAGs, particularly Subscribers to aid in establishing quorum on each TAG. (Due Date: 31-July-13)


Current MTL MOUs were reviewed. No actions taken.

13.0 ISO 17025 – OPEN

13.1 What is an ISO 17025 Audit?

ISO/IEC 17025 audits are recognized quality system audits required by NOP-002 3.5

13.2 Why Mandate for Test Scope?

Task Group discussion was held concerning the NOP-002 requirement which mandates that the test scope of ISO/IEC 17025 to include all Nadcap scopes. The Task Group considered that this resulted in redundant audits.

Motion made by Jim Rossi to propose an amendment to NOP-002 3.5 to read “…in addition, Nadcap recognizes ISO/IEC 17025 and AC7006 for general quality system requirements for testing laboratories, including nondestructive testing laboratories and etch audits performed in support of nondestructive testing laboratories. The ISO/IEC must be from an approved ILAC accreditation body…” Motion seconded. Motion Passed

See Item 18 for Action Item


The direction and progress of MTL compliance to the vision requirements of NOP-002 section 3.3 was reviewed. AC7101/1, /3 and /4 had been presented for ballot since February meeting.


15.1 Call to Order/Quorum Check

15.2 Introductions

15.3 Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct

15.4 Review Agenda


The meeting broke up into groups of approximately six Subscribers or six Suppliers to brainstorm the questions gathered in the Dallas meeting concerning the Membership’s vision on the direction of the Task Group. Results are as follows.

Group report outs below

Supplier Group #1

Very clear defined requirements accepted by all Subscribers and audited in a consistent manner.

To achieve that, we would share audit non-conformances and discuss resolutions.


1. NMC vision understood, other Task Groups have handled differently

2. Subscribers have strongest leverage with NMC

3. Nadcap meeting is very Quality Management System (QMS)-focused. Should focus on more technical topics or have a split meeting

4. Many of the Subscribers’ documents now have less “meat” because the AC’s have it

5. We don’t know where we are going

Positive actions

1. MTL TG meetings

2. ACs are consensus documents created over 20 years

3. Nadcap is a technical audit, not sure it is value added to re-audit ISO/IEC 17025 QMS. More job audits should be considered.

Supplier group #2

No Subscriber audits (independent of Nadcap audits) Audit checklist content being Subscriber best practices captured and used within MTL and between Task Groups.


1. Lack of clear specific direction (from Subscriber representatives)

2. NMC changes in direction

3. Lack of participation in and between meetings

4. Healthy effective responsive TAGs (more Subscriber participation and broader representation)


1. TAGs are important to forward progress post-compliance effort

2. Well organized and structured meetings

3. More concrete goals

4. Quick organizational meetings at the end of Nadcap meetings for plans forward

5. Clear direction from Subscribers

6. Capture the history and context for future members of the TG

Supplier group #3

Return to a focus on what Nadcap is/was: a technical audit to provide Subscriber oversight on technical aspects of aerospace materials testing. Technical requirements should be specified by Subscribers and supported by a more comprehensive Proficiency Testing Program (PTP) for aerospace materials and tests and supported by technical auditors competent in the relevant aspects of testing.

Subscriber Group #1

Streamlined audits by simplified checklists and reliance on ISO/IEC 17025 (AS/EN/JISQ9100) accreditation with more emphasis on job audits and PTP as well as round robin to reduce Subscriber audits

AGS PTP offerings Pre-audit: Provide QMS audit results to auditor for auditor review

Subscriber Group #2

Focus on technical audits

Pre-audit prep ahead of on-site audit

Definition of PTP and better availability of PTPs

Best practices within MTL and between Task Groups

Subscribers and Suppliers go visit other Task Groups to gather best practices

Auditor training: have Suppliers sponsor auditor training at their sites

Task Group Chair’s proposed direction for MTL:

The MTL Task Group will use technically competent, fully prepared Auditors to conduct consistent, streamlined audits of Subscriber requirements using audit criteria which emphasize observation of technical testing and reliance on ISO/IEC 17025 / AS/EN/JISQ9100 accreditation to provide thorough oversight of technical aspects of aerospace materials testing. The TG strives to use best practices within MTL and among other commodities to reduce Subscriber audits, improve inter-and intra-laboratory comparisons, enhance Supplier and Auditor preparation, and conduct TG business with clear goals and strong participation from all members in a well-organized and documented manner.

