1st year languagexercises: oral exam grammar questions

1st year / Prof. E. Šprljan


Oral exam questions

1. Verb (classification;regular/irregular verbs (infinitive, simple past, past participle forms)

2. Tenses ( identification, forms: affirmative, negative, interrogative, negative-interrogative)

3. Use of tenses

4. Primary and modal auxiliaries

5. aspect, mood and voice; tense-time distinction (Morphological categories marked on verbs)

6. Present Simple and Progressive

Past Simple and Past Progressive

7. Past Perfect Simple and Progressive

8. Past Simple vs. Past Perfect

9. Present Perfect Simple and Progressive

10. Present Perfect vs. Simple Past

11. Future Forms: Will, Going to, Future Progressive,

12. Future Forms Future Perfect, Present Progressive

13. Infinitive (forms,use) -ing-participles,

14. -ed participles, gerund

15. Be, (used as auxiliary and ordinary verb)

16. Have, used as auxiliary and ordinary verb)

17. Do (used as auxiliary and ordinary verb)

18. Causative Have

19. Passive

20. Modal verbs:degrees of likelihood:

21. certainty, logical necessity,

22. possibility.obligation, permission, ability,

23. absence of obligation,prohibition, etc.

24. Unreal Present and Past


25. Reported Speech (general rules)

26. Reported Speech (expressions of time and place)

27. Reported Speech (questions)

28. The sequence of tenses


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