“The Most Dangerous Game” - Freshman English

Study Guide for “The Most Dangerous Game”

LITERARY TERMS Be able to define each term and apply each term to the story.

1. Define conflict:

*identify the conflicts in the story:

2.__________________ vs. ___________________ Explain: _____________________

human nature

3.__________________ vs. ___________________ Explain: _____________________

human human

4. __________________ vs. ___________________ Explain: ____________________ human himself/herself

5. Define protagonist –

6. Who is the protagonist in the story?

7. Define antagonist –

8. Who is the antagonist?

9. Define simile -

10. Write an example of a simile shown on page 54

11. Define Irony:

12. Verbal Irony example (pg.72):

13. Situational Irony:

14. Which of the following is NOT an example of theme for the story?

a. survival of the fittest is a realistic part of life b. know thy enemy, know thyself

c. conflict is inescapable and reflects one’s d. taking risks is not always good

true character

15. Who is the narrator?

16. What is an example of a flashback in the plot of the story described by General Zaroff?

17. From what point of view is the story told?

18. Write one example of foreshadowing: There are examples of foreshadowing on pages 56 and 62.

QUESTIONS Answer the following questions:

19. “He lived a year in a minute” is an example of hyperbole. Define hyperbole –

20. How is this quote an example of hyperbole?

21. What quote on page 56 sums up the way Rainsford feels about hunting animals at the beginning of the story?

22. What quote on page 70 indicates that his feelings have changed?

23. In which sea has Connell set Ship-Trap island? Write 3 descriptive adjectives that describe the setting of the island Rainsford arrives on.




24. What reasons (meaning more than one) does the General give for having become bored with hunting big game?

25. Rainsford eventually understands what General Zaroff means by the “ideal quarry.”

What does General Zaroff hunt?

26. How does Rainsford react to this knowledge?

27. Where does General Zaroff get the men he hunts?

28. Summarize the rules of Zaroff’s game.

29. When Rainsford says he will not hunt, what does General Zaroff say?

30. Where does Rainsford spend the first night of his hunt?

31. Describe 3 tricks that Rainsford used while being hunted.

32. In spite of being hurt, Zaroff congratulates Rainsford on his “Malay man catcher,” why?

33. What can the reader INFER happened to General Zaroff at the end of the story?

34. Write 3 detailed statements about the author.




48. What type of character is Rainsford? (Static or Dynamic)

49. What type of character is General Zaroff?

Order the Events: Put the following events from the story in order by placing the numbers 1-10 on each line.

50. __________ Ivan dies

51.__________ General Zaroff tells Rainsford that hunting has gotten boring.

52.__________ One of Zaroff’s dogs fall into the pit and dies.

53.__________ Rainsford and Whitney talk about “Ship Trap Island”.

54.__________ Rainsford kills General Zaroff.

55.__________ Ivan answers the door and points a gun at Rainsford’s heart.

56__________ Rainsford spends the night in the tree.

57__________ Rainsford jumps off a cliff to the swirling waters 20 feet below.

58.__________ Rainsford falls into the water and swims to the island.

59.__________ Rainsford makes a trap by leaning a large dead tree against a smaller living one.


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