• Streamlined" means avoid redundancy, eliminate waste of the process, clear objectives and expectations, efficient use of time

• "fully prepared" includes proper training, pre-audit prep, personal experience

• "strong participation" means TAG quorum and support for resolution, providing TG direction with clear goals, vocal/voting participation in the meetings, effective communication with NMC

Doug Deaton made a motion to adopt Tim Meyers’ MTL Vision as the group’s initial vision on the direction of the TG. Motion seconded. Motion passed.

Task Group Chair’s proposed path forward to meet NOP-002 3.3 Vision compliance and to address audit criteria without specification/standard requirements:

Option 1: Verify with NMC Oversight Chair that as the cancelled AS7101 states it was superseded by AC7101, would AC7101 be acceptable as an Industry Standard. It would then be necessary to reinstate AC7101 and revise it to align with current audit criteria.

Option 2: Optional path for industry standard creation

1. Mark Criteria which need requirements

2. Establish ad-hoc team of subscribers to create an industry standard. Establish a leader.

3. Team to establish milestones to include at least:

a. Determination of Standards body to be used (Oct 2013)

b. Engagement with Standards committee and defined path forward (Oct 2013)

c. Creating of requirements content draft (June 2014)

d. Ballot of Standard completed (Oct 2014)

e. Resolution of ballot comments (Feb 2015)

f. Subscriber incorporation into flow down requirements (June 2016)

g. Audit criteria revised as required (June 2016)

4. Team to report progress to NMC Oversight Chair at each Nadcap meeting or via email at same frequency

Verl Wisehart made a motion to accept proposed path forward. Motion seconded. Motion Passed.

There was a comment that mentioned supplemental checklists might be a better path forward. The Task Group questioned the use of Nadcap resources to accomplish this activity. It was felt that may be in opposition to NOP-002 3.3. This will be considered as an additional option if NMC does not consider either of the above options as viable.


The Task Group resolved technical comments on AC7101/3 and /4 ballots.


The motion made by Jim Rossi (See Item 13) was presented to the combined MTL and NMMT Task Groups. MTL previously accepted the motion. NMMT member Andreas Mastorakis made a motion to approve Jim Rossi’s motion as written. Motion seconded. Motion passed by all present NMMT members.

ACTION ITEM: Rebekah Braun to facilitate these changes with Jim Lewis and bring the document to ballot with the proposed amendment to NOP-002 3.5 to read “…in addition, Nadcap recognizes ISO/IEC 17025 and AC7006 for general quality system requirements for testing laboratories, including nondestructive testing laboratories and etch audits performed in support of nondestructive testing laboratories. The ISO/IEC must be from an approved ILAC accreditation body…”. (Due Date: 31-July-13)


The Task Group resolved technical comments on AC7101/3 and /4 ballots.

19.1 HT Lab Furnace Discussion at Break Time 3:30 pm

Topic was not discussed due to lack of time.


20.1 Call to Order/Quorum Check

20.2 Introductions

20.3 Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct

20.4 Review Agenda


21.1 The Following are at Discretion of the Chair

The following items were discussed at the discretion of the Task Group Chair

21.1.1 No Additional Topics Received by May 15th, 2013

21.1.2 Expectations of Procedural Documentation Levels

Expectations of procedural documentation levels were discussed by the group and the following Handbook addition was proposed: Procedures/work instructions describe what to do. The operator will be able to complete the procedure. An “if” situation will always have a “then” action. Procedures/work instructions may also describe how to do it with detail appropriate for the least experienced/qualified operator. How to do it may be covered by a machine manual, operator training, or the procedure/work instruction. If the auditor has concern about the detail provided for the least experienced/qualified operator, it should be noted in the cover letter, not written as an NCR.

