Business 4385

Business 4385

Industry Presentation Instructions

Purpose of Presentation:

Each group will make a presentation on the same industry, the non-alcoholic beverages industry. The presentation should cover the topics listed under “Content Analysis” on the Industry Presentation Critique Sheet. Note that you are analyzing the industry as a whole, not one particular company within the industry. You will describe the industry and its key characteristics, the general environmental forces, and the competitive forces that affect all firms in the industry. During the competitor analysis portion of your presentation, you should provide in-depth analysis of key companies in the industry. Based on all of this analysis, you will make conclusions about the attractiveness of the industry and describe the key success factors for competing in the industry.

Dates of Presentations:

3 groups will present during class hours on Monday, February 25th and 3 groups will present during class hours on Wednesday, February 27th. If we have more than six groups in a section, some groups will present at an alternate time during the week. Presentation times will be determined by random drawing.

Presentation Rules:

• You have a maximum of 20 minutes to make your presentation. You will be stopped at 20 minutes to allow time for questions.

• Bring two (2) copies of your slides to the presentation.

• Cite sources without detracting from the presentation (e.g., list source on slide).

• Everyone in your group must participate.

• Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled time so that you are ready to begin at your start time.

• You may use Powerpoint (recommended) or overheads to do your presentation.

• You may not attend the presentations of other groups.

Team Member Evaluations:

• Team member evaluations are due not later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 27th. You may turn them in at the time of your presentation.

• Points will be deducted from your individual grade if you do not turn in a team member evaluation form.

Industry Presentation Critique Sheet: see next page

Business 4385

Industry Presentation Critique

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Process Analysis (60 points)

1. Appearance

2. Preparation (handouts, slides, etc.)

3. Delivery (clarity, poise, effectiveness)

4. Organization (transition, speaker balance)

5. Creativity

6. Response to Questions

Overall Evaluation (Process): _____

Content Analysis (140 points)

1. Industry Definition and Characteristics

2. General Environmental Forces

(driving forces and trends; opportunities & threats)

3. Competitive Forces (Porter’s Five Forces)

4. Competitor Analysis

(strategic groups, major firms, competitive moves)

5. Conclusions about Industry Attractiveness and Keys to Success

6. Analysis supported by facts

7. Use of course techniques and tools

Overall Evaluation (Content): _____

TOTAL SCORE (out of 200) ______




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