Judson Independent School District

LEADERSHIPWhat is the definition of Leadership?The ability to influence and direct others to accomplish a task or mission by providingpurpose, direction and motivationWhat is the key to success in the JROTC program?TeamworkWhat is the definition of Teamwork?Working together to complete an assigned task on time and with good resultsWhat is the Cadet Honor Code?"I will not lie, cheat, steal nor tolerate those among my ranks who do.”U.S. Flag InformationColorsRed-Hardiness and ValorWhite-Innocence and PurityBlue-Vigilance, Perseverance, Justice, Reverence to God, LoyaltyTermsUnion-the blue background containing the 50 starsCocked Hat-the triangle that the flag is folded intoTrunk-the ball at the top of the flag poleThe “Flags Own Right”-the flag is always accorded the right side from its perspectiveReveille-Ceremony raising the flagRetreat-Ceremony lowering the flagNational Colors-the American flagWho made the first American flag?Betsy RossWhat do the 50 stars represent?The 50 statesWhat do the 13 stripes represent?The 13 original colonies1. Virginia (1st colony)2. Massachusetts3. New Hampshire4. New York5. New Jersey6. Pennsylvania7. North Carolina8. South Carolina9. Rhode Island10. Connecticut11. Maryland12. Delaware13. GeorgiaWhat does the flag being positioned at half-staff mean?A sign of national mourningHow is the U.S. flag positioned at half-staff?The flag is raised to the top of the staff and then lowered to the middleIn what year were the Stars and Stripes created?1777How many white stripes are there on the U.S. flag?SixHow many red stripes are there on the U.S. flag?SevenWhat are the 3 types of flags flown on military instillations?Garrison, Post and StormHow large is the Garrison flag, and when is it flown?20 feet by 38 feet. It is flown on holidays and important occasionsHow large is the Post flag and when is it flown?8 feet, 11 3/8 inches by 17 feet. It is flown for general display (normal occasions)How large is the Storm flag and when is it flown?5 feet by 9 feet, 6 inches. It is flown during inclement weatherWhat does the term National Colors refer to?The American flagWhat 2 flags can be flown over the U.S. flag?The USN Church Pennant flying while at high sea and during services and the United Nationsflag in New York at UN headquarters.What does the flag being positioned at half-staff mean?A sign of national mourningHow is the U.S" flag positioned at half-staff?The flag is raised to the top of the staff and then lowered to the middleDrill and CeremoniesWhat field manual is used for U.S. Army drill and ceremonies?Training Circular 3 -21 .5 / Air Force Manual 36-2203What are the three elements of a voice command?Tone, cadence, and snapWhat are the two parts of an oral drill command?The preparatory command and the command of executionYou normally fall-in and start drill from what position?The position of attentionDuring drill, what is the length of a normal step?30 inchesThe command “halt" can be given on what foot?As either foot strikes the groundWhile in formation what positions are you allowed to speak? The positions of "Rest”What is considered normal cadence or quick time?120 steps per minuteWhat is considered normal cadence or quick time?120 steps per minuteHow many steps per minute are required for double time?180 steps per minuteWhat is the length of a half-step?15 inchesAt quick time, what is the length of each step?30 inchesAt double time, what is the length of each step?30 inchesAll stationary commands are given from which position? The position of "Attention"What is the position of the head when executing the command, Eyes Right?All cadets tum their heads to the right except those on the right, they look to the front.GENERAL ORDERSFirst General Order: I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post onlywhen properly relieved.Second General Order: I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a militarymanner.Third General Order: I will report any violations of my special orders, emergencies, andanything not covered in my instructions to the commander of relief.The Eleven General Orders are common to all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.1.To take charge of this post and all government property in view.2.To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observingeverything that takes place within sight or hearing.3.To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.4.To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.5.To quit my post only when properly relieved.6.To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from theCommanding officer, field officer of the day, officer of the day, and officers andPetty officers of the watch.7.To talk to no one except in line of duty.8.To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.9.To call the petty officer of the watch in any case not covered by instructions.10.To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.11.To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, tochallenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.ARMED DRILLERS ONLY?What is your weapon serial numberCHAIN OF COMMANDWho is the President of the United States? President Donald TrumpWho is the Vice President of the United States? Vice President Mike PenceWho is the Secretary of Defense? James MattisWho is the Secretary of the Army? Honorable Mr. Eric Fanning Who is the Army Chief of Staff? General Mark A. MilleyUS Army 5th BDE Chain of CommandPresident of the United States President Donald J. TrumpSecretary of Defense Honorable James Mattis Chairman of the Joint Services General Martin DempseySecretary of the Army Honorable Mr. Eric FanningArmy Chief of Staff General Mark A. MilleyU.S. Army TRADOC Commander General Davis PerkinsU.S. Army Cadet Command Commander General Christopher HughesU.S. Army 5th ROTC Brigade Commander Colonel Jason M. HallorenNCO SUPPORT CHAINSergeant Major of the Army SMA Daniel A. DaileyCommand Sergeant of TRADOC CSM David S. Davenport SrCSM, U.S. Army Cadet Command CSM Kenneth J. Kraus JrCSM, U.S. Army 5th ROTC Brigade CSM Rodrick D. Hodo ................

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