Kay Fisher made a motion to add the Task Group’s proposed procedural detail expectations in the Audit Handbook. Motion seconded. Motion passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff / Audit Handbook Coordinator to add the Task Group’s proposed procedural detail expectations in the Audit Handbook. (Due Date: 31-July-13)

ACTION ITEM: Add expectations of procedural documentation to the auditor conference.

(Due Date: 31-July-13)

21.1.3 Discuss the AC7101/11 Checklist

Bob Olevson made a motion to cancel the AC7101/11. Motion seconded. Motion Failed.

Bryan Hall made a motion for the MTL Task Group to form an ad-hoc committee to review, revise and update the AC7101/11. Motion seconded. Motion passed.

Interest in supporting this motion was given by: Rolls Royce, MTU, Boeing, Airbus, Spirit, and GE. Bryan Hall volunteered as the lead for this committee.

ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer to supply Bryan Hall with a list of all Suppliers currently accredited to AC7101/11. (Due Date: 5-July-13

21.1.4 Audit Duration

The time allocated for the audits was discussed by the Task Group and it was agreed that grading needs to be reviewed when checklists are finalized.


Proposal of a rollout plan for revised checklist was presented and discussed.

Checklist revision process

• Establish a checklist vision-what should they contain and how should it be presented? Document this vision as part of NTGOP-001 App MTL

• Establish criteria for initiating a revision

• Establish the team to draft the revision-TAG?

• Establish the team reporting process/need/criteria

• Establish the document format for balloting

• Establish an MTL checklist oversight committee

• Establish communication elements for balloting

• Establish ballot resolution process

• Establish publication/implementation elements/plans

• Revise audit durations (grading)

Checklist oversight

Need MTL checklist oversight committee for checklist review prior to ballot:

• Ensure checklists are well integrated (read like a book with one author)

• Ensure checklists flow like an audit (CR, job audits, Obs)

• Ensure consistent and precise language usage

• Ensure the language is suitable for labs with minimal aero experience and non-English speaking

• See what other commodities do in this area.

• Solicit members via email as needed (Tim, Bryan, Kay to initiate and proceed until further needs defined)

• Enact prior to affirmation ballot of current checklists in rev.

• Use to resolve editorial comments in ballots.

Checklist Implementation

• Prepare for success!

• Some members have a prominent role in checklist revisions

• Perhaps make a video presentation with changes, rationale, and each question changes

• How do we train auditors on checklist changes that happen well ahead of Auditor Conference?

• Perhaps a summary of important changes and/or detail change history for the Handbook.

• Include spreadsheets used to revise checklists along with the implementation

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to put the topic of checklist revision rollout on October Agenda (Due Date: 5-July-13)

Bryan Hall made a motion that MTL forms an ad-hoc committee to coordinate improved checklist implementation. Motion seconded. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send meeting invite out to the roster to gather Team Members for ad-hoc committee formed for checklist implementation. First item on the agenda is to elect a leader. (Due Date: 19-July-13)

Members who have interest: Frank Lennert, Muriel Malhomme, Doug Deaton, Christian Schwaminger, Corwyn Berger, Verl Wisehart, Bob Olevson, Bryan Hall, Jim Rossi, Kevin Elston


23.1 Ballot Resolution

Task Group resolved technical comments on AC7101/3 and /4 ballots.

23.2 Work on Checklist Revision to Meet MTL Vision and NOP-002 Section 3.3 Compliance

Verl Wisehart briefly presented initial work on AC7101/2 checklist NOP-002 3.3 compliance.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to distribute initial work on AC7101/2 checklist NOP-002 3.3 compliance to MTL roster (request team participation in email) (Due Date: 30-June-13)

Members who have interest in continuing work on AC7101/2 checklist NOP-002 3.3 compliance: Frank Lennert, Corwyn Berger, Verl Wisehart (Lead), Bryan Hall, Muriel Malhomme, Gary Winters, Jim Rossi, Kay Fisher, Annette O’Connell, and Dave Fluck.

Doug Deaton made a motion to add definition to Handbook for Certificate of Test (test report with disposition), Test Report (w/o disposition): Document issued describing the testing performed, the specific results obtained, and disposition of conformance to the material specification. Material Certification and Certificate of Analysis are synonymous with Certificate of Test. Motion seconded. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: Audit Handbook Coordinator to add definition to Handbook for Certificate of Test (test report with disposition), Test Report (w/o disposition): Document issued describing the testing performed, the specific results obtained, and disposition of conformance to the material specification. Material Certification and Certificate of Analysis are synonymous with Certificate of Test. (Due Date: 31-July-13)

24.0 BREAK


25.1 Ballot Resolution

Task Group resolved technical comments on AC7101/3 and /4 ballots.



The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) captures action items and tracks the close out of these items. The majority of action items are from the meetings, with some coming from teleconferences and emails. The RAIL was reviewed and numerous items were closed.

For specific details, please see the current Materials Testing Laboratories Rolling Action Item List posted at , under Public Documents.

Reviewed RAIL Item Number 386 proposed NTGOP-001 Appendix MTL revision.

Update NTGOP-001 App MTL with the following

- The allowance for impromptu meeting topics

- The verification method for when a supplier moves a facility

- The allowance of 90 day extensions to allow the completion of a move prior to reaccreditation audit and consequences if timeframes are not met

- The allowance of accreditation when there are PT issues

- The requirements for TG subscriber membership

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to ballot proposed revision of NTGOP-001 App MTL. (Due Date: 31-July-13)


28.1 SSC Representative Present Supplier Support Committee Meeting Results

Bryan Hall presented an overview of the SSC and items of interest from the SSC meeting. For complete details, see the SSC Minutes posted on pri-.


29.1 New Business

No new business brought to the Task Group


30.1 Establish Objectives and Duration for the October MTL Meeting

Open discussions established the following items to be included in the October Agenda.

• Continue definition of MTL checklist revision process

• Continue revision for NOP compliance

• Review ballot comments or pre-ballot review: /2 checklist

• TAG activity summary and challenges

• Report on new standard creation activity

• Review progress of NOP 002 compliance

• Encourage fastener test and manufacturers to attend and dedicate agenda time for working sessions

• Action plan to reach the vision (30 min groups/30 min TG)

• 4-day meeting (Monday – Thursday)


Written feedback was solicited from all participants and will be presented at the October meeting.


Reviewed the Health of the MTL TASK Group via the Dashboard in eAuditNet. The status of MTL checklists and documents has to be reviewed as a result of current ballot comment resolution.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff and Task Group Chairperson to revise checklists and document Health in eAuditNet (Due Date: 31-July-13)


The NMC metrics were presented by Kevin Wetzel and reviewed by the Task Group. No Action is required.


34.1 Call to Order/Quorum Check

34.2 Introductions

34.3 Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct


The agenda of the Planning and Ops meeting was reviewed.

There was no further discussion. For complete details, see the Planning and Ops meeting minutes posted on pri-.


36.1 Auditor Consistency Team

Status update from Bryan Hall – The team is disbanded until the release of revised checklists compliant with the NOP-002 requirements.

36.2 NCR Reporting Sub-Team

Bob Olevson – Sub-Team Lead, reported on the activity.  The team was formed to investigate the number of checklist questions referenced per nonconformance and the grouping of nonconformances. Team has had several conference calls. Due to the new proposed revisions of the MTL checklists, the team felt that redundancy of checklist questions being referenced will be reduced. The sub-team committed to a presentation for the October Auditor Conference. See Section 37.0


The following topics were proposed for MTL 2013 Auditor Conference:

• Citing of AC paragraphs – Roundtable to define guideline for citing.

• Documenting NCRs with consistent verbiage and manner.

• NCR report team to propose presentation based on agenda item 36.2 (Bob Olevson)

• Peer to peer sharing of specific audit experience/practice

• AC7109/5 presentation – Coatings TG (Bob Lizewski)

• AC7101/1, /3, /4 implementation/training implementation team

• Procedure detail discussion (see Handbook revision)

• Audit Handbook review

• Subteam report – Auditor Consistency (Bryan Hall)

• Select some NCRs for review and discussion(scenarios)

• Auditors to come prepared to raise concerns about audit criteria and creation of NCRs

• Auditor requested topics (Kevin Wetzel)

• Subscriber expectations of auditors and explanation of flow down of their requirements-explain Requirements system. Honeywell, Northrop Grumman and others have public systems for access of specifications. Presentation to be provided of these individual systems

• Recurrent supplier/auditor concerns

• E01 committee report (Kevin VonScio)

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to put the Audit Handbook location in the header information of AC7101/1. (Due Date: 31-July-13)

Use feedback from 2013 auditor conference to plan 2014 conference starting in Feb meeting.

37.1 Subscribers to Present Requirements Flow Down

Topic was not discussed due to lack of time.


38.1 Work on Checklist Revision to Meet MTL Vision and NOP-002 3.3 Compliance

Task Group resolved technical comments on AC7101/3 and /4 ballots.


39.1 Review objectives of the meeting

A. Assure completion of required presentations and discussions

B. Audit handbook/TAG updates

C. Sub-team reports: Auditor Consistency, NCR Reporting

D. Work compliance plan for NOP-002 3.3

E. Resolve ballot comments

F. Auditor Conference

G. MOU review

H. MTL Vision

I. 17025 mandate for test scope

J. Time to review criteria flagged for obsolescence

Positive feedback was received; see agenda item 40.0 MTL Feedback. Feedback shows meeting objectives were met.


Written feedback was collected. Feedback will be presented and reviewed at the October meeting.



41.1 Call to Order/Quorum Check

41.2 Introductions

41.3 Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct


Commitment was received from NMC and MTL Subscribers in the direction of compliance to NOP-002 section 3.3, vision compliance.


43.1 Leadership to Complete Actions Needing Timely Support

Three audits requiring direction from Task Group Leadership on how to proceed were discussed.

Audit 150191

Supplier facility move issue. Kevin Wetzel will send a request to the Task Group Chairperson per NTGOP-001 requesting approval of facility move. The Subscribers present approved.

Audit 148339

An Auditor filled out the previous revisions of AC7101/4 and AC7101/5 checklists. Scheduling attached the wrong checklists but the auditor did not catch it.

Frank Lennert made a motion to have the auditor go back and fill out the current checklists for /4 and /5 based on information and notes from audit. Validate that the findings are still valid and if there are any new findings. If new issues are found, a WebEx will be convened with a quorum of Subscribers from those in attendance when the issue was discussed (Doug Deaton, George Doviak, Frank Lennert, Verl Wisehart, Kevin Elston, Amanda Rickman, Tim Myers). Motion seconded. Motion Passed

Audit 150236

Carbon/Sulfur analyzer was broken during the audit that was currently in progress. It is hoped that the vendor will be able to fix the equipment while the Auditor is still on-site. If not, the Auditor will document in the cover letter that Carbon and Sulfur (test codes G1 and G5) have not been observed. The following MTL Auditor must then document the observation of Carbon/Sulfur. As AC7101/2 was not part of the last audit, Surveillance Audit (SV1), and it was observed during the last Full Scope audit, it decided that this meets the requirement of observation in the course of two audits.

ADJOURNMENT – 06-Jun-13 – Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Amanda Rickman, Amanda.Rickman@

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|***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** |

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|Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) |

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|YES* NO |

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|*If yes, the following information is required: |

|Documents requiring revision: |Who is responsible: |Due date: |

|NTGOP-001 App MTL |Kevin Wetzel |31-July-13 |

|NOP-002 |Bekah Braun |31-July-13 |